
Sports Festival: Start

It was already the day of the Festival and currently, Kaga was riding on Garuda who was a 4-story tall beast, some people managed to film it as it flies past them.

Kaga even picked up Himiko and Shoto this way, much to their surprise with the appearance of the massive beast and its ability to speak and understand them.

"There are quite a lot of stone trees here, Master. It is as you say, the world around me now is significantly different!", Garuda said as he observes the buildings from high up.

"Those are what you call buildings, not stone trees, Garuda. And tell me when you're hungry, I don't want you to suddenly hunt for people", Kaga said.

"I see, so those small two-legged creatures are called 'People'. But who are the other two people on my back, Master?", Garuda asked curiously.

"I'm Himiko Kan, Kaga's best friend or Companion"

"I'm Shoto Todoroki, boyfriend or mate in animal culture"

The two introduced themselves without Kaga having to tell them, though they actually tried using animal terms for the Garuda since they noticed his way of speaking.

"I see, so you are part of Master's flock! I can see why, I sense immense strength from both of you, truly amazing. And I am Garuda, Master's mount and pet!", Garuda said happily at all the new things he's seeing.

Garuda was probably happy for the fact that he was able to converse with other people since when he was alive on this planet, he has not conversed with anyone but has tried to but to no avail.

Soon enough they were able to see U.A. High that was built on a rather massive Hill and surrounded by vast quantities of greenery.

Though this time there were many people gathering since it was the day of the Sports Festival, one of Japan's biggest events that are held yearly.

Though luckily Garuda was somewhat hidden in the clouds which didn't cause anyone to think that there was an approaching villain and only startled the crowd upon his landing.

Though the crowd quickly calmed down once they saw students climbing out of its back, which led to them taking massive amounts of pictures and videos.

Kaga had no problem with the filming and picturing Garuda, they can try and take him for all she cares, they just need to be prepared in facing a phoenix that can easily level a city block.

Garuda quickly transformed back into his smaller form and perched on the shoulder of Kaga once again, the trio ignored the stares and made their way to the freshman's block...however there were slight detours.

"Master! I can smell something divine, who knew these two-legged...I mean people can make such food. We have to try some!" Garuda said as he eyed the box of Takoyaki that the people had in their hands.

Kaga decided to treat the guy since he did mount them to school, so nothing much. And when Garuda had his first taste of it, the bird was squawking in pleasure.

"HAHA! Truly heavenly, who knew those hairy people that once threw sticks at me are now making this type of food!", he exclaimed as he chowed down on his food.

"Kaga, what does he mean by hairy people and throwing sticks?", Shoto asked curiously since the way Garuda talk is rather...weird.

"He's talking about cavemen and how they threw wooden spears at him, though he probably just thought of it as nothing since it couldn't even damage him", Kaga said which surprised Shoto and Himiko.

Eventually, the trio made it to the room that all 1-A students were waiting in. Upon their entry, the people were surprised that their classmates that were 'suspended' for two weeks finally arrived, nonchalantly as ever.

"You guys are finally back! Glad to see you guys, I'm happy they only gave you suspensions and not expulsion after beating Class 1-B from what we heard!", Kirishima said.

"Suspension? We gave ourselves a two-week suspension as vacation, the school didn't even plan to punish us anyway", Kaga said casually, revealing the fact that they could've come back to school during their two-week absence.

"Giving yourselves a vacation? That's manly!"

"How unfair, I wish I had a two-week holiday!"

"What's that thing on your shoulder?"

The moment Garuda heard this he was offended slightly, "Such insult you yellow-haired creature! Do you want to catch these wings!? I am above what you call a simple 'thing', I am a Noble Phoenix!", Garuda said as he spread his fiery wings as a show of intimidation.

""IT CAN TALK!"", was what everyone said that hasn't heard Garuda speak, Kaminari who termed him as thing quickly apologized since he suddenly thought of the bird as someone like Nezu.

The trio ignored the shouts of surprise and just waited when it was their time to be called out. But their assumptions were wrong when ego and pride were at stake in this event.

"I'm saying it right here and right now! I will beat the two of you, last time was only a cowardly surprise attack! YOU GOT THAT!? Especially you, you damn FOX AND BLONDE! I'll also come for you, you stoic-faced BASTARD!"

Bakugo roared and called out the three that just came into the room which got the attention of everyone, but surprisingly Kaga and her two other friends just ignored Bakugo, which just angered him even further.

Though the one who spoke was none other than Garuda who was a proud servant and pet of Kaga, "You lowly creature dare spout such words towards my Master? If this was the wild you would be equal to a howling ape!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU GLORIFIED CHICKEN!?", Bakugo retorted loudly which just proved Garuda's statement of an animal that just makes loud noises.

But the words of Bakugo were a great insult to Garuda, Garuda didn't know what chicken meant yet but he felt it in his core that it was below that of a bird!

Garuda didn't even say anything and just perched off of Kaga's shoulder and grew to the size that was possible within the room, which was technically the same size as Class 1-A's massive door.

"Say that again.", Garuda said as he flared the fiery frost within him, both the feeling of extreme heat and cold was felt all throughout the room.

"Tsk!", Bakugo didn't need the smarts to know that he was outmatched and decided to just back off, Garuda eventually perched back into Kaga's shoulder and puffed his chest with pride.

Himiko chuckled upon seeing this while Shoto was already thinking of things in how he should torment Bakugo within the Sports Festival.

All of Kaga's classmates watching this was stunned and had cold sweats run down their backs upon seeing how huge the bird named Garuda can get.

Soon enough the announcement system that was built within the room has called for them to enter the arena since it was time for the event to start.

Walking through the tunnel, Class 1-A has merged with Class 1-B, though most of them didn't direct their stares randomly...most of them looked towards Himiko and Kaga...the one's who humiliated them.

"Stare any longer and I will aim to punch your eyes~", Himiko said as she stared back at them with a maniacal smile that sent them looking front.

"Just k-", before one of them could speak it was Kaga's words that interrupted them, "Declare sh*t right now and I will humiliate the entirety of your Class and challenge all of you in a 20 vs 1, and end it within seconds."

Kaga's words immediately made whoever was planning to speak choke their words inside of them, they didn't dare try since they were not confident in even beating her as a class.

Before even reaching the exit point of the tunnel, Present Mic's voice was already resounding within the entire stadium.









As soon as Present Mic finished his commentating over the mic, the stars of the event, the Freshmen Heroics Department came walking out of the tunnel.



"Master, I have never seen such a dense amount of living things packed together! Why are they shouting? Are they in pain? Some seem to be calling out to you.", Garuda said as he looked at the spectator seats filled with people.

"HAHA! Truly worthy of U.A. such a hot-blooded crowd that is ready to see passionate students fight it out!", Inasa said as he smiles wide in excitement.

"H-Haha...So many people! I can't wait to show the world that I'm here!", Midoriya said as he anxiously clenches his fist.

"Such insight from U.A. they're probably testing us if we can perform under the gaze of the many, such fine scheming to train us into better Heroes!", Iida said in amazement.

"Look at them! I bet their eyes are on us, I'll show them how great Class 1-B is!", a delusional blond student said...clearly not remembering the thrashing he received two weeks prior.

Soon enough Present Mic's voice flooded the venue once again but this time in a more calm manner as he announces the entrance of several classes from the different departments.

Due to Present Mic's lack of enthusiasm compared to the Heroics Department, this annoyed the students since all of them were forced into joining the Sports Festival since they knew they basically there to only make the Heroes department look good.


The cracking of a whip caught the attention of the first years and spectators, everyone got an eyeful of mounds that were jiggling in place due to how thin the fabric was.

"PLAYER'S PLEDGE!", the person known as Midnight said as she posed with her hands rested on her bountiful hips, as this happened Kaga was staring at Shoto's eyes to see if he will actually react to it.

Many reactions and comments were thrown out to the stage saying that it was Midnight's turn to referee and host the Freshmen's stage, while Principle Nezu will host the Seniors.

As the chatter about whether her outfit was even appropriate for High School Students and whatnot, "QUIET!", Midnight said as she cracked her whip.

"Student Representative, Class 1-A. Kaga Asakura!", Midnight said.

All heads turned towards Kaga...who had an exotic bird perched upon her shoulder, "Master, look! They're all staring at you, probably marveling at your brilliance!", Garuda commented.

'I'm now questioning myself if I should remove his translator quirk', Kaga thought to herself.

"As expected, it was Asakura-san!"

"It could only be our President after all. She's first in all Academic Studies too!"

"I wonder what's that bird?"

Comments were talked between students about the choice of Kaga being the one to lead the freshmen's pledge.

Though when Kaga's name was called, a certain green-haired boy who had a paper written speech was distraught, 'Isn't it traditionally those who scored first in the Entrance Exams the one that's supposed to give the Player's Pledge!? I even prepared a speech!' he thought.

Kaga, of course, noticed this but didn't care. She already predicted her name to be called due to her status, which is why she prepared a little something for her speech. 'But why does he look so affected just because of not being able to hold a speech? And who on Earth readies a paper-filled speech?'

As Kaga walked up towards the stage and ignoring the saddened Midoriya, murmurs were thrown around the stadium mentioning that she's a Royal and other stuff that also pointed towards Garuda on her shoulder.

But if you were to look within the VIP section, you can see Kaga's family cheering within it, if they were to be stationed outside of that section, Kaga's father would have shouted loud words of encouragement...which will embarrass Kaga...slightly.

Upon reaching the podium, Garuda perched off her shoulder and actually decided to transform back into his 15-meter tall form which stunned everyone within the crowd and people watching.

Garuda wanted to become his Master's backdrop to increase the intimidation factor, to show that something as big as him is tamed, the effects multiplied along with his unique flames that fluctuate along with his wings and chest.

Kaga could only sigh at Garuda's antics but still appreciated it nonetheless since that was what she was going for anyway, just that Garuda acted first.

Getting the mic from the frightened Midnight and looked around all over the spectator and then the students.

"We're a new generation of aspiring Heroes that will no doubt fill in the gaps of retired and deceased Heroes.

But we will not only replace them.

This generation of aspiring heroes will also replace the trash heap of Actors that dare call themselves Heroes.

Japan's new Heroes today are incompetent, why? Because they are Actors only blessed with wonderful quirks, they live for the attention of the camera.

Sludge Villain Incident. A case that I and my two friends solved...but we weren't supposed to.

During the incident, more than 10 Heroes flocked to the scene and each gave their own excuse as to why they couldn't save the student who was being choked to death by the Villain.

The Heroes that time simply watched along with all the civilians present in how the villain choked the student, is this what you call a Hero or an Actor?

I'll give them an A. For Actor.

And so...

Here I pledge that we will be Heroes that society can place their trust on.

Heroes that will inspire society to do what's right.

Instead of a single Hero becoming the Symbol of Peace, this Generation will be the SYMBOL OF PEACE!

Thank you!"

Kaga's speech stunned the crowd, to declare that your generation will be the Symbol was quite the pledge since throughout U.A.'s history people only claimed in becoming the greatest Hero or new Symbol of Peace.

But never as a group, so this added pressure onto the classmates of Kaga after her pledge that they will be the Generation of Peace.

As Kaga walked backed to Himiko and Shoto with Garuda perching on her shoulder, Himiko couldn't help but laugh.

"If I didn't know you, I would've believed your words and worshipped you like your Fox loving fanbase, HAHAHA", Himiko teased after hearing Kaga's speech, she knew Kaga and she wasn't the Hero type that will sacrifice her life for an unknown few.

"Well, it seems the others bought it, I mean...I can feel their emotions surging up already", Kaga said as she looked at everyone's surging emotions.

Slowly but surely, a few clapped and stood up, until it snowballed into a roar of applause about how breathtaking the speech was.

AN: Wow...I cringed so hard on that last part and here I am praising my own speech...the shamelessness runs thick. To those that think Kaga will be playing Hero and a Saint due to her speech...no, she won't. It's just a speech to hype up the Sports Festival.

Though not everyone was cheering, the Heroes within the security room were currently staring at Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Death Arms since they were the ones present during the Sludge Incident and just watched.

The three could only lower their heads in shame since the sludge incident became a black mark for their career, 'The Heroes Who Watched' was basically their title, they're trying their best to remove it...but it's taking some time.




"ALRIGHT! With that, we can move directly onto our first event!", Midnight said as the screen behind her showed a random slow machine going through the courses that could be done.

But, of course, the events were already chosen beforehand, or else the logistics department would be going in overdrive trying to prepare sudden events.

"On to the 'Preliminaries' as they're called! Lots of students choke up in tears every year here, now let's see how many there is this year! And this year's first-round challenge will be...THIS"

Midnight said with dramatic actions and pointed towards the screen that said, "Royal of the Hill!"

"Students will be placed two kilometers away from the arena, and they must make it back into the Arena where a hill covered in flags that contain Numbers!

The Flag at the highest point of the Hill being Golden in color and represents a Crown, whoever manages to hold their place and acquire a flag before the timer runs out will be able to proceed to the next round!

But the holder of the Golden Flag will be the true winner of the round and will also receive a bonus in the next challenge that they are going to face!

So, you better fight for the Crown and be titled, King or Queen!"

Midnight announced that first event which received thunderous applause from the audience since they expect a lot of fighting during this 1st Round, especially whoever tries to keep the Golden Flag.

"Next Chapter is the start!"





