
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

XJustForFanFicsx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Trial of Destiny

You, Asta and Yuno raced each other to the Royal Capital, taking small breaks along the way when you guys got tired. As soon as you all gained your energy back, the three of you were at it again. Soon the Royal Capital was in view a ways away. Asta and Yuno took in the view of the large city in the distance. You were not so thrilled by the sight of the city. Though it wasn't a winter wasteland like your home country, it was still similar enough to bring back memories of your past. But a trial of destiny awaited the three of you within the walls of that city. The outcome of that trial would change yours, Asta's and Yuno's lives forever.

"Come on Lil, let's go! Our journey is just beginning!" Asta said, looking back at you and holding out his hand as he gave you a bright smile.

"Okay!" You replied as you smiled back and took Asta's hand. A glint of hope shone in your eyes at the sight of Asta's enthusiasm and optimism.

~Time Skip~

When the three of you entered the Royal Capital, Asta beamed at all the vending booths and shops. Yuno didn't seem that interested in his surroundings like Asta was. He just seemed intent on getting to the Colosseum where the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam was being held. Asta gawked at the prices of everything in the shops, complaining about how everything was so expensive here. These were just average prices to you, but after living with Asta, Yuno and their foster family, you could understand his reactions.

"Things really are different here than back at the village." Asta said as he looked around the big city.

"Yeah, it sure is. Minus the freezing cold wasteland part and gloomy atmosphere, the Clover Kingdom's Royal Capital's grandness is somewhat similar to the Capital City of the Spade Kingdom." You said as both Asta and Yuno looked at you.

"Oh yeah! I forgot that you're royalty, Lil." Asta said, just remembering your backstory. He had gotten so used to living with you, he completely forgot you were born to a royal family. It felt like he had known you for his entire life even though it had only been five years.

"So my biological family lives in a big city like this." Yuno said, sounding kind of amazed and kind of disgusted at the same time. From what you told him about your siblings, they sounded like arrogant assholes. He despised them for hurting you and making you feel the need to run away from home. But then again, he never would have met you, his twin sister, if it weren't for them driving you away. Not that he was happy about the way they treated you, but he was glad he was able to meet you and get to know you over the past few years you lived with him, Asta and their church foster family. You guys reached the large arena-like building where the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam was going to take place. Of the three of you, Yuno got in line first, then Asta and then you. People pointed and whispered as Yuno pulled out his four leaf clover grimoire. Next was Asta who excitedly got out his five leaf clover grimoire and showed the clerk who registered him with a lack of enthusiasm. You were up next.

"The name is Lily Grinberryall from Hage Village." You said as you showed the registration clerk your six leaf clover grimoire.

"Grinberryall, huh? That seems like quite a regal name for someone from a small village in the Forsaken Realm." The clerk said, giving you a curious look. That caught you off guard as well as stirred up uneasy feelings within you. Fortunately, you quickly came up with a response to avoid raising any possible suspicion.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." You said as you scratched the back of your head, giving the clerk a sheepish grin. He raised an eyebrow, then finished registering you.

"Hmm, okay then. You're number 166." The clerk said, assigning your ID number. You thanked him and went over to Asta and Yuno who were waiting for you off to the side of the registration booth. The three of you then entered the arena where all the other mages were waiting for the exam to begin. Suddenly, a bunch of navy blue colored birds with red faces, black beaks, white bellies and twin arrow tails flocked around almost all the contestants. You and Asta attracted more birds than anyone else. But the birds completely left Yuno alone.

"What's with all these annoying birds?" A guy asked, trying to shoo away the birds flying around him.

"They're anti birds. It's part of the exam. They say the more birds you attract, the less magic power you have." His friend informed him on the flying nuisances. Asta yelled at the anti birds, trying to get away from them. Unlike Asta, you didn't make nearly as much of a scene. You were swarmed by just as many birds as he was, but they just fluttered around you and didn't bother you much. You stayed quiet to avoid attracting any more unwanted attention. Meanwhile, Asta was running away from the birds when he ran into a very well-built man smoking a cigarette. He was wearing a white tank top under a robe with a black bull head emblem on it and dark long pants and boots. His black hair was messy and he had a katana sheathed at his side. The moment the birds that had been bothering Asta saw the man, they freaked and flew away. The man looked pretty pissed at Asta for carelessly bumping into him.

"You got a death wish, boy?" The man said grumpily as he glared down at Asta who looked terrified. Despite that, he tried to start a friendly conversation with the man, but his choice of words were, well... quite poor.

"Wow, you look really old for your age. Must've had a rough life, huh." Asta said, chuckling nervously with a friendly smile, mustering up his courage and placing a hand on the man's muscular shoulder.

"Looks like I was right about that death wish." The man said, grabbing Asta by the head and lifting him off the ground with one hand. Asta screamed out in a panic and pain as the man started squeezing his head.

"There you are Captain Yami! Eh, what are you doing exactly?" Said a young man with brown hair. He was accompanied by a taller pale man with a hat, black lips and dark circles around his eyes. Both of them wore a similar robe to the one the muscular man was wearing. Upon listening to the whispers among the other contestants, you found out that the large man was Yami Sukehiro, the Black Bulls Captain. The other two guys were Black Bulls members. The young brown-haired man was Finral Roulacase, wielder of spacial magic. And the pale man's name was Gordon Agrippa, a hex magic expert.

"I was just about to wring this kid's neck." Captain Yami, replied to Finral.

"Hey, hey now. We can't have a squad captain killing the contestants, Yami. Why did you even come down here anyways?" Finral said with a nervous tone, trying to calm his Captain down but to no avail.

"Went to go take a dump, then got lost." Captain Yami answered bluntly as he continued to squeeze Asta's head. Just then, the signal for the exam to start sounded. And the Black Bulls Captain let go of Asta as he dropped to the ground, clutching his head.

"Looks like you got lucky, kid. You got a second chance at life." Captain Yami said to Asta as he gave him a menacing glare before walking through a portal, followed by Gordon then Finral. After they left, a lean guy slightly taller than Yuno approached Asta. He had dark blonde hair which was all combed back except for a few front-hanging locks. He seemed impressed with how Asta handled the scary confrontation with the Black Bulls Captain and introduced himself as Sekke Bronzazza.

~Short Time Skip~

The magic knight captains entered the arena balcony and the entrance exam officially began. As they each took their seats, Sekke told Asta the captains' names and their squad names. Captain William Vangeance spoke, administering the start of the exam. He opened his grimoire and chanted a spell. A bunch of branches descend to every contestant, forming a broomstick at the end of each one.

"And now for your first test. You must use the broomsticks you have been given to fly. It is the most basic way to get from one place to another. People who can control their magic at all should be able to fly on instinct alone. If you cannot fly a broomstick, then you are not worth our time. You may begin." Captain Vangeance said as everybody tried to fly. Almost everyone lifted off the ground on their broomsticks. Yuno stood on his broomstick and balanced on it while he flew around. Asta made a big scene, making a sound like he was trying to take a really big dump while failing to lift off the ground. People around you started commenting about how amazing Yuno was and how stupid Asta looked trying so hard while still not being able to fly. You couldn't lift off the ground either, but you didn't make a huge fuss about it like Asta did so no one really noticed you.

"That guy sure must have a lot of magical talent to do that. It's hard to believe he's from a village in the middle of nowhere." A guy said, staring at Yuno who was standing on his broomstick, flying around with ease. He must have been from around Hage Village or overheard a rumor or something.

"Even if he had only a little bit magic power, he should at least be able to float. It's painful to watch him try so hard and fail." You heard a girl say as she watched Asta trying his best to fly, but to no avail.

"Oh wow, that guy looks ridiculous! He can't even lift off the ground!" Another guy said in a mocking tone as he pointed and laughed at Asta who was still attempting to fly on the broomstick. Sekke floated down to Asta and gave him some pointers which obviously didn't work. After that test there was the Magic Power Test, the Magic Power Control Test, the Creation Magic Test and the Evolution Magic Test. All of which you and Asta bombed. Last, but not least, was the Combat Test. Finally, a test that you and Asta had a chance at. Up until now, you were worried that you two wouldn't be able to pass with the way things were going. Sekke, the guy that had been trying to guide Asta through the exam, paired up with him as an opponent.

"You'd really pair up with a charity case like me? Thanks Sekke, you really are a good guy!" Asta said with gratefulness sparkling in his eyes. Asta and Sekke went to the center of the arena to battle first. Before heading to opposite ends of the arena, Sekke whisper something to Asta which made his facial expression change from thankfulness to shock with a hint of anger. You wondered if he was okay, but then Asta's serious determined look appeared on his face and you knew everything was going to be fine. His duel began and Sekke made the first move, crafting a transparent bronze ball with hollow projections around himself. Sekke looked up at the Magic Knight Squad captains to see if they were impressed at all.

'Sorry but that defense isn't going to do any good against Asta and his sword.' You said mentally as you smirked. Asta charged with incredible speed and drew his sword from his grimoire, slashing right through the transparent bronze ball encasing Sekke and knocked him out cold.

"Unlike you Sekke, I'm not joining the magic knights so I can slack off and take it easy. I have a much bigger goal. I'm going to become the Wizard King!" Asta said as he slung his sword over his shoulder. So that's what pissed Asta off. Sekke probably told Asta he only paired up with him to make himself look good and get into a magic knight squad so he could live an easy life.

~Time Skip~

Several battles took place before it was Yuno's turn. His opponent was Salim Hapshass, a noble whose family was notorious for scandals. You had no doubt Yuno would be able to handle him with ease. And sure enough Yuno easily overpowered Salim with his powerful towering tornado spell which stopped the huge lightning ball Salim cast at him as well as swept him off his feet. Although Salim did display an impressive attempt to defeat Yuno, you knew your twin brother could take him down with no problem. You still hadn't found an opponent yet and it seemed like everyone around you had found one. Then you heard a voice behind you.

"Hey, have you found a partner yet?" A girl asked, approaching you. She was dressed in clothes that of nobility, but not royalty. Her eyes were pastel pink and her wavy hair was a lemon blonde.

"No I haven't. I'm wondering if that's because I haven't been doing that well in the test so far. Oh crap!" You said, covering your mouth. You didn't mean to say the second sentence out loud. You glanced over at the girl, expecting her to laugh at you. But her reaction took you by surprise.

"Actually I don't have a partner yet either. Hey, how about we pair up! Oh I'm Cassia Granbriar by the way." The girl suggested and introduced herself. She gave you a warm smile, which you found odd but nice for a change.

"And I'm Lily Grinberryall. I'll gladly take you on. But just so you know, I'm not gonna go easy on you." You said as you flashed a playful smirk. Cassia chuckled at your enthusiasm.

"Of course Lily, I expect nothing less. Do your best!" Cassia said as she gave you an encouraging smile. Both you and Cassia volunteered to go next. The referee gave the signal and your fight began. You smiled mischievously as you flipped open your grimoire and summoned your main weapon: a scythe. The huge scythe emerged from the pages of your six leaf clover grimoire. Gasps and whispers filled the Colosseum as you took a defensive stance, readying your weapon. You wielded your scythe with only one hand when it was technically considered a two-handed weapon.

"Plant Creation Magic: Briar Vines of Bondage!" Cassia said as large thorny vines rapidly sprouted from the ground, speeding towards you at a high speed. You dodged and slashed through the vines as you charged towards her. The mana making up the vines were absorbed into the blade of your scythe. Just as you were about to cut through another group of vines, it dodged your scythe blade and swooped around behind and grabbed you, wrapping around your torso as the thorns pierced through your clothes and dug into your skin as it raised you up into the air. You hissed in pain and loosened your grip for only a brief moment on the scythe handle to lower the blade. Then you used the strength of your fingers to twirl your scythe blade like a propeller while angling it, tilting your flexible wrist. You cut through the rose vines which dissipated and released you.

"Tch! That magic really was a thorn in my side!" You said as you landed on your feet, looking up with your brows furrowed and a determined smile on your face. Cassia scowled when you freed yourself so easily.

"But how?! I've been watching you throughout the test and figured out you have no magic power! And you also have a weapon that cancels out magic. You're exactly the same as that commoner boy from earlier who dueled with my dear Sekke!" Cassia yelled at you out of frustration.

"You mean Asta? Yeah we're best friends. Even though we both have no magic power and came from Hage Village, I assure you we're not the same. Besides, Sekke lost that duel with Asta. Did you think because I'm a girl that I'd be easier to beat?" You said as you twirled your scythe again and slammed the handle into the ground. Cassia's true colors were starting to show as her face grew red with anger.

"Shut up! I am a noblewoman! How dare you talk to me like that! Plant Creation Magic: Double Plant Combo: Concentrated Sap Moon Flowers and Thistles!" Cassia shouted as spiky thistles and moon flower stems explosively sprouted from the ground beneath you and constricted around you. The weed's spikes made more cuts on your skin and cut into the moon flower stems, making the extra potent poisonous sap drip onto you and into your small wounds. The effects of the poison started to kick in immediately. You were in immense pain, but you refused to show it which made Cassia mad. Freeing yourself the same way you did earlier, you firmly planted your scythe into the ground.

"Plant Creation Magic: Herbal Cage of Healing!" You yelled as your grimoire's glowing blue aura increased in size and a bunch of herbs grew forming a cage around you and glowed. Your symptoms of moon flower poisoning went away and all your cuts disappeared. You smiled devilishly at Cassia who just stood there in utter shock.

"What?! You can use plant magic?! But I thought you didn't have any magic power!" Cassia raised her voice as your devilish grin widened.

"I told you: Asta and I are not the same. I can use the magic attribute of my opponent as my own once my weapon comes in contact with spells. Now for another demonstration! Plant Creation Magic: Triple Plant Combo: Briar Vines of Bondage, Poison Ivy Sprouts, and Crown Imperials!" You said as your grimoire glowed brighter again and thorny rose vines sprouted around Cassia and ensnared her, wrapping around her arms and legs so she couldn't move them. They hoisted her up about ten feet above the ground. The thorns pierced her clothes and skin, drawing some blood. Poison ivy sprouted all throughout the vines and brushed against her skin, giving her rashes all over that she couldn't scratch. Crown Imperial flowers sprouted from the vines closer to her head and bloomed right by her face, releasing their musky skunk-like scent which assaulted her nostrils.

"I'm not done yet Cassia. In addition to being able to use my opponent's magic attributes as my own, I'm also really good at close quarter combat!" You said as you crouched down low then pushed off against the ground with your feet and leaped high up into the air. You drew back your scythe with one hand and used gravity to rotate the blade back so you wouldn't kill her when you struck. As you were about to knock Cassia unconscious, you could see the fear in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay! You win Lily! I surrender!" Cassia shouted, admitting defeat as she turned her head aside to brace herself. You kept your scythe drawn back but rotated the blade forward and lowered your arm, aligning it parallel to the ground. You swung the sickle-shaped blade at the vines as you fell, just inches below her feet. That scared the crap out of Cassia, thinking you were about to cut her feet off. Released from the vines, she began to fall. Panicking, Cassia started to flail around and scream her head off. You sighed and held up your scythe with both hands, the blade now facing away from your opponent straight above your head. She grabbed to it with both her arms and legs out of instinct, calming down a little. You landed, holding your scythe above your head with Cassia still clinging to it. Then you lowered the large weapon so that she could get down safely. She was covered in small cuts and red rashes which she was now itching like crazy.

"Phew! That was a good match Cassia. I've never sparred with anyone that uses plant magic before. You know, you're pretty good. Being able to manifest more than one kind of plant at once in your own combos is pretty impressive! Oh, I can heal you if you want." You offered, but Cassia just scoffed and turned her chin up to the side.

"Hmph! As if I'd let some girl with no natural magic of her own from the Forsaken Realm heal me using my magic." Cassia said with a stuck-up tone. But then her facial expression softened and she smiled at you which confused you.

"But thanks for saving me Lily. I thought you were just going to let me fall after I admitted defeat. You know, you're not too bad yourself, coming from the Forsaken Realm. You surprised me and I really do hope you get chosen by a squad." She said as she turned to face you and smiled again then walked away.

"I hope you do too." You said to Cassia. It was silent for a brief moment, not even a gossipy whisper was heard. Then one of the squad captains cleared their throat.

"And that concludes the match!" Captain Fuegoleon Vermillion announced as the arena was prepared for the next battle. More battles took place until everyone had their turn. It was now time for the magic knight captains to choose who they wanted in their squads. The captains took turns explaining the rules of the process of which contestants would be chosen or not. Then one by one, the contestants were called up. Most of them weren't chosen by any of the captains which worried you. Maybe you wouldn't be chosen after all. And that thought haunted you. After many people had been called up, it was Yuno's turn.

"Number 164, do we have any hands?" An announcer called Yuno up and he stepped forward. All nine of the magic knight captains raised their hands as the arena filled with awed whispers. Yuno thought for a brief moment before making his decision.

"It would be an honor to join the Golden Dawn." Yuno chose his squad as Captain William Vangeance smiled down at his promising new recruit.

'Yes! I knew you'd make it Yuno. That's my capable twin brother!' You said to yourself mentally while smiling proudly. Next up was Asta.

"Number 165, do we have any hands?" The announcer called Asta up and asked the magic knight captains if they wanted him on their squad as Asta stepped forward to face the captains on the balcony. None of them raised their hands.

"Number 165? No hands." The announcer said as Asta remained in his place, shocked that he didn't make it. The other contestants were getting impatient and annoyed that Asta wasn't accepting it and moving on. Some started to yell at him to get out of the way so they could go next.

"It's no real surprise is it?" The captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro, said as he activated his intimidating magic aura and jumped down from the Balcony in front of Asta. The menacing dark purple mana aura surrounded him and shook the entire Colosseum.

"It doesn't matter how great your skill in combat is. No one wants to touch a power that mysterious. People aren't too fond of the unknown. It boils down to this, what the magic knight captains are looking for is magic power. Who would ever want you, a kid with no magic? What you said earlier about wanting to become the Wizard King... Do you know what that means? That means you have to prove that you're stronger than all nine captains. Now that you're standing powerless in front of one, do you really think you have what it takes to become the Wizard King?" Captain Yami said to Asta in a firm voice as his magic power grew. Even though you and Asta had no magic, you could both feel the pressure of the mana surging from the Black Bulls Captain along with everyone else. Asta looked directly at Captain Yami with a dead serious and determined look on his face. You could tell he was terrified, but he pushed past it.

"Yeah fine! Maybe I won't get to join a magic knight squad today. But no matter what anyone says, and no matter how many obstacles stand in my way, I won't give up! I will become the Wizard King!" Asta raised his voice at the Black Bulls Captain. The dark purple aura around Captain Yami faded and the arena stopped trembling as he burst out laughing.

"You know what, kid? I like you! Come join our crew." Captain Yami said after he stopped laughing.

"Wha-?" Asta said, standing there with his mouth dropped open.

"Quit gaping like a fish. I'm saying I'll let you into the Black Bulls. By the way you don't get to say no, got it? And it won't be a picnic. We're gonna put you through the wringer 'til you don't recognize yourself. So get ready. And then once we're done, you go and become the Wizard King." Captain Yami said. You saw Asta's facial expression go from dumbfounded to deeply touched as he spaced out for a brief moment. And just like that, he was accepted into the Black Bulls. Captain Yami returned to the balcony to continue the selection portion of Magic Knight's Entrance Exam. It was your turn next. Your number was called and you nervously stepped up.

"Number 166. Do we have any hands?" The announcer guy asked the magic knight captains. All nine captains raised their hands for you as you sighed with relief. Surprised whispers filled the Colosseum.

"How incredible! All the magic knight captains want her in their ranks too! But wait... isn't she the other magic-less one from a little village in the Forsaken Realm?" A girl said, regarding you.

"Yeah, but she beat the noble Cassia Granbriar, using both a magic-nullifying scythe and magic identical to Cassia's. Not to mention, scythes are two-handed weapons but she was wielding it with one hand like it was nothing. I hate to admit it, but she's stronger than me and I'm a man..." A guy next to the girl said as he sulked at the thought of a petite girl being physically stronger than him. You smiled and thought for a moment. There were two clear choices that were in your head: the Golden Dawn and the Black Bulls. If you chose the Golden Dawn, you'd be in the most elite squad with your twin brother. But you would also be surrounded by proud nobles and royals. You wanted nothing to do with nobles and royals except for Yuno. If you chose the Black Bulls, you'd be with your crush Asta. But the Black Bulls seemed like it'd be a rockier road to the becoming the Wizard Queen. But after all you've been through, it shouldn't be that bad. Besides, Asta said that you being by his side motivated him even more towards his goal. So it didn't feel right to leave him behind. Not to mention, you two could relate to each other more than others because you both had no magic power. You were sure Yuno would understand your decision to go with the Black Bulls. After all, he always had this teasing smirk on his face every time you droned on about Asta unintentionally when around him. It made you blush every time he pointed it out and made that face. It was like he shipped you two. And with that, you made up your mind.

"I would love to join the Black Bulls." You voiced your decision as a bunch of people whispered to each other, questioning your decision to choose the Black Bulls over the Golden Dawn, Silver Eagles, or Crimson Lions. But you had your reasons. You wanted to be by Asta's side as well as have more of an adventure. You had a feeling that being a member of the Black Bulls would be a lot more fun, especially with Asta around. You were happy with your decision and that's all that mattered.