
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 46 Part (1) Kazu Nini and Uniah Gramanos (6)

*"Youth of Sand, Winged Wyrms Of Team; Merge To One, And Sprout Forth A Beam!"*

The Wyrms slurped unto each other, melting into a bulbing, seething mass of malevolent sand particles. Then, it all erupted forwards, tearing the air and birth shockwaves in its violent passed.

"*Eat My Fist!*"

3 gargantuan Fists of Glass broke through camouflaging screens which had completely masked their presence to fuse together seamlessly before launching themselves forward. They looked peaceful in comparison but the speed of their approach was anything but that.


The sand beam of congregated Wyrms formed and even large Wyrm. And the draconic figure bit at the fist of glass which was too big for it to swallow. Struggling back and forth with no winner in sight, Uniah Gramanos did something suspicious and Kazu Nini accommodated her.

""Eat My Fist*"

3 more Fists of Glass flew from different directions to clamp the Royal Noble but she unhurriedly spoke in response.

*"Children Of Sand, Turn To My Shield; Radius Needed, For So Will I Wield!"*

A Globe of Sand burst out from just before her skin and grew to a 15 meter radius before catching the fists midway. So that, they were stuck at an impasse.

The Wyrm of sand finally decided to get serious as all it's tail length disappeared into its head which made that part grow larger till it swallowed the fist completely. But as it approaches the Pixie in hunger, the Fist Of Glass in its mouth exploded.


Glass and sand covered everywhere and Kazu Nini triggered the other Fists Of Glass that where caught in Uniah Gramanos's globe to explode because she knew what was coming next.


The globe of sand and the fists scattered to find dust, revealing the head of a sphinx, carved to perfection.

*"Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon."*

The Granulated Sphinx head opened its sandy jaws unnaturally wide, and Ko-jin gathered just before its throat as if it intended to birth the sea.

The shards of glass exploded from earlier quickly gathered up themselves and shot forwards like a ballista bolt while 6 new Fists of Glass merged together as they fell from the top of the Ceiling and intended to crush the sculpture's royal scalp.


Sand exploded forth like an ocean held back for millennia and finally set free the shockwaves made Kazu Nini's fists of glass slow in approaching both the sand and its birther in time. But because the first fist was before her, she endured the worst of it.

Slowly and surely, the fists neared the sculpted Sphinx. One to its mouth and the other to the top of its head.

When it was close enough and was not budging at all, she detonated them.

Uniah Gramanos had been frowning as she was getting disgusted that the *worm* deigned to resists her desire to crush it.

So, just before the Fists of Glass exploded, she upped her moves.

*Inner Sand of Mine, Make The Punishment Divine!"*


As Jewelry Bedecked the carving of the Sphinx head, the sand multiplied exponentially. But the explosions from Kazu Nini's technique used shockwaves to cancel most of it out. Even though the Pixie got pelted and rained upon, which gave her injuries, she was otherwise fine.

"Are you done with your old moves."

"Are you dumb with your old moves?"

The commoners laughed and the nobles ignored them.

*"Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon Dragon."*

The shards of Glass in the air zipped themselves and formed a cube of square before the Pixie that spanned 50 meters in height, length and width

She did not bother trying to see the draconic figure of 100 by 60 meters that spewed forth, pit of the new Sphinx's head. The sculpture even had its front paws and chest added to its design as it was bedecked in golden Egyptian jewelry fit for a Pharaoh's king.

As the sand was pulling itself to the creature wile it cancelled the distance between both opponents in its speed, Kazu Nini threw out her SpaceBoxes.


Air thrumming from its arrogant declaration of domination over this arena it now saw as it's territory, Kazu Nini watched it hit the cube of glass and she was forced to shrink it then, compress it in the shape of a dome. So that, the serpentine creature passed over her head instead of wreaking her make shield.

However her henchmen were out.

The Mud-Minions stood before like a vanguard.

What resembled a 25 meter Bear, stood at the left most of her. Its claws and muscles exaggerated and compact to its finest details. A 15 meter long cheetah was beside it, grace and sleekness a cheetah, spoke from the curves and predatory stance it displayed. A 20 meter long Killer Whale, surrounded by a 2.5 meter bubbling wet pool of mud, orbited by the liquid that also kept it mobile. And the 30 meter Hawk which hovered in slow flight.

Uniah Gramanos had not seen this before but it was not knew to Zlai Dfon. Expect for their new sizes. The Royal Noble even mistook it for the Pixie's Personal Law. Honestly, she was disappointed and knew that if this was truly it, then victory was already hers.

The Dragon of Sand, meanwhile, had come around to see the resistance that Kazu Nini wanted to use against it and it screamed in insult before charging forth once more.


The Cheetah Mud-Minion melted into the Bear Mud-Minion to become a 50 Meter hybrid of sorts which rushed at the Dragon on all fours, while the Killer Whale jumped and was caught by the Hawk that absorbed it to create a union 50 meters as well.

Like an a man to a truck, the braced itself mid-run, leaped and used its body to tackle toe face of the approaching Dragon. And not to be left behind, the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion dove at the space between its horns in a kamikaze dive.

As the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion was blasted back, it quickly darted to the gargantuan face and grabbed the serrated and lengthy teeth which intended to have it within its jaws while the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion grabbed a horn and pulled with all its might.

Surely, the Dragon was still moving to Kazu Nini, but it was slower now.

100 meters.

90 meters.

80 meters.

Kazu Nini knew she might have to use her trump card soon, so she started agitating her Ko-jin to move in accordance to certain patterns

70 meters

60 meters

50 meters.

Kazu Nini had to also keep an eye on Uniah Gramanos so she kept her senses and guard ready.

40 meters

30 meters

20 meters.

If there was anything wrong with her trump card it was the preparation time. But it was worth it.

19 meters

18 meters

17 meters

16 meters

15 meters

Kazi Nini was already planning to disrupt Uniah Gramanos's control but would it be that easy?

14 meters

13 meters

12 meters

11 meters

10 meters

9 meters

Kazu Nini saw it stop and then, the indignation on the serpentine face grew until it was almost demonic.


The Bear-Cheetah threw its lower jaw up, so that the mouth was forcefully clamped. And the Hawk had already flown up, so now it dropped atop its scalp once more to knock the head to the ground.

The commoners screamed in delight

After emptying the pouring in the last of her glass to doubly make sure she was perfectly protected in her dome, she made the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion punch the Dragon in the cheek while the Hawk-Wale pulled it in the direction of the punch so that the head was wrenched in one direction.

The crowd's scream hit a crescendo but the Dragon stopped itself with its left claw and threw its right at the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion. The Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion t1hen waited for the Bear-Cheetah to run, leap and punch the middle of its clawed hand while it pierced through its elbow and came out the other way.

The Dragon roared and rolled on the ground, sending tremors all about the stage, making Uniah Gramanos frown.

"*Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon Dragon.*"

The Sculpted Sphinx head beside the Royal Noble roared out another Dragon and it skipped into the first, making it now 125 by 75 meters. It also had an extra pair of horns, a second tail and one more layer of teeth.

Kazu Nini responded by allowing tendrils of Ko-jin connect to both her Mud Minions each, by their eyes and claws. And now she stood in her glass dome, throwing her hands and legs about.

The Dragon spun in several spirals before shooting forward to build momentum and the Bear-Cheetah jumped to it. The Dragon then opened its teeth to unleash its breath of scouring sand, but the Hawk- Killer Whale-Hawk picked it away mid-air and let it drop. But the Airborne Mud Minion had spin in the air several times to build it's companion's speed of launch. So that it dropped like an anchor towards the top of the Dragon's snout.


The Dragon had not registered its opponent being picked away and could only blame its arrogance, but when did it's pride have time to realize its own mistake. And instead of starting back up with its slammed head, it flicked its tail at the bird which did an impossible twirl at the last second. The Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion, however, was smacked to one end of he DamageRoom. The Killer Whale-Hawk Mid-Minion immediately sped to the tail it had just dodged, and starting from the base where the tail met the back of the Dragon, the Killer Whale-Hawk extended out its claws and dragged its talon in helixes about the tail, so that the Dragon roared in misery while trying to shake it off.

The Bear-Cheetah was back to the Dragon and dug its claws deep into its skin, climbing up from its chest area. This made the creature swing its claws to it but the Bear-Cheetah seemed to have anticipated it. So, it timed its jumped and hung off he back of the Dragons claws and then ran atop the limb. When the next limb wanted to clap on it, the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion jumped and hooked unto its shoulders and began running off its back to the top of its head.


A tail that was not chasing the Hawk-Bird in violent hunger almost caught up to the bear who unnaturally rolled away.


This time the Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion had to dig its claws into a back of sand and then oull itself forward so that it was finally between the creatures horns.

But tis was not enough.

So, Kazu Nini's Mammalian Mud Minion jumped to hang of the Dragon's brow but the creature began swinging its head and attempting to bite it. But luckily, the Bear-Cheetah hung off one of the teeth and waited patiently.

And when it had waited a while amidst the thrashing to adapt, then chose a moment to jump straight into its eye.


*"Soldiers Of Sand, Royalty Summon; Roar Like A Storm, Roar The Armageddon Dragon."*

The Bear-Cheetah Mud-Minion wanted to use this chance and dig through its insides, but it and the Killer Whale-Hawk Mud-Minion decided to steer clear of the beast as another copy merged into it.

3 pairs of horns, 3 tails, 3 layers of teeth on one side.

Ko-jin now pouring off the Chest, Head, Hands and feet of the Mud-Minions on the other side.