
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

XJustForFanFicsx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Official Black Bulls

You and Asta had just introduced yourselves to your Black Bulls squad mates, but neither of you had your robes yet. Magna Swing was going to put you two through a small series of tests in order to earn your robes. Of course, you and Asta were willing to take on any challenges to get the robes you both worked so hard for. After coming this far, there's no way you two were gonna quit after all you guys had been through to get here. Everyone stepped outside to witness the yours and Asta's Black Bulls ceremonial baptism. Magna first tested your guys' physical prowess. He gave you guys a couple work out drills: 5,000 crunches and 5,000 pushups. Both of you went at them, Asta finishing the drills slightly before you. Then he told you to lift a huge boulder above your heads and break it. Asta grabbed one a bit larger than yours and lifted it above his head, his legs shaking as you did the same. Then Asta proceeded to break it with his head. It took him four tries to make it crumble. You decided to kick your smaller boulder and it took you only three tries. Thank God you both trained so hard together over the past few years, otherwise this would have been very difficult.

"Wow these guys' strength and stamina are seriously off the charts! Too bad magic's all that matters." Luck Voltia said as he watched you two with awe and admiration. He was literally on the edge of his seat. Asta asked Magna if he passed the test and demanded for him to hand over the robe.

"Not so fast. You must use any skills at your disposal, whether magical or ordinary, to either dodge or defend against my attack magic. If you can manage that, then you can consider yourself a true Black Bull. And I will give you your robe." Magna said as he whipped out his grimoire and formed a small ball of fire, then pulled a fiery bat from the pages.

"Alright! Grab your grimoire and get ready!" Magna said as Asta grabbed his sword from his grimoire. Magna then began hitting many fire balls at Asta who dodged them with ease. When he saw how decent Asta was, he smiled contently and complimented him.

"You're pretty decent. Okay! The real battle begins now! Flame Magic: Exploding Fire Ball!" Magna said as he put away the bat and formed a blazing fireball. This one was different from the small ones he hit at Asta earlier. It grew in size as it approached him at incredible speed. Asta autonomously hit it back at Magna who dispelled it just in time to save himself. After he emerged from the blaze, he looked like he was going to kick Asta's ass after what just happened. But instead he praised him. He was even more amazed upon finding out Asta had no magic power. Then finally, he handed Asta his Black Bulls robe. The rest of the Black Bulls members joined in on the praises and surrounded him. Vanessa Enoteca used her magic to put the robe on Asta and added the Black Bulls emblem on the headband he always wore. You still had to receive your robe so you cleared your throat to get Magna's attention.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering. Am I going to be tested too?" You asked as Magna looked at you. Maybe you were mistaken, but it seemed like there was a hint of fear in his facial expression.

"You already passed the physical prowess tests. And for a girl, that's really impressive in on itself. I think you've earned your robe. And besides, you have similar skills as Asta. Finral filled me in on what you and Asta did at the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam combat portion." Magna said as he offered your robe to you, but you refused and shook your head.

"Oh no, I want to earn it fair and square. What? Are you afraid you're gonna be beaten by a girl?" You teased with a mischievous smirk. That seemed to ruff Magna up a little.

"Haha! Magna's a scaredy-cat! Magna's a scaredy-cat!" Luck chanted as Magna got mad and told him to shut up. Then he turned to you, his pride as a man pushing aside any fear he might've had.

"Alright I see where you're going with this. Then get your grimoire ready and let's do this! " Manga said, all fired up. You smiled confidently and gestured to bring it on, grabbing your grimoire and drawing your scythe from its pages and stood in a defensive stance. Magna followed your lead and formed the same fireball Asta reflected back at him moments ago.

"Flame Magic: Exploding Fire Ball!" Magna shouted as he threw the fireball at you and you timed your swing and intercepted it, slicing through the fiery ball which was supposed to explode. But before it did, your blade absorbed it.

"Wha-?! How did you...?" Magna said out of complete and utter shock. You chuckled mischievously as you willed your scythe to be returned to your grimoire and summoned a new weapon: a Kan Dao broadsword.

"I'm not done yet Magna. Flame Magic: Exploding Fire Ball!" You said as a ball of fire formed at your command and you used your sword to hit the flame ball at Magna. Finral had to rush in to save Magna from his own magic who was too flabbergasted at your abilities to dispel the destructive blazing ball of flames. Finral quickly grabbed Magna and disappeared into the portal right as the fireball exploded. Once the two of them had emerged from the portal unharmed, Magna approached you with a look of excitement on his face.

"Holy crap! I heard you could slice through and use your opponent's magic but I wasn't expecting for you to completely nullify the explosive aftereffect of my flame magic. I would say you're a real man, but you know... Anyways, with that strength and those mad skills and abilities, you're basically one to me! That's not an insult by the way." Magna complimented you, patting you hard on the back. Finral approached you next.

"That's the first time I've had to rescue Magna from the rookie. You're pretty impressive... and quite beautiful too. Would you like to go out to dinner some time? What do you like to eat?" Finral said to you. Asta saw and heard Finral ask you out from a distance and gave him a jealous glare which only you seemed to notice. But before you could answer Finral, Luck approached you and grabbed your attention.

"Wow! That was totally awesome! Will you fight me sometime?" Luck said, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. You laughed and agreed to take on the overly energetic blonde someday. The other members of the Black Bulls crowded around you as well, showering you with compliments that made you feel supper happy. Never in your life had you felt so welcomed by anyone other than your church foster family back in Hage Village. Asta approached you last as the noise around you from your new squad mates died down.

"Whoa Lil! That was so cool! You even managed to slice that attack without it backfiring. I couldn't even do that! To be honest, I thought I was gonna die, but my instincts took over. But you handled it so confidently like it was nothing. You were amazing!" Asta said as he draped his arm over your shoulders.

"Well it helps to have seen the attack in action beforehand. If I had to deal with it first before you, I'm not so sure I'd be nearly as confident. I mean, I'm also magic-less like you, Asta." You admitted honestly.

"Wait what?! You're magic-less too?! I literally thought you had some kind of copying magic with special weapons! You really need to stop acting so humble. You're amazing! Here, you deserve this." Magna said as he handed you your Black Bulls robe. Vanessa used her magic to put your robe on for you. You thanked her and she nodded. While everyone was surrounding you and further engaged with you, Luck gave you a curious look.

"Hey Lily? You can use the magic of your opponent, right?" Luck asked you as you gave him a puzzled look. Didn't he just see you demonstrate that?

"Um yes I can. Why?" You asked Luck curiously.

"Then what happens when you fight someone without magic?" He asked as all the other Black Bulls members, even Captain Yami, became intrigued.

"Well, then I have to rely solely on my physical abilities and fighting skills. And as far as I know, Asta is the only other person without any magic power like me." You said as everyone seemed even more interested, especially Luck.

"Can you and Asta demonstrate?" Luck asked you two excitedly, glancing between you and your best friend. The rest of the Black Bulls nodded in agreement. Captain Yami didn't show any disapproval and just continued to smoke his cigarette. You looked at Asta who also nodded in agreement.

"Sure! I don't see why not. Ready to go Lil?" Asta said as you nodded your head and the two of you took your positions, readying yourselves with your main weapons. Both of you fought each other, blocking each other's blades while trying to catch the other off guard. Asta's sword and your scythe weren't covered in cloths this time so you both had to be careful. You tried to use Magna's flame magic even though you knew it wouldn't work to show your squad mates that you could no longer use magic during your battle with Asta. Since both of yours and Asta's stamina were ridiculous and you were about equally matched in skill level, the fight droned on until Captain Yami just called it a draw because he had to use the bathroom.

"Alright you guys. That's enough fighting now. I need to go take a dump and I don't want these rookies breaking shit while I'm gone." Captain Yami said as he approached you two who immediately stopped sparring.

"You're official Black Bulls now. Things aren't gonna be easy from now on. You're gonna learn to push past your limits. But for now, just get some rest." Captain Yami said as he clapped a hand on one of yours and Asta's shoulders before heading back to the headquarters to use the bathroom. After he left, you and Asta looked at each other then leaped for joy with your grimoires still open and weapons in hand. You both finally made it into a magic knight squad.

~Short Time Skip~

Afterwards, you and Asta were separated and shown to your rooms by Magna and Vanessa. After Vanessa left, you changed out of your clothes and into your pajamas. Then you began writing a detailed letter to your foster family back at the church in Hage Village. In it you wrote about what happened at the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam, about your new squad mates, and finally Magna's ceremonial baptism. After you were done writing, you headed over to Asta's room to say goodnight to him. You knocked on his door.

"Hello, Asta? It's me." You said as he called for you to come on in. He had just finished slipping on his pajama shorts when you entered. You noticed a letter on his desk, written in his messy penmanship.

"So you were writing a letter to them too, huh?" You said as Asta nodded his head yes.

"Yeah. I can't believe you and I finally made it into a magic knight squad. Everyone back at the church will be surprised too." Asta said as he sat down on his bed, seeming to slip into a daydream-like trance. You joined him on the bed and rubbed his back, bringing him back to reality.

"But you can believe it. We worked so hard to get here. And there's no way our hard work wouldn't pay off. Now that we've made it this far, we can start working towards our goal of becoming the Wizard King/Queen for real." You said as Asta smiled.

"Yeah, you're right Lil. No matter what anyone says..."

"And no matter what obstacles stand in our way..."

"One of us will become the Wizard King or Queen!" You and Asta finished the sentence together. You both laughed until Asta stopped chuckling and began twiddling his thumbs.

"Hey Lil?" Asta said.

"Yeah? What is it Asta?" You asked him.

"I was really worried back at the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam. When all nine squad captains raised their hands for you, I was afraid that you'd choose the Golden Dawn. So I was really happy when you chose the Black Bulls instead. You know, you would have a better shot at becoming the Wizard Queen if you went with the Golden Dawn and you'd be with your twin brother Yuno. So why did you do it? Why did you choose the Black Bulls?" Asta asked you as your expression softened.

"Yuno may be my twin brother and I may have had a better chance of becoming the Wizard Queen by joining the Golden Dawn, but I wanted to be by your side. You said it yourself: just being around me gives you even more motivation to push you towards your goal of becoming the Wizard King. Not to mention, the Golden Dawn consists of nobles and royals. After all I've been through, I don't really want to deal with those kinds of people anymore. And like I've said a million times, I can relate to you better than I can to Yuno because I'm magic-less like you." You said as Asta looked at you with teary star-filled eyes.

"Really Lil?" Asta asked you as you smiled at him.

"Really Asta." You said as you hugged him tightly. Since you were dressed for bed, you weren't wearing a bra. Asta could feel your tits against his chest and it was starting to arouse him. He was rendered speechless for a moment. Then he decided to speak up.

"Um Lil? I can... feel your uh... against my chest." He said, skipping a word. But you still realized what he was talking about. You quickly pulled away from him, blushing like crazy. Asta eyed your figure, slowly closing the distance between you two. Then your lips met in a sweet kiss that soon turned heated and passionate. As you two made out, Asta's erection grew and his pajama shorts became increasingly tight. He pulled away slowly and looked into your deep storm blue eyes with his lime green ones.

"Lily, let's do something special to celebrate." Asta said in a romantic yet erotic way. He used your full preferred name, so you knew what was coming next. You simply nodded and were swept away by the moment and another sensual kiss.