
Nine-Tailed (MHA Fanfic)

A morally challenged student enrolls into UA with the intent of alleviating his own unending boredom. Neither hero nor a villain, his only goal is to pursue the path offering him the most entertainment and amusement. //Warning: The MC is kinda cruel in some regards.......then again some of you are into that kinda stuff https://discord.gg/uQUcWbm

ShadowDrev · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Kana Himoa

//Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get the introduction of my OC out of the way. I'm sure you'll like her...at least to some extent anyways. Enjoy and make sure to drop a powerstone for more chaps today or drop me a donation if your interested.



"S-so, you w-want to use me for my q-quirk?" Kana Himoa, a young girl with lavender hair and light red eyes, asked as she looked up timidly from her position. "T-thats fine. Of course, y-you'll have to provide c-compensation."

Kurahira nodded as he pulled something out of his pocket, his crimson eyes never leaving Kana as he slapped the object onto the table. "Fine. But first, drop the shy girl act. You're a fool if you think it'd work on me."

Kura wanted to fight Bakugo, that much was certain, what with it being a great way to pass the time until the final school bell rang, but he wasn't a moron. The usage of ones quirk to harm or harass others, even amongst fellow classmates, was prohibited and would be punished if seen. The only reason Kura even used his illusion ability was because he knew for certain that he wouldn't get caught as he never left any evidence that he couldn't later eliminate or sweep under the rug. His other abilities were an entirely different story and that's where Kana Himoa entered into the picture.


Kana Himoa

Age: 13

Height: 4'11

Quirk: Bubble

Enables the user to create a bubble within a given area. No one can enter or leave unless the wielder allows nor can they activate their quirks unless given the right to do so. Those on the outside can't hear or see what happens within its confines and vice versa. The bubble acts as another dimension as all damage done to the surrounding environment disappears when the area is dispelled.

Other Abilities: Above Average Intelligence.

Weakness: Far Too Lazy. Hates People. Physically weak. If she takes damage, the bubble absorbs half of the damage dealt, however if the bubble itself sustains damage, she takes half the allotted amount.


With Kana's quirk, one never had to worry about the possibility of being spotted, it being nearly impossible to enter her realm without her consent. The only downside to using her and her quirk was her being a deceptive and manipulative girl who hated other people with a fiery passion.

Apart from a select few people, Kurahira being one of them, she treated everyone like they were pieces of rotten trash she had accidentally stepped on while somehow at the same time maintaining the image of a timid girl. As contrasting as the two things were, it seemed to work greatly for her as the majority of the students within the school went out of their way to avoid her, creating the distance she wanted without complaint. It terms of intelligence and manipulation, Kura was always surprised at how much better she was in comparison to him.

However, despite all of this, for some unknown reason, she genuinely liked Kurahira and showed her true colors whenever he demanded her to.

"Very well," Kana responded as she dropped the stuttering while at the same time putting up a small bubble, cutting off the outside world. Her previously shy demeanor disappeared as a small smile spread across her face. "I was just doing it for the hell of it. No need to get so serious about it, Senpai."

"You would think it'd get tiring after all the times you tried to pull the wool over my eyes. Didn't work the first time and it for sure won't work now." Kura shook his head as he pulled up a nearby chair, which was now empty since it was inside Kana's bubble. "Also, don't call me senpai. It sounds cringe coming from you of all people. You don't like it when I call you Fam so don't call me Senpai. "

"Well, I guess an American raised child wouldn't see the true beauty in being called Senpai," Kana muttered as she picked up what the young fox had set onto her desk, observing the two tickets with amusement. Light red hues shifted from the stark white tickets onto Kura, of whom was now getting comfy within his chair, his foxlike eyes gazing right back. The two of them stared at each other for a period of time before Kana eventually looked away, a slow blush coming over her face as she held up the tickets. "So, this is what your bribing me with today?"

Kurahira ignored the blush, not acknowledging it in the slightest as he gave a small nod. "You get two tickets to the water park if you make a bubble for me outside, in front of the school to be more exact. The deal is negotiable but it depends on what you want to wager."

"You have to co-"


"You didn't even let me finish," Kana muttered in complaint as she slipped the tickets into her skirt pocket.

"I don't have to," Kura responded. "I'm not going with you. I have plans on that day."

"With what? Being a vigilante?"

Kurahira said nothing, a blank expression on his face. He wasn't surprised by the fact that she knew that as her father was a pro hero, namely one of those heroes who had been actively searching for him and had gathered all sorts of clues. With her high IQ points, Kura knew it wouldn't take long for someone of her caliber to pinpoint that he was the one going around bashing in the skulls of criminals. It also greatly helped that she personally knew him and his personality.

"While you know I won't rat you out to anyone, I might slip up and accidentally reveal your secret," Kana said with a smirk.

Kura frowned, a small bit of murderous intent leaking from him as he leaned back in his seat. "Are you threatening me? You must know that blackmailing me would only end poorly for you. I can make your life a living hell."

"Oh I'm sure you can," Kana said as she leaned forward, a smile on her face, completely ignoring the fox's bloodlust. "All I really want is for you to come wi-"

"Not happening." Kura said firmly as he cut her off once again.

"Oh well," Kana sighed as she gave a defeated look. "And here I was gonna buy us some cake an-"

"What time do I need to be there?"

"8:30am Saturday."

"I'll go with you," Kura said as he rose from his seat. "Just make sure you bring the goods or there'll hell to pay."

"Okay, okay," Kana replied as she waved her hand, her eyes glowing briefly. "The bubble has been made outside and you and Bakugo have been given permission to enter and use your quirks within it. My only request is that you don't damage the bubble itself. I'd rather not be spurting blood or fatally wounded in the middle of class."


The orange haired young man sighed as he slid open the classroom door, a look of annoyance clear as day upon his face. Dealing with someone who was higher then himself in terms of intellect and deceit was perhaps the most mentally exhausting thing he could do. Whenever he interacted with Kana, Kura always had to utilize more then half of his mental brainpower in order to remain on par with her and even then it was a struggle. What she lacked in physical ability she more then made up for in mental aptitude as she often swam circles around him whenever it came down big brain activities such as mathematics or science.

Kura had no desire to see her again for a while, but he now he didnt have a choice. Even if he himself was a lying and manipulative piece of trash, he never broke a promise or a deal once it was made and that was something he'd take with him to his grave. Even the most rotten criminal had their own code that they followed regardless of how heinous it was.

The moment she had mentioned cake, he had begun dancing within the palm of her hand.

"Its about time!!" Bakugo exclaimed as the fox slid the door shut behind him. "You took forever!!"

(("I'm surprised you even waited that long,")) Kura muttered internally as he walked passed the blonde youth who was now firing numerous complaints. (("I half expected you to throw a small temper tantrum."))

"In any case," The young man said, interrupting Bakugo in the middle of his loud rant. "We have our battlefield up and ready so let's go and settle this. I assume you still want revenge for the dead fish in your bag right?"

"YA DAMN RIGHT!!" Bakugo yelled as he slammed his fist into his palm, causing a miniature blast. An evil smile spread across his face as he began following along. "I'm going to enjoy beating you senseless."

(("Good luck with that."))

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