
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 40 (part 1) Detailed Report and A Verbal Exchange

Kazu Nini had long been in a zone where she shut off all distraction. The Pixie had managed to cultivate for almost 12 hours. Her Telewatch vibrated for several times before she opened her eyes and snapped out of it. Her food had gone cold

In a room that contained them all, sat the staff of the New Universe having papers ready as they began their report to their boss. They all had solemn faces in their myriad attire.

Kazu Nini had once said that she wanted Belthiin Ijima to remain incognito. So, he was the only one that was not physically there apart from Zlai Dfon, Isimaila Fginja and Jagonu Nanhor.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): "Okay, so firstly, we see that there was an issue and it was the Gargantuan hands of glass that carries it up.

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): "At this point there was no interference to these glass forms. So we can conclude that she did not have any peers in the building."

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): "Yes, and then it is carried for a good long time up there. When it is dropped, it is dropped with noise and trembling."

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): "Exactly, we can tell from this that whoever dropped it so noisily cares not about the building."

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): "It if it is not her dropping he building in a careless fashion, we can assume that it is Mako Nini."

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): "While it is possible that, the owner might be enraged, it makes no sense to further destroy his property that is already so fragile."

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): "Plus, usually, Jason Haon is not so flippant about the relationship between himself and that lady because of his marriage."

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): "There have been speculation about it. But he is too worried about his inheritance from his ancestor to do so."

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): "He sucks up to his forefather."

MWMHarJaggedNajesty___VNV (Jagonu Nanhor): "I think this was all done to cover up the fact that she has won."

 ***OxNinomoruas'GoblinxO*** (Isimaila Fginja): This could be a result of her Personal Law or an agreement that she struck with him

The Pixie looked at them and saw the desire for them to make her happy. So, she faked a smile.

"Thank you for this," she did not believe them. "I am grateful for your efforts and will look into this. Please type it and send it to me. I need to sleep." She *might think later on what they said about her personal law, though.

They fell silent as their faces dropped.

Jinja Kaliope spoke before Shapha Rinmon who looked as if she was about to break into tears, spoke.

"This is tough for you, it affects all of us. Take a deep breath, babe."

"No really, i cultivated f-"

"You are too hard on yourself. Yes, cultivate but look at the bigger picture. You have the New Universe. So even if you lost a family you still have one."

She was not wrong, but how could people who she met for a year, replace another she had known for 17?

Shapha Rinmon walked away and Naro Meena bowed to her at his waist before following after his girlfriend.

"Boss, she is right. You need to calm down. We understand what you are going through."

Did they? Had they been the cause of their parents downfall? What exactly did they understand?

"Babe, we are saying that we mourn to you. But no point in taking it out on us."

"We gave you a report because we thought it could help but you dismissed it because you want to sleep."

"Any other orders?"

"When you get any replacers for h items contact me. I want NDI members to be updating all the time. Outside of these two, i do not want any other disturbances. Thank you."

She switched off her Telewatch and took the food before sleeping off halfway.

The next day had her pushing herself to he limits again. Back at the Cultivation Haven Terrain, she was back to switching on everything at the same time. Now, although she did not stand up, she sat down in a meditative state and was churning her Ko-jin within its core.

The discomfort was there, yes. But it was all behind her mind.

A full hour passes and she got a beep. When it vibrated several times she picked it up.

Before reaching the NDI chat, she noticed that the New Universe chat had no notifications. She idly wondered if they had made their own chat but dismissed it.


Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob: ): We found a buyer for the suite but delivery between us and you would have it available within a month.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Good work, and thanks. What about the other items?

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): If we want to have the best results. We cannot keep selling things outside of it and before its due date.

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): I thought so as well but time made me rush my curiosity?

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena : Your Resource Manager said I should ask if you carried your food this time?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: No

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Boss, you need to stop.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Shhhh. Thanks again and contact me if anything comes up.

She waited until evening and after the pressure in her body was switched off by her, she lost strength. shaking till the shower and out the door, she walked that way till she reached the room.

The Goblin was waiting with food.

Pasta and sauce and stew and bread abd fish never looked so good.

"You looking for a promotion?"

The Goblin laughed and handed her the food.

"I'll need you to feed me."

Isimaila Fginja was about to make a joke about it but Kazu Nini rose her trembling hans to shut her up.

When the Pixie sat down, she was tempted to sleep off. Jagonu Nanhor came out to meet them and she sat down on the table so that she was between the Television Potent Artefact and Kazu Nini.

"I knew a girl once, she hated the nobles because they took her parents from her because they needed handmaids. She never saw them again."

Kazu Nini could not stand up to avoid this conversation so she kept quiet to listen

"She begged and begged until they agreed, if she herself decided to help out. Imagine working for people that snatched your parents so that they could be servants for he rest of heir kives. But beggars have no choices."

"This girl beat up her people, collect debts through violence, tortured her best of friends but this was not enough. To keep her forever with them because of her effectiveness, they enroped another family member."

"Everything was okay, finally companionship. But alas, one slip up and his own parents disappeared."

She stopped, and what kept the Goblin on edge was that she was expected an emotion surge or ruffle.

But none came, and it kept her on her toes. Thus was somehow more terrifying.

"I won't end the story, but don't think nobody understands."

Kazu Nini nudged the Goblin to continue and it did.

"Yes you have ability, but you are just another victim. You are only where you are with this New Universe thing because there are a million more of you."

Kazu Nini's eyes were back on her.

"No need to make it hard for other victims."

"Will you fight me if i asked you to?"

Jagonu Nanhor had thought Pixies had Mental Energy but she was disappointed.

"Are you saying i should not mourn? Should i disband the New Universe or hand it over to you?"

Jagonu Nanhor was getting angry and they both felt it.

"Do you suggest i should topple the nobles by resting and having fun and crying and looking for a shoulder to cry on?"

Now Kazu Nini wss scowling so deep.

"You believe i intend to make things hard for other victims?" She laughed, "that would make you stupid in this life and the last!"

Kazu Nini was shaking like she was being electrocuted and the Goblin stood in the couch.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let us ju-".

"Ambassador, hear me!"

The glass in all parts of the room cracked and broke, the wave of Mental Energy pushing the Goblin back to sitting down.

Both the Pixie and the Spirit locked gazes.

"Reach the group chat and send some messages for me."

The Goblin was silent as she did so.

"Now, record my voice."

"This is Kazu Nini, Pixie and leader of the New Universe. I am going through some issues at the moment, i am coping with it by using it as motivation to cultivate. I realise this hss put a strain on sime of you but yourself a question - in a world of cultivation, how do you topple a system that has been present since before your birth?"

"Do you look for shoulders to cry on? Do you look for pity? Do you spend time with distractions? Reality does not care!"

In her rage tears were coming out but her voice did not shake.

"I might as well have caused myself to have a single parent and then i am being told that keeping to myself and not dragging anyone down with my problems, is a problem?"


When she was done clutching her hair and some strands were in her palms, she closed her eyes to collect her thoughts.

"Life is about growth, we have seen my past. Idling about would help nobody.My Councillor believes i am playing the victim to garner pity or maybe she believes it is for attention."

She laughed.

"Before last year, my greatest goal was to become a Clay Potter. During my victorious fight with the Sphinx you will see what i am talking about. The point it, i was going to stay in hiding it was Maki Nini who pulled me out of that hole.

Yes, i still have the desire to do so. But i have realised how many lives i can reach if my cultivation soars. Being s victim of kidnap, i know that there are a few who survive and eve fewer who escape."

"My goal is not to make you feel incompetent, it is only to inspire. If you cannot understand that, please you don't have to be part of a belief system where there are nobles on ome hand and guilt trips on the other."

She stood up, tool the plate from the Goblin and went into her room.