
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 61 (Part 2) Preparation

Between the Bodyweight Suite, the Cultivation Haven Terrain, The Mineral Stones at her, her knowledge! and her will, Kazu Nini could establish her other meridians and progress her cultivation.

But like, to get the best results, she had to take her time and not rush things.

Taking a deep breath, Kazu Nini allowed herself relax and dreamt seeing blueprints.

Her mind had been strained, the consecutive fights, the pushing her body to the limits and the dealing with Mako Nini's death.

For what?

Oh, make we no forget about about her request to the jenie, my guy.

Omo Kazu Nini para. D ting mad o, back to back to back to back, na frustration.

Hee mindi strong GON!

This was already pushing it to the limits and if Jagonu Nanhor were here, she would have talked about how she had been right all along.

Anyways, Kazu Nini was having a backlash to her cultivation a day to her match with Uniah Gramanos.

What pleasant timing.

Timie madu GON!

So like, she had to hold herself together at the moment.

She shook with white eyes upturned to the ceiling. It was beautiful in a ghastly way and i could tell you that because of their power of glass Pixies could always change the Skin suit..

So, when i say all darkness disappeared from her body, meaning that only her her heart felt pure for an instant.

And i mean pure like free of thoughts, worries and problems. Free of any thing holding her down.

Who was Mako Nini?


Her body shook at that.


Was that a message?

Mako Nini?... who :was: mako nini???

Kazu Nini's head twitched like it was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Her shoulders hunched and she then squirmed into position like she were a creepy crawly.

The Pixie felt that she could nothing but wait for it to pass. Luckily, it only lasted half a day.

The Pixie saw herself on the corridor and cried.

Since when was this battle hers?

Since when did it feel like it was such a chore?

Since when did believing in her aunt mean fighting against nobles?

Why were the nobles even so important?

She would either do the dream but also plan a new one and continue the story.

Kazu Nini paused then floated by her neck with her head hung low. Her body then twitched a few times but she shrugged it off at some point and immediately continued her cultivation like nothing had happened just a moment before.


In a dimly lit room, lights edged the lower diagonal section of the rugs in the living quartets. Platinum-Velvet rugs and Bronze-sapphire curtains floundered about as though struggling for space.

But if you looked closely you would see that waves overlapped each other and they created a certain resonance to the design to the of the rugs that resembled ambient, glowing silk.

3 elves were in the room, a stocky one glowered his thick brows at his daughter who held his glare in a scowl that was a spitting image of his, while the the other had an expression of shock on her features.

The surprised Elf had curves in the right places, a full hair ending at her waistline that brought out her almond eyes and her hips were full.

"What is this about New Universe?" that i have been hearing? I thought we had already agreed on this!"

"You had mentioned what you wanted and I had not walked out on you because i live in your house!"

Shapha Rinmon had not gad this argument the first time.

"I already said it's an organisation that i am a part of."

"I want to hear no such thing!"


"Do you not know that sich an affiliation can ruin our relationship with the esteemed ones."

Esteemed ones? Wow, it was already too late.

"Do you know what these people do?"

"They are great! They have connections, they have wealth and unquestionable power."

"Yes, my daughter. What else do you need to care about?"

"This is not enough for me to even entertain them in my thoughts."

Her mother looked at her. "What do you want."

"I want my own account, I want to live in my own space, I want a property off limits to you which you will send me the full funds for and i want this property not close to yours by a small margin."

"Will you accept to let go of the New Universe if we accept?"

"Oh, I also want one that has a grand space of land, isolated enough and finally, I want one that is within the estate."

"So that is a yes?"

"That is a big maybe."

She stated at her eyes and held them. "Fine, get a dress ready there is a ceremony we can attend as we have already missed this one."

"I hope I've not just signed my own doorway to a lost soul."

Her mother's mouth hung open and her father looked confused even before she stomped out and slammed the door in their faces.

"She gets her attitude from you."

"No, she gets her mind from me but the anger from you."

"Whatever, I'm not in the mood"

"You never say that when it's late."

The father elf laughed


Kazu Nini was curious about what had just happened and a few theories came up to her head. She had heart about heart demons, that were born of negative feelings that festered over time because of unresolved events which usually fostered regret and unwillingness to accept such a fate.

She imagined that maybe her Mental Energy was so great that her heart demon was becoming real.

The Pixie chuckled.

Scenes of what she had experienced came to her mind and she decided to tackle it so that she would not have such an unexpected event like that again.

*Her mind had been strained*

Kazu Nini paused and reflected on it.

What had happened so far?

Well, from when she had began cultivation ot was one thing to another;

The Sprites trying to humiliate her

The chance for her scholarship almost ruined.

Her and Mako Nini's fights at home

The lunchbox which had triggered another fight.

The kidnapping.

Starting her organisation.

The fight with the Sprites.

The incident at the Prom


Her first personal encounter with Nobles.

Prime Student Trial.

The battle with Uniah Gramanos

Mako Nini's death.

The 2nd battle with the Nobles.

The Inheritance Grounds.

And practicing again.

The Pixie decided to rest before going to her next heart demon.

*Consecutive fights*

Kazu Nini found the fights necessary, so maybe this heart demon got its strength from the 1st.

Or maybe because it was merely a responsibility to her and not something that she enjoyed.

The 3rd heart demon.

*The pushing her body to the limits.*

Between her Highschool and her University, se had been getting less and less sleep. So, this was something she could agree on.

Sighing, she set her mind to rest immediately after the match with Uniah Gramanos.

Then, she settled on the final one.

*Mako Nini's death.*

Taking deep and slow breaths the teats did not fall out.

Breathe in.

"She is gone."

Breathe out.

"She is not coming back."

Breathe in.

"There was nothing i could have done."

Breathe out.

"I need to let go of this."

Breathe in.

Maki Nini would need me to win my match tomorrow.

Breathe out.

And the worst way to do that will be to allow my heart demons win.

Breathe in.

She opened her wet eyes and realised that she would rest until tomorrow. The Pixie then reached out to speak with Jinja Kaliope and share her experience with him but Shapha Rinmon reached her first.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Good afternoon!

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Good day to you too.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): I have good news.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Okay?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Starting from next week, i will be Shapha Rinmanara.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Wow, i am clapping over here.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): You have not asked me why.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Why will you becalling yourself Shapha Rinmanara from next week?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Firstly i got into the next event for he nobles.

Then, I got a change of name because this one is what the Nobles will keep.

Lastly, acquiring the new residence is not so much of a far fetched intention.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Before i say what i want to, you will always be Shapha Rinmon for me.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Awwn

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Quite frankly, it's a hassle to change a name I have already saved XD.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): HAHA!

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: But seriously, stay safe and don't forget you will always be one of us.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): I couldn't forget that even if i tried, boss.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: So, what is this about a new residence?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): I told them I want my own account, my own space, a property off limits to them which they will send me the full funds for and a property that is far away from theirs. Then, i added that it must have a lot of land, away from the others and one that was within the estate."

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: If they agreed then it is impressive. But you know what this means right?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): They will agree of course, but what does it also mean?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: It means that we will have to purchase a few others.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): I mist remind you that the costs of these things will not be little at all.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: We will work it out.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): In whose name will the houses be registered in?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: You know those tenants we met at out first estate in Jhoklon?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Yeah, i remember them.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Those ones, and Belthion Ijima because those are people who are not publicly Acknowledged as New Universe.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): So we are adding the tenants to our numbers?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: We will as them of course.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): They might not agree.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: To houses they have never even dreamt of? Well, we will take their freedom into account but i doubt hey will decline at all.

The conversation ended after a few more lines and then she told Jinja Kaliope about everything that happened.