
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 18 (Part 3) Cooking Skills and Taking A Look Through The Manual.

Kazu Nini began eating her food and saw her roommates that had come out of their rooms.

"Smells good, I want some." Isimaila Fginja was in her pj's and looking quite expectant. The Spirit just hovered there in her's.

"The convenience store might not be open right n-"

"It is."

She was surprised at how excited they were. Maybe she cooked as good as Mako Nini. "Okay, go get pork chops and spaghetti. Allow me to handle the rest. Oh, and these spices." She showed them what to buy and they went together.

Kazu Nini practiced Transference of Speech and solidified her once fragile tendrils that now resembled miniature pipes at her muscles, as well as extending endings where they bulged into the muscle fibers as she kneaded Divine Energy in her core. She approximated that it might not take too long before she was in Divine Early Level 7 which would help her to begin spreading those Tendrils into her Skin like Kivon could do in the fight they had had. With 90 percent of her muscle fibers covered accumulatively, she returned to her meal.

Her roommates returned with the food and she helped them make theirs before she sent Ko-jin to her larynx and Transferred speech to both Isimaila Fginja and Jagonu Nanhor.

"That was fast."

"Yeah, I learned it last night."

"Y-you are g-good."

"Of course, good night though."

"It's still early and we have nothing doing tomorrow." The Goblin said with a mouth full of noodles.

"I know, let me know your Usernames in the morning. I have to get to some things right now."



Kazu Nini rolled her eyes before she entered her room and threw herself on her bed, going through what she knew. She had figured that the result of her exams would not only be sent to her guardian because of the Goblin they had met on the first day who seemed to know her but because of the Sphinx that she wanted to triumph over.

Opening the manual that Mako Nini had given her, she began to read again.

Quick strength

….can be simply done by sending Ko-jin to organs which produce happy emotions and blood flow or for an easier one, the adrenal ones….

Quick Speed

…same principle as Quick strength in which the user simply has to locate the organs necessary for speed and direct Ko-jin that way…

Quick Pace

…the first 3 Levels of cultivation involve connecting tendrils to organs and usually have to do with directing the Ko-jin in that direction. However, you may have noticed that whenever you start enhancing organs with Ko-jin, their output usually has a 'high' where enzymes or hormones that would be generally released and afterwards would be a cool down or a stressed state of organ, and sometimes even body included, but with this Explosive step, the practitioner must direct the coming enzymes or hormones to the feet or the body part required and use that body part as long as the required juice is in that area.

Kazu Nini had already done this before but ever since growing stronger, she realized that she would have to learn to match her body's growing pace. She could send Ko-jin to her organs and make them respond quicker by sending the needed enzymes naturally to her body parts. However, the downside to allowing the body in this state of 'high' was the 'low' of the organs that hit here when they were stressed for too long. The higher the cultivation, helped to lessen the down time for such occasions but still it hurt and hopefully she would grow past it at some point.

A problem she knew she had also neglected was that she should also be capable of Instant Speed which was a the next one after Quick Step.

Taking a deep breath, she gauged the distance of herself and the door before sending Ko-jin to her adrenal gland. When she felt the spike seep into her body, she sprang into action and zipped to her door. This generally increased her body's responses and as the adrenal glands would naturally take action in a fight or flight situation.

Another version of this she had found to be effective was to simply send Ko-jin to her brain. This one upped her senses, and since she had greater mental energy as a Pixie if others had a 0.25 increase, then she had at least a 0.5 or even a 0.75 for hers. It would also recover faster.

Sending Divine Energy to her heart increased its blood flow but she knew it would leave more pains after she was done with the needed task. It was a general addition of 0.5

To her lungs would allow her to catch her breath easier, and if her breath was caught easier which would help her control her blood rate and perspiration by keeping calm and controlled breaths, then stamina would not be a problem, with a 0.75 increase

All in all, Quick Speed, Quick Strength and Quick Pace were the only choices for Divine Early 1-3

When she moved around by pairing or using organs singularly it was loud like a shout and disruptive like a slight gale, not counting the speed trails.

She let her mind calm and continued reading the next part.

Inner Healing

…as you have already noticed, the principle is the same in this one, with simply redirecting Ko-jin to the organ and the body will lead majority of enzymes to the needed affected areas. This version of Healing however starts mostly from within and has a focus that is primarily there.

Instant Strength.

…now that tendrils are directly concerned with muscle, the focus here is simply easier and with muscle being directly supplemented, this makes Silent Strength and Silent Speed pretty much the same.

Instant Speed.

…when muscles are enhanced with an influx of Ko-jin, they react as fast as your mind intended. It would feel like reflex to the practitioner…

Instant Pace

…organ and muscle are involved in this and when they have both been stimulated, you have to merge the needed enzyme or hormone into the muscle so that there is a direct supplement.

Complete Healing.

…when muscle and organ can directly receive Ko-jin – the same Ko-jin that has been connected to organ and muscles, having a bit of each hormone and enzyme in the body – is concentrated at an area, at healing is rapidly accelerated at this point. However, do not make too much damage to bone at this point or give resting time of months before bone injuries can happen.

Kazu Nini had used this during her fight with Devon and Kivon but she had felt that she had not entirely mastered it.

This entailed having to feed her muscles directly. The burnout from this was higher as she was directly working her locomotive body fibers. She had not gotten used to it yet because, if she were to send Ko-jin to muscles, she had to wait until the brain had sent signals to the nerve first.

In theory, after she used Quick Pace from her organs, her Muscles were supposed to activated at the same time that the organs had sent their enzymes and hormones. When such happened – Ko-jin sent to the adrenal glands before Divine Energy was once again sent to her muscles at the same moment that the adrenal enzymes hit them- the increase was exponential.

For further explanation, a practitioner could simply send Ko-jin to their adrenal glands as in Quick Speed, because they would mix in with Ko-jin the speed launched at that start could crack rock on impact. As they moved, they might be seen in passage as a speed trail will be left behind, along with the built shockwave.

However, if Instant Speed were mastered then the user was said to have appeared and reappeared; not teleportation but pure speed. The name Instant given because if the opponent were not focusing on the user a few seconds before, then the user would be said to appear out of thin air, especially if they were against a Regular, the sound of their arrival being the only warning after they were already hit.

Of course, the reaction of the victim was based on their own cultivation level.

This Instant Speed, however, was what she had not yet mastered, though. Her fight with the Sprite had made her in awe of Explosive Speed which was above it but she did not doubt that there were levels beyond even Explosive Strength, Explosive Speed and Explosive Pace.

When she tried to using Instant Step but crashed into the wall instead, the Goblin banged on the walls of her own room. "That is why we have training rooms!"

Kazu Nini sighed as her head rattled and she felt blood in her nostrils. Shaking her head and finding water to drink, she checked her Telewatch, heading to the group chat section.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Updates.

xxSlimeTimexx (Naro Meena): She seemed to be heading out when we came.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: She is usually home by that time; did she say where to?

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): She said to handle some business.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Okay, did you get it?

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): She said that we should give her yours as it would serve as punishment not to lose hers again.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Are you serious?

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Unfortunately, yes.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: …How did you know she was headed out?

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): She had a full get up.

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): I peeped her sticking luggage into her Soul Space.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Is she travelling?

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): It looked like.

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): What he said.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: She said for business?

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): She should be back during the New Year's Break.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: In all my life I have not known her to travel. Except it was done without my knowledge. It is weird.

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): Boss?

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Yes.

New_Universe_Fairy (Zlai Dfon): About firing us…TOT

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I'm not letting you go yet, I still need you.

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): I blush.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Do not give me nightmares, both to babe and our dear Real Estate Agent.

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): Idiots! I told you all.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Jinja Kaliope was so terrified, you should have seen him.

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): HOORAH!

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: Apart from Zlai Dfon, I need all hands-on deck. Watch and know when she returns.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): You want us to go on patrol duty?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): What he asked.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: See what can be done but keep out of harm's way. The only time she left for a long duration was when she was scared I was hurt. If she were to plan to leave with a suitcase then there might be trouble.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): My Guardian knows your Guardian

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): He means to say that it means that yours is powerful.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): My Guardian spoke about your Guardian

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): He means to say that that she is someone of note.

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): My Guardian warned me about your Guardian

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): He means to say that it means that she at least brilliant, both dangerous and awe inspiring.

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Are you guys a thing?

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): No, deeper than that.

UnrivaledDragon (Belthion Ijima): Shut up! Who cares?

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): I do.

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): A couple?

777UndyingSpiritKivon (Kivon): No, deeper than that.

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!

UndyingSpiritDevon777 (Devon): Go read about Sprites.

Dj_Shifter_No1st_ (Elric Yjob): All the hype, man. Do not kill the hype man.

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): Hey, pointy ears! What do mean by my blush gives you nightmares?

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): Slow Teeth, I said that like a year ago and is pointy ears supposed to be a diss? Try harder.

Rich-Elf-BeyxxX (Shafa Rinmon): Hey, I am not sure you should talk about another female's teeth. At least, not when your girl is around you.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: He is quite bold; I think I will dump him tomorrow. But on a serious note, though, I need an update. Keep me posted.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): From firing us to dumping us, you've got quite the mood swings, young lady.

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): Pointy ears, she is not Dumping Us she is dumping YOU. Have fun being single.

DarkerThanBlackOwO (Jinja Kaliope): She did not mean it. I am not worried, Slow teeth.

X_XNiniThePixieXDTM: I will leave that to your imagination, hehe.

ChompingChampion (Lowe Hagp): I will show you just how Slow my teeth can be, let me see you anywhere.

Kazu Nini began laughing even as the chat continued before she planned to make a trip to the training grounds tomorrow as she would need to practice for her exams. She felt her roommates were sleeping by now, so she quickly cultivated a while before resting. Her eyes however, still yet to sleep, worried about Mako Nini and hoped everything was safe. And instead of resting, after switching off the dress get up granted to her by her modded Telewatch, she took one of the Memory Balls given to her and allowed her back to fall to the bed. [1.]

[1]. Something that is modded is something that is upgraded, not as is officially or legally done, but just ingeniously.