
No! I'm Not a God! No! Not Saint Either!

I only try my best to make sure my territory flourishes. I only try my best to ensure the people under me are happy. I only tried my best to make sure the monsters attacking did not hurt the people under me. I only try my best to be the best lord for my people. Why are you guys worshiping me as if I am a God or a Saint? I'm neither of them. I am just a man who wants to do his best for my people and my peaceful future.

Ryusenka · วิดีโอเกม
4 Chs

Chapter 2

|Congratulations on reaching your Age of Maturity! You get [World Jumping] skills as a reward!|

What the fuck is this? Can you explain this to me?

|[World Jumping] is a skill that lets the user jump between worlds that he has already seen or read. Each world will be randomized every month, and you can store them for a revisit. However, it can only store three worlds, so choose wisely. As a bonus, we are giving you an [Inventory] as an apology for our lateness. Always remember to have fun and have a fulfilling life in this world, Marcus.|

Right. How about my [Inventory]? Will it be a pocket dimension or will it appear as an inventory in the game?

Instead of answering me, the purple panel in front of me shines, and suddenly, a rush of knowledge gets inside of me.

Right. My first power is to visit another world for three months at that time because my current world will be slowed down to the point that one hour is equal to one month in that world. After visiting that world, I can store them inside some sort of storage that lets me visit that world indefinitely.

However, just like the previous panel says, I can only store three worlds, and if I want to replace that world, I need to erase the previous one.

As for the world, I visit… It is random. What I mean is that the place where I will appear and the timeline of where I appear will be random. For example, if I get a Warhammer 40k world, I will not know which timeline I will get. I can get the time of the Great Crusade or the time when the Horus Heresy is happening.

Anyway, that is the worst example because if I get Warhammer 40k, I will not visit that place. It is too high risk to visit.

As for my second power, it is a pocket dimension. It is eight meters in height, five meters in width, and twelve meters in length. That is a lot of space for me to use. Not only that, but this power also has the ability to auto-sort anything to maximize the space. I also get knowledge of anything that goes inside my inventory. I can summon them outside with a thought, but I cannot summon them more than one meter away from me.

I can use this. I can make sure my territory prospers using this ability! I quickly use my ability, and I can feel some kind of roulette wheel appear inside my mind. I spin for a few seconds before stopping into a familiar world.

"Suikoden world, huh?"

It is bad and good at the same time. How is it good? I can get something that can help me heal the people of this city without needing to hire a healer. However, there is a problem with this world. This world is in constant war, and I don't know how to get the local currency to buy something I need.

I can take some of the gold bars from my father as my starting capital for my new adventure in another world. I will visit that world tonight. For now, I need to clean my body and prepare for my visit.

I look out of the window of my home and hope that the first world will be easy enough for me to do.

==| Tomorrow Morning |==

Before I go to another world, I need to train my body first. While I keep my sword training while I'm still the son of a Duke, I put my effort into the Administrative side rather than the Martial side. So I stand in the middle of the training ground, waiting for the captain of the City Guard.

The knights in this city are divided into two. The first one is the Wall Guard. They are the ones defending the massive wall that prevents monsters from going through. The second one is the City Guard. They are the people who are working directly under me. They are my private army.

Anyway, I already asked Handerson to tell the Guard Captain to come here and teach me some swordsmanship. I already know some basics, but I need more.

After waiting for another few minutes, I can see Handerson arrive at the training ground with a man with red hair. He is tall, maybe more than two meters tall, and built like a tank. His body is full of muscle, and I know that they are not just for show by the look of the scar on his body.

"My lord, I have brought Charles, the Captain of the City Guard."

I nod and look at Charles.

"Thank you for coming here, Charles. Handerson should already have told you about my request, right?"

"That is right, my lord. You want me to teach you how to use a sword, right?"

"Yup. Can you do it?"

"I can do it. However, can I ask a question first?"

"Ask away."


"I beg your pardon?"

"Why? Why are you doing this? As a lord, you did not need to risk your life, right? You can watch from a distance and not risk being hurt by the monster."

I nod my head and look him right in the eyes.

"That might be true, but I did not like that kind of thing. As a lord, I need to command from the frontline and not from the back. I will be the head of you, and you shall be my body. As a head, I shall be the one leading you and make sure to get a victory. However, to be the lord I envision, I need to get stronger. I need to be stronger so I can be the pillar that people can lean on."

I take a deep breath after finishing my little speech.

"Will that satisfy you, Captain Charles?"

He smirks at me and says.

"That is a perfect answer, my lord. However, I must warn you that I am a harsh teacher."

"Bring it on. I prefer to sweat now and not bleed later."

I can hear him laugh and say.

"Very well! Let's start the training! Run around the training ground ten times, and then we will go through a basic sword movement before going into a small sparring."

He looks at me with a small smirk and says.

"How is it? Have a second thought?"

I give a large grin and say.

"Bring it on."


|3rd POV|

Charles looks at the young man in front of him with a grin on his face. He blocks the incoming attack easily and parries it to make his opponent lose his balance. He takes this chance to dash forward and tackles his opponent to the ground before putting his training sword on his shoulder.

"You lose, my lord."

The young man sighs and says.

"Yeah. You win, Charles."

Charles laughs and helps the young lord get up from the ground.

"You're doing great, my lord. You're above the greenhorn who joins the City Guard. The only problem you have is your strength and stamina. Increase that, and you're solid. As for your swordsmanship… I'm sorry to say this, my lord, but your current sword style won't work for you."

Marcus looks at Charles with interest and says.

"Tell me what's in your mind, Charles. I won't punish you for giving your opinion."

"Very well. Your current sword style requires you to have a body like mine. It's a counter-attack sword style that takes an enemy attack head-on and does a counter after blocking or parrying their attack."

"I see. Do you have a solution for this problem?"

"I do! The previous lord of this place had a sword style called the Water Dragon Sword Technique. Please ask your butler to take you to the Lord Library to let you search for this technique."

Marcus nods his head and gets up from the ground.

"Then I will search for this technique right away. Will you come here just like today?"

"Hmmm, I still need to train the boys, my lord. How about this? I will come here after I am done training the boys. It should be a few hours, two hours at a minimum, before lunch."

"That is perfect. See you tomorrow, Charles."

"Of course, my lord."

Charles smiles a little at the sight of the Young Lord walking away from the training ground. He is glad that the new lord of this place is someone he is pleased to serve. Eagletown is his hometown, and he does not want an incompetent lord to ruin the already suffering city.

He does not know if the new lord can restore Eagletown to its former glory, but he knows that the current lord can at least prevent it from becoming worse than it already is.

"All this training makes me want to increase the boys' training more than usual."

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