
Chapter 46

"I'm sorry about earlier. I just couldn't cope with it all. I thought I heard something last night and I got up. I went downstairs, checked the lounge, checked the kitchen and found nothing. It was about 2am. Oh, and I waved at the camera when I went into the lounge. Just so that we would know it was me. This is the escalation that happened to the Hamptons. I fear that things are only going to get worse from now on."

"They might, but we are not giving in." Rory's face was grim.

"Do you know anyone in the police. Surely one of your old school friends joined the force. Then we could get some tips on what to do, without having to report our somewhat sketchy suspicions. He can advise us about alarms as well. I think we need to revisit that idea."

"Ooh, good suggestion. I think Tom Bryant joined the police. I'll give Grant a call, he would know. Shall I invite them over whilst I'm on the phone?"