
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 50 (Part 1) How Badly Do You Want It? (4)

Amalganaom Gramanos had waited until she was fully healed before drinking the next RestrictionTribulationPotion and her insides felt a nauseated wave as she waddled forward.

Stepping through the membrane made her see a tube that led downwards into sizzling green liquid. At least the first one sizzled occasionally, but when she looked ahead she saw one that bubbled like boiling water. And right before she jumped, the Sphinx thought to have glimpsed the fin of what resembled a shark. She did not want to think that each one of the 5 pools were 1,000 meters each.


She had been right; her skin began to itch her when she was ½ way through. But that was not what scares her the most; she saw an eel making its way towards her.

I mean, it would have not really posed a threat towards her, but this was underwater. Even with the RestrictionYribulationPotion, its strength was what she could sneeze at. However, it could electrocute her and anger whatever else was within the depths.

Swimming forth, she put maximum effort and evaded it while not saring to look back.


She had moved her head away to avoid Crocodile teeth. Now, though, she could sende that it was probably an EpicBeast who had only undergone one Tribulation. So, she punched slapped it away with the back of her hand and dove deeper, her mind still on the eel.

And when she was just at he edge of the 1st pool, she got zapped her arms falling like she was epileptic.

The eel and alligator were fighting.




She held on and fought against using her Ko-jin, intending it for later stages everytime her body was not shocked and she could move inbetween the realesed voltages.




When she saw the diving board for the next pool thay was slightly more agitated and deeper than the last, she could count this moment as one of her rare ones filled with tears of joy. As her body sizzled she stepped closer and bounced off the board for a few times. Diving down, she met a bunch of piranhas on arrival and her eyes bulged as she quickly threw fists, palms, wrists, fingers, knees, feet, and her forehead in every direction.

The Sphinx knew that having and injury was tantamount to subjecting herself to crueler to torture. So, she was careful with that. And a few minute later, she scanned the water but could not see any threats so she continued forward. She saw a turtle abd watched it swim after it lazily eyed her.


She felt a prick on her lower abdomen and saw a sword fish moving back to close in fir s bight. Spinning like a top, she avoided its lung abd grabbed on.

The first hand slipped, and so did the second. The third however, missed. And when it came around, she bent backward to catch it with both arms. Then, locking her legs about it too, she squeezed until she felt bones break.

When Gramanis Amalganom finally let go, she realised she needed air. However, just as her scalp rose above the pool of acid, something flew into the water and bite her leg before dragging her back.

In her excitement of imminent air, she had swallowed more acid than oxygen and thought to cough it out, but that would be stupid under all the acid. Luckily, she recognised what had her in its grip and decided to grab at it too, but by the wings.

She was going to tug it out with the Flying Fish's instincts.

Soon, it began to struggle as Gramanos Amalganom had long shut her eyes to avoid her blackening vision because of lack of air intimidate her as she held tightly. Soon, the animal stopped fighting back and started intending a break for the surface. But she still did not let it go until it had entirely stopped fighting and was focusing completely on getting back into air.

She held tight and let it lead the way.

The creature even cut its motion halfway, so that she was sent farther and she could not thank it moe as she spat out the acid in her mouth after verifying that she had been tossed in the right direction.

In fact, as she landed, she only had to do no more than 10 strides before reaching the end of this pool. But alas, there was crocodile that floated to the surface as if it had been waiting for her.

However, it too was half above water meaning that one of her arms were free of the liquid weight beneath her.


… But before the teeth had closed, she had used its teeth to pull herself to a roll by its side. Then, in that rotary movement, Gramanos Amalganom had poked an eye before grabbing it bay the tail and tossing it in a random direction.

Coincidentally, she had threw it atop another I coming crocodile, one of 10 homing into her direction. The Sphinx frowned and began doing her best to make it to the end.

So close where her scrambling legs that her skin was scraped off to reveal inner flesh.

She staggered to the next board and glimpsed the acidic pool which simmered with a low boil.

Sighing, she dived in fingers first and saw a jelly fish which made her stop the pull herself close before kicking in another direction.


Some of her hair had been caught by a Deep Sea Angler fish and she did not hesitate to cut it off with a painful tug. Ignoring her mouth and legs that had their insides burning, she went around another Jellyfish then proceeded forward.

Suddenly, on the way, the amies above her darkened and she saw a school of Flying Fish intending to crash on her. She quickly dove back into the acid and saw them piercing through like bullets or torpedoes. In fact, u der the burning sensation of skin and flesh, she waited until they entered. Then, she struck them all.

Watching her flesh and skin melting away in slow agony, she finally turned to move but she was met with a similar situation of Flying Fish.

Yet another round happened when her legs where rushed by Piranha. They actually dragged her lower, seconds before the flying diah came in. Normally, she would have been exited to battle both buly letting them duke it out before slinking away, but she was now caught in the crossfire.

She managed to repel some, and when she could finally tell that she was now facing the acid bed, she kicked up for air.


At the moment of her surfacing, she got stabbed in her left shoulder. The Sphinx actually grabbed the sharpened nose of the sword fish and bent it to a hook before struggling with it until she was clung to it like a parasitic worm. Then, in that way, she covered a few 100 meters. When it had finally died out, she was met with another that she outrightly killed.

Flying Fish, Piranha and SwordFish.

Gramanos Alaganom had never been so happy for being a cultivator in that she knew that she would heal at some point. But when Great White Shark came into view she could only steel her eyes as she did not plan to run at all


Both hands struggled to keep the jaws open, and she imagined using it to surf. The only way to do that would be to cut herself. She suddenly let go of the teeth and pulled away her back. So that, even though her clothes were now torn, she was pushed back by it. Then, she drew even more injuries to herself since the ones she had would be burnt but there was no response.

Luckily for her, her body itself had already gone through tribulation 3 times. So, while she would get near misses, maybe a bite or nudges too, Gramanos Amalganom coild avoid it.

Still, nothing happened except the repeated attempts of the Great White Shark. So, she dove deeper into he acid and cut herself open.




Zhe felt a burning sensation down to her marrows and hoped that she was imagining it.




Gramanos Amalganom's movements were getting numbed from pain, so she did not notice that her chaser had slowed down.




Reaching deeper, she had never been gladder to catch the site of another Great White Shark. And she quickly darted away and was about to circle back when she saw a school of Pirahna homing to the first Great White while another headed for her.

She darted away, preserving her torse hat wild have been taken out off like a biscuit, and then proceeded to make sure that both of the Sharks met.


Allowing a fee Pirahna to have a momentary feast, she did not eve stop them as a battle quickly ensued.

And with his amount of blood out, she waited on the surface until she saw Flying Fish shooting back into he water. Happily leading them to the bloodfest below herself, she would have loved to call in the Swordfish too. But her body was not always responding to her; one eyelids was half open and not all her insides felt complete.

She was able to swim the rest of the way though.

Gramanos Amalgaslnom saw the dark ball that showed the battlefield in the sea then looked to the next 2 pools remaining.

She had a curiosity to see how much she would be allowed to heal. And she sat there till her eyes were now blinking again like usual. The pain of nausea that she felt now faded as her organs grew back to fullness and her bones lost their roughness.

Gramanoa Amalganaom watched the skies slowly turn red and she knew that she might get struck by something up there.

Now that the worst of it was gone – if she had known this she would have waited at every diving board – Gramanos Amalganom now entered this depths.

She felt a tug that grew in suction force and quickly stabbed her claws into the wall. Then, she felt a tidd of the liquid cover her as she stayed at the surface. When Gramanos Amalganom felt it again, stronger this time, and focused her eyesight to stare into the half boiling liquid of acid.

Sperm Whale!

To the Sphinx's vision, she watched as everything in her view darkened when she felt a surge of acid wash over her body again.

Seemingly crazy though, Gramanos Amalganom lowered herself deeper.

Open Lips closer,

Suction force increased,

Clamped lips,

And Acide bathed again.

She dove deeper still, and even Uniah Gramanos almost let out a comment. In her confusion, she snapped her fingers and her maidens rushed to bring in a tub of healing liquid so that she would be ready for he Inheritance Grounds tomorrow.

Back in the acid pool, Gramanos Amalganom kept going lower abd lower. She went deeper still, until she saw the things body.

Its square snout was beginning to open again and she had to stick both frontal claws this time to evade it.

Just when she was about to enact her plan, dolphins came into her view.

What where peaceful beasts doing here?

Now, she knew that they were Late or Peak Class 1st Epic Beasts she was dealing with fight now because most of the ones she had fought in the previous pool were Early or Mid Class 1st Epic Beasts. So, maybe this ones had began to grow a killing intent.

And she was not wrong.

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wha…

Gramanos Amalganom doggedly below on to the wall that separated this pool from the last until the Sperm Whale opened up its square snouted mouth again.

Having to use alll four limbs and cling to dear life was nothing to her beating heart, as surely enough, these Dolphins were sucked in. And just when she kicked off the wall to fight against the tide of water in her surprising attempts to actually reach the Sperm Whale…

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wha…

She cursed her luck, and the Dolphins, as she rolled without direction, but did not forget to allow her claws to pierce what it could.

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wha…

When she felt like she could only be drawn in, she clawed and dragged her body in the mass of sucked confusion.

10 seconds of scrambling brought her to its open teeth. But, when she was sire that she had touched them, they began to close. She had 3 seconds to get this done.

1 second…

She lost the Dolphin she had clung to then grabbed another one while struggling to pull herself over its lips.

2 Seconds…

She was almost halfway as she was perched on its lips and might be bitten into 2. Gramanos Amalganom was finally able to get it over the lips of the Sperm Whale when she began investing full effort into vaulting over. Now that she had something to hold on to that was outside the Sperm Whale's jaws all she had to do was lift herself across.

3 seconds…

Well, she had tried, even though she had gone so far. She imagined Josh Haon Illjako sighing in disappointment.