
No need soiling your hands, Mr. CEO

"I didn't kill anyone, I know who killed him but I'm not telling you, I'll take the blame for.. everything" Vivian a girl who was lied to by strangers that claimed to be her friends, woke up two days after a mysterious event took the life of her parents and left her with no memories, she didn't even try to find herself but sacrificially offered her life to cover for the people she thought had sacrificed all for her. Vincent, a cold and indifferent CEO who is the most handsome and successful young man in the country, lost his parents and one of his sisters, his parents' bodies were recovered and put to rest but not his sister's.. Now his goal is to find his long lost sibling, dead or alive, and protect the one he has left whom he dotes on so much and does everything to keep her happy and safe. But something happens again enemies attack, and Vincent is left broken. he becomes an empty money machine looking for his sister who was almost found and lost again and also revenge on anyone that hurt his loved ones. but he doesn't need to do that, as fate will have its way, this a story of love, mystery, and karma, with many unexpected turns as we ride on..

anknoel · สมจริง
15 Chs

chapter 13

Bring their parents now, someone could be heard talking over the phone in the dark, in the middle of the night, no sound was heard as he came down from his bed that wasn't soft or hard but very firm, the creaking noise some beds made irked him. he got out of his room quietly and walked out without even bothering to use the lights, his electronic remote could control the electricity around the house but he didn't want to risk any chances of alerting his sister.

As he approached the main door, it opened on its own as it could sense him and closed the very moment he stepped out.

Even under the moonless sky, his beauty was more palpable than the star that shone brightest in the dark sky, the air around him was nothing less than suffocating, and his aura was strong enough to make ordinary people pass out.

"where are they?" he asked immediately after he got into the back seat of his car and dialed a number. "they are in the upper wing dungeon boss, just as you ordered" someone could be heard saying over the phone. he hung up immediately after hearing the reply and his driver drove off, he was already thinking of a punishment to give his men if they had dared to dirty his main dungeon with people he considered as trash. that was his underground baby, he had put so much money into and it was even in his mansion, he tortured just the special cases in there. The ride of about fifteen minutes came to an end and he ordered the driver to stop just before a tunnel, the car could go inside but he preferred to walk down by himself.

Just the entrance of the place was eerie and the only sound that could be heard was that of ravens, the tunnel he took led him to an underground building that looked bigger from the inside than the outside. it had all types of weapons and some rooms even had human skeletons, there were people in other rooms that weren't dead but looked like they had lost all hopes of staying alive, the torment they received day and night was worst than death.

He continued moving till he got to the last room in that line and stepped inside.

The moment he got in, the guards stood up to greet him and his guests were left hanging for a while, not understanding what was going on.

The moment his guest finally saw his face, they were dumbstruck! the lighting of the place was excellent but Vincent ordered the workers here to whine down the brightness of the bulbs so it could instill fear in the hearts of all the people that were brought here, He looked dreamy and out of reach in the dimly lit dungeon.

How could a man look so beautiful?? The two girls forgot all their pain and discomfort, they just found themselves lost in the world of their imagination, one of the girls called Anita was drooling, she had never seen anyone so perfect, every part of his body was well structured and he looked like a heavenly being. Cynthia the other friend was shocked but still had some sanity left, she looked up at the man who was a head taller than everyone in the room and whose long lashes made him look like a doll, but there was freezing coldness emitting from this man, he looked like he had never laughed before, he was so serious. she could only fantasize of how everything would turn bright and the world upside down if he only smiled. his domineering aura seemed to forcefully bring people to their knees, she started having goosebumps but didn't mind being engulfed by coldness if only this supernatural being here was the one in control.

Vincent looked in disdain at the two girls in front of him who almost bore holes in his body with their intense gazes. He hadn't taken time to wear any disguise today and was already feeling uncomfortable.

He had been so busy after sending Layla's friends to the dungeon and he left them in the hands of his men to torture. He decided to put an end to their misery today and invited their different parents to watch the show.

"I'm not going to kill any of you just because my sister didn't want me to hurt you, but who says I can't make you regret ever being born, because of you, I almost lost the only person I live to protect, not just once but twice" Vincent spoke and got more irritated as he looked at their disgusting faces, he couldn't continue explaining anything to this heartless fools, the more he thought of it, the angrier he became, different emotions were flowing through his body as he thought of the possible outcomes if he had not been on time to save his sister.

She had been nothing but helpful to these ungrateful brats and they had stabbed her in the back, he felt like tearing them into pieces with his bear hands, it took him a high level of self-control not to kill them in the worst way, they had been here for weeks and though he told his men not to be hard on them, their state and their condition said otherwise, their faces lacked color and it looked like they hadn't been well fed for days. Vincent didn't care, he wasn't done with them yet.

The moment he spoke and the girls snapped out of their fantasy, reality dawned on them, this was Layla's brother no doubt, "how come everyone in this family was blessed with good looks?" The girls complained inwardly they had really messed up, they couldn't even look at their parents in the eye because their deeds were shameful. they had thought that their case was just an ordinary kidnap case where the kidnappers would ask for ransom but it turned out to be worst, Anita thought the worst feeling she will ever have was when she saw her parents in here, but now, she really feared for the Life of her family.

"Brother, please have mercy on me, it wasn't my idea, believe me, it was all Cynthia's doing, please let me go, I promise to apologize to Layla and pay for my wrong deeds," Anita said.

Cynthia looked at her in horror, she couldn't believe that Anita was now pinning all the blame on her, she had masterminded the whole plan and had always been the bad influence, but right now her cunning friend seemed to deceive everyone here with her false words.

"Anita I always knew you were evil, but now, you have just proved to me that you lost your sanity long ago!, I didn't want to go along with your plan but you threatened me, I was scared because I thought we would be killed if we didn't frame her, you left me with no choice!" Cynthia said weakly, all the energy they had, seemed to be drained out slowly as they spent more time in this place.

Vincent was infuriated as he listened to their dumb noise. "don't waste your time begging for mercy, because you won't be getting any, I suggest you just sit still so I can make my business here short, I intend to make all your lives miserable, everyone here is in one way or the other involved in the crime, so stop wondering why I paid your parents a visit.

"Young man we don't know what you're talking about, let us go right now, or you might live to regret for the rest of your life, no you won't even live long enough to regret, do you know who you are offending by having us kidnapped?" Gladys, Anita's mom asked.

"of course, I do old woman, you are the slut that taught your filthy daughter to go around, chasing married men and looking for homes to wreck" Vincent answered with a mischievous smile. The man next to her was confused and turned to his wife with a perplexed look "Oh yes Mr. Alfred, that's right, your wife here ruined a relationship of more than twelve years, the poor lady was just eighteen when she started dating her boyfriend, she waited patiently for her boyfriend to make money and she supported the bastard in every way, after eleven years he finally proposed to her but just when they were planning for their wedding a year later, the boy dumped her because of your wife, he even proposed to her and she accepted, let's take note of the fact that you guys were already married by then and she was secretly doing all this behind your back. this useless prostitute here is as a result of their affair, your wife got pregnant for him, killed him, and took everything he had because she felt threatened when the man finally found out she was already married, he asked her to divorce her husband and keep his child for him, but your wife here murdered him" Vincent spoke slowly as if his words weren't creating any impact.