
Chapter 4 Gems of light

To avoid my parents question, I locked my bath room because I knew my brother was not going to be quiet and I didn't have breakfast. I dropped a message that I will be back soon. Going back to the temple had no second thoughts after my experience late night. I tried to walk normal but it was too difficult. On getting to the temple, I saw Molie sitting by the well. "Jezz, what happened to you" Molie asked as she approached me. "It's a long story" I said looking at her neck. She had an injury and as I predicted, the demon attacked her too. "How many people does the demon attack at once" I asked in disbelief. Molie just raised her shoulders without giving a reply. "The cove is not far from here. It best if we go now"

      We walked for about ten minutes without saying a word. My focus was just to get the gems we need. Molie was carrying a bag though, she was ready to get as many as she could. We were getting closer to the cove when we heard a sound in the Bush. What came to my mind was the demon. Is he here?  Did we fall asleep? I moved backwards but the noise didn't stop. It was as if someone was walking towards us. My heart was pounding. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The noise was getting closer. "BOOM" Molie and I screamed on hearing that word, but we then heard someone laughing. I opened my eyes and it was a friend of ours. "Laura, you scared the pedal out out of me" I said, holding my chest while she continued laughing. "You should have seen your face" Laura said and started laughing again. "What are you doing here, were you following us" Molie asked. "Humm, kind of. You have been acting weird. And I should be asking you too, what are you guys doing here" Laura asked. "You know what, you need to get out of here, go go go" Molie said as she tried to ignore Laura's question. "No, no am not leaving you two here until you answer my question" Laura said. Molie turned to me and we stared at each other. "Well you won't want to here this..."


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        "What!? Are you guys insane" Laura said in astonishment. "It's the only way. Everyone is in danger, and you need to go back, don't worry about us, we'll be fine" Molie said. All this while, I didn't utter a word. "And you too, you agree with this" Laura asked, looking at me. "We started this, so we have to finish it" I replied.

"Then if you're going, am coming with you"

"What? No. you can't" Molie said in shock of what Laura suggested. "Am coming, and you can't stop me" Laura said and started walking. Molie groan in anger or should I say frustration as she quickly followed her. "Why are you so stubborn" Molie asked. I followed as well.

      We finally got to the cove and it's entrance look terrifying. Bats were everywhere. "So I guess now you would want to go home" Molie said as she turned to Laura. "No way. You know I love adventures" Laura smiled and entered inside. Molie gave a sigh and entered as well. "You never listen do you" Molie's voice echoed. I was getting scared. What if I die? That was the question that came to my mind. I quickly ignored it before I get discouraged. The cove was really dark and I barely see anything why didn'twe even carry any lights? We were quiet for a while until..... Laura started screaming. My heart almost came out through my throat. "Laura, Laura" I said in fear. Molie then brought out touch lights from her bag and gave one to me. So she had some all this time and she didn't border to bring them out. My hands were shaking. I held the touch tight and I turned it on, and the bastard was there, straggling Laura. I was frozen in place. Molie rushed to the demon and started pulling his hand. "Let her go" Molie shouted as she kept pulling the the demon's hand. He then hit Molie with his elbow and she fell. I was getting all sweaty, not knowing what to do. I looked at the floor and saw a sharp stone. I picked it, moved close to the demon and stabbed him on the neck. He released Laura and turned to me. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there. He seemed really pist off by what I did. He stretched his hands to me and I was thrown to a rock. I haven't recovered from the previous one and here we go again.

      Before I could get up, I was in the air again. Laura jumped on top the demon and held him by the neck. I fell to the ground and Molie rushed to me. "Bella, are you okay" molie asked. " Wait are we asleep or..." I asked. "No. We're not. He is attacking us physically" Molie said. I looked at Laura. She was still struggling with the demon. We have choice. "We need to fight" I said. Molie helped me up. She then brought out a knife and a dagger. "Why didn't you bring this earlier" I asked. "It would have made the demon alarmed and he will attack wisely" Molie explained. I took the dagger from Molie. Rushing to the demon, I pierced the dagger into his throat. He groan and hit me really hard. Molie then ran as well towards him and she stabbed him in the chest. On seeing this, I was energised. I picked up the dagger and was about stab the demon again when he held me by my neck. He then used his other hand to pull Laura from behind him. Laura's scream continued as the demon pulled her by the hair. Molie left the knife on the chest of the demon. I quickly let go of the dagger and Molie picked it. Her hand were now shaking.  She held it tighter and sliced the demon's leg. He shouted and released us. He was now bleeding all over. He looked at Molie and she moved backwards. "Run" she shouted.  We started running but the demon wasn't chasing us. I stopped and look behind. "He's not chasing, why are we running" I asked. "Because am already ahead of you" the demon said. I raised my head, expecting to see the demon, wounded all over his body. But what I saw was different. He had healed in just few seconds. He moved closer to us and terror gripped me. We left everything, the dagger, the knife and the touches. At that instant, I held the demon's hand and bite onto it as hard as I could. His shout was so loud. I didn't know what came over me but all I knew was that someone needed to act fast. I felt the taste of blood in my mouth. I removed my mouth and started running after Laura and Molie. They were ahead of me. "What the hell was that" Laura asked. " That's the goddamn demon Laura, please catch up" Molie said. 

       As we went further,  the cove became brighter. "We're so close" molie said. We then got to a stop. It was a water fall. The water was glowing. "There, under the water. That's where the gems of light are, the water is not deep" Molie said again. "How come you know so much about this place" Laura asked. "This is not the time for question" Molie said. We entered the water and started packing the gems inside the bag. The water was extremely cold and we were freezing. "Damn, it'stoo cold" Laura screamed.  "I can see you, and am watching you closely" the demon said. "I thought you said he can't come here" I yelled. "He can't, his trying to frighten us" Molie shouted. We continued packing and the bag was almost filled up. At this point, I was no longer feeling my hands and legs. "You won't escape me time, I'll make sure of that" the demon exclaimed. He was planting fear in my mind, I don't know about the others, but for me, it felt like the world was coming to an end. "Hurry" I yelled.

"The bag is filled" Laura said.

"You've got any pockets" Molie asked. "No, I don't"

"Me either. Let get the hell out of this water" I said. "Yeah, we have to go now" Molie said as she tied the bag and hanged it on her shoulder. By now, the demon have stopped talk. What was he up to this time. I was shivering. After what I've been seeing since last night, I don't know if I can say I still think properly. And my teeth were chattering. We walked silently and softly.

        We were able to see if someone or something was ahead of us due to the lights that was shining from the water. I held Laura's hand as we walked behind molie. Everything was going smoothly and we gradually lost light from the water. Despite the darkness, we were sensitive. We kept walking for minutes and it seems as if we were lost or the covers exit won't show. We finally saw brightness some miles ahead. We got excited. I was almost moved to tears. "I can't believe we made it" I said. We used our left over energy to run towards the light but what we saw broke my heart beyond repair. "The water fall? How did we get back here" Laura asked in terror. "I told you already, I won't let you escape" the demon's voice echoed. I tried to hold my tears but it was indestructible. I fell to the ground, as I knelt on sharp stones. It was hurting but I didn't care. "What do you want from us, what have we done to you just leave us alone" I said in tears. My knees were now bleeding because of the stones but it didn't matter. I fell from my knees and sat on the ground, crying desperately. Laura and Molie quickly held me. "Bella, bella you have to get up, we can't give up now you have to be strong" Molie encouraged. " what if we are strong, then what. If the demon wants to kill us, we can't stop him" I cried. " we can and we will. We were able to stop him the first time and we can do it again" Laura said. "That's easy for you to say. We almost died the first time. What difference would it make now. If the demon was able to lead us back to this waterfall, Then killing us will be a breeze. Let's just face the facts. He's just messing around. He wants to and he will kill us" I exclaimed. " no don't say that Bella. We'll get out of here, we just need to keep trying" Molie said. "And what if we don't. What if we can't escape" I said, looking at Molie in the eyes. "Get up. We can't lose hope now. We will make it out of her. Just have faith" Molie said as she and Laura lifted me up. I stood and my legs was shaking.

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