

please refer to GONL

Young_Master_Jay · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs



Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Title: None

Health: 100%

Mana: 20

Strength: 5

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)

Looking at his stats, Rainier was surprised when he saw his intelligence.

His mana has the greatest number. However, that is no surprise since he is absorbing mana since he was an infant.

As for the strength, it indirectly increases whenever he absorbs mana.

"Max intelligence, does that mean that I am a genius?" Rainier asked.

"No, that means that your soul is very strong," the small dragon retorted.

Rainier found out that only he can see the serpent.

Furthermore, the serpent is not actually a serpent but a juvenile dragon.

Now, the question is why is there a dragon clinging to his soul? Unfortunately, even the dragon himself did not know. Or rather, the dragon, did not like to tell.

But one thing is for sure, the dragon and Rainier are one.

Meanwhile, if the dragon wills, he could manifest in the real world. However, that will consume Rainier's mana.

Of course, Rainier did not want that. After all, his mana is too meager. Furthermore, he could not see the benefits of allowing the dragon to manifest.

"What benefit do I have in having a strong soul?" Rainier asked.

"Simple, kid. Your comprehension will be terrifying and your senses are sharp… unfortunately, you cannot unleash the true power of your soul. It was restricted by your body."

Rainier smiled as he heard it.

"Then, what benefit do I get for having you?"

The small white serpent almost fell when he heard it.

"Fuck, having me is the best thing that you could have."

"Really? Why can't I see it?" Rainier mumbled in response.

"Fuck, without me, you will not have the system….'

The small white serpent shouted.

"… Just you wait. I will show you the true power of the system."

"Never mind."

Rainier then stood and went to the bathroom. Of course, the small white serpent also followed.

Although Rainier had expected this, he is still disappointed.

"Can't you at least leave me alone when I'm in the bathroom?"

However, to his disappointment, the small dragon did not disappear. Instead, Rainier could feel that it is even smiling as if he was teasing Rainier.


Rainier took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and no longer bothered about the small white dragon.

However, his sharp senses did not let him be.

Although his eyes are closed, he could tell that the small dragon is staring at him the way a cat stares at you while you're eating.

It is very annoying.

"Fuck, could you stop staring at me?" Rainier said while his eyes are closed.

"Did you see me staring at you?" the small dragon said.

Rainier was speechless.

However, the small dragon is right. Rainier did not see the small white dragon staring at him.

"Say, what should I call you?" Rainier asked after becoming silent for a while.

"Hmm, let's see. What name is suitable for me?"

With that, the small white dragon went silent.

"This earthworm is indeed thinking of a good name," Rainier thought to himself. "Well, this is better. I don't need to deal with him."

Rainier had a good time bathing.

Although he can still see the small white dragon, he was no longer bothered by it.

After a few minutes, Rainier put on a set of clothes as he had finished talking.

However, the small white dragon is still silent. Rainier even doubted if the dragon is already dormant or asleep.

If he did not see the tail moving that is already the case.

"Rainier, are you done yet? Come down now," Vivian called.

Breakfast ready. Time to go.

Without further ado, Rainier went out of his room and headed downstairs.

Although his grandfather had a significant role in the kingdom of St. Ellies, his grandfather preferred to be low-key.

"Good morning! Happy birthday to me."

Rainier announced his arrival.

"Happy birthday, Rainier," Vivian greeted.

His grandfather did not say anything and was still observing him.

His eyes roamed up and down Rainier's body.

"You look good, son. Is that the clothes that I give you?"

Rainier is wearing fine clothes that his grandfather gave him to wear on this day.


"You finally look like a man. Hahaha!"

Rainier almost fell when he heard his grandfather.

What the heck is with this old man. Did he see me as a goat?

"Come, eat your fill," Vivian served Rainier's plate.


Rainier's eyes twinkled as he saw the food.

"Today's indeed special."

On Rainier's plate, there is a piece of meat. However, Rainier's sharp senses told him that this meat is not ordinary.

"Hahaha, this is your birthday, after all."

Jack and Vivian are already accustomed to Rainier's sharp senses.

At first, they were stunned, but considering that Rainier absorbed plenty of mana from mana crystals, it is only normal. Or at least, they thought.

"Thank you for the food~"

After saying that, Rainier began digging in.

This food is really good.

"Kid, what are you eating?"

At this moment, the small dragon who was in his deep thought was suddenly perplexed when Rainier ate.

However, Rainier did not reply.

Well, if he did, Vivian and Jack might mistake him for crazy.

"Is that what I think it is?"

Still, Rainier did not reply.

"Shit look."

At this moment, the small dragon summoned Rainier's stats screen.

Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Title: None

Mana: 21/21

Strength: 9/9

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)


Rainier was stunned and accidentally swallowed the food that he is yet to completely chew.

Cough! Cough!

"Are you okay?" Vivian asked while his grandfather laughed.

"Slow down. Starting from now, we will be eating that every day."

Unfortunately, Rainier was not focused on what Jack said.

He was staring at his status screen while drinking a glass of water.

What the hell is this? Why is there a significant increase in mana and strength?

"If I am not mistaken, that is a meat of a fourth-grade beast."

"Fourth-grade beast?" This time, Rainier could no longer take it. He asked in surprise.


The two adults coughed when they heard Rainier.

They then stared at him and asked.

"How did you know?" Jack asked his grandson.

Hearing it, Rainier did not know how to answer.

"Um… well, I guessed it? Yes, I guessed it!"

That was a lame answer. However, the two adults did not expose him.

Of course, they would not believe that.

But looking back, how could a seven years old kid know? Guessed? Probably. However, Rainer had done many miracles now.

Meanwhile, Rainier knew that the two of them did not buy it. But he did not care.

He filled his mouth with the meat of a fourth-grade beast.

It was as if he was a crazed beast.

Meanwhile, the two adults could only cope-up with the speed that Rainier ate. Otherwise, the little kid would eat it all and leave nothing for them.

"That's fine food."

After a while, Rainier finished his fill. But he is still eying at the meat on the two adults' plates.

Unfortunately, I could not get it.

Rainier thought regretfully.

"Stingy!" he yelled as he stood.

This made the two look at him in contempt.

"You ate almost half, yet you still complain?" Jack yelled and pretended to stand.

This made Rainier run.

He is afraid that Jack might catch up to him and smack his bum.

After making sure that no one is following him, Rainier spoke.


Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Title: None

Mana: 30/30

Strength: 15/15

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)

The mana increased by ten units with one meal. At the same time, his strength almost doubled.

That is only after one meal.

"If I eat that meal over and over, I will become the most powerful in no time."

"Shit! That's on OP!"

Unfortunately, the dragon made him lose all hope.

"That's only for the first time. I doubt there will be a significant increase in your next meal."

"What? How could that be?"

"Hahaha, if strength could be gained that easily, the experts would have been as many as the sand."

Rainier is speechless.

However, that is indeed correct.

Strength does not come that easily.

You need to work hard for it.

"Never mind, then. Tell me your name, now."

Of course, Rainier still has not forgotten that the small dragon did not have a name.

"Well… could you… could you give me more time?"

What a pain in the ass. This earthworm still has not thought of a name.

Rainier smacked his forehead.

"In that case, I will give you a name."

"Hehe, really. I know you're kind, kid."

The small dragon was delighted.

He looked at Rainier expectantly.

"Ok, I have thought of a great name."

This further delighted the small dragon.

"Will it sound like I am an emperor? Or the Lord of the skies?"

"Hehe, yes. You will have an overbearing name."

"Ok, tell me."

Rainier smiled mischievously.

"For the first word, Earth."


"Yes, Earth."

"Could it be, Earth King or Earth God? I don't get it. My affinity is lightning!" the small dragon was confused why would the first word be 'Earth'.

"For the second word… hehe!"

This time, the small dragon had a bad premonition.


"Worm? What the heck!"


"How dare you play me as a fool?!"