
No! I'm Not a God! No! Not Saint Either!

I only try my best to make sure my territory flourishes. I only try my best to ensure the people under me are happy. I only tried my best to make sure the monsters attacking did not hurt the people under me. I only try my best to be the best lord for my people. Why are you guys worshiping me as if I am a God or a Saint? I'm neither of them. I am just a man who wants to do his best for my people and my peaceful future.

Ryusenka · วิดีโอเกม
4 Chs

Chapter 3

I look at the massive library and look at Handerson before saying.

"Where can I find fighting techniques in this place?"

The butler bows a little and says.

"You should be able to find those on the library's second floor, my lord. That is where the previous lords of this place stored their private books."

"Thank you, Handerson."

I walk to the second floor and look around. There are too many books in this place. I guess it is understandable. This world is still in the stage of not having a printing press, and the only way to write books is by hand.

They can write using magic, but magic itself is rare, even though every living being in this world has mana inside their body. Mage are the people who can release their mana out of their body. Mage is uncommon because it only appears once for every ten thousand people born.

That is how rare a mage is. Now, can you imagine how rare a healer is? Someone who is born for control of mana and needs to learn how to use it to cast a healing spell. Rare plus rare equals super rare.

The only way to skip these steps is if they devote their life as a priest to certain gods or goddesses that let them cast a healing spell without the ability to control their mana outside their body.

I shake my head and look at the row upon row of books in front of me. I carefully read the titles one by one and find the books I need.

"Water Dragon Sword Style: Volume 1. Interesting. Let's see what kind of thing I can learn from this book."


I follow the instructions in the book and let my body be as fluid as possible. I look at the dummy in front of me and dash forward.

"Water Dragon First Form: Serpentine Slash"

I do a downward slice and then quickly do an upward slice. The first form of the Water Dragon Sword technique is to attack the enemy after dashing forward to catch them off guard, just like a snake hunting its prey.

"Water Dragon Second Form: Dragon Maw"

After making the first move, I twist my body and swing the sword at the dummy's neck. I use the mana inside of me and circulate it through my body as if it were blood. It enchants my body and lets me break my body's limit.

The impact is strong enough to destroy the wooden dummy and my wooden sword. I look at my hand with a smile on my face. I finally managed to do it.

It took me a week to comprehend what was inside the book. Not only battle technique, but the book also teaches me how to circulate mana inside my body the correct way. It also introduces me to how to breathe correctly so I can keep fighting in a long fight.

In the past week, Captain Charles also watched over my training. He ordered me to run around the training ground, carrying five sacks of sand around the training ground, and have a spar with him.

Because of this, I have grown quite a bit over the past week. I am still not strong, but I can be considered an apprentice knight. After a couple of months of intense training, I can consider myself a knight.

However, it is enough for me. I release a sigh and walk back to the mansion, where I can see the maid already waiting for me with a towel.

"Thank you."

"It is my pleasure, my lord."

I wipe all the sweat and say.

"Prepare some bath for me, will you? Also, I want to go to bed early because I want to wake up early."

"Of course, my lord. Shall I wake you up early?"

"Sure. When you are ready to do your duty, wake me up."

"Of course, my lord. I shall do that."


I stand up in the middle of the room, with only the moonlight shining over my room. I take a deep breath and check over my inventory. I can feel my sword, knife, ten kilos worth of gold ingot, food supply that will last me for three days, and bow and arrows.

I take another deep breath and mentally activate my power [World Hopping]. A second later, I can see a blue portal appear in front of me. I release a huge breath and step inside the portal. I blink a little when I see the other side of the portal is a massive grassland with a forest to my right and a massive river to my left.

|Welcome to Suikoden World!|

What? No introduction other than that? Which timeline is this? Which country is this? Which territory do I arrive in? I need to know.

Seeing there is no blue panel arriving in front of me, I sigh and decide to go to the massive city in the distance. I will know what kind of world this place is when I reach that place. I sigh, take out my sword, and put it on my belt. I nod and start walking to the city.

It takes me fifteen minutes to reach the massive city. I look up and see the massive wall of the city, protecting the city from the invaders. I think the wall is at least seven meters tall and only has strong magic or some kind of magical tech that can destroy it.

I shake my head and walk toward the guard in front of the city gate.

"Welcome to Rainwall, stranger! What can I do for you!"

Rainwall. I know that name. It is a city in Suikoden 5, and that means I am now in the Queendom of Falena. The only thing I need to know is the timeline.

"Greetings, sir. Can I ask if this city has a Rune Shop?"

"Of course! You are from Estrise, aren't you? You must be a foreigner. As for your question, we do have a Rune Shop. Just follow this road, and just before you reach the plaza, you will not miss it, and the building should be to your right. Also, why do you come to Rainwall for a rune shop? There should be one in Estrise, no?"

I smile at him and say.

"They did not have the rune I wanted, and I hear Rainwall is the second biggest city in the entire country, just behind the capital."

"Hahahaha! Of course, Rainwall is bigger and more grand than Stormfist! I hope that Lord Barrow wins the Sacred Games to show Godwin who is the boss."

Sacred Games! Another name that I know. However, I need to make sure which Sacred Games is this.

"Sacred Games? What is that?"

"Huh? Are you not coming here to watch the Sacred Games?"

"No. I come here to see the world before I perform my duty back home."

"Ah, adventurer. I respect that. Anyway, Sacred Games is a tournament to see who will be the one marrying our future queen and get the position of Lord Commander of the Queen's Knight! The winner of this game will marry the Crown Princess, Lymsleia Falena."

Ah, I arrived just before the bloody Civil War. Great.