
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

XJustForFanFicsx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Don't Give Up Yet

It was now March and the firefly dandelion seeds were starting to rise into the air. Today was the day all fifteen-year-olds from around the area gathered at the local Grimoire Tower to attend a ceremony where they receive their grimoires. Nash was ten, Rekka was thirteen, Arlu was five, and Horo was three. Suddenly, the memory that had triggered "the dream" and was the source of the uneasiness you had been feeling over the past few months finally managed to resurface. It was the one from the Grinberryall castle library on August 27 a little more than five years ago, the very day you left the place you used to call home. As it replayed in your head, you saw your older sister looking down on you condescendingly, telling you that magic power wasn't attainable, you had to be born with it naturally. It wasn't the visual of your older sister that haunted you. If anything, remembering Solana's smug face just made you angry, giving you the urge to punch outward directly in front of you right where she was standing when the event actually happened. You restrained yourself from doing so because you knew there was no point since it was just a memory and you could really hurt someone. Thanks to all that training with Asta, your punches were no joke now. You had grown tremendously as a person with your new family. Because of all their love and support, you were able to push your dark past behind you and lock it away for the most part. You had almost managed to wipe this memory from your brain completely by forcing it deep into your subconsciousness. But now, you could see it more vividly than ever. The reason you wanted to forget this particular memory was because your sister's words were a wall or blockade that could possibly halt the progression towards your life goal.

'Damn... Why did that memory have to reappear right now? Talk about crappy timing! Meh, what does Solana know? She was born with magic power so it's not like she'd know if one develops magic or not upon receiving a grimoire.' You said mentally, reassuring yourself with a pout as you, Asta, Yuno, and the rest of your church foster family headed over to the Grimoire Tower together.

"Wow, this place is so cool! Just look at all these grimoires! Hey Lil, two of those grimoires are ours. Today is the day we will finally be able to use magic for the first time!" Asta said to you excitedly as you smiled in return.

"Yeah, it'd be nice to finally be able to get revenge on my family for treating me like crap all those years." You said, a devilish grin spreading across your face as you pictured your family cowering in fear as you approached them with your open grimoire, ready to cast a powerful spell at them. Yuno scowled at the thought of your/his family treating you so horribly. But he didn't want you to torture or kill them just to get back at them... unless it was out of self defense. He didn't want you stooping to their level. Asta chuckled nervously at your comment.

"Just don't overdo it, okay Lil?" Asta said jokingly. He understood why you wanted revenge, but he knew hurting them wasn't the answer.

"Nah, I'll only fight if they start something. Which, knowing them, it's eminent." You said as both Asta and Yuno sighed with relief. You briefly looked them and raised your eyebrow then turned your attention to the podium. Drouot, the Tower Master spoke and everyone else turned their attention to him as the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony began and grimoires started to float off the shelves into the hands of eager fifteen-year-olds. Everyone was busy admiring their grimoires and comparing theirs to other's until your twin brother, Yuno, received his grimoire. At that moment, everyone's eyes were on him.

"Look! Isn't that a four leaf clover grimoire like the one that was talked about in the legend? The one that belonged to the first Wizard King?" A girl nearby in the crowd pointed at Yuno's grimoire.

"Hmph! A legendary grimoire chose a lowly commoner? How ridiculous!" You heard guy say in a snobby manner. He must have been of a higher social class.

'That lowly commoner is actually the youngest son of the Grinberryall Household, the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. He's also my twin brother.' You thought to yourself with a smug, prideful smirk on your face.

"Hey uh... is my grimoire running late or something?" Asta asked while kneeling with his hands out, drawing everyone's attention from Yuno to him. It went silent for a brief moment then the entire tower erupted with mocking laughter.

"Oh dear, that kid didn't even get a grimoire. Poor fellow, his heart must be aching right now. I guess that's what happens when you can't use magic. I feel sorry for him." A guy said with fake sympathy. He must have been from Hage Village to know that Asta couldn't use magic. Come to think of it, your grimoire hadn't arrived either but you decided not to say anything about it to avoid getting laughed at. While Asta was being ridiculed, you suddenly had the flashback of Solana again and what she said to you five years ago regarding magic: 'It's something you're born with, not something you attain.'

"No, it's not true. It can't be!" You muttered quietly to yourself while hanging your head low in despair. Father, Sister Lily, and the other orphans just stood there to the side watching everything unfurl.

"Oh my, neither Asta nor Lily received grimoires." Sister Lily whispered to Father who sighed.

"Well it's a shame, but it can't be helped. Neither of them can use magic so it's basically a given. Now Yuno on the other hand is amazing! So of course he'd get the four leaf clover grimoire! He's the hope of our church! We're going to have a feast tonight to celebrate!" Father said then called you, Asta, and Yuno over so you could all go home together. After you all got back, you and Asta went off into the forest near the demon skull together. Both of you were very disappointed that neither one of you received a grimoire at the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony and needed time away from everyone else. You sat down at the base of the tree which Asta had climbed up and hung upside down from a large branch by one leg. He stayed there for a while thinking deeply about something with a frustrated look on his face.

"So you didn't get a grimoire either, huh Lil?" Asta asked you, still hanging upside down from the tree branch.

"No I didn't. I guess Solana was right after all." You said, shaking your head out of hopelessness. Asta tilted his head to the side with a puzzled expression.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asta asked you as he flung himself upward and landed on his feet on the tree branch.

"My sister told me that magic is something you're born with, not something you attain. She told me this the day I ran away from home. I was hoping she was wrong. But after what happened today, it seems like she really was right." You said, as you hung your head low. The hair on one side of your head hanging loose, the hair on the other half tucked behind your ear. Back in the day, you'd hide your entire face with your raven locks.

"Hey Lil, don't give up yet. We can still prove ourselves to everyone that anyone can become great! I'm not gonna let this stop me! I will become the Wizard King! And you shouldn't let it stop you from reaching your goal either!" Asta said, trying to encourage you. His sheer determination, optimism and encouragement made you smile faintly. This was one of the reasons you loved Asta. Just then, both of you heard screaming in the distance.

"What's going on? Sounds like someone's in trouble. It seemed like it was coming from where Yuno said he was going to be. I hope he's okay." You said as Asta nodded in agreement and immediately headed in the direction of the screams.

"Asta wait!" You shouted after Asta, but he didn't hear you. Sighing, you ran after him. You weren't quite as fast as Asta yet and he had gotten a head start so it was a little while before you caught up to him. When you arrived at the scene, two boys were chained to a stone brick wall. Yuno was held secure to the ground by identical chains. And Asta was pinned by the long-haired man's booted foot against the wall across from the one the two boys were bound to, looking quite beat up. The man was taunting Asta, saying that he was a loser because he couldn't use magic. His words seemed to be sinking into him because he was just sitting there with his head down with a discouraged look on his face. He had just told you not to give up a moment ago. Now it looked like he was about to give up. It really pained you to see him in this state. You were about to call out to Asta and tell him not to give up and remind him of his dream of becoming the Wizard King when your twin brother spoke up.

"Hey! Who are you calling a loser?! Asta, it's true that you aren't going to become the Wizard King, not ever." Yuno raised his voice, briefly drawing the man's attention to him.

'Really Yuno? That's not exactly something you say to someone down in the dumps from their dream of becoming the Wizard King being crushed.' You thought to yourself.

"You hear that? Even your little friend knows that it's impossible." The man said, turning back to Asta.

"That's because I'm going to become the Wizard King!" Yuno proclaimed as the man turned back towards him again with a puzzled look while you smiled.

'Now that's more like it. That should rev him up a bit.' You said inside your head. Knowing how competitive Asta was, you knew that would get him going.

"What?" The man said in disbelief.

"You're wrong about Asta, Revchi, very wrong. Asta's no loser, he's my rival!" Yuno shouted at the man who must have been Revchi. When Yuno said this, Asta seemed to perk up a bit.

'So you really did know what to say after all, huh Yuno.' You said mentally. Revchi began taunting Yuno for his choice of Asta as his rival. Just then Asta yelled at Revchi, demanding him to get off. He reached up and grabbed Revchi's ankle and tightened his grip, causing him to withdraw his foot and step back a few. Suddenly a worn out, dark brown almost black grimoire with a five leaf clover on the front of the cover appeared before Asta, surrounded by a menacing blood red aura.

"I knew it. Like you wouldn't be chosen Asta. There's no way." Yuno said with a satisfied smile on his face. Asta's grimoire flipped open and a large broad-bladed sword emerged from the pages and landed in front of Asta who grabbed it and prepared to attack.

"Even without traditional magic power, I will be the Wizard King! My magic is never giving up!" Asta yelled as he charged with incredible speed at Revchi and struck him using the flat side of the blade with such force, he flew backwards into the opposite wall. The impact of his landing created a crater with cracks branching out from the center. Upon Revchi being knocked unconscious, the chains subduing Yuno and the two boys disappeared. After the fight was over, Asta ran over to Yuno with his grimoire and showed it off.

"Well, you saved me yet again. I will repay my debt one day. Asta, we made a promise. Do you remember it?" Yuno said to Asta, taking a few steps towards the sunset. The flashback of them both claiming one another as each other's rivals ten years ago replayed through Asta's mind.

"I actually can't believe you remember. The way you've been acting lately, I was pretty sure you'd forgotten." Asta said, walking up to Yuno.

"Like I'd be friendly with someone I consider my rival... You showed me it was possible, gave me hope." Yuno responded. Asta then noticed you standing nearby and ran up to you waving his grimoire around.

"Look Lil! I finally got my grimoire!" Asta said excitedly with sparkles in his eyes.

"Congratulations Asta! That's wonderful news." You said as you patted him on the back, trying your best to smile. You really were happy for him, but the fact that you still didn't have a grimoire upset you. Asta seemed to notice your lack of enthusiasm.

"Aren't you happy for me, Lil?" He asked you.

"I am happy for you. It's just... I still haven't received my grimoire yet." You told him as tears started to well up in your eyes as you began to feel hopeless again, hanging your head. Asta wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace, making you blush.

"You'll get a grimoire soon. I mean, I got one and I have no magic power just like you! So there's no doubt you'll get one too! Just trust me on this, okay Lil?" Asta said as he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your shoulders and rubbing them comfortingly. Then he removed one hand and gently lifted your chin up and caressed your cheek with his thumb. Asta looked into your storm blue eyes with his lime green ones with a warm gentle smile, trying to reassure you and cheer you up. Nodding, you smiled back at Asta. Your blush becoming more apparent because his face was in fairly close proximity to yours. His eyes began roaming over your facial features.

'Wow, Lil is really pretty. I always thought she was, but now that I'm looking at her this close... damn. She's probably equivalent to Sister Lily, but I can't say for sure 'cause I haven't gotten this close to her. But man, I love how Lil's deep stormy blue orbs seem to swirl and glimmer in the light. It's so mesmerizing... like they hold secrets that I want to uncover, even if they're dark. Her skin is smooth and fair and has a lightly sun-kissed complexion. It almost glows. And it's really cute when she blushes like this. The way the deep pink hue dusts her cheeks and ears is adorable. Her lips are soft and thin. But they aren't too thin, they're just right. And the way they're slightly parted right now... so tempting... I want to...' Asta thought to himself as he studied your face like a master jeweler appraising a rare gemstone. He didn't realize it, but he was slowly leaning in with his eyes half-lidded. The space between your faces was thinning, your lips inches from touching.

'He's so close and he's getting even closer! Is he gonna kiss me? What should I do?!' You asked mentally as you felt your face heat up even more. You two were so focused on each other, you guys forgot Yuno was still there. That is... until he placed a hand on your shoulder and the other on Asta's shoulder. Startled, you both jumped as Yuno chuckled lightly.

"Okay you love birds. Are you done staring into each other's eyes now?" Yuno asked teasingly with a bit of a smirk as he playfully shook yours and Asta's shoulders.

"Wh-wh-what do you mean by that, Yuno?! Asta was just trying to make me feel better!" You stuttered, raising your voice getting all flustered. Your face was now a bright red hue.

"Y-yeah! I was just giving Lil some words of encouragement, that's all!" Asta said frantically, his face just as red as yours. You rapidly nodded your head to confirm Asta's words as Yuno chuckled.

"Riiight, sure you two." Yuno's golden eyes went from Asta to you. Then he subtly winked at you which only made you blush even more.

"Anyways Lily, you will receive a grimoire. The four leaf clover grimoire chose me and you are my precious twin sister, we're related by blood. Not to mention, if non-magical Asta here was chosen by a grimoire, you definitely will." Yuno said with a soft smile. He gently patted you on the back.

"Hey!" Asta yelled as he pouted, a veined popping up on his forehead. There was a hint of jealousy in his facial expression. You giggled at Asta's reaction to the comical way Yuno just referred to him.

"Thanks you two. Your words made me feel a lot better and more hopeful. What would I ever do without you guys?" You thanked Asta and Yuno as you wrapped your arms around their waists and pulled them both even closer. You held onto Asta crushingly tight because he could handle it, plus... he was your crush. Asta and Yuno each draped an arm over one of your shoulders and smiled at you warmly. Then they both did something that you didn't expect: they leaned in and kissed you. Yuno left one on the top of your head and Asta gave you one on your right cheek. Even though it wasn't on the lips, just Asta kissing you was enough to make you blush.

"So you are into Lil, Yuno!" Asta said as he gave him a jealous I-knew-it look.

"No, I only love Lily as a sibling. She's my twin sister. I'm not interested in dating her. Stop being ridiculous." Yuno said with a dull blank look on his face.

"Ha! You said you love Lily." Asta practically shouted as he pointed fingers at Yuno who sighed.

"Yeah, as a SISTER. Were you actually listening or were you just hearing what you wanted to hear so you could argue with me?" Yuno said, becoming frustrated with Asta. The two males began bickering with each other. Asta being the one speaking the majority of the argument, taunting your twin brother about his "love" for you like a little kid. Yuno spoke up every now and then out of annoyance of his boisterous and childish rival. You couldn't help but giggle at their ridiculous and amusing back and forth interaction, but it eventually got old.

"As fun as it is watching you guys argue over something so silly, it's getting kind of late. The sun has almost set already. We should get back to the church now and get ready for bed. It's been a long day today." You interrupted Asta and Yuno as they immediately stopped arguing. Both of them nodded in agreement before walking back to the church together. When you guys got home, it was dark and all the kids were already asleep. The three of you got ready for bed then crawled into your designated futons and went to sleep. Asta and Yuno both drifted off into dreamland pretty much right away. You... well, you tried to, but the dreaded thought that you might not get a grimoire still haunted you and kept you awake. But then you remembered Asta's and Yuno's words:

'You'll get a grimoire soon. I mean, I got one and I have no magic power just like you! So there's no doubt you'll get one too! Just trust me on this, okay Lil?'

'You will receive a grimoire. The four leaf clover grimoire chose me and you are my precious twin sister, we're related by blood. Not to mention, if non-magical Asta here was chosen by a grimoire, you definitely will.'

Upon remembering what they said, you felt more at ease. You kept replaying their words in your head, pushing any bad thoughts regarding a slim chance of receiving a grimoire further into the back of your mind. Eventually, you were able to fall asleep.