
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 55 (Part 2) Breakthrough and Backlash

Thought, Will and Emotion.

These were the 3 components to the soul.

If the was to form a core fir her meridian system, then it would have to be from her soul as a Pixie's strength was from her Mental Energy as that was what could bed and twist her glass like clay.

Thought, Will and Emotion…

She then opened the Fundamentals Of Cultivation' book she had been given by Mako Nini as an idea came to mind.

I mean she had already considered that the Souls' core will be where her Meridian Coe would take shape but she wanted o try something.

So, she saw as the Meridians weaved in and out of pressure points or accupoints in the body. These points had concentration of areas that could directly affect the body and could be used for medicinal purposes.

Then she found a clump in this diagram.

She saw them gather at a point just below the navel. Then, she took a breath and Transferred Speech to Jagonu Nanhor so that they will fall silent.

Her shout was like wailing ghosts and screeching wraiths it echoed until everyone of them had instinctually clamped their lips. Even Isimaila Fginja glanced at Jagonu Nanhor as Kazu Nini shut her eyes.

Out of her SpaceBox felt quite a number of Mineral Stones.

From the victory she had gotten through Uniah Gramanos's defeat, Kazu Nini had gained a lot;

10 CavityBeads containing Natural Raw Ores, 9 CavityBeads holding Natural Crystals, 8 Cavity Beads holding Natural Refined Crystals, 7 CavityBeads holding Natural Vein Crystals,

6 CavityBeads holdings Aluminium Raw Ores, 5 CavityBeads holding Aluminium Crystals, 4 CavityBeads holding Aluminium Refined Crystals, 3 CavityBeads holding Aluminium Vein Crystals,

2 CavityBeads holding Zinc Raw Ores and 1 CavityBeads holding Zinc Crystals.

For the 3 weeks she had woken up, Kazu Nini had stuffed all the Natural Mineral Stones and her Divine Veins felt packed to the brim. Which was why the episode underwear had let her feel a little better.

Now, she started by holding one of the 6 CavityBeads holding the Aluminium Raw Ores, ash coloured Mineral Stones, and began absorbing them.

As each CavityBead was emptied, she was reinforcing and correcting her idea. Then, when she finished all 6 CavityBeads holding Aluminium Raw Ores, she felt her Divine Veins full again.

Now she took a breath in an pulled everything towards her core and her breath shuddered. She pulled in again she felt like she would burst but now that she began she could not just call it off.

She pulled it in and in until her body shook and her arms trembled. T was only when she had stuffed her Ko-jin core full and her belly shot out like she had literally swallowed a gym ball, that she began rotating the Divine Energy there.

However, she was elated when she felt that the Ko-jin was swirling at the middle point and slowly forming a vortex.

It was only after a day that she had the slightest change. Her Ko-jin began to be sucked into the hole of the vortex and it did so until her body was devoid of all Ko-jin. Then, her body shook and then she distantly felt her Ko-jin anchor to something before it erupted back out.

She tried holding it back and as she did, she noticed tendrils that seemed to coalesce from nothing, or maybe they had been hiding, shoot out from within her dantian and then extend to every one of her accupoints.

However, they stopped until she pushed back the Ko-jin into her core and began moving it again.

The moment felt like holding her breath, and she held that feeling until it was complete. That is, until all the meridians stretched out from within her core. She liked that they did not disturb any thing as the went as if instinctually looking for something that had already been there.

The strangest ones were the ones that attached themselves to the Ko-jin tendrils.

And a pulse spread out from her body when the process was over, eliciting claps from her followers.

She felt a sudden fatigue hit her like a train mid flight.

Her eyes snapped open and she grabbed one CavityBead out of a set of 5 that held Aluminium Crystals to restore herself to her peak.

Kazu Nini felt that only 1/4th of the Divine Energy which had passed into the core had come out. Or maybe this was the quantity she had before and her capacity had increased

She suspected it was more of the latter as her Ko-jin tendrils were thicker than before as well as her Ko-jin core larger.

When she rose their clapping died and she turned to regard them.

She next Transferred Speech to Jagonu Nanhor.

"Let someone good with stealth look for any easter eggs, not coming back until it is found for the 6 of us, yes include Isimaila Fginja's crush."

Isimaila Fginma blushed then scowled before looking away.

The Spirit laughed before responding. "What about the rest of them."

"I will help them with their frustrations and so will you."

Jagonu Nanhor relayed her orders which made Zlai Dfon and Kiriam Kranimora leave the Spirit Realm. One folded into space abd the other splashed into shadow that vanished.

With the crush, the Goblin, the Spirit and the Werewolf here, Kazu Nini was going to address them.

"What's your name by the way."

"I'm Jacob Harjphomp"

So , with Jacob Harjphomp, Henrique Viva, Jagonu Nanhor and Isimaila Fginja, she addressed them.

"Who is ready to be bait?

They all began chuckling as they got ready for combat. Then, Kazu Nini glanced at the Spirit whi noticed something peculiar.

"Can you all wait outside for further orders?"

Not waiting for their answers the New Universe Counselor made the materialise out of the Spirit Realm.

And almost instantly, Kazu Nini fell to her feet as she began a coughing fit that ended in her eyes tuning blood shoot and the taste of metal to fill her mouth.

"Kazu Ni-"

Nagony Nanhor was cradling her. "I only know the versions usable for people like us."

She shut her eyes tight and was fiercly suppressing her Ko-jon veins that had intersected her meridians.

The Pixie nodded as her heart beat wildly and nausea filling her body until she thought she wanted to heave out her organs.

"What did you do?" And hen the Spirit's eyes snapped to her. "That guy might know somethings about the body."

Kazu Nini thought aout it and shook her head.

"My Meridians feel like they did not reach their proper destinations, others feel like when they did, they broke."

Jagonu Nanhor concentrated on her, "you will have to break them off and let them slowly build."

Another staff was behind her, "how did you do it?"

"I compressed my core and then sent the Ko-jin into it."

The Goblin frowned after her question, but the Spirit picked up the conversation.

"I heard a story ine that we were fashioned after actual human beings."

She paused.

"Like, not the humans on Hyol, the Humans on a planet called… I don't remember. But either way, developing the Meridians is very important."

"I think it was Eighth."

"No," she shook her head, "earth."

"So, does this mean I have to wait kike his until this moment passes?"


She signed and then used Mental Energy to break off her Meridians which caused her blood to fly out from her lips.

Kazu Nini waited and then was wondering if to call them back when Jagonu Nanhor stopped her.

"Their morale is at a high this very moment. I will handle it."

Nodding, she felt the broken tendrils shiver slightly, the something came to her mind.

Maybe she should have waited for them to connect on their own.

She wanted to smack her own forehead. But better yet, she began absorbing Mineral Stones to double her Regeneration.

On the outside, the nobles and their minions were traveling through grassy areas, dry areas and swampy parts. In fact, some had seen ancient settlements and the like.

However, the air shook behind a group of nobles, right behind them and their lackeys. In this parts it had a small foliage with a light canopy of trees behind a grass plain that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"By the time she gets here, she will be surrounded."

"Are you guys sure she has not arrived yet?"

"Even if she has, so what about it?"

"What can Kazu Nini d-"

From behind, his left was hit forward so that he was forced to stagger to his people. Then, the head was grabbed by the hair and slammed towards the ground.

Before he could even scream in pain, a foot was In his lips.

Kirian Kranimora stared the group that had been shocked.

"Why are you not cowering any-".

Next thing, the one asking a question had claw marks which ate out part of his flank from his body.

Mouth gurgling blood as he fell the others raised their hands in surrender.

"We are going to need your supplies."

All over the Inheritance Grounds, similar scenes were playing out but they were too isolated to be impact full. However, Jagonu Nanhor was searching about, leavin the Goblin with the Pixie.

She searches and searched but did not din what she was looking for.

And just when she turned to go back, she noticed movement about 100 meters away.

Walking in that direction was a creature with mismatched body parts.

Perfect Explosive Speed!


The Wraith Jerked its head to see what was trailing him but he saa no-


Rings of Shockwaves followed her again as she crashed into Iskrin Olinum who was forced a good distance away.

"Don't move!"

He paused as his eyes grew wide.

Back in the Spirit Realm Isimaila Fginja stayed by Kazu Nini's side until her complexion got better.

The air shook and 2 people stepped in; one was Jagonu Nanhor and the other was Iskrin Olinum.

"Hey, I have a plan for keeping them iff our trail until Kazu Nini is ready."

"It will involve flight and it will involve Ninimorua."

"No, the gravity gets very strong and it is not a good experience for her."

"Don't worry, if you give her the PhysiqueStabilizers, then while she flies she will be getting tempered with the pressure.


"It will work."

Kazu Nini eyed the Goblin who looked torn.

"Who will be riding it?"

"You of course."

"Oh," she lit up again. "Sure."

In the air, Ninomorua held Iskin Olinim by the neck and flew him about with Jagonu Nanhor and the Goblin atop its back.

"Uniah Gramanos, witness the humiliation of your own!"

Iskrin Olinum closed his in shame eyes as he could do nothing.