
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

XJustForFanFicsx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

First Day as Black Bulls Newbies

Morning came and Asta woke up with you still sleeping in his arms in the same position you both fell asleep in after a steamy night in celebration for getting into a magic knight squad. Asta carefully removed his arms from around you, trying not to wake you up. But he ultimately failed. He sat up in bed, followed shortly after by you.

"So it's real, I wasn't dreaming." Asta said as he stared at his Black Bulls robe on top of his desk.

"Of course it was real you dummy!" You said while lightly punching Asta's shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder as you sighed contently.

"We really did it, huh? We finally got into a magic knight squad!" You said happily as you excitedly hugged Asta who chuckled and returned your embrace.

"Yeah we really did, didn't we?" Asta said as you hummed in agreement. You let go of Asta as he got up to change out of his pajamas and into his clothes for the day. He proudly put on his Black Bulls robe and opened the door to his room. Then he started to sprint off, followed by you walking out the door.

"Right! Yeah! I'm ready to- Ghah!" Asta said as he smashed right into a column that you could have sworn wasn't there yesterday. Asta seemed to think so too, voicing his thoughts on the matter out loud. Just then Magna approached him.

"Hey newbies. How's it hanging?" Magna asked Asta. You found it odd that he didn't ask why you were in Asta's room.

'Oh God! Does he know what we were doing last night?!' You thought to yourself, starting to blush from the thought that he might have heard you two last night.

"Oh uh I'm good, thanks. Can I ask you though, about this column?" Asta asked Magna.

"Yeah, what about it?" He replied.

"Well it's just I don't think it was here yesterday." Asta told Magna who didn't seemed fazed by Asta's odd claim.

"Probably because it wasn't. That's nothing though. This building shifts around all the time." Magna answered.

"It does?!" Asta practically yelled as you just looked at Magna with a puzzled expression on your face.

"Eh you'll get used to it." Magna reassured the two of you casually. Asta murmured about how he thought there was something off with the place.

"Well come on. Let's go." Magna said as he gestured for you two to follow him.

"Sure thing!" Asta said with enthusiasm.

"You're lucky enough to have me as your tour guide. There's no one better to show you the secrets of the Black Bulls hideout." Magna said just as he was about to head out with Asta. But you were still in your pajamas because you had spent the night in Asta's room and didn't bring a change of clothes.

"Wait, I still need to go back to my room and change into my clothes for the day." You said as Magna turned around to you.

"Okay you can go get dressed. But we've got work to do so don't take too long. Asta and I will wait right here." Magna said as you nodded your head and went back to your room to change. When you got to your room, you went inside and locked the door and changed out of your pajamas and into your clothes while Magna and Asta waited outside Asta's room for you. Once you were ready, you met up with Asta and Magna again and the tour of the Black Bulls hideout began.

"Well Asta, Lily, ready?" Magna asked you and Asta as he began jogging with you two jogging along with him.

"Ready!" You said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I'm ready! Let's go Mr. Shades!" Asta said with an equal amount of enthusiasm. Magna gave him an annoyed look.

"What? No! It's sir, twerp!" Magna corrected him.

"Right! Got it Sir Twerp!" Asta said in response.

"D-D-Drop the twerp!" Magna said with annoyance in his tone. You just giggled.

"Sir Twerp... hehe." You muttered to yourself under your breath, trying to keep your composure. First Magna showed you the dining hall. Next was the communal bath where the three of you took time to wash off and soak for a while. Obviously, the men's side and the women's side were separated. You were done bathing before Asta and Magna so you went on back to your room to change back into your clothes in private. Right after their baths, Magna showed Asta the way to the women's rooms but didn't lead him through the hallway to the area.

"And there's where the women's rooms are. If a guy goes in there, the trap magic will kill him." Magna said to Asta.

"Whoa! Serious security. Hey, why isn't there any trap magic on the way to the men's rooms?" Asta said, still wrapped in his bath towel.

"Because us men don't mind women walking into our rooms. Don't you agree Asta?" Magna said as he winked at Asta whose face became a little red remembering what happened between you and him last night.

"Uhh... I guess not." Asta replied as he and Magna went to their own rooms to get dressed again. After the three of you were all dressed, you met up again and the tour resumed.

"And this is the bathroom!" Magna said while opening the door to see that it was occupied by Captain Yami.

"You're dead." Yami said with a deadpan look on his face. Magna and Asta ran away apologizing and you followed their lead. Next up was the beast room where Yami's "little pets" were kept. Magna passed down his duty to feed the beasts to Asta. He gave him a slice of meat to feed to the beasts. Asta cautiously approached the beasts and held up the piece of meat Magna gave him and offered it to the beasts. One of the beasts stuck his head out of the cage bars and chomped onto Asta's upper body and he began to freak out. Eventually he got free and then Magna showed you and Asta the library then the rec room. After that, the two boys ran like lunatics through the hall with you following behind them. Suddenly, Magna just stopped in his tracks, causing Asta to bump into him roughly and you crash into Asta.

"Sorry Asta." You apologized to Asta as you attempted to dust him off.

"It's okay Lil. Don't worry about it." Asta said to you with a smile. Then he turned back to Magna.

"Geez give a guy some warning. What the-? Who is she?" Asta said to Magna as he looked ahead and noticed why he stopped. There was a girl with light lavender hair styled in long pigtails. She had purple eyes and was dressed elegantly, like a royal. Her clothes were actually almost exactly the same as yours, just a different color. You wondered if she got her clothes from the same chain of stores as you did.

"Well whaddaya know? It's your fellow rookie. She's our other new member this year." Magna said looking at you and Asta.

"Cool! Another newbie. Glad to know we're not alone. How's it going? I'm Asta from Hage Village. Let's give this all we've got. Whaddaya say?" Asta said, introducing himself to the girl. But instead of shaking his hand, she slapped it away.

"Don't speak to me so casually you little insect of a commoner with barely any mana." The girl said condescendingly.

"Little insect?" Asta said, seeming a little shocked.

"Geez, a commoner?" Magna said, seeming a little offending by the terminology she used.

"My name is Noelle Silva of the royal Silva House." Noelle introduced herself. Asta started freaking out, a bit shocked that there was a royal in front of him. You just sighed. After all, you were royalty back in the Spade Kingdom. Then he started groveling in front of her until he finally registered he was called a little insect.

"Wait who're you calling a little insect?! We joined the magic knights at the same time, didn't we? Who cares if you're royalty!" Asta said loudly.

"Yeah, that's right Asta you tell her! Being royal doesn't matter here!" Magna said just as loudly. You just kept your mouth shut.

"It does very much so." Noelle said in a very condescending tone.

"And what makes you so sure?!" Asta and Magna said in unison and Noelle sighed.

"Foolish commoners. I suppose words aren't enough to make you understand. The difference in our magic power should get the point across." Noelle said as she formed a large water ball.

"Don't forget your place again!" Noelle raised her voice and aimed the water ball at Asta and shot it at him. But at the last second, it turned at hit Magna. Noelle scoffed, but you could sense some dissatisfaction with the result in her expression. When Magna got back up, he started scolding Noelle about attacking a senior member of the Black Bulls. Then Noelle countered him by saying that he was already standing in the way of the water ball.

"What kind of crazy are you? I'm your superior here!" Magna said back.

"That's nice, but I'm royalty." Noelle used the royalty excuse again. To be honest, it was getting a little annoying to you.

"Well I don't care if you're royalty or the sister of the Silver Eagles Captain. Yami's the only person I know that would ever take on a crazy chick like you. So you might want to show some gratitude. I was holding off cuz you're a woman, but I think it's time for your baptism." Magna said aggressively. Then Noelle took her Black Bulls robe off and threw it on the ground.

"Don't bother! I quit this stupid squad!" Noelle said and stormed off. Magna picked up the robe and asked Noelle what the hell she was doing. She stopped and replied by saying that she was quitting before the filth of the Black Bulls had a chance of rubbing off on her and that it wasn't a place for a royal like her. As Noelle continued walking away, Magna went on a rant, telling her to apologize over and over again. Meanwhile, Asta stared at her in shock saying that he gave everything to get the robe while she threw it away like it was nothing. He just couldn't comprehend what happened at all.

~Time Skip~

You were in your room, tidying it up since you didn't have time to do it yesterday. Then through your window you noticed a huge ball of water suspended in the air by water tendrils that were wreaking havoc on the ground. You joined your fellow squad mates and outside to get a better look at it. Noelle was inside the giant water ball struggling. Captain Yami went through options on how to deal with the situation. First he turned to Finral and sarcastically asked if he could use his spacial magic to get Noelle out of the water sphere. Finral didn't quite get his sarcasm and said to be more reasonable.

"Man if there were only someone around here that could cancel out magic." The Captain said sarcastically as he nudged you with his elbow. Just then, Asta suddenly flew out of the woods into his hand soaking wet. He must have been flung by one of the water tendrils.

"Oh, you picked the right time to drop in, kid. You guys see that? Do something about it." Captain Yami said while pointing up at the giant water sphere. Asta agreed, but then questioned how he was going to get up there.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Suck it up newbies. Think deep and push past your limits!" Captain Yami said as he threw Asta then grabbed onto the back of your shirt and threw you too. As you two flew towards the giant water ball, Asta grabbed his sword and you grabbed your scythe from your grimoires. You both slashed through the water together. The three of you started falling fast towards the ground. You used your temporary newly acquired water magic to create a water slide for yourself to get down to the ground safely. You were about to use water magic to help Asta and Noelle too, but a portal formed beneath them before you got the chance. The three of you made it down safely.

"Yeah! I didn't die!" Asta practically yelled, all pumped up from the adrenaline. Then he walked over to Finral and thanked him for the portal.

"I was about to use water magic to save you and Noelle, but Finral used his spacial magic before I could." You said to Asta with disappointment laced within your voice. Asta approached you and suddenly kissed you on the lips. Your eyes widened in surprise.

"Thanks anyways Lil. It's the thought that counts." Asta said as you blushed from the kiss.

"You pulled it off kids. Good job!" Captain Yami praised you and Asta.

"Thank you!" You both said in unison.

"Hey Noelle." Asta said to get Noelle's attention. She seemed startled then looked down like she was dreading something.

"You know... You've got yourself some crazy magic power! I mean it's freaking amazing! Really! I'm totally jealous of you. I don't have any magic power, like none! All you need is some training to get it under control. You'll be strong, unstoppable!" Asta said, complimenting and encouraging Noelle just like he had done for you countless times. Noelle started to sit up.

"Little ins- A-Asta." She said quietly.

"Man I'm screwed. I'm gonna have to work extra hard if I'm gonna keep up with you." Asta said with a slightly troubled look on his face.

"What, is that all? You were running away because you couldn't control your magic power? You should've said something sooner you royal failure. I mean come on. This is the Black Bulls after all. We're a whole squad of failures! So maybe you got a weakness or three. That doesn't matter to us you big dummy." Magna put in some encouraging words of his own in his own style.

"You know you're not the only royal misfit here. I'm a royal with no magic power just like Asta here." You said to Noelle, swinging your arm around over Asta's shoulders.

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that. The fact that you're royalty." Asta said as you shook your head.

"Seriously Asta?" You said, looking at Asta.

"What? It's not my fault you blend in with us common folk so well, Lil." Asta said as you rolled your eyes.

"I'm just gonna take that as a compliment." You said as you laughed for a brief moment. The rest of the squad started talking to Noelle, accepting her as she was. Asta approached Noelle.

"Now come on! We'll do our best together!" Asta said, lending a hand out to Noelle. Her heart was touched to the point that there were tears in her eyes.

"I'm looking forward... to working with you." Noelle said as she took Asta's hand and he helped her up.