
Chapter 4901:


 At that moment, the strong vampire and the strong demon understood Long Chen's intention. Because they understood, they were so shocked that their eyes almost bulged out.

 Long Chen actually wants to put away the body of a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse. This is simply out of the blue. How can the natal space of a rookie in the divine realm accommodate a trace of imperial power?

 This is like a cup. It is impossible to put a tank of water into it. If you force it to fit, there is only one result, and that is the cup bursting.

 "Hahaha, work hard, keep working hard, we will see how you die." The demon strongman was shocked at first when he saw Long Chen's crazy behavior, and then laughed.


 However, Long Chen didn't pay attention to them. He opened the devouring power of the chaotic space to the maximum and sent the corpse in with all his strength.

 However, when the corpse was only sent into one head, it seemed to be stuck. No matter how hard Long Chen tried, it was difficult to send in any more.


 At this moment, the purple chain glowed, and the body was pushed forward a lot. This was the strong man from the Tiantong clan helping Long Chen.

 But even so, the corpse only entered one-third of the way, and then got stuck again. Huo Ling'er and Lei Ling'er were alarmed in the chaotic space. The two transformed into giant dragons, biting the corpse, and rushed toward the chaos crazily. Drag in space.

 But the corpse had the will of a quasi-emperor-level power attached to it. It seemed to sense danger and started to resist. Huo Ling'er and Lei Ling'er pulled hard, but instead of coming in, it managed to escape a little bit.

 "This can't continue like this. If I consume too much power, I won't be able to kill them." The voice of a strong man from the Tiantong clan came, and it was obvious that he was not optimistic about Long Chen.

 Long Chen was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. It would be too uncomfortable if he couldn't keep this treasure. Long Chen's soul sank into the chaotic space and shouted loudly:

 "Hey, wake up quickly, dinner is ready, if you don't If you press hard, the fat in your mouth will fly away. "


 I don't know whether it was Long Chen's voice that woke up the sleeping chaotic space, or the violent struggle of the corpse that attracted the attention of the chaotic space. , and suddenly the chaotic space trembled.


 The body that was struggling desperately was instantly sucked into the chaotic space by a strong suction force, and hit the black soil like a meteor.


 Long Chen clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

 The strong blood clan and demon clan warriors in the distance were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground. Long Chen actually succeeded.


 Long Chen swayed and went straight to grab another chain.


 had the previous successful experience, and it was much easier this time. Long Chen's power merged with the power of the Tiantong clan, and the corpse was instantly integrated into the space vortex.

 When part of the corpse entered the chaotic space, Long Chen didn't even need to say anything. The chaotic space trembled slightly, and the corpse was sucked into the black soil in an instant.

 After successive successes, Long Chen became even more excited and hurriedly went to collect the third one. Long Chen knew that the sealing circle had been destroyed since he collected the first corpse.

 Although the magic circle was destroyed, the binding power has not completely disappeared. The will of these corpses has not yet fully awakened, and their struggle has certain limitations.

 When it entered the chaotic space, it was instinctively resisting, but if its will awakened from the beginning, Long Chen would not be able to pull it away. Even if there were strong men from the Tiantong tribe to help, it would still require more strength and effort. time.

 The most important thing is that once they are fully awakened and freed from the constraints of the sealing circle, they will immediately choose the blood soul to escape. There are many practitioners in Tianmu Mountain today, and they can escape by grabbing anyone at will and seizing their bodies. out.

 However, now with the help of Chaos Space, as long as Long Chen sends them to the location, it will instantly take in the ancient corpses.

 Once those ancient corpses entered the chaotic space, their will was instantly destroyed. Everything was just as Long Chen thought. As long as they entered the chaotic space, no matter how strong the demon corpse was, there was no room for struggle.

 After collecting the third one, Long Chen came to the fourth one in a blink of an eye. This time it was easier. The strong men of the Tiantong clan saw that Long Chen had such amazing methods, and they no longer held back and tried their best to help.


 When Long Chen received the fifth one, suddenly the body of the fused demon strongman and blood strongman trembled violently, and then the two figures waved their weapons at the same time and charged at Long Chen.


 The two magic weapons waved, and two streams of air shot towards Long Chen. As soon as the air stream was released, Long Chen suddenly felt suffocated.


 Long Chen was shocked. This power did not belong to the two of them, but to the two corpses. He did not expect that the two of them had completed the fusion like this. The power of this blow was simply not something that Long Chen could withstand at the moment. .

 And those two people, after performing this move, shriveled up in an instant, as if this blow had drained all their energy.

 "Go to hell!"

 The faces of the strong blood clan and the strong demon clan were distorted. They watched Long Chen collect the corpses one after another. It was their turn soon. In such a short time, they had no time to fully integrate the blood soul power of the corpses.

 Seeing that there was not enough time, they gritted their teeth and directly detonated all the power in the corpse to kill Long Chen with one blow.

 In fact, they were only half fused, but it was too late, so they directly used the remaining power in the corpse to kill Long Chen.


 a six-color shield appeared in front of Long Chen, like a giant dragon of six colors entwining. When the two people's attacks hit the shield, there was an explosion, and the six-color shield and the two attacks exploded at the same time. open.


 This is a battle between quasi-emperor-level experts. Although they have been dead for countless years, the power of this blow may not be one percent, or even one thousandth, of what they were during their lifetimes, but that The huge destructive power directly shattered the underground space.

 The world exploded, and endless fragments of time and space were flying. The light in front of Long Chen's eyes brightened, and he saw a piece of black soil, with green grassland in the distance. They actually returned to the ground again.

 "Damn Long Chen, just wait for us."

 At this moment, a roar came, and the strong vampires and the strong demons rushed away in two directions, and disappeared in an instant.

 Long Chen wanted to chase them, but the two of them were too fast. If he wanted to chase them, he could only catch up with one of them, and the other one would definitely escape.

 What troubled Long Chen the most was that there was still a corpse that he had not collected. Just when he was hesitating, a corpse had been delivered to him. Long Chen directly put it into the chaotic space without even thinking about it.

 "Bang bang"

 At this moment, two corpses fell from the air, fell to the ground, and immediately fell into pieces. After the immortal corpses were scattered, they quickly rotted and turned into dust.

 Those two corpses were corpses whose energy had been absorbed by the powerful vampires and powerful demons. Without the blessing of energy, they could no longer withstand the erosion of time.


 At this moment, the huge purple crystal appeared in front of Long Chen. Long Chen suddenly felt embarrassed. He was about to say that he would go after them, but he was stopped.

 "Let them go. You just need to fulfill your promise and help me kill them. And I believe in you and will definitely do it.

 I don't have much time. I want to give you something. Thank you. Help this time." The middle-aged man appeared again, and there was something in his hand.

 When he saw something like that, Long Chen exclaimed:

 "Senior, you can't do it."