
Nirvana Continent

"I will be always by your side. Whenever you will look back you will see me waiting for you, supporting you. " "My relationship with you was because of my motives. The motive is over and so is the relationship. " "We were never destined to be together, please leave. " "As I said, I will be their for you even before, now and will be forever. I will deal with whoever dares to make us apart! ". Ajax-a cursed teenager who can access all five elements and can make oneself immortal is eyed by evil eyes and these evil eyes make sure no one comes in their way to power of elements. Ajax is joined by his friends and his love-Amelia who help him in his journey. Wanna see Ajax's fate? How will he survive by the evil eyes? Can he walk on the path of being immortal successfully or evil will conquer his soul?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 10

" My whole village was destroyed by some people whom I didn't know. Then after that, I moved here the bag consisted of a book that my mom gave me. That's all for me," said Ajax looking down at his finished plate.

"Okay then what about your spirit animal, huh we haven't talked on that topic, will you please show me your spirit partner? Asked Xander curiously.

" Ahh... About that I-i don't have one.. Said Ajax still eyes on the ground.

"You-you don't have one how is that possible? Uhhh okay . . This is enough... Why are you....

" Is something burning, did you put something in the oven, said Ajax interrupting what Xander was saying.

Oh no, the pineapple cake!!

Xander ran off like the wind towards the kitchen. Ajax relaxed and took deep breaths which he did not know he was holding.

Telling a lie felt bad for the person who revealed everything about himself but he can't. What if his spirit animal attracts attention and somehow bad people find him? No Ajax can't break a promise to his mother. He will first have to become strong enough to take care of himself. But the question comes HOW?

"Ahh... Sorry about how I left in the middle. But first here is the cake. It is not burnt thanks to you. Now let's eat, said Xander cutting the cake and giving it to Ajax.

" I was born without a spirit animal. But I need to get strong to protect myself. Can you help me? Asked Ajax eyes on the ground at his feet.

"Hmm, it's weird. You are the first person I met who does not have a spirit. But yeah maybe I can help you with different techniques. But that is for later. Now let's finish this last piece and head toward the kitchen. I will explain to you how to work and how to serve the customers, okay? Said Xander smiling and thinking about something.

Was it that necessary to hide, I even helped him, what is this boy's secret? He is hiding something big from me. Let's see if trust can bring down his walls and reveal everything to me. Thought Xander.

After eating, Xander explained to Ajax the whole work in the bakery. Under the guidance of Xander Ajax started making cupcakes and milkshakes. He proved to be a good baker. The customers came and Ajax served them diligently and was happy with the perfectly baked cake, doughnuts that he made. At 9 pm they closed the bakery and Xander was calculating the amount they earned today.

"Here, take this, " Said Xander while giving some amount of money to Ajax.

"But today was my first day and I did not serve these many customers to get this money, said Ajax confused.

" Yes, you did not but for a first-day worker, you did a very good job so I am giving it to you. Tomorrow is Monday, we don't have many customers on working days so we will go shopping. We need to buy you some clothes. You can't wear my clothes they are too tall for my little kitten, right? Said Xander teasing happily.

"Stop calling me a kitten. I don't look like one and if you give me a name then I will also call you... Call you.. A dog. So don't call me that," Said Ajax pouting cutely upon which Xander just laughed and ruffled Ajax's hair messing them up and making him look cuter.

After cleaning everything they both went upstairs to the bedroom. They cleaned up and wear night suits and lay down. The bed was big enough for both the boys to lie down.

"Xander.... Umm, we just met so can I call you Xander... Some incidents of the past few days don't let me trust anyone that easily... So...

" Yeah, it's okay with me, besides I also don't trust you either. What if you burn down my bakery and then beat me up badly and break my bones? Said Xander while suppressing a smile.

"Break your bones, really your joke is very bad. I can't fight with you even for a minute. I have seen your skills that night, and I can't burn a bakery you have an all-timer set for every machine in your kitchen, so that's not an option", said Ajax pouting angrily at the remark.

" Okay, okay my little kitten I agree with you for now, sleep you must be tired," said Xander while patting his hair.

"I AM NOT A KITTEN", Mr. Dog... Hehehe said Ajax while turning to the opposite side showing his back to Xander.

" Okay, now don't be fussy like a pussy and sleep well, saying that Xander also turned opposite to sleep.

Ajax was about to say something but instead smiled and said, "You too sleep well.

The next day Xander woke up at 5 rather than at 6 because he had cleaned the bakery and made breakfast early so that afterward he can take Ajax shopping. He made some sandwiches with orange juice and a chocolate tart as a dessert. As it was early in the morning there were only a few customers who were night workers and came to refresh themselves. So Xander had plenty of time to make other things needed in the bakery for customers. When he was about to wake Ajax up he saw the boy coming down with wet hair and a plain white shirt which was again too big for him and blue denim to match.

"Good morning, sorry for waking up late. I will wake up early tomorrow. Said Ajax lowering his head feeling guilty that he failed on his first day of work.

" Aww, my cute kitten is guilty. But I already told you yesterday that you don't need to get up and start your work tomorrow. I considered you as my little brother as I am 20 years so..... Yeah, I know how much you have gone through so for a few days just help me with my work. You can officially start work after 4 days. So don't worry and don't feel guilty", said Xander while mixing the batter for making a chocolate tart for breakfast.

"Thank you very much, Xan-Xander. And I won't cause any trouble for you. But I think I precisely told you that I don't prefer nicknames. When will you stop calling me kitten, said Ajax helping to arrange the plates on the table. There were no customers as of now so they decided to eat breakfast.

" Never, I will always call you kitten, my cute kitten, so just get used to it, said Xander with a teasing smile on his face.

"Wow, you make delicious food just like my mom, it is very tasty, " Said Ajax smiling but suddenly his smile vanished when he uttered the word MOM.

Ajax stopped eating and the whole scenario played in his mind like a movie. Tears welled up and my throat became dry. He wanted to shout, wail but he needed to control himself and stay strong in first of Xander. He can't show his vulnerable side to anyone.

All of a sudden Xander came and hugged Ajax from the back while Ajax was still sitting on his chair and Xander bent and hugged him from the back.

"You can cry, crying doesn't make one weak. It shows how much you have suffered and fought with it.... And besides, I can't see your face so just let it out. I won't judge you", said Xander in a very low and calming voice.

That was the last limit and it became the push button for Ajax to let all of it out. He needed someone's comfort and that came from Xander. Without saying much about himself, Xander was understanding Ajax's emotions and feelings better. Ajax stood up and suddenly hugged Xander tightly. Xander also returned the hug making circles on his back calming and comforting him.

After good 15 minutes Ajax calmed down and then they both went back to finish their breakfast.

After that neither Xander talked about Ajax's outburst nor Ajax himself dared to do so.

Then they closed the bakery and went to a shopping mall. There Xander himself initiated to buy clothes and shoes and other things as Ajax showed hesitance to buy. So for this time, Xander thought that he will buy everything according to his choice, once Ajax feels more comfortable with him then he will himself buy. For now, Ajax following Xander like a puppy is endeared by Xander himself.

After shopping, they stopped by a cafe nearby and ordered ice creams as it was a very hot day.

"You-you used some kind of special powers on the night you saved me, right? What was it? Asked Ajax Curiosity.

" You don't know about that? Asked Xander with a shocked expression.

"No.... Is it common that I should know about that? I thought only you possessed those powers that is why I was asking quietly to you ", said Ajax confused.

" Ahh.... You are not over the age of eighteen. So you don't know about it, right? Asked Xander.

"I am not understanding a thing that you are speaking, " Said Ajax while finishing the last spoon of his ice cream.

"Oh sorry I will explain everything but..... Not here let's go somewhere else, said Xander quickly finishing his ice cream.

As they both finished their dessert Xander quickly pulled Ajax and he sprinted outside with Ajax being pulled by him. After a long run of about 20 minutes, Ajax stopped Xander by pulling him to stop.

"Hey what is... What is the..

rush all about? Asked Ajax panting heavily and trying to catch his breath.

" Oh come on we are almost there now get up quick, "said Xander while excitedly making small jumps.

" Okay come on don't jump like an excited puppy. I almost imagined a tail wagging behind you with your ears all alert and excited, "said Ajax while chuckling a bit when he imagined Xander.

Xander first pouted but he also giggled after imagining himself with a cute tail swaying in excitement. Then they both again started running off to a place. Upon reaching Ajax saw a big building and there was written -GAELIC PALACE. Many people were going and coming. But the weird thing that Ajax observed was that some people which came out of the building were injured. What is going on inside the building?

"This is Gaelic palace it means 'Born of fire'. Here people who want to power up their levels battle with each other. Betting is also down here upon winning you get a double or triple price depending on which level you are Or with whom you are fighting. There are three ways to fight. First with our spirit animals. Second with the powers that we get after the age of eighteen and that are inherited from our parents. So I think this answers the question that you asked. You have seen my powers but not my spirit animal. The third is bought by mere strength or techniques like kung fu, martial arts, and tae kwon do Or you can also use different weapons of your choice. Telling you like this doesn't seem to spark your interest, right? Then let your brother show you something "saying they both went inside the palace.

Everything means everything was made of either good or orange and the designs of furniture were only in the shape of fire.

" I would like to bet. My cash is on this card. Want it triple "said Xander suddenly changing his aura from bubbly and chirpy to cold and stoic face.

A Lady with long hair dyed orange from the streaks with a golden gown added Xander to the fighting list and it displayed within seconds in front of the counter

Fight within ten minutes.

Fighting type -With spirit animals.

Against 'James Williams'

Information of opponent:

Spirit animal=Bull.

Level 3

"Xander what is all this, you are going to fight against a person who is of Level 3. That means you are also of Level 3! Screamed Ajax a little.

" No, what are you thinking I am at only Level 2 .. But we need to triple our money as you are also added to my family. So triple money is better, "said Xander ruffling Ajax's hair lovingly.

" But you might get hurt. You don't need to do this. I will find one more job to help both of us. But you can't do this, please, "Ajax pleaded with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Don't you worry my kitten nothing can happen to your brother? So don't worry. You saw me fight that night, right? Just relax and watch your brother beat the shit out of my opponent, "said Xander patting his shoulders.

Ajax was about to say something but the lady called them and said it was time for Xander to enter the arena.

Ajax looked at Xander with fear instilled in his eyes and held him back while holding hands. While Xander gave a big smile to him and said "Don't worry I am also practicing for myself so that I can protect my little kitten".

With that Xander went to enter the arena while Ajax went to sit with the audience shaking a little.

What a good deed I did that I got such a good, caring brother. Brother?... Yes, he is my brother. I was showered with everything good parents, good friends, even a good spirit partner and a good brother. But why does destiny steal all of the people I care for? No.. From now on I won't let anyone touch my brother. I will become stronger... So much strength that even if I attract attention they won't be able to harm me and my brother.... I won't be careless, coward Ajax who was interested in increasing his powers for himself. Now I will train myself to fight for the weak and those who need help and for my brother.