
Crowned Princess.

"You didn't tell me that I'm sharing you with all of these women!" Isabel was putting her hands on her hips and was almost yelling.

"Relax, I'll explain it later at home." He sighed while putting his thumbs in between his brows.

"I resign!" she groans. She was throwing laser beams at him, extremely mad.

"No, you can't resign. We will discuss this at home." He was trying his best not to sound like he was commanding his army. He saw her eyes were already watery and were about to cry.

"Babe, come on, you can't be queen if you won't join, plus you can make all of them your slaves." He tried to explain it to her briefly, but didn't pacify Isabel. She squatted, Hash lost her in his sight.

"Come on. Babe, please trust me on this." He was not sure if she heard him. Isabel was still out of his sight when Lady Mau was now performing a sword dance with another soldier. She was a skilled swords master. Isabel saw none of it because she's busy crying, the fact that it's not Lady Gwin that was winning the crowd's heart, but the lady that was now performing.

Lo pulled her up, dragged her in the middle because it's her turn. Isabel looks miserable with eyes and nose red. But she performs all her practiced stunts. She was now doing magic tricks, which amazed shocks the crowd. It's just a simple trick, like the disappearance of doves in the box.

This time Isabel puts Lo in a small box, making her body reeled in a tiny space. But she made it look like Lo was lying straight in a box. Then she stabs the lower empty half. Making everyone grasp for their breath. It alarmed the palace guards, but Hash stopped them. It puzzled everyone's mind when Lo stood up unharmed.

"She's a sorcerer!" Lady Mau shouted, pointed at her. Irritated, Isabel shifts her attention to Lady Mau. She cracked her neck left and right then walks towards the lady. Isabel's face swells, looked deranged and terrifying. No one dared to speak.

"You! I hope you find a good husband and lead a happy life." She said, pointing her finger at Lady Mau. She looked like the wicked witch from the west in Oz, but she's saying nice things. No one can connect her terrifying appearance to what she just said. Hash didn't want to laugh, but blurted out into a guffaw. Aside from their prince, who was now holding his stomach, laughing hard. No one still got the joke.

"I will show you what real magic looks like." She said, placing all the little bombs and firecrackers in places. From the smallest to the loudest and then she fired it with a matchstick. She had it exploded one by one. Some flew to the sky, produced a brief flicker of colored lights, but some exploded like actual bombs. Isabel planned to make it bombs but thought it might terrify the people.

"I hope you all enjoyed my magic show. I leave you all in peace. Goodbye!" Isabel bows down as her final salute to her audience. Hash's maidservants cover her with a black cloth. And then she disappears. Panicking, Hash stood up and looks for her. Damn! He curses in his thoughts. She really can't disappear this time.

He made a sigh of relief when he saw his servants running to the backside of the crowd. Isabel was wearing a cloak, walking away. Everyone was in chaos, looking for Lady Isabel that disappeared. They're all amazed except the other contestants. Lady Gwin expressed her annoyance by angrily riding a horse away from the capital.

Astounded, Lady Mau sat in one corner, accepted defeat. They're all official wives of the prince now anyway and have high status in the kingdom.

Hash hurriedly took a horse and caught up with Isabel. He picked her up, made Isabel scream.

"Ah!" That's already an exaggerated screech. He placed her safely on the horse.

"You're now officially the crowned princess, do you know?" He lowered the speed of the horse and whispered it in her ears. Isabel didn't want to admit that it's erotic because she's too jealous of other wives.

"I'm tired. Bring me home, please." She fell asleep in his arms because of exhaustion. She's not used to these competitions after all, plus she's still battling cancer.

"F!" Hash cursed himself, speed up his horse, and brought her to his house.

"Prepare a hot bath for the princess and her lunch!" He yelled at the entrance of his mansion. He placed Isabel on the bed while everyone else inside the house was busy doing what he ordered.

Deep in her sleep, Isabel dreamt she's in another place strolling. She met a little boy around three years old, following her wherever she goes.

"Mama." The boy was reaching out for her.

"Would you like to come home with me?" She smiled at him, ready to pick him up.

"Yes. But I still have parents here." The kid's statement made Isabel's forehead crease.

Hash saw Isabel's forehead crumpled and gently massages them.

"Everything's going to be okay." He sighed. He thought she was in pain because of cancer.

"I'm sorry I have to put you through this," He said. Shortly, Isabel woke up and met Hash's eyes. She automatically pouted her lips, feeling betrayed.

"How do you feel?"

She didn't answer, but looked away.

"I know you're angry, but I'm worried about your health right now." He held her chin and moves her head to face him.

"I'm fine." She withdraw his hands off her face and sat up.

"The wedding will be the week next to this. You don't need to worry." She's supposed to feel victorious.

It all started as a game, but why did it end up just like what Phillip did to her? She remembered she just wanted to get laid, that's all. No strings attached.