
Night Angel The Dead Island

Xana Star, the fairy, was raised as a warrior, trained to kill demons and rogue Downworlders along with her best friends, Michael, a werewolf and son of London's Alpha werewolves pack, and Alston, an elf and the prince of Alavara. She didn't know that meeting Jamie, the mundane boy, will have this effect on her life. She has to protect Jamie from her enemies, protect the mundanes from Lovecraft, the warlock who is trying to awaken Lord Anubis to take over the world and do her regular missions at the same time. It's a fantasy adventure with magic, mythical creatures and romance.

GhadaElgazzar · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

6-Lost Souls

"We are all damaged, but because of her,

I am beautifully sewn."

Christopher Poindexter.


*Lost Souls.

-Three years later...

"ALSTON!!" Xana screamed and Alston jumped, startled, and nearly fell down. Xana was dangling from the tree he was leaning against a moment ago. Locking her legs on a branch, dangling upside down, her hair almost touching the ground and her tattoo visible under her left ear along her neck. Four blue stars. She got it the first day she drove her Mustang. Her pendant dangling beside her cheek, the sun, making the emerald gem look like a green tiny star casting its rays on Xana's face and making her eyes glow.

He looked back and saw Xana laughing. Michael was lying on the grass, shaking with laughter. Alston ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. Xana grabbed the branch with one hand, unlocked her legs, and jumped swiftly to the ground. "Are you okay? I called you twice before I climbed the tree." Xana asked Alston with concern.

"I was not paying attention." He replied, coolly dismissing Xana's concern.

"Clearly, but what's wrong?" Xana asked, looking into his eyes. Alston had been always hard to read, always a mystery, and he gave her the feeling that he was hiding something other than the issues with his father. "Nothing. Just the regular matters." Alston's father had been giving him a hard time. He wanted him to quit the team and become a knight. Alston refused, and his father wasn't taking it so well.

"I can always go and talk to him." Xana said with a smirk. Alston knew she meant 'I can always shout at him and call him names.' He just shook his head. He looked irritated and nervous. Xana hated seeing him like this. Alston loved his father and wanted to honor his name and make him proud. How could King Elion not see that? Why couldn't he see his son for what he really was? An honorable warrior.

The sanctuary's back garden was one of Xana's favorite spots. They trained there often, relaxed on the thick grass under the sun, and had snowball fights in the winter. It was surrounded by old oak and pine trees; the acorns were scattered in the grass. Xana enjoyed picking them up and throwing them at Michael when he wasn't expecting it. The garden was well kept and someone made sure there was always water for the birds. Arthur emerged from the backdoor, he was an old werewolf with gray hair and gray eyes. Wrinkles streaked his skin unkindly. Nobody knew anything about him except that he showed up one day at the sanctuary gates, asking for help many years before. Sam was just a baby then, and he had never left since then. He became the sanctuary's official cook shortly, he could cook meals like a professional chef. Maybe that's why Fenris let him stay without many questions about his past. He could make a soup that would make you dance even on your most depressing days. He stepped outside and called for them. The sun made his wrinkles unmistakable. "Lunch is ready." He smiled and went back inside. Michael jumped up and followed him, Xana and Alston behind him. Something glittered above Xana's head when she was about to take a seat at the table. Golden specks dancing in midair formed some words and stopped moving. Michael sighed audibly and took another scoop of his food and shoved it quickly in his mouth before he stood up and was ready to leave. Xana read Uriel's message and memorized the address.


"All right baby, let's go." Said Xana softly.

"Baby?" said Alston, horrified and wide-eyed. He shifted in the passenger seat and stared at Xana.

She was behind the wheel, starting the engine. "Of course, she is my baby." She said matter-of-factly. "She!" Alston looked truly puzzled.

Xana turned her head and stared at Alston with questioning eyes for a moment. "Hold up. You thought I was calling you baby?" her eyes narrowed and her tone was incredulous.

"Of course not. Why would you do that?" Alston asked and looked ahead of him. "It is not a proper term to use with a prince." He looked slightly relaxed. Xana eyed him for a moment. "Hmmm, I thought so." She said and hit the gas.

Michael was on his Harley ahead of her. The wind was blowing his fine brown hair, making his shirt ripple. He wasn't wearing his gear's jacket. His strong arms were firm on the fine leather of the handlebars. His gear was tight, showing all his fine muscles. Accalia would faint if she saw him without a helmet, but no one would tell her. Their mission was to dispatch a werewolf who had gone wild and was a danger to the mundanes. He almost bit a girl, but she was saved by stray dogs. He lived in a dump, or at least that's what Xana thought. His small house was a mess. The windows shattered, the furniture broken. Even the fridge was on its side, rotten food spilling out of it. The three of them wrinkled their noses in disgust. A shadow moved in the corridor leading to the inner rooms. Michael phased. Alston placed an arrow on his bow, and Xana grabbed one of her swords. They darted after the shadow, which appeared to be an extra-large, dark brown werewolf. He jumped at Xana and she ducked down, rolled on the floor, and straightened up to find Michael colliding with him. Both were slashing long claws and sharp fangs. Alston kept trying to find a clear shot, but it was impossible. The two wolves moved together, rolling and growling at each other. He might shoot Michael. Xana was waiting for a chance as well. Michael snarled and grabbed hold of the other wolf's leg between his fangs. He yelped in agony. Alston took the chance and shot him in his heart. The brown wolf dropped on top of Michael, who shoved him to the side and phased back, panting and sweating, wiping the blood off his mouth.

"He is heavy." He managed to say between his rapid breaths.

Xana suddenly darted out of the room. Michael and Alston were puzzled, but they followed her without any questions. She stood in the middle of the living room with the shattered windows. Her eyes narrowed and were scanning her surroundings. She moved slowly. Alston opened his mouth to say something, but Xana held out her hand to silence him.

"In here." She said and fled to the kitchen. She strained her ears, and she heard it again. A faint clinking noise. But where was it coming from? The boys must have heard it too. They stood motionless, but alert. There was a muffled, faint groan. Xana grabbed the dirty rug and threw it to the side. A wooden trapdoor with a padlock was under it. Xana broke the lock with her sword and swung the door open. She saw the boys leap forward to stop her before jumping, but it was too late. She was already in the dark basement. It was darker than a moonless night in the middle of the ocean. She moved carefully to the side. Two thuds echoed in the dark. Michael and Alston jumped. Xana lifted her hand, palm up, and emitted light from it. The room illuminated faintly.

"We will talk about that jump later." Michael told her in a tense voice. She nodded and started looking around. Michael, with his night vision, saw it first. Just a shadow in the corner. Xana caught his eyes and moved her hand toward the corner, a sword in her other hand. Alston beside her, an arrow ready to be released between his fingers. Xana felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She felt like screaming, but she gasped instead. Again, before any of the boys tried to stop her, she darted forward and knelt beside the shadow. Alston tensed, and Michael knelt beside her. The source of the clinking sound was metal chains attached to the floor. The chains ended in cuffs around human ankles and wrists. Xana moved her hand closer to the figure and felt her rage piling up inside her, burning in her throat and at the back of her eyes. The figure was just a boy, probably twelve. So pale and so skinny, he was just skin and bones. He wore only torn jeans and no shirt. His whole torso was bruised, with open wounds on his arms and ugly-looking deep slashes across his face. His mouth was covered with duct tape. That's why they only heard a muffled groan. Xana dropped her sword and reached out to lift the boy's head. He was leaning against the wall behind him. Xana lifted his face gently, and the boy opened his eyes. Blue-gray eyes with a silver circle around the irises looked into Xana's eyes for a moment before they closed again. Xana and Michael exchanged a look. The boy had fainted.

Michael put the boy gently in the backseat of the Mustang. They could see his wounds clearly in the sunlight, his ribs visible underneath his pale skin, his spine knobs painfully sticking out along his back. Michael's face was twisted in agony, his eyes suddenly were dim. He felt like he was going to be sick. Even Alston was feeling sympathetic, which was new for him. His eyes narrowed and his mouth was a thin line. Xana took off her gear's sleeveless jacket and covered the boy with it. She was wearing a black tank-top underneath it. She gently brushed the boy's cheek with her fingertips before she got out and closed the back door.

"Michael, the body," she told Michael in almost a whisper. She didn't want the boy to hear. Michael nodded, took out his lighter, and went back inside. Xana went behind the wheel and Alston sat in the passenger seat. Her expression was deadly. She clutched the steering wheel with such force it turned her knuckles white. The corner of her mouth twitched and her stomach tied like a knot. Alston wished he knew jokes like Michael, who always had something funny to say that made her calm down. He reached out and touched her shoulder lightly. She flinched, and Alston withdrew his hand in alarm. She cursed silently. "I'm sorry." She said in a low voice. Alston didn't like any physical contact. Xana could count the few times he allowed her to touch him and the fewer times when he touched her. The last thing she wanted was to scare him off when he did.

"Are you all right?" Alston asked with concern. Xana closed her eyes and nodded. Michael came out of the house, started his motorcycle and they took off towards the sanctuary. Fenris was waiting with a tall man wearing glasses. Sam carried the little boy and laid him on the bed in a room close to Xana's room. Fenris and the tall man went inside. "Dr. Carl will know what to do," Sam assured Xana. She sat on the floor in front of the room with her face between her hands. Michael collapsed beside her, and Alston leaned against the wall. All the Oakstaff brothers were there. Sam was sitting beside Xana with a twisted expression. Billy was looking out of the window, his shoulders hunched. Mark and Simon stood together at the end of the corridor, and Charlie was pacing in front of the door.

Sam patted Xana's back. "Dr. Carl is really good. He fixes our injuries all the time. The kid will be fine, don't worry." His voice was calm, but Xana knew he was struggling to conceal his anger. Sam was nice and always calm, but the sight of the boy would make anyone angry. "Why would anyone do such a thing?" Xana asked no one in particular, her face still between her hands. Nobody answered. She lifted her face and looked at Sam. "It's funny that a mundane doctor knows how to heal werewolves." Xana said, trying to divert her thoughts away from the little boy.

"He learned for his werewolf wife and also for his son, but it was useful for all of us." Sam told her, referring to all the times the good doctor healed them all. The door swung open, Fenris and Carl came out. Xana jumped to her feet and went straight to the doctor. "How is he doing?" she asked, searching the doctor's eyes for answers.

"He is all right. He is just so weak, he needs to rest and you must be prepared for the second and third moon." the doctor told her in a calm tone. Xana looked confused. She looked from Fenris to Carl in puzzlement. Fenris cleared his throat. "The boy is not a primitive lycanthrope. He was bitten recently. The first three moons are the most brutal. He can't control his phasing and he might even not understand what is happening to him. Doctor Carl believes he has already passed the first moon and now we have to help him go through the two remaining. After that, it will be easier for him to control his phasing by practice and training." Fenris was very calm while he spoke. Xana's expression was horrified, and he tried his best to make it less horrible, at least. But the look on her face told him he had failed. She shook her head violently as to shake away what she just heard.

"I'll be going now. Call me if he gets sick." Carl said, and Fenris led him downstairs.

Without hesitation, Xana went inside the room. It was almost sunset. The boy was sleeping on the bed, his face so white like a sheet. He was shirtless still but now he had bandages on his wounds, and a cover was pulled to his waist. His dirty hair covered most of his forehead. He looked so young and fragile. Xana pulled one of the armchairs slowly and soundlessly, set it beside the bed, and sank into it. The boy looked so vulnerable, so small and helpless. She felt a stab through her heart. Fenris came back into the room. "He is just sleeping; Carl gave him something to make him sleep through the night. He needs to eat and rest." He said in his most gentle voice.

"I'll wait by his side. He is going to be terrified if he wakes up and finds himself in here. He will need someone to explain what happened to him." Xana said, without taking her eyes off the sleeping boy. Fenris looked over at Michael, who was standing on the threshold, and gestured for him to come in. "We should go eat, then you can come back and watch him." Michael said, and extended his hand to take Xana's hand. "You go," she squeezed his hand, but didn't get up. "The people of China can hear the rumble in your stomach already." She added and sank lower in the chair.

Michael smiled, "Sense of humor is still intact. She will be all right, Dad. I'll get her something to eat." Michael assured his father, and they both left the room. Alston came inside and sat on the windowsill. His silver hair looked like a rainbow in the twilight. He took one look at the boy, then looked outside the window to the stretched horizon. "Go home Alston, I'm okay." Xana said without looking at him.

"I can stay with you for a little longer." Alston assured. "No need to. Just go home and rest." Xana turned and smiled at him. Alston wasn't good at reassuring anyone, and he looked nervous. Xana knew he wanted to be with her in this situation, but it was best if he wasn't. The boy would be scared and the last thing he would need was a nervous fey prince standing at the edge of his bed. Alston reluctantly agreed to leave. He stood at the door for a few minutes watching Xana sitting beside the boy. He wanted to go back immediately and sit by her side. The urge to be beside her had been stronger lately, more than any time before. He gave her one last look when she wasn't looking at him. He saw how her eyes were full of concern for that small figure on the bed, a total stranger. But she had always been caring and kind towards everyone. With difficulty, he turned around and headed for the portal in Fenris's office. He didn't sleep at the sanctuary most of the time, like Xana. Instead, he often went back to Alavara after their missions. Michael brought Xana some food, but she barely touched it. He slept soundly in the other armchair beside the window and Xana sat awake all night, watching the boy and trying so hard not to imagine the horrors he had been through. She only moved once to throw a cover over Michael and to tilt his head so he would be more comfortable and maybe stop snoring.


By noon, the boy opened his eyes and stared at the room with wide eyes. His eyes stared at every corner. He eyed Michael carefully and then his eyes rested on Xana, a glint of recognition flickered in his eyes. Michael stood by the window, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. Xana sat straight in her chair. She was very careful not to move so fast and startle the boy.

"You cut the chains." The boy said in a low voice. His hands trembled as he clutched the sheets covering his body. Xana nodded and said. "I'm Xana and this is Michael," she looked at Michael and he lifted his chin, greeting the boy. He swallowed and took another look at the room before looking back at Xana. "It's okay, you are safe here. I promise," Xana assured gently, "I'm Adam Archer." The boy said.

Michael drew in a breath and Xana knew he was surprised, but she didn't want to say anything in front of Adam. "We want to know what happened to you, Adam." Xana said in a gentle tone. The boy nodded and started telling them what had happened to him, how he was taken from the street when he was going home, how he woke up in the darkness, chained and feeling cold. He couldn't remember who took him. It was always dark in that room and he never saw his face. He was starving. The kidnapper didn't give him any food, only water. He didn't even know for how long he had been in this room. It felt like months. And one day a large dog bit him, he thought the man made his dog bite him. At that, Xana and Michael exchanged a look.

"Everything was different after that. Like I wasn't myself anymore. I don't know how to explain, but I felt I was changing. I couldn't see myself in the dark, but I felt my body change." Adam said and swallowed hard, still staring at Xana, his eyes begging her to believe him.

"It wasn't a dog that bit you, Adam. It's a werewolf. Michael, will you please explain to him?" Adam's face was white as a sheet, his blue-gray eyes puzzled. He was wearing one of Michael's T-shirts, which hung loose on his skinny frame. Xana dressed him in the shirt last night when she thought he was feeling cold. Michael crossed the room and sat on the arm of Xana's chair. He told Adam everything about werewolves, what the difference was between a primitive lycanthrope and becoming a werewolf because you were bitten. How he was changing into a wolf at the full moon and how it was important for him to let Michael guide him through the next two moons. How his whole life was going to be different now. "But I don't want you to worry about a thing. We will take care of you, you are in the main sanctuary in London and you can stay as long as you need." Michael assured him. Adam only nodded. It was a lot to take in all at once. Xana gestured to Michael that they should leave. They stood up and Michael went for the door.

"I'll let you rest now, but if you need anything, I'll be right outside, okay?" Xana said in her most gentle tone.

"I need to call my parents." Adam managed to say, Xana nodded and went outside.

"Michael, why were you surprised when he said his name? Do you know who he is?" Xana asked in almost a whisper. "Not in person, but I heard of his family, they were murdered three months ago." "Why didn't I know that?"

"They were shot. We didn't suspect it was a Downworlder."

"That poor kid. He was down there for three months. UGH, I wish I could kill that monster one more time." Xana said with frustration in her voice and sympathy for the boy.

"We have to tell him." Michael said and shrugged. "No, not now, Michael. Let him rest." Xana said and leaned against the wall. She felt very tired and not only because she didn't sleep the night before. Her mind raced. How to tell a wounded boy that his parents had died, and he had been tortured for three whole months? Sam came to them and Michael told him everything the boy said. "You two go get some rest and eat. I'll take care of him." Sam said and shooed them away with a smile.

"No way. You have to go see Haley. I'll stay." Xana told him. "Not a chance. Besides, Haley will understand. I'll call her and explain it to her." He said casually. Xana remembered when Sam first met Haley. How he fell in love with her and she became the most important thing for him, and he was terrified when he told her about his nature. He thought she was going to leave him and he was devastated for days until she called him and told him she couldn't live without him. Xana saw as the light came back into Sam's eyes, how he looked alive again, how he was vibrating with happiness as he danced holding his phone after he hung up with her. The twins were still making fun of him for that, still imitating him in a silly way that made Xana giggle. She felt happy for Sam for a moment before she remembered Adam Archer, lying there not knowing about his parents' deaths. Michael, as always, easily read her thoughts. He put a hand on her shoulder and guided her downstairs. "Let me take you somewhere nice and get you plenty of coffee." and he gave her a wink.


The grass was soft and thick under Xana's head. The feel of it was soothing after a dreadful night. She drank three cups of steaming sweet coffee before she lay down for a while, trying to clear her head of the bad images of a little skinny boy starving alone in the dark. Her eyes were closed, but she was aware of every move around her. Part of her training was knowing her surroundings without looking. She could feel Michael sitting beside her. A lot of people close by were enjoying the park as well. Laughter and kids playing. A noise not so far, girls shouting. Xana sat and looked around lazily. A group of teenage girls was gathered around something. She couldn't figure out what it was. Then she heard an exquisite voice singing. A boy's voice. It was so beautiful that Xana stood up and started walking towards it; the melody was captivating and charming. Michael pulled his headphones off his ears and asked Xana, "What's wrong?" Following her with his curious gaze. But she didn't answer him. She just kept walking, her gaze focused on the cluster of girls. Michael stood up and followed her, puzzled. Xana made her way through the girls and she finally saw the boy who was singing. She tilted her head to the side and eyed him carefully. His voice was beautiful. It reminded her of fairy voices somehow. His hair was dark blond, fine, and falling over his face as he was bending down on his guitar. Xana wanted to move closer and push his hair back to see his face better. His skin was pale, and he had tattoos on his arm. He had long slim fingers, a musician's fingers. He was singing with such passion and concentration. Xana didn't know why she was so attracted to his voice, or why she was watching every flick of his movements with such curiosity. Why was she trying to memorize each and every tiny fine detail about him? The boy lifted his face up and ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back away from his eyes. Xana's heart skipped a beat. His face was marvelous. He had blue eyes, clear and warm. Even Cassiel's blue eyes weren't that beautiful or that intense. His high cheekbones were carved perfectly under those lovely eyes. A delicate nose and mouth. And then he smiled. Xana felt the world around her dissolve. Nothing was left but that beautiful angel and his dazzling smile. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she snapped out of her fantasy.

"Are you okay? I've been talking to you for the past five minutes, you know." Michael sounded concerned. Xana glanced at him quickly and turned to stare at the boy again. "Never been better." She said, the corner of her mouth shaped into half a smile until her dimple was visible. Michael watched the expression on her face and looked at the boy, then he blinked. Xana didn't look at anyone like that, maybe when she was looking at her swords or weapons in general, or when she looked at her car, but never for anything else. "Umm... you know it's rude to stare." Michael said incredulously. "He was born to be stared at." Xana said without lifting her eyes off the boy. "What?" Michael asked incredulously, putting his hands on his waist.

"Relax Mikey." She said, still eyeing the boy with fascinated eyes. Michael thought the boy was about their age, eighteen maybe, a handsome devil with a guitar. One word loomed over his thoughts: 'trouble'. Boys who looked like this were always trouble. And he hated the way Xana was looking at him. He saw that she was interested in him and watched him as if he was a rare piece of art.

The girls around them were squirming their way to reach the boy. Some girls eyed Michael and giggled, gasped, and even winked. Michael was very handsome. Tall, muscular and he had the friendliest dazzling wide smile. He was used to that sort of attention and was a bit proud of it. But he wasn't in the mood for this right now. He felt he must take Xana away from here, protect her, and make sure nothing would harm her. Xana was annoyed by all the girls reaching out for the boy, trying to talk to him and get his autograph. She wanted to shoot light bolts from her hands and blast all of them, but unfortunately, using magic against innocent mortals was forbidden. She just stood there watching and trying so hard to stay calm. The boy was laughing and talking. He looked around and saw Xana. His eyes fixed on hers for a moment. And he smiled broadly. Xana froze and wasn't sure if he was smiling at her or at one of those highly annoying girls. She turned to Michael, took his hand, and pushed her way among the girls, elbowing a few and stomping the feet of them to make way. She didn't stop until she was away from the view. Michael was puzzled, but he walked with her without a word. "Okay, what is it?" he asked when Xana finally stood under a tree. "It was crowded." She tiptoed to get a better view of the boy again from that distance. Michael lifted one eyebrow, put a hand on his hip, and said. "Really? Why exactly were you eyeing that boy like that?" he looked into her eyes, not blinking. "His name is Jamie," she said matter-of-factly. "That's what all those girls were shouting at least." She added and shrugged. "I never saw you interested in anyone like that before." Michael said with concern. "I know Mikey. I have no idea why, but he is... something. He is different." "He is trouble. Boys like him always are." He said defiantly.

"You can't be sure of that." Xana said defiantly. And Michael exhaled. He knew that tone and that look. There was nothing he could do but follow her lead and try his best to protect her.


Jamie was in the park to sing one of his new songs to see how his fans would react to it. Everything seemed normal that day, the same noises around, the same soft grass under his shoes, the same scent in the air, and the same group of girls screaming his name. He had always sung with passion. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his words and tunes. He only opened his eyes and looked up after he was done to see his fans' expressions. The girls were screaming loud that day, pushing their way to get to him, clapping him on the back, and touching his arms. He was looking around, as usual, talking and smiling at his fans. Grabbing his guitar between his hands, all this attention was normal to him. Until he saw her, standing among the other girls, unmoving. Her emerald eyes were mysterious and gleaming. Her glossy hair was flowing around her, and her delicate features were captivating. She was standing straight, in a way that reminded him of an athlete. She was petite, shorter than most of the girls around her, but the most attractive. He smiled at her; he couldn't help it. She had that weird effect on him, an effect he feared for so long, like a magnet pulling him against his will. He felt he had to know her, know her name and who she was. He felt a flutter in his chest as he eyed her. He got very curious about her. For a moment, the world around him dissolved, and it was only her that remained. But she didn't smile back at him. She grabbed the hand of a tall boy who was standing beside her. Jamie didn't notice him before, despite the fact that he was towering above most of the girls there. She took that boy's hand, turned around, and walked away quickly. He must be her boyfriend then, Jamie thought, and the world around him resolved again into action. The noises returned quickly, filling his ears and surpassing the flutter he felt a moment before. He was disappointed. Such a pretty girl. He ran a hand through his hair nervously and went back to chatting with his fans. But the image of her face was taking over all his thoughts. Will he see her again? He wanted to get up and see where she went, but there were so many girls around him blocking his view. 'Get a grip Jamie, remember your rules,' Jamie reminded himself firmly and kept trying to keep the image of the pretty girl out of his thoughts, convincing himself that she had a boyfriend, anyway.


Xana stood away watching as the girls surrounded the boy, blocking her view of him, she could see a glimpse of blonde hair and an intense blue gaze but it was soon hidden again. Something shimmered in front of her face and she waited until it was formed into words. 'I am not coming today, but tell me if there's a mission.' She waved her hand dismissing the silver glowing words away. Humans of course couldn't see them. Only an enchanted creature or a human with the sight could. "He is not coming, huh?" Michael asked, still looking concerned and following Xana's gaze as she tried to get a better view of the handsome boy.

"I'm sure his father has something to do with it, and besides, he was really nervous about being around Adam," Xana said and remembered the little boy. She inhaled slowly and closed her eyes for a moment before adding. "I'll call Sam and check on him." Michael nodded. She took her phone out of her jeans pocket and dialed Sam's number. She started pacing around as she talked. Michael watched the cluster of girls move and dissolve. Xana hung up and stood beside him, watching too. "Sam said Billy will go to investigate the Archers' house. Find out if their murder has anything to do with Adam's kidnapper. Mark and Simon will investigate the kidnapper's house and see if there are any clues. Adam is better. He is asking about me and I told Sam to tell him I'll be back later tonight." "Sounds interesting. Who you wanna go with?" Michael asked with uncertainty. "Neither," Xana said and Michael lowered his head and sighed. He sensed she was going to say that. "I want to know where he lives." She added and started walking after the boy, who was making his way out of the park now. Michael shrugged and followed her.

Jamie's house was small, but Xana thought it was nice. Two floors with a small, well-tended garden surrounding it and lots of trees around. The grass was neatly cut and various types of flowers were planted. She parked away from the house and walked slowly down the street with steady footsteps until she stood facing the front gate. "You do know we are stalking, don't you?" Michael asked in his most teasing tone. Xana smirked and walked around the house, reaching the back garden. She jumped above the fence swiftly and landed on the soft grass with a faint thud. Michael shook his head and followed her. "Now we are stalking." She said and wriggled her eyebrows. "We are so going to jail," he teased her, but she was already walking towards the window. Xana carefully stood under the window, then she reached up to get a look inside. The house was nice and organized, but it was very quiet. "We should just go." Michael whispered, and Xana lifted her hand to silence him. She could see the living room and the open kitchen at the end of it. Jamie went to the kitchen, shirtless and barefoot, still wearing the same black jeans he was wearing at the park. He wasn't muscular the way Michael was, but he was slender and graceful, his blond hair falling carelessly over his forehead. He was making coffee. "He likes coffee." Xana whispered. "Everybody likes coffee," Michael replied with a shrug, then added, "It's getting dark and I'm starving." Xana didn't react at all. She was staring at Jamie, moving around with his mug of steaming coffee until he settled on a couch and turned the TV on. He looked lonely and vulnerable; Xana felt a bang of sympathy towards him. She stood for a few moments, watching carefully, as if memorizing the features and characteristics of this handsome boy. "Okay, let's go," she said without taking her eyes off Jamie. For another moment she didn't move, then she spun around fast and crossed the garden, jumped off the fence, and headed for her car. Michael followed her, jumped into the passenger seat beside her, and glared at her. He left his Harley at the sanctuary and rode with Xana to be able to talk to her and make her feel better after a long night of watching Adam. "What?" Xana asked without looking at Michael, starting the car and grabbing the steering wheel with both hands firmly. "I think you owe me an explanation. Why were we watching Mr. Trouble through his back window?" Michael teased. "Okay, stop calling him that and I don't know, Mikey. I just had to, all right." Xana admitted. "I just want you to be safe. I can't stand the idea of anything hurting you." Michael said, still looking at Xana. His tone was wholehearted and honest. Xana then looked at him. At those warm brown eyes, the ones that watched her grow up, watched her fight and carry weapons for the first time, the ones that looked after her for as far as she could remember. She smiled and patted his hand. "I know and I promise you I won't do anything behind your back, okay? Besides, he is just one human, it's not like he can harm me in any way." She said in her gentle tone. Michael nodded. But he was still worried. They bought some food and coffee and headed back to the sanctuary. Xana was quiet. She was thinking about Jamie, his voice as he sang, his features and the way he looked at her, his hair falling over his eyes, and her desire to push it back, to see how it feels under the tips of her fingers. She tried to shake those ideas away, but couldn't. Suddenly everything around her was a blur, she blinked and grabbed the steering wheel tightly. A hand reached out from beside her and started the wipers. She was dazed for a moment before she realized that it was raining hard outside. Michael stared at her and raised his eyebrows. "I have been talking to you for the last ten minutes. Did you even hear me?" he asked. "No," she said and hunched her shoulders. Before she could say anything else, she saw a slight movement in a dark alley. "Michael!" she said, pressing her face against the window, trying to get a better look through the splatter of rain. Michael was already looking past her. He dropped his sandwich and opened the door. Xana flung the door open and sprinted towards the moving shadows. The sound of her boots splashing the water puddles echoing off the walls, Michael on her heels, his knife ready in his hand. The shadows became clear in front of them, five men with ivory skin and scarlet eyes. Michael growled deep in his throat and was ready to phase. Xana reached for her swords but stopped. They weren't attacking, they raised their hands, palms in front of them. Xana exchanged a look with Michael.

"We don't have a quarrel with you, princess." Said the one standing closest to Xana, emphasizing the word 'princess'. His voice was calm, but his tone was cold. He spoke while his eyes were fixed on Michael and his gleaming knife.

"What are you doing here, then?" Xana asked, matching his cold tone.

"It's a private matter. You see, one of us needed to be taught a lesson," he said and grinned, the most awful grin Xana had ever seen. He stepped aside, and she saw behind him a small figure crumpled on the ground. A boy, face down and soaking wet, his scarlet blood dying the rain puddle underneath him. Xana took a step toward the boy and the five vampires blocked her way. Michael hissed under his breath and pushed one of them away, sending him smacking hard into the wall. He was about to attack another when they stepped back. "We don't want to fight with you. This is a private business between the Night Children." Said the same one again. He must be the leader, Xana thought. "I just made it my business. If you don't want to fight me, then just leave." Xana said in both a threatening and amused tone. In one flash, her gleaming sword was in her hand, pointed at the first vampire, inches away from his throat.

"But we didn't commit any crime," said the vampire. Xana moved the sword deeper toward his throat. The tip of the blade brushed his ivory skin. A scarlet drop appeared, and the vamp swallowed visibly. He bowed and stepped back. "Fine, you can have him. He is a disgrace to his kind, anyway." He gave his companions a look, and they all turned around and vanished through the heavy rain. Xana kneeled on the ground and turned the boy over. His skin was gray, his eyes closed, and his face covered with black bruises. A flash of Adam's memory crossed Xana's mind, and it pained her. Michael tensed. "What are you doing?" he asked, pushing his soaking wet hair away from his eyes, the silver circles around his irises gleaming. "I think he's alive. I saw him move his fingers." Xana examined the boy's face. "Vampires aren't exactly alive." He said in a sarcastic tone. Xana shot him a look. "I never saw a vampire so… gray before." "He must be hungry." Michael said matter-of-factly. The boy opened his eyes, ominous red eyes. He grabbed Xana's arm and closed his eyes again. Xana didn't move or push him away. "Help me put him in the car."

"What?" Michael sounded furious and for a moment, he didn't move. He was hoping he heard wrong. But then Xana looked up at him and said. "Now Michael, I'm soaking." Michael rolled his eyes, but he bent down and carried the boy. It was still pouring rain. Michael was soaked from head to toe and was carrying a vampire. Xana couldn't help but laugh. She tried to muffle her laughter and failed. Michael glared at her and said in annoyance. "Can this day get any worse?" Something made a cracking sound above Michael's head and a large amount of water, dirt, and leaves landed right above Michael's head. He spat a leaf that went into his mouth and swore aloud. Xana burst out laughing. Apparently, someone opened a rain gutter. The boy stirred in Michael's arms but didn't open his eyes. Xana opened the backdoor and Michael laid him inside. Xana squeezed her hair and went inside. Michael brushed the dirt and leaves off himself and went inside looking furious. Xana was still trying to suppress her laughter. "Once I get cleaned up and change, I'll kill you, slowly and painfully, Star." He said and grabbed his sandwich. "Oh, be grateful I didn't put you in the trunk." Xana smirked. Michael ignored that comment. "You know he is not a stray puppy," he lowered his voice. "He is a vamp."

Xana started the car and was already moving. "I know. But look at him. They were going to kill him, Mikey." "Not if he's already dead." Michael shrugged and took a large bite of his food. "Well, they were doing something bad, and I had to stop them." Xana said defiantly. Michael shook his head and said. "This isn't part of our duty. We protect the innocents from them. We do not protect his kind from each other."

"I'm the naughty lawbreaker, remember?" she said and gave him a sly grin. "We can't take him to the sanctuary." Michael reminded Xana.

"I know, I'm heading to Calum's." "He will be so pleased with this gift." Michael said and smirked, then he went back to eating his sandwich. Xana looked back at the boy a few times on the way, wondering what made them beat him up like this. He looked tiny and young, no more than sixteen. His dark blond hair was wet and sticking to his forehead. His skin was gray and his veins were black and visible under his skin. Xana banged on Calum's door with one hand and rang the bell with the other, Michael behind her carrying the vampire and dripping water on the marble floor. "Calum, open up." The door swung open, but it wasn't Calum who stood there.

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