
Nightmare's Awakening

Von, who has spent his life disinterested in everything, has been haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood. In his dreams, the world undergoes a radical transformation as angels descend to Earth, offering humanity a chance following a significant sacrifice. Now, Von's life takes an unexpected turn when elements from his nightmares start manifesting in reality. His disinterest is about to be challenged as he must confront the mysterious events that blur the line between dreams and reality.

Asyrie · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs


Chapter 36: Revelation

Author's Note: I apologize for not uploading new chapters for the past few days. I've been busy and haven't had the opportunity to write, but now I finally have some time. Thank you for always supporting my novel.


The swamp fell silent, the adventurers panted heavily, and distant creatures emitted croaks. Just as they believed the battle was over, a towering lizardman, distinctively marked and wielding a colossal trident, emerged from the water. He appeared to be the leader, bellowing commands while preparing the other lizardmen for further combat.

"Great, more lizards to kill," the group uttered as they simultaneously took deep breaths, preparing themselves for another ruthless battle. 

Ren and Von exchanged a glance, realizing the real confrontation was about to commence. 

"Strap in, I'm sure this huge-ass-lizard won't be as easy as its underlings," Ren muttered, tightening the grip on their weapon.

"Nothing we can't handle," Von chuckled, a steely determination in their voice.

"Stay close, watch each other's backs," Ren said, nodding toward Von with a grim expression.

Undeterred, Grador raised his sword to confront the formidable lizardman leader. Xyr swiftly aimed an arrow, while Lincoln prepared his spells.

The colossal lizardman signaled his warriors with a sweeping trident motion. Its deep and monstrous voice pierced through the air, commanding, 'Finish them all! No one is going to make it out of here alive!' More lizardmen emerged, further intensifying the challenge.

Now facing a more substantial threat, the adventurers adjusted their strategy.

"I'm getting tired of these lizards," Ren said.

"You guys handle the horde; Ren and I will take care of their boss," Von said.

Grador shot Von a disapproving glance, "What do you mean? You guys can't handle them!" he grumbled.

Von raised an eyebrow, meeting Grador's disapproving gaze with a confident smirk. "Oh, ye of little faith. We'll bring back their leader's head on a platter," he said, his tone filled with bravado.

Ren shot Von a subtle glance, silently acknowledging the need to prove themselves in this challenging situation. Without waiting for further objections, Von and Ren pressed forward.

"Are you sure we're going to let them kill the boss?" Xyr said while dispatching enemies.

"Damn, if only Kera was here. We wouldn't need them," Grador said.

"Let's just get rid of Von and Ren ourselves and then steal the kill" Lincoln suggested.

As the battle unfolded, a sudden tension gripped the group as Lincoln's suggestion hung in the air. Grador gave Lincoln a disapproving look, clearly expressing his objection to the suggestion

"That's not our way, Lincoln. We're a team," Grador retorted, his voice filled with a sense of camaraderie.

Xyr paused, arrow nocked but not released, contemplating the unfolding dilemma. Ren and Von, unaware of the conversation behind them, continued to engage the colossal lizardman.

"I was just joking, Grador. Lighten up," Lincoln said, waving off the suggestion with a dismissive smirk.

Despite the attempt to diffuse the tension, an unspoken unease lingered among the adventurers. The battle raged on, with Von and Ren showcasing their mettle against the lizardman leader. The creature, despite its imposing size, began to show signs of wear under the relentless assault.

"I guess this guy is just big and not that strong," Ren said.

"Still, stay focused, Ren. We don't know what will happen," Von said, using his skill Abyssal Chain.

Ren, with his precision and swordsmanship skills, slashed at the boss and infused magical power into his sword to add additional damage to it.

Meanwhile, Grador, Xyr, and Lincoln refocused their efforts on dispatching the remaining lizardmen. The horde, deprived of their leader's commanding presence, seemed less coordinated, making it easier for the trio to manage.

As the skirmish continued, Grador couldn't shake the thought that perhaps Von and Ren had a valid point—maybe they could defeat their biggest threat.

The duo fought with a synergy that hinted at a deeper understanding of each other's abilities. Their determination was evident, and the lizardman leader struggled to keep up with the duo's relentless attacks.

Von and Ren, now locked in a fierce exchange with the lizardman leader, seized a moment of vulnerability. They exploited an opening in the creature's defenses with a synchronized attack. The colossal lizardman roared in pain, its resistance finally breaking.

As the leader fell, defeated, Von and Ren turned to face the rest of the group, a triumphant expression on their faces. The battle-weary adventurers, despite the earlier tension, couldn't help but share in the victory.

"We did it!" Von exclaimed, a genuine smile breaking through.

Grador, swallowing his pride, nodded in acknowledgment. "Well fought, both of you. Maybe I misjudged your abilities," he admitted.

As the boss was defeated, the horde of lizardmen got scared and ran off.

"Yeah, you guys run! I'm sick of fighting with you," Ren said.

As the boss's body disappeared, Von saw a shiny object that dropped from the boss. He bent down and picked up the shiny object.

"This is... a swamp essence," Von said as he observed the object.

"Swamp essence? What's that?" Ren asked.

"I can't believe the essence dropped. What a lucky day," Lincoln said, an eerie smirk playing on his lips.

Lincoln's eerie smirk deepened as he continued, "Swamp essence is a rare and potent substance, usually tied to the mystical energies of the swamp. It can hold incredible magical properties, from healing to enchantments."

Ren, still perplexed, added, "Why would the boss lizardman have something like this?"

Lincoln's eyes gleamed with speculative curiosity. "Perhaps the swamp essence was the source of the lizardman leader's dark magic abilities. Or maybe it was a prized possession stolen from somewhere more mysterious."

Grador, who had been quietly observing, grumbled, "How come you know so much about it? I've heard about it, but not in that much detail," 

Lincoln chuckled, his smirk transforming into a cryptic smile. "Well, I'm the one who suggested we do this quest, right? I think you need to give me that essence."

Everyone felt a sense of confusion, realizing that something seemed off about Lincoln's request.

Von narrowed their eyes, a skeptical look crossing their face. "Hold on, Lincoln. Why would you specifically want the essence? What's your angle here?"

Ren exchanged a wary glance with Grador, both silently questioning Lincoln's sudden interest in the mysterious substance. The eerie smirk and the enigmatic response fueled a growing sense of unease among the adventurers.

Xyr, never one to shy away from confrontation, crossed his arms. "You're not giving us much to go on here, Lincoln. Why should we trust you with this?"

"You guys aren't giving me an easy way. I think I'll just have to take it from you by force," Lincoln declared suddenly, a burst of dark magic enveloping him as he launched an attack against them.

The adventurers, taken aback by Lincoln's sudden aggression, scrambled to defend themselves. The air crackled with dark energy as Lincoln unleashed a barrage of magical attacks, each strike carrying a malevolent force.

Ren swiftly raised their weapon, parrying Lincoln's dark-tinged blows, while Von used their shadow steps to avoid the attack. Grador employed his shield to defend both Xyr and himself.

Xyr, the nimble archer, sought vantage points to launch precise arrows at Lincoln, attempting to disrupt his concentration. Amidst the chaos, the once cohesive team now found themselves during a turbulent internal conflict.

"Why are you doing this, Lincoln?" Von shouted above the clash of weapons and magic.

Lincoln's eyes glowed with an unnatural intensity, the dark magic amplifying his words, "Power, my friends. Power beyond imagination. This essence is the key, and I won't let anyone stand in my way!"

Von noticed that this power was not originally from Lincoln's magic. They sensed that someone was helping Lincoln gain this much power.

"Lincoln, don't tell me you joined that cult?!" Xyr shouted.

As the intense battle raged on, Von's suspicions grew. The dark magic emanating from Lincoln seemed to resonate with a sinister force, one that transcended the usual bounds of magical abilities.

As the intense battle unfolded, Ren's gaze shifted from Lincoln to Von, a mixture of concern and determination evident in their eyes.

"What cult are they talking about, Von?" Ren asked.

Von, with a focused expression, replied, "I'm not sure, but I have an idea about it. There are dark forces at play, and we need to put a stop to it."

"You've got some explaining to do, Lincoln!" Grador yelled, frustration and concern etched across their face as they continued to parry Lincoln's relentless attacks.

Lincoln, caught in the throes of dark power, laughed maniacally. "Explaining? There are realms of power beyond your comprehension, and I've embraced them. This is just the beginning."

Xyr, finding a momentary break in the chaos, swiftly shot an arrow that grazed Lincoln's shoulder. "We're not letting you go down a dark path, Lincoln. Snap out of it!"

But Lincoln's eyes gleamed with an unsettling conviction. "I've chosen my path, and none of you can stop me!"

"Grador, I know we're not in the best place to say this, but we're already involved. We need to stop him, or else we're gonna die!" Von urgently conveyed.

The chaotic clash between Lincoln and the adventurers continued, each moment escalating the internal conflict within the group. Grador, torn between loyalty and the growing threat Lincoln posed, listened to Von's urgent plea.

"Lincoln, we've been through a lot together. Whatever path you've chosen, it doesn't have to end like this!" Grador shouted above the tumult.

"I knew we shouldn't have let him join our team before!" Xyr said.

The battle raged on, and amidst the chaos, Xyr's words resonated with a bitter truth. The once seemingly inconspicuous addition of Lincoln to their team now unfolded into a dire situation. The swamp, witness to their struggles, seemed to reflect the internal turmoil of the group.

Lincoln, still enveloped in dark magic, responded to Grador's plea with a malevolent grin. "This is the path of true power. Embrace it, or be left behind!"