
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

XJustForFanFicsx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

The Best Royal

You and Asta had just saved Noelle from her own magic gone out of control. After being accepted into the Black Bulls as she was, Asta helped her up to her feet. You approached her and put your hand on Noelle's shoulder.

"Let's grow stronger together so we can no longer be considered royal misfits! Okay Noelle?" You said to Noelle who managed a smile.

"Right! Okay... uh, I never got your name." Noelle said as you realized you never actually introduced yourself to her.

"Oh! I'm Lily Grinberryall. Sorry, where are my manners?" You said as you smiled brightly at Noelle and held out your hand to her.

"A pleasure, Lily." Noelle said as she took your hand and shook it.

~Time Skip~

It was dinner time and Asta was sitting between you and Noelle in the dining hall. You were to his left and Noelle was to his right. Asta was munching through his food ravenously while you and Noelle ate more slowly. As she ate, Noelle had this look on her face like something was on her mind.

"Hey Lily?" Noelle asked to get your attention.

"Yeah?" You responded to her.

"You said you were royalty, but I don't recognize your last name at all." Noelle said as you sighed. You told her about you and your past, where you were from and how you met Asta. Noelle listened intently to you as you told your story, as did the rest of the squad that was at the table near you. When you finished, everyone seemed quite shocked, especially Noelle.

"Wow... That's actually quite the life story. But I can't believe you had the guts to leave home like that. I could never!" Noelle said, flipping one of her pigtails up which fell in front of her shoulder.

"After all that neglect, abuse and ridicule back at home, a life far away with commoners was a breath of fresh air. My church foster family in Hage Village was more of a family to me than my biological family back in the Spade Kingdom could ever be." You said as you took another bite of your food.

"A royal that likes living with commoners better than living in luxury with her royal family. Now that's something I've never heard of before. I gotta say Lily, you're the best royal I ever met. You don't look down on commoners unlike somebody." Magna said as he glanced at Noelle. She just scoffed and flicked her other pigtail in front of her shoulder

"Yeah, Lil blends in so well with us commoners, I keep forgetting that she's even royalty!" Asta said with enthusiasm. You blushed at Asta's comment. Noelle got up abruptly, not even bothering to finish her food and left. She gave you a glare before she did. Everyone stared at her as she walked away.

"Looks like there's more food left for me then!" Charmy said as she started scarfing down Noelle's unfinished dinner.

"What's her problem?" Asta asked, after he noticed her glare at you before she stormed off.

"She's probably jealous that I said Lily's the best royal and not her." Magna said as he finished his food and got up from the table.

"Welp! I'm gonna go back to my room for the night. See you guys tomorrow!" Magna said as he headed off for the rest of the night. Asta then finished his food and so did you. You both got up from the table at the same time.

"So what are you gonna do tonight, Lil?" Asta asked you as you cupped your chin with your hand and thought for a moment.

"Hmm. Probably work on cleaning and organizing my room. I still haven't finished cleaning it up yet. It was pretty dirty." You answered Asta's question.

"I can help if you want me too. I got my room all cleaned up on the first night." Asta said as you sighed. He must have forgotten about the trap magic that would go off if he goes down the hallway to the women's rooms.

"I'd love for you to help me clean my room, but there's trap magic that'll get triggered if any guys walk through the hallway to the women's rooms." You said with slight disappointment in your voice. You wouldn't mind it too much if Asta waltzed into your room. Although you probably wouldn't appreciate it if any of the other dudes walked into your room, especially Finral.

"Ah, right. Well that sucks. I really wanted to see how you set up your room." Asta said with a disappointed expression on his face. You sighed, equally bummed out as he was. Just then, you got an idea.

"Hey Asta. Maybe you could get through the trap magic in the hallway using your sword. It is magic after all." You suggested. Asta's face lit up at the idea. He was excited that you might have found a way for him to be able to visit your room.

"Oh yeah... we could try that. Great idea Lil!" Asta said as you smiled and the two of you headed towards the women's rooms.

"I'll help you Asta. " You said as you pulled out two broad-bladed swords from your grimoire and Asta got out his sword. They weren't as big as Asta's blade, but they were still good-sized. It was a good thing you trained with Asta back when you guys lived in Hage Village. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't have been able to wield the swords.

"Ready? Go!" You said as you charged through the hallway before Asta, slicing through anything that flew back towards him from the front. Obviously nothing was going to hit you because the trap magic was meant for guys. But you didn't want to risk him getting injured. Both yours and Asta's blades seemed to destroy the traps because they disappeared once they were sliced with the anti-magic swords. Once you and Asta made it past the hallway of traps, the two of you stopped and panted, trying to catch your breaths.

"Phew! Glad we made it through. That was intense! I thought we were going to die!" Asta said, wiping the sweat off his brow.

"I would've been fine. After all, the trap magic is meant for guys, not girls. But... it seems like we destroyed all the traps in the hallway with our weapons in the process." You said as Asta looked back at the once heavily booby trapped corridor.

"Oops haha... Well look at it this way, Lil. I'll be able to visit you in your room without dying now." Asta said with a wide cheerful grin. Seeing Asta's smile made you get all flustered. He was adorable when he smiled. It made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Y-yeah, that's true. Anyways, my room's this way." You said as you lead Asta to your room. You opened your door and gestured for Asta to enter which he did. Your room was still pretty dusty and was fairly plain except for a large tapestry hung on the wall next to your bed. It was of you, Asta and Yuno sitting together in a grassy field near the church that you guys always hung out at.

"Where did you get this Lil?" Asta asked as you grabbed the feather duster to start cleaning.

"Oh, I used Vanessa's thread magic to weave it. It turns out I can also use the magic of friends as well as opponents as long as they're within my vicinity. We had already figured out that I could use the magic of my opponents. But when we rescued Noelle, I was able to use her water magic even though she wasn't technically an opponent. So while you were doing laundry earlier, I asked Vanessa if she would help me to test out and further add to the theory you developed about my grimoire a while back. She agreed and we discovered I didn't have to be up against someone in order to use their magic. And that's when I made this tapestry of you, me and Yuno using Vanessa's magic." You told Asta who gawked at the tapestry.

"You made this?! Whoa! That's so cool! It pictures us perfectly. I love it!" Asta said, raising his voice in amazement as he stared starry-eyed at the tapestry. You just giggled at his awe struck reaction to your masterpiece.

"I appreciate that you like it so much, but we should start cleaning so we can finish before the sun goes down." You said as you handed him the feather duster and grabbed yourself a broom. The two of you got to work in your room getting rid of the dust and dirt on the floor. Asta finished dusting before you finished sweeping. He tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.

"What should I do next?" Asta asked you for his next assignment. You paused and thought for a second as you looked around your room. There was a pile of clean laundry on your bed that needed to be put away.

"You can fold my clean laundry there on the bed and put them away in my dresser. Just organize them as best you can. I can reorganize them later if necessary." You told Asta.

"Will do Lil!" Asta said with an upbeat tone as he walked towards your bed and started folding and putting away your clean laundry. He started to get a minor nosebleed every time he came across a bra or a pair of panties. To prevent getting his blood on your sheets or clothes, he stuffed tissues up his nostrils.

"Asta your nose is bleeding. Are you okay?" You asked when you finally noticed the bloodied tissues sticking out of his nose.

"I'm fine. It's just a bit dry in here." Asta lied as he finished folding the last piece of laundry which was a pair of panties. Well technically it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the real reason his nose was bleeding.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, it is a bit dry, isn't it?" You responded as Asta nodded his head. Once everything was clean and organized the way you liked it, you and Asta walked to the hallway where all the booby traps used to be before he and you destroyed them to let him through to your room. Fortunately, they were still gone and Asta was able to safely walk through the corridor.

"Goodnight Asta. I'll see you tomorrow." You said waving to Asta on the other side of the hallway. He turned around and smiled.

"Night Lil. Sleep well." Asta said goodnight to you and continued on his way to his room for the night as you went back to yours.

~Time Skip~

The next morning, you were woken up by Asta's boisterous screaming and yelling. You quickly got dressed and left your room to see what the commotion was all about. You were met with the sight of a battered up Asta approaching your door.

"Asta! Are you okay?!" You asked Asta with a worried look on your face as he smiled and placed his hand on top of your head.

"Good morning Lil. Yeah, I'm fine. Turns out the traps are back though. They caught me off guard a bit haha." Asta said, chuckling as he ruffled your hair slightly. You sighed and looked Asta in the eyes.

"Well I'm just glad you're okay." You said with a relieved smile. Suddenly, Noelle and the other girls came out of their rooms to see what had caused that ruckus Asta made earlier.

"What're you doing here? Guys aren't supposed to be able to get to the women's side! Ugh! I can't believe that little insect managed to get over here." Noelle said as she pointed at Asta.

"Oh hey Noelle, Charmy, Vanessa. I was just coming over to say good morning to Lil here. I thought the traps would still be gone, but apparently they're back and a few of them got me." Asta said as he gave them a sheepish grin while scratching the back of his head.

"The trap magic wasn't working?" Vanessa questioned as you stepped in to make sure Asta didn't get in trouble.

"It was my idea for Asta to come over to the women's side. Last night I wanted him to help me clean up my room. So we went through the hallway together using our anti-magic weapons to destroy the trap magic so he wouldn't get hurt. If anyone should get in trouble for this, it should be me, not Asta." You said, explaining everything to the girls as you bowed apologetically.

"Don't worry, we won't tell Captain Yami. After all, Asta was just helping you out with your room. No harm in that, right?" Vanessa said with a wink. You nodded in response. After that, the three girls went on their separate ways as you and Asta stayed where you were.

"Come on in Asta. Let's get you fixed up." You said as you opened your room door and gestured for Asta to enter. You shut the door behind him and he made his way to your bed and sat down. You inspected him for injuries. He had minor cuts on his face and near his mouth and forehead and scratches on his left cheek near his ear and on his right arm and hand. You began to clean Asta's wounds and bandage him up, starting with his face. Then you moved on to his right arm. Asta couldn't help but stare at you as you were kneeling in front of him, carefully and gently wrapping his arm and hand with a clean bandage. When you were done, you looked up at Asta only to find him staring at you.

"W-what?" You asked him as he closed his eyes and smiled.

"I was just thinking about what Magna said about you yesterday at dinner. And you really are the best royal, Lil. Even though you and Noelle are both royalty, the two of you treat me so differently. Noelle always calls me a little insect and looks down on me for being a commoner while you treat me like I'm the most precious thing in the world to you." Asta said as you smiled up at him and stared into his lime green eyes with your storm blue ones.

"You are the most precious thing in the world to me Asta." You said with a gentle smile while holding his hand in your hands as you stood up.

"Aww you really mean it Lil?" Asta asked you as you smiled softly.

"Yes, I do." You said as you leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the lips. As you pulled away, Asta reached behind your head with his free hand and pulled you in for another much more passionate and heated kiss.