
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 9: A Familiar Aura

A few days have passed by…

Nothing too out of the ordinary happens to Roy. Even the mysterious Assassin never shows up again. Roy's sitting on his assigned seat and is looking out of the window beside him. Wondering…

'That's strange... A couple of days and nights passed by and not a single moment where I've seen that strange woman again', Roy thought to himself.

Roy was fidgeting with the pencil. Thinking about the Assassin he met the other night. Confused about why not a single glimpse of that same Assassin is in his sights these past few days. Not even a single ounce of aura came from her.

'This is very confusing… Especially when I still have the Demonic Saber with me.', Roy added to his thoughts.

"Roy?", someone tried to call him

'Did something happen to her?', Roy made a hypothesis.

"Roooy?", they called again.

'Is she waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill me?', Roy questioned himself.

"Roy!", they yelled, getting Roy's attention.

"Hm?", Roy finally responded.

"Jeez, what were you thinking about that makes you ignore me? You know that girls hate being ignored.", Yua groaned.

"Sorry. I was just deep in my thoughts.", Roy said.

"Yeah, no kidding!", Yua replied.

Yua takes a breath. Scratching the back of her while doing so.

"Anyway, it's lunchtime. You're making the 3 of us wait. Lez go!", Yua said as she grabs Roy's arm.

Roy sighs, letting Yua drag him again.

"Fine. I'm coming...", Roy tiredly comes with.

They're heading to the usual route to the rooftop but a crowd is blocking their way. Specifically, girls. Lots of women. Though some boys are also there.

"What's this all about?", Alvin asked.

"I don't know...", Sara answered.

They all go near the crowd, seeing what's the commotion all about. Both Roy and Alvin, who is the tallest in their class, see a foreigner leaning against a wall, talking to the ladies. As well as some men. They all seem to have heart eyes to this foreigner. Roy is a little confused about why is this happening. Yua tugs Roy's sleeve.

"Who is it?", Yua asked.

"I don't know. Some foreigner talking to them.", Roy answered.

"Foreigner! Does he have golden hair, blue eyes, pasty skin, and is handsome as well?!", Yua weirdly and accurately described the foreigner.

"...Y-yes…", Roy awkwardly said.

"That must be Prince Graysen Adams!", Yua exclaimed.

"Wait, Prince?", Alvin chimed in.

"Yes! He is from the UK! Son of King Benjamin Adams II! He has been a student here for 6 years! And he's the one who I have a big crush on!!", Yua said too much.

"You have a crush on this guy?", Alvin asked.

"Yehehehess.", Yua said while blushing.

"There was this one time where I almost got hit by a truck but he saved me and aaahhh....", Yua added.

Yua is soon swooned and starts falling backward but Sara is there to quickly catch her. Roy scratches his cheek seeing this. Dumbfounded by how popular the prince is. As well as how big Yua's crush is on this guy.

"He is so dreamy...", Yua said quietly.

Roy looks at the prince. For some reason, he feels a holy aura coming from him. It isn't normal actually. It's too excessive and obvious. Roy can practically feel it in another building.

"In which case, we should hurry up before we run out of time to eat.", Sara reminded.

"Maybe we should try the cafeteria this time.", Alvin suggested.

"Well... If you guys want to then let's go!", Yua said as she leads the way.

The three of them start walking, but Roy stands there just for a second to look at Prince Graysen again. They both accidentally lock eyes. Roy turns his head fast and starts fast walking away to catch with the others. Prince Graysen looks at Roy who's running away. The prince then puts his fingers on his chin and thinks.

"He seems new around here.", the prince muttered.

"Who is?", one of the girls surrounding him asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just talking to myself.", the prince answered.

The prince looks at Roy once more. Disappearing on his sight when they take a turn. Prince Graysen then smiles. The prince then looks at his fangirls.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. I need to speak with the principal of this school. I'll be back momentarily.", Prince Graysen said fancily.


The four of them entered the cafeteria. Seeing a couple of empty tables. Roy is feeling happy to see a cafeteria in real life for the first time. This makes him smile a bit.

"Woah, it's much more empty today.", Yua commented.

"It wasn't always like this?", Alvin asked.

"Yeah, usually we would be lucky enough to have 1 table empty.", Sara answered.

"Maybe it's because of the crowd girls back there. They probably decided to eat there.", Roy theorized.

"Well, there's no point in wondering. Come on!", Yua leads the way.

The cafeteria is what you would expect. Except it's much bigger and filled with plants as well. And also big windows. Big big windows. The sun is also shining through those big big windows. Yua sits on a table that is on the side where it's also shaded.

"Come!", Yua patted on the table.

All of them sit at the table. The boys are on the left side of the table and the girls are on the right. Roy places his lunchbox on the table. Roy is about to open their lunch pack until Roy senses a familiar power. Roy looks around immediately, to see a familiar figure. A mature-looking woman, wearing a uniform and talking to some of the students here as well. She has violet hair and magenta-colored eyes. Roy quietly listens to their conversation.

"You've been absent for days now, are you ok?", one of their classmates asked.

"It's alright, I had to do something important at that time but I'm fine now.", the mature woman replied.

'It's her. The Assassin the other night.', Roy thought.

Roy quickly stands up noisily and gathers the attention of some of the classmates around them eating. Including the Assassin At the right time that familiar person looks at Roy and starts walking away fast. Yua, Sara, and Alvin are confused by the sudden stand-up of Roy. So they ask.

"Are you ok, bro?", Alvin asked.

"Yes, are you fine?", Sara added.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?", Yua made Roy's excuse unintentionally.

"I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.", Roy quickly used the excuse, which Yua made, intentionally.

"Oh ok!", Yua said.

"Protect my lunch for me while I'm gone, Ichika. I don't these 2 eating it.", Roy said before leaving.

"A-all right…", Sara agreed to do so.

"How dare he? Expecting me to eat his lunch, does he not have any trust in me?! What is his lunch any- Ooooh!! Bacon! Maybe Roy won't mind if I take one.", Alvin changed his mind in mere seconds.

Alvin is about to reach in for the bacon until Sara slaps Alvin's hand and grabs Roy's lunchbox. Shutting it lock and put it between her arms.

"No! I was trusted by Abellona to protect his lunch. I won't let any of you eat it.", Sara said with conviction.

"Awww...:", Alvin whined.

Roy then leaves the room. Following the familiar aura, he senses. The Assassin tries to shake him off but couldn't. She tries to go through crowded floors for Roy to lose her but to no avail. Roy's sensing ability is top-notch. No matter how much the Assassin tries to get away from Roy's gaze, she could never escaper Roy's sensing range. Then the Assassin goes outside to the back of the school in a fast manner. Naturally, Roy follows her. Roy enters the back of the school. As soon as Roy's about to take a right turn, the Assassin charges at Roy with her spear. Roy jumps back, dodging her attack.

"Grruh! What do you want from me?!", she angrily asked.

"What are you doing here?", Roy interrogated her.

"Same reason you're here! To attend class.", she furiously replied.

She lunges again. Roy's arms are covered in ice and block her attack. Locking the tip of the spear between Roy's ice arms.

"Alright then, let me rephrase.", Roy said in response.

After saying that, Roy kicks the Assassin back. Creating some distance between them both. Roy gives the Assassin an intimidating stare.

"What are you assigned to do here?", Roy asked seriously.

"It's none of your business!", she yelled.

Again she charges to pierce Roy. Roy blocks the spear with one ice arm. After that, Roy quickly grabs the spear then pulls it, making the Assassin who's still holding the spear go near him. Roy quickly kicks her off. As a result, she lost her spear which Roy is now holding. She then tries to stand right back up but a spear is pointing at her face.

"Talk or else I'll get angry.", Roy threatened.

The Assassin then touches the spear to which the spear quickly fades away. The spear isn't real. It's made out of dark magic. The Assassin stands up again angrily.

"Angry?! I should be the one angry here! You lied to me. It was a fake!", she exclaimed.

"What do you mean by that?", Roy was confused.

"The Demonic Saber you gave me!! That night, I was about to give it to my village leader, then it lit up brightly, and the next moment it disappeared.", she explained.

"Disappeared?", Roy repeated.

"Disappeared! Gone! Finito! For my incompetence, they did this to me.", she added.

The Assassin turns around and lifts her shirt. On her back, it looks like someone whiplashed her... Many times. Roy feels a bit bad for what she had to experience.

He then hovers his hand on her back and starts healing it.

"What-what are you doing?", she asked.

"Stand still. I'm healing your back.", Roy answered.

"Oh… ok…", the Assassin replied confusingly.

A few minutes later...

Her back is what it's supposed to look like. With a few scars, that is. She puts down her shirt and turns around. Calming down a bit because of Roy's unexpected act of kindness.

"Thanks for doing that...", she thanks him.

"I didn't lie to you.", Roy admitted to her.

She looks at Roy's face with confusion. Roy looks at the Assassin's face with sincerity. Making her believe him a bit.

"I gave you the real deal. I just...didn't know that would happen.", Roy explained his reasons.

"What?", she was even more confused.

"Listen, when I left my home village I thought I left this but I still have it.", Roy told.

He pulls the sheathed Demonic Saber out of a small portal. Showing it to the Assassin as well.

"Now, I'm sure enough that I did.", Roy added.

"You mean?", she responded.

"Yes. For some odd reason, this sword is forcing itself to be at my side at all times. I don't know how I don't know why. But 1 thing is clear, it will never leave me.", Roy said seriously.

"How am I supposed to tell this to the village leader? After that foolery that I did, I doubt they will ever listen to me again.", she replied.

"Do you have a phone?", Roy asked.

"Huh?", she responded.

"Do you have a phone?", Roy repeated his question.

"Uh yes. Why?", she asked.

"Record me. I'll say a few words to your village leader.", Roy explained.

She understood what he said and pulls her phone out of her pocket. The Assassin then opens, clicks the camera, and points it at Roy.

"Alright. 3 2 1...", she started recording.

"It seems like you wanted this sword, right?", Roy asked while being recorded.

Roy lifts the Demonic Saber, showing it. Unsheathing it to show that it's the real deal.

"Well, I don't know the reason why but... But you should know that this old relic won't leave me.", Roy explained.

Roy then puts the scabbard and the Demonic Saber down and looks briefly at her. Remembering the slashes on her back.

"The one you assigned to assassinate me wasn't lying when she told you that she had the Demonic Saber. It's just that you and I didn't know that it will teleport right back at my hands.", Roy told the truth.

Roy takes a deep breath while closing his eyes. Then he looks seriously at the camera.

"I'll try to help you take this cursed sword away from me.", Roy added.

Roy nods at her, signaling to stop the recording. The Assassin then holds her phone down with her face filled with confusion. Not understanding why Roy is determined to give the Demonic Saber to the Violent Darkness Clan.

"Why are you willing to give this powerful sword and definitely a magical weapon to us?", she asked in a firm tone.

Roy turns around and starts walking away, but stops midway.

"It's personal...", Roy said while not looking.

Roy then walks away again. Leaving the confused ninja to think to herself.

It's Prince Graysen, not Prince Grayson.

Creator_In_Redcreators' thoughts