
Chapter 9 Happily Never after

I sat on the wheelchair as Molie, her little sister amelia and I waited for their mum to get my medicines from the doctor. I was getting discharged. "Am so glad you're okay" Molie said. "Me too" I said as I smiled at her. My left hand was held together with my neck by a piece of bandage. It was still hurting but it was fine. I saw Molie's mum coming from a distance. "Let's go" she said as she approached with a beautiful smile. Molie held the handle of the wheelchair and started pushing. I was happy that they decided to take me in. We took a cab and went home. "Feel at home dear" Molie's mum said. I smiled and molie took me to her room.

       Amelia came to me and handed me some flowers. "I got this for you. I hope you like it" she said as she stretched the flowers to me. I smiled at her. The flowers were beautiful. "I love them. Thank you" I said as I gave her a peck on her forehead. "Okay now go to your room" Molie said. Amelia then left the room excited. I looked at Molie and smiled. "Thanks for everything" I said. "No, am sorry for everything" Molie apologized. "You don't have to apologise" I said. "No, I have to. Am at fault for everything that happened. I shouldn't have taken you to the temple that day. And am reallysorry for your family" Molie said. I tried not to cry as I faced the ground. Molie squatted and looked at my face. "Everything will be fine" she assured. I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I just let them drop from my eyes. I cleaned my tears am looked at Molie. "Yeah, everything will be fine" I said. "Can I get you anything? Are you hungry or something" Molie asked. I laughed as she showed her facial expression. "No, am fine" I said.

       Molie looked at me for sometime and gave me a tight hug. I've missed such hugs from my mum. She was the one who usually hug me most. I felt my heart shattered inside me as i picturedhow my mum was floating around the house that afternoon. I couldn'tseem to get it off my mind. It kept playing repeatedly in my memory. "We'll get through this together" Molie said as she rubbed my back softly. I lossed my eyes, feeling the warm embrace and I gave way to tears again. Molie stood up and looked at me. "Are you going to do this to me" she asked. "Do what" I asked, confused as well. "Keep crying all the time to make me feel guilty" she said. I quickly wipe the tears from my face and smiled. "That's more like it" Molie said and we smiled. "Would you like to go out and take some fresh air" she asked. "Sure, that would be nice" I said. She smiled again and held the handle of the wheelchair to roll me out.

       "You know, am happy that you're here" Molie said. "Yeah. Me too" I said as we came to a stop close to a small tree. She rest her hand on my shoulder as she smiled at me. I felt relieved and conforted as I feel the cool breeze on my skin. I was free from stress at that moment and I HOPE for it to last. THE END, THE BEGINNING!

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