
They did not see it coming

Today they agreed to do puppet shows in all fifteen towns all the same time. Amon and Amir will be involve in the operations in other towns. 

"Uncle use this."

Isabel was willing to give her phone to Amir because they needed it. Amir's heart skipped a beat. He dropped the papers that he was holding. He felt like he now belonged to the royal family again.

"The queen was willing to give this to you. But it's strictly for business."

They intentionally uninstall all the apps except the phone function.

"Of course! I don't even know how to use it."

He taught him how to use calls and video calls.

"Wow! this is a great sorcery."

Aris didn't explain further. 

"Each of us that you needed to talk has pictures on the side. Just tap the picture with your fingers and wait for us to answer it."