
Nirvana Continent

"I will be always by your side. Whenever you will look back you will see me waiting for you, supporting you. " "My relationship with you was because of my motives. The motive is over and so is the relationship. " "We were never destined to be together, please leave. " "As I said, I will be their for you even before, now and will be forever. I will deal with whoever dares to make us apart! ". Ajax-a cursed teenager who can access all five elements and can make oneself immortal is eyed by evil eyes and these evil eyes make sure no one comes in their way to power of elements. Ajax is joined by his friends and his love-Amelia who help him in his journey. Wanna see Ajax's fate? How will he survive by the evil eyes? Can he walk on the path of being immortal successfully or evil will conquer his soul?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 6

There was only smoke surrounding ajax and Zane when they arrived in village. No one was found. Not a single person. Tears welled up in his eyes, Ajax quickly ran towards his house as fear grew in his mind. But to his utter dismay his house was burnt and no sign of his parents.

"MOM, DAD where are you?? shouted Ajax tears falling and lips trembling in fear , he knelt down and was unable to think of what to do next? Zabe was running into every house to find someone. Ajax being scared asked," Mom, dad please don't play this is a very very bad joke if you are doing something. Please come out, please".

There was no bloodshed, no traces of fight, only burnt houses left. No hint or clue as to what happened. Ajax was unable to figure out, his mind was all blurred out. He couldn't understand what was going , he just wanted his parents and village's people back. He screamed at the top of his lungs, " Mom, dad where did you go? What happened? Please God, give me one clue as to what happened please, " Ajax started crying and was totally scared. Zane came near him to console him as he knew Ajax was not a big boy to handle this situation and was very sensitive. Ajax suddenly got up and started searching in hope to find something here and there.

Suddenly they heard noise of tingling. Zane caught Ajax by his clothes and dragged him into a nearby house in case there was some danger coming. Five people came and black smoke followed them.. They gave negative type of environment for Ajax and Zane. Their faces were invisible, only black smoke came from where their is supposed to be  a face. They did not had anything specific on them so as to symbolize where they came from. Just a round shape, metal like something hanging on their waists. "Mumma", Ajax whispered in astonishment. The 5 people had chained adeline. She was badly hurt. There were many scratches and cuts on her body as if she fought a fierce battle. Ajax was ready to run but zane caught him and signalled not to go and Ajax understood that he was not powerful enough to fight against those people as they were not defeated by his mother. Adeline and Andrews were very powerful yet very humble. Both were strongest in the village. Many times Ajax fought with them so as to check his improvement, but he did not last even for more than 1 minute.

So Ajax kept quite and planned to free his mom when the 5 people are not around. But there was only his mom, where are  the others? Where is his dad? Why is he not with mom? Many questions were circling around Ajax's mind. He was confused, scared and worried.

The 5 black men tied adeline to a tree and started threatening, persuading to tell her where 'HE' was?

" Who is the one they want zane? "Ajax asked worriedly with a questioning face. Who is that person due to which they caused so much destruction to our village? What on the earth do they want!!? , Ajax asked one after the other and his eyes clearly reflected pain and anger. Zane kept listening and looking worried for his his young master, from the questions Ajax was asking, from what will happen to adeline and from what will future hold for them....