
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 34 (Part 1) Admin Block HQ and Meeting The Nobles (3)

 They walked through a series of buildings that were more unbelievable than the one before, for about an hour and a half before they stopped before one that couldn't have looked more ordinary. Although its scale, after realizing that the land here was not flat, as the grandest of all they had seen. She quickly remembered that the 'sky' of the 1st Level was a dome. So, it made sense to the Pixie.

 'Admin Block HQ' was written in Block Letters above a brick building in projected light. Stairs were needed to reach a place with the flag of their Myriad Specie Continent – or Beast Continent – as the Humans had tagged them and been using, even before the Great War 5,000 years ago.

 2 similarly tall, fluttering flags stood in the center of this flight level and one had to bend over to look at their emblems, if they were not a semi giant.

 The emblem in the middle had a bright red heart that was spiraled by a DNA helix. Both of these further had silver teeth, onyx claws, a sinhalite brown tail and golden wings, long and pointed yellow ears, and a horn that was silver which was circular like a halo. And all of these were in placements that imitated a sitting cat. Platinum lines encapsulated everything in a wide circle to represent some sort of Divine Significance. And underneath all of these was a black background but the platinum lines were so many on it that it looked as though the flag had black and white stripes as a perimeter for the aforementioned emblem.

 Chilkt State University's flag was one that had the 'C', 'S' and 'U' alphabets each lower than the last but overlapping where they met. The Flag itself was platinum but the first to last letters were Gold, Silver and Bronze respectively.

 The Final Flag was the Student Council's which had claws clasping each other that were wrapped tightly with a tail. Bright amber predatory eyes were in the black background that held the emerald body parts in their center.

 "Woah," Kazu Nini, actually expressed her shock in a soft whisper and Iskrin Olinum wanted to sneer at her but he remembered that this was the lady who tied with her boss power and strength. So, he decided to swallow his comment on how she was ignorant and unexposed.

 "So, this is the Administrative Block…" Haron Javan had not stopped talking since he had felt that the Fairy was finally talking to him.

 "No surprise, sherlock." Jagonu Nanhor replied instead and the Goblin giggled as the Fairy stared at the flag in open surprise. [1.]

 Haron Javan's eyebrows scrunched themselves as they proceeded further, climbing the last flight after 10, or so steps.

 The doors were larger than all of themselves, and standing before it was a Troll was as tall as it. 25 meters of muscle would have left an impression on her but the only one who openly gawked at them was Isimaila Fginja. The Pixies eyes, however, were on the doors built of solid wood. The carvings on the doors had motifs of different beasts, ranging from popular ones like Dragon's, Sphinxes, Basilisks, Kirin, Crows, Nine-tailed foxes, Tigers, Immortals and much more. In fact, she had known that the human figures were representing Immortals, only because she had felt as though that information had been transmitted directly into her brain.

 That made her eyes show slight shock.

 And, equidistant from each other, were the same emblems on the 3 flags that had been erected not too far from them.

 "On what occasion?"

 The gruffy voice's owner had ash grey skin just like his kin or twin, robes that covered their impressive chest but left their bulky arms bare and fell to just above their knees. Silk bright orange pants hung loosely until it was met with sandals.

 "Do you have a meeting with someone here?"

 The baritone even shook the young Goblin's heart a little.

 But all this made Kazu Nini smile, as Haron Javan had to check his pockets before fishing out a Medallion. Holding it up with his impressive height as the body he was using was that of a Troll's, he still looked like their junior brother.

 "You may pass."

 When both trolls pushed the oaken doors that seemed to had been built to withstand nuclear warheads as if they were toothpicks, air howled in to show how tight it was prior to their coming. A space of about 15 meters with a golden rug on the floor having the 3 insignias on the flags and a Reinforced Plastic screen at least 500 times – she had checked with a quick flicker that made a glass lens appear before an eye – did not split into different from the middle until the door behind them was shut closed and loudly with a slight rumble.

 The view was muffled until they crossed the airspace just in front the open doors which showed a corridor of reflective tiles below, Chandelier above even the numerous levels – at least 15 she could count pillars under the levels which shot to the top that had a VisualDistorter so that it was impossible to see anything farther - all so grand and so spacious that she took a deep breath in.

 Like, she had to add Ko-jin to her eyesight to glimpse the end of the hall she was in.

 There were different red soft, plump benches for waiting, with gold filigree that were in between the large pillars, massive enough for 10 humanoid beings to hold their hands around. The main desk was farther down and was circular like its smaller versions that littered the area. The silence was also deafening but she knew that NoiseDampeners must be around every floor to keep the formal air no matter how one decided to shout or express themselves. And this was proved by the Ogres she saw that roared in laughter each other, the Dark Elf that closed his eyes and was circulating orange lightening about his body, the Fairy whose keys kept on swimming in and out of the fingers it was playing with or the Sprite and his fellow companion who where shouting into their own respective Telewatches as if trying to abate an emergency. More people were here too, but they either kept to themselves, had papers they filled or where at the desks.

 A Fairy pulled himself out of the stone walls on their far right but a single step made him cross 30 meters of distance as though he had always been before them. And Kazu Nini would not have known it was the same race as her Public Relations Manager, if she did not have to put virtually all her Ko-jin into the part of the brain responsible for hearing so that she could hear the beating of his wings which would explain his hovering feet. His head had a cap that resembled that of police, save its platinum color and the front of his shirt was mostly red but also had the helix of DNA all around and within it. His handkerchief that was folded on his face was silver, his arms and legs were black, is spine area was brown, his shoulder pads and his back were golden and his ears had been painted brown to a line that connected one to the other.

 On his left was the emblem of the school.

 Kazu Nini tried probing the guy's strength even. But she felt nothing and she quickly retracted her senses, like a pebble thrown into the most ancient of oceans. The boy's eyes flickered in her direction and she managed a smile that did not look fake.

 "Here on Official or Unofficial business?"

 "Official," Iskrin Olinum had been angry not only because he had to chauffer Kazu Nini and her ilk but also because Haron Javan was seeming to have turned against him. I mean, he could understand if a man was in love… but did he need to be so violent with his demeanor? And do it under the eyes of his own boss's fellow subordinate as if he did not exist?

 He would twist this story until Uniah Gramanos hated the Ghoul so much so that she kicked him out of their circle.

 This naked contempt was not only for him but for their leader!

 Imagine that!

 Haron Javan had flashed their Medallion and the Fairy in uniform, attending to them, nodded once before sinking into the floor like he had dived into a pool, feet first without jumping.

 Walking down to the desks, the Ghoul stopped at one and leaned on the counter.

 "Room 579, please."

 The Elf at the counter flashed a charming smile. Even though he had a missing tooth, it added to his beauty in a way that could not be explained. Like his contemporary - the Fairy they had just met - he wore the same uniform as he gleamed at them.

 "Medallion of Verification." The Ghoul raised it for the Elf to see and a column the thickness of his dainty arm rose to their height of their eyes. On the top of this column was an indentation that perfectly mimicked every single inner and outer contour of the Medallion in his hand. "Put the Medallion on it."

 Listening to the secretary, his Medallion began glowing softly and he stepped away from the table before stepping to one of the pillars. Up close, it looked like there were minute engravings of a thousand different type of twirls ranging from abstract art to still life that slowly lit up like a dragon who was previous slumbering. But when he brough the Medallion even nearer, each engraved line seemed to move and melt into the other as on merged into the next into the next and into the next…

 …Until soft ripples spread where the object made contact with the pillar and the engravings had merged and twisted and even deformed and separated to outline an ornate door outline as all the light had now converged in the center of this door shape to illuminate it with a not too blinding light and soft humming sound, also.

 "After you?"

 Kazu Nini glanced at it and fearlessly took a step forward but Jagonu Nanhor put a hand on front of her. "We do not know where it lea-"

 The Pixie laughed only loudly, "move aside councilor. My curiosity outweighs my contempt." Kazu Nini then proceeded to step into the TransmissionPortal

 Haron Javan had a look in his eyes that was not even why Iskrin Olinum was further incensed. But, in all truth, that amount of open wonder should be left for their own boss. So, what was he doing?

 The Wraith was the last to leave and he just hoped that the Ghoul and their Sphinx had some sort of plan. And if not, he would get this Ghoul begging him.



Sherlock Holmes is the name of a western detective who is extremely brilliant and creative. However, the tone she used was sarcastic.