
Chapter 8

At the bottom of the ladder, Nina was eager to find out what Rory could see in the attic.

"Is there anything up there?"

"Hang on a minute, let me find a light switch. That's better."


"Guess what I'm looking at?"

"I hope it's not china dolls."

"No, chairs."

"I'm disappointed and relieved all at the same time."

"There are some boxes as well. I'll hand those down and we can have a look through them."

The chink of crockery could be heard as one of the boxes was moved. Another one was stuffed full of paperback books. The final one was a shoebox. They were manoeuvred down the ladder and then taken downstairs to the kitchen. The two larger boxes were coated in a layer of dust. The shoebox was relatively clean.

"As we thought from the noise, this one is full of china." Nina was peering into the box.


"No. A mishmash of fairly cheap stuff. I'll pull it all out and have a good look through later. Is that one all books?"

"Yep. If you ever want to read a romance novel, there are about forty in here. We'll give them a dust off and then they can go to a charity shop."

"Good idea."

The shoebox was pulled towards Nina and the lid removed. The item on top left her open mouthed. A framed photograph rested on top of other pictures. Staring out at her were a teenage Rory and Abby. They were grinning, arms around each other, heads touching. Picking it up, it was passed to Rory without comment.

"Bloody hell, look at my hair." Rory showed the picture to Nina. "I look like a hippie. Would you have fancied me back then?"

"Of course. I can just about see your handsome face behind that curtain of hair."

"Are there other pictures in there?"

"Yes. They are family photos. Take a look."

"Ron and Tracy, Abby as a little girl. We really ought to get these back to them. I'll ask around and get a number for Abby."

"I bet they'll be glad to get them back They've probably been wondering where they were. Let me look at the teenage Rory again. I would say that you had prettier hair than Abby."

"Ha, you're right. She always had that outdoors look. Slightly dishevelled. Obviously, my taste has become more sophisticated. There is no way my hair could ever look better than yours."

"That is the correct answer."

The books and the china were kept in their boxes. They would be offered to Abby first, and if she didn't want them, then off to charity. Rory would call her, when he had the details, and she would, no doubt, visit the house to collect things.

Nina considered the meeting which was to come. It would be uncomfortable for Abby to say the least. Returning to her old home, sold because her family had lost everything. Seeing her, teenage, boyfriend living there with his wife. A sympathetic reception was required when she arrived.

Rory got the number from Simon and then arranged for Abby to call around on Wednesday evening. Nina made sure that she was wearing a cute, but casual outfit. Subtle makeup was applied and, before she opened the door, a quick ruffle of the hair to stop her looking too pristine.

"Abby, come in." Nina gave a warm smile.

"Thanks, Nina."

"Come through to the kitchen. The boxes are in there, as is Rory."

A tentative hug occurred between Rory and Abby before the boxes were examined. The boxes with the china and the books were given a cursory glance. They held no interest for her and she didn't look inside. It was the shoebox which she focussed on. Abby tore the lid off and retrieved the picture from the top. Brandishing it at Rory and Nina, smiling, it was then clutched to her chest.

"I thought I had lost it." Abby gasped.

A few excruciating seconds passed before Rory leapt into the embarrassing abyss.

"Look at my hair. What a state."

Nina's feelings of benevolence towards Abby were rapidly disappearing.

"Did you want to look in these other boxes?"

"What's in them?" Abby was still holding the picture.

"Odd bits and pieces of china and books in the other one."

"Er, no, just get rid of them."

Nina picked up the shoebox and passed it to Abby. The gesture indicated that the visit was over and Abby took the hint. A round of awkward goodbyes and then Rory escorted her to the door. Remaining in the kitchen, Nina kicked the box of books.