
Nine-Tailed (MHA Fanfic)

A morally challenged student enrolls into UA with the intent of alleviating his own unending boredom. Neither hero nor a villain, his only goal is to pursue the path offering him the most entertainment and amusement. //Warning: The MC is kinda cruel in some regards.......then again some of you are into that kinda stuff https://discord.gg/uQUcWbm

ShadowDrev · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

School Day

Kurahira had always loved school, but not for the reasons people would think.

For him, so many amusing scenarios arrived on a day to day basis, completely eclipsing the boredom that defined his existence. Broken hearts, false bravado, sh*tty rumors, and the endless fights amongst his fellow peers were among the top of the list of things he couldn't get enough of. It made classes bearable and brought some joy into his world as he constantly manipulated the weak minded student body into doing what he wanted.

Unlike some of his other abilities, the usage of illusions only required the target to harbor a weaker will then he himself possessed. While it could only be used on a singular person, with unstable fluctuations if used on multiple targets, at a time and the illusion varied in strength based on various factors, it was quite effective at achieving the set goal of spreading havoc throughout the various classes. Whether it was to provoke someone into a fight or to harass others, his illusory ability was quite formidable in a small scale middle school where nearly everyone, even some teachers, were idiots. That being said, there were two people within the school that weren't affected by Kura's illusions in the slightest, although each were for a very different reason. Katsuki Bakugo, a fiery middle schooler that Kurahira had to constantly put in his place and who could break out of the illusion with pure force of will, and Izuku Midoriya, who was immune to Kurahira's illusions due to having been spammed with them for years.

Other than those two exceptions, Kura had discreetly ensnared the school in his very grasp, able to toy with them as he saw fit. As someone who found chaos comical, the young man never let a day go by where he didn't shift the thoughts and perspectives of others in order to keep his own world interesting.

Of course, he didnt really need to only use his illusions to make others his puppets. Being as young and malleable as they were, the kids in his school were easily controlled with a silver tongue and a spot on acting job. On the days he was feeling spicy, Kura would shake things up and employ this method to orchestrate a scenario that would bring him the most entertainment.

The most prime example of this method would be whenever Kura felt like pitting Bakugo against Midoriya without either of them being aware. The faceoff between two childhood acquaintances had seemed ever so promising and it had been a long term project that Kura had taken up personally, training the green haired boy himself. Every week, on random days, he would seek out ways for the two to brawl in hopes of giving Midoriya, his greatest toy, the experience he needed in combat. While most bouts would end with the quirkless kid scraping the ground, there were a few that showcased Midoriya's ability to learn as he caught the stuck up Bakugo off guard numerous times.

It was always pleasant to watch the two go at it and there were even occasions where the two of them would fight on their own.

The youth really did love to watch others go at no matter who they might be.

As Kura tapped his pencil against his desk, the young fox wondered what he should do on that particular day. After arriving at school some several hours ago, the day was already nearly over and in that time, Kura hadn't managed to find the time to test the limits on his test subject, Izuku having been absent from his gaze for most of the allotted time frame. While the young man didn't need the green haired boy to have some fun, it was usually his preferred method on killing time, instigating nearby bullies into picking fights, of which they would mostly lose due to their quirks being utterly worthless.

(("What to do...hmmmmm,")) Kurahira muttered internally as he shifted his thoughts away from his two playthings, glancing to the left and looking out the window from where his seat was perched. (("I could always go out and play hero...or I guess vigilante is what their calling me these days. Or. Maybe I'll play the villain. That could be fun....unless I run into one of the top pros and get sent to Juvie depending on the crime committed."))

As of late, the crime rate surrounding the area upon which both the young fox and Izuku lived had decreased substantially and all of it wad due to Kurahira and his nighttime excursions. However, while the crime went down dramatically, the patrol of heroes had shot up nearly double to the point where there was almost always a group of them roaming the streets. With no real threats of crime within the vicinity, one had to wonder why they would even bother to go through so much trouble and act like there had been a string of homicides within the given routes. While Kurahira knew for a fact that it was all thanks to his own short life as a vigilante that was to blame, it still irritated him to no end as countless students and adults were stopped along the streets by heroes who were seeking answers.

It wasn't like Kura could switch areas either as he still wanted to get some sleep in before waking up to begin his daily workouts. If he travelled farther then it meant sacrificing extra time to get there and then go back, time he refused to give up. As much entertainment he had garnered from his small career as a bringer of justice, he was close to putting it to rest as, just because he loved danger, it didn't mean he was going to be an idiot about it.

It was hard to keep oneself amused when the heroes and authorities were breathing down ones neck. It was one of these reasons why Kura had never bothered trying to play the role of the villain as he hated to be confined and had no desire to held within a jail cell.

(("Well, maybe I'll go check out another crime filled town and have some fun there. After this week, I have a full ten months free. Might as well play around with some villains and maybe spread some havoc.")) Kura smiled to himself, his large orange tail swishing around behind him, fox ears twitching along. (("I heard the crime rate is pretty high in some of the more populated places. I'm not gett-"))

Kurahira was interrupted by a feeling of hostility which he reflexively responded to by moving his tail around and using it as a shield.

"KURAHIRA!! YOU PSYCHOPATHIC IDIOT!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Bakugo yelled as his tightly closed fist collided with Kura's tail, of which the young fox had made harder then steel using his other ability, tail manipulation. "WHY IS THERE DEAD FISH IN MY BAG!!"

"Now now, there's no need to be so uncivilized," Kura responded almost immediately as retracted his tail, fully confident that the blonde youth wouldn't try his quirk in such a confined space. "What makes you think that I'm the one who did it? I'm just a guy with plenty of motives to do so."

"You're not fooling me with anything you freak. You're as good as dead you damn psycho," Bakugo said as he held up his hands, letting off small explosions from his palms. "You. Me. Right now. Outside."

"Now now boys, calm down," Ms. Anema stated, her voice awfully calm for having just been interrupted mid lecture. "Let's talk about this calml-"

She didn't even manage to finish her sentence before a sort of mask fell over her, her emotions momentarily wiped from her face. A few seconds later, her expressions returned and she resumed her speech as if nothing had happened. The class wasn't paying much attention to her though as all eyes were transfixed on the two young men who looked to be on the verge of exchanging blows.

"I put her in an illusion. She won't be able to see us and, until I release her, she'll only see the other students," Kurahira said as he rose up from his seat. "You came at a perfect time. I was just starting to get bored."

Initially, Kurahira had planned for Izuku to take the fall for the fish that the young fox had planted within Bakugo's bag, fish that he had recieved from his mother who had had some extra seafood lying around. The youth had even went out of his way to lay a false trail of evidence followed by planting some illusions on students within Bakugo's hearing range that pointed straight towards the green haired young man. It was a perfect plan, but the downside was that it required Izuku to actually be present for it to succeed. About halfway through the school day, Midoriya had left school and headed home for an unknown reason, leaving Kura as the only suspect. Up until the moment Bakugo attempted to assault him, Kurahira had completely forgotten about the dead fish and had started making other plans.

Now, however, it seemed as if the youths schedule was looking better as he walked out of the classroom with Bakugo taking the lead.

"Y'know. You never actually beaten me in a one on one fight before. I'll admit you've gotten closer then anyone ever has, but unless you've gotten stronger since the last match, you'll only be hurting yourself."


Katsuki Bakugo

Age: 14

Height: 5'6

Quirk: Explosion

Bakugo excretes Nitroglycerin like sweat from his body which he blows up using his hands, creating enormous explosions. He can control his sweat to certain extents to dictate the size of the explosions as well use them to propel himself through the air.

Other Abilities: Abnormal Speed. Abnormal Reflexes. Abnormal Stamina. Above Average Perception. Above Average Combat Sense.

Weakness: Too prideful. Too many powerful explosions put a strain on his body. Is easily triggered.


"Shut Up!!!" Bakugo said as he walked down the stairs. "I wont lose again!!"

"Yeah. Okay. But first let's pick up someone on our way outside," Kurahira responded as he followed the angry blonde down the flight of steps. "We wouldn't want to get caught having our quirks in public."

//Sorry for not uploading this sooner. My life is pretty bad right now so you'll have to forgive me.

That being said. You can help me out and maybe help me upload 3 a day.


Donate and you'll receive chappys ahead of the rest. I don't have any chaps ahead yet but I'll be making 2 more today which I'll immediately post up onto Pátreon. I'm also gonna write a Naruto fanfic once I get 20 chaps stocked up onto this one (Though I'll still upload 1 chapter a day for you guys so you can ignore this if you wish).

Either way, I hope you all stay safe and have a great day. I thank you for being patient with me.

Much Love,

From ShadowDrev

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