
Night Angel The Dead Island

Xana Star, the fairy, was raised as a warrior, trained to kill demons and rogue Downworlders along with her best friends, Michael, a werewolf and son of London's Alpha werewolves pack, and Alston, an elf and the prince of Alavara. She didn't know that meeting Jamie, the mundane boy, will have this effect on her life. She has to protect Jamie from her enemies, protect the mundanes from Lovecraft, the warlock who is trying to awaken Lord Anubis to take over the world and do her regular missions at the same time. It's a fantasy adventure with magic, mythical creatures and romance.

GhadaElgazzar · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

12-The Overlord...

"Oh where are you going with your love-locks flowing

On the west wind blowing along this valley track?"

"The downhill path is easy, come with me an it please ye,

We shall escape the uphill by never turning back."

Amor Mundi, by : Christina Rossetti


*The Overlord.

Arthur sat in one of the armchairs beside Fenris's desk, ashen, worried and old. He looked much older than he really was. Xana stood close to him, looking at him with curiosity and sympathy. Alston and Michael stood near the window, waiting for Arthur to speak. Jamie stood quietly by the fireplace. He sensed he was supposed to leave the room, but he was curious and nobody told him to leave, so he stayed; he got his jacket back from Xana and he wrapped it tightly around himself, inhaling the smell of roses and sunshine, Xana's scent.

"I hope what I'm about to say will not change how you feel about me, will not make you respect me any less." Arthur said looking at Fenris. Xana gave Fenris a meaningful look, and he understood what she meant. "Nothing can make me respect you any less, Arthur." Fenris assured Arthur as Xana's look acquired of him. "Or anyone of us either." Xana said giving the boys the same look. The boys nodded. Arthur exhaled and looked at the floor. "The Overlord is Aleister Lovecraft." "The warlock?" Xana asked. "The higher dark warlock of London?" She raised one fine dark eyebrow. "The very same. That was the title he used when I knew him," Arthur explained. "It was many years ago. I was young, and I came across his way. He offered me a job and said he would pay me in gold if I accepted. I had a family, a wife, and a baby girl. I wanted a better life for them, so I accepted the offer." He shut his eyes. He looked pained and troubled. Xana was holding her breath. She was anxious to know what had happened to Arthur. His life before the sanctuary had been a secret. Arthur went on. "The job as he called it was not what I expected at all, he needed me as a servant for his dark magic, he was trying to awaken a pharaoh and he needed a werewolf in particular to perform the rituals, there were other werewolves there. He tried with each one of us, but he never succeeded. He kept saying something was missing. When it was my turn, I couldn't do it. He asked me to drink blood and I couldn't. He tortured me," Arthur clenched his fists, Xana put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at her. "I would never drink such a thing." "I know." Xana assured him.

"Anyway, it was like that for a while. He was using other werewolves, and they all turned crazy after drinking that blood, talking about their souls trying to escape their bodies. They used to scream all night. I heard them through the dungeons. I wanted to help, but I couldn't. He had many workers, werewolves and warlocks and demons. One day, they forced me to drink the blood and left me in my cell. It was unbearable. I saw images of dead bodies and fire, there was always fire. The next day they were supposed to take me to perform some rituals but one of the prisoners broke free and caused mayhem, I took the chance and escaped, I didn't return to my family because I feared I might hurt them, the dreams never left me. I was afraid I was going to be crazy like the other prisoners, and that was why I came here. I knew if I was a danger, you would stop me." He said the last line, looking at Fenris. "What about your family?" Michael asked. "They must think I'm dead." Arthur said, regret and longing laced his tone. "Which pharaoh he was trying to awaken?" Xana asked.

"Anubis, he said when Master Anubis is awakened, we will have the gold we were promised." Fenris stood up from behind his desk and put a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Thank you for telling us, Arthur, at least now we know what we are up against. Why don't you go and get some rest?" Fenris spoke gently. Arthur nodded, stood up, and walked slowly out of the room. "We need Calum's help." Michael declared and Xana nodded. "Fenris, can you go to Calum and explain all this?" Xana asked. "If he is still trying to awaken Anubis, then that explains the missing werewolves."

"Sure, I will go now, I will take the twins with me." Fenris said and Xana gave him a grateful look. He knew she didn't want Calum to know about Jamie yet. "Thank you," Xana thanked Fenris before he left the room. "Mikey, Al, we should find out more about Anubis. I need to know what sort of rituals are needed to awaken him and who is he?" "Edward?" Michael asked. "Yes, I'm sure he would have a book or two about him. We should leave now," Xana said. "I will send Uriel a message."

Jamie cleared his throat. He felt that they had forgotten about him. "Umm, awaken a pharaoh? Is that possible?" he asked, looking from Xana to Michael.

"Yes, by necromancy, but it's forbidden," Xana replied. "That's why we have to act fast. The blood Arthur mentioned is usually the blood of innocents." Alston rolled his eyes as Xana explained to Jamie. "We do not have time to enlighten the mundane." "Thank you for the reminder, Alston, but Jamie is coming with us." Xana said defiantly. Alston's silver eyebrows shot to his hairline. "Coming with us?!" he inquired incredulously. "Yes, I'm not going to leave him here. I can protect him better when he is with me," Xana challenged. "Nobody is here except for Lia, Adam, Arthur, and the Hunt family and none of them can protect him from a demon attack." Alston was angry, but he decided not to show it after seeing Jamie gloating with triumph. Michael smirked at the expression on Alston's face. He clapped Jamie on the back playfully. "You are about to see something really weird, so try not to panic." "I don't think there's anything weirder than what I have seen so far." Jamie said shaking his head. He wasn't really thinking about what he was going to see. He was thinking about how lovely Xana looked, how her hair was perfect all the time, how her lashes were long and dark shielding those emerald eyes and she said she was going to protect him so maybe she cared for him more than he thought she did. He prayed in silence to find the courage to overcome his fear of caring for or loving anyone other than his brother, for that was the only way he could be with Xana. Jamie watched in amazement as Xana lifted her palm and spoke softly into it. Silver specks of light flew from her stretched palm and vanished through the window. Moments later, specks of golden light danced above Xana's head, forming words and instructions. Michael explained to Jamie how light messages worked, but Jamie did not care about the magic they contained. He was only interested because Xana was the one performing them. Anything she did amazed him. He could no longer watch her in silence. Jamie's phone rang. Snapping him out of his daydreams, he left the room to answer. "Everything all right?" Xana asked, coming out of Fenris's office. "Yes, it's just my brother. He wants to spend Christmas with our uncle and I agreed." Jamie replied. "That's good. It's best to keep him away for a while until I can make you safe again." Xana said, giving Jamie a smile.


Johnny beamed when Xana entered the old bookstore, giving her his most broad smile. Jamie hated him instantly.

'Great, another admirer,' Jamie thought with bitterness, things were getting out of hand, it seemed like in every corner, Xana had an admirer, a handsome devil with a broad smile.

"Hey Johnny, is Edward ready for us?" Xana greeted the boy in a friendly manner. Johnny squinted his eyes at Jamie before he replied. "Yes, he is. Follow me, please." And he pushed a curtain behind him, revealing the long narrow dim corridor. Jamie followed Xana. Michael and Alston were behind him. Edward's office was the same. He only added more books and more jars. Jamie eyed the weird substances in the jars suspiciously. It wasn't long before Edward appeared. "Welcome, welcome, it is always a pleasure to see you, princess." Edward's voice boomed through the room. He gave Xana a bow. Jamie turned and gaped at the tall warlock, who had odd eyes, one green and the other was orange, black disarrayed hair, and a tiger tail. Jamie swallowed, but he couldn't help but stare. "Edward," Xana said, shaking the warlock's hand. Edward noticed Jamie's expression and gave him a polite smile. Xana noticed how bewildered Jamie was. "This is Jamie Moon, a friend of mine. Jamie, this is Edward Wood, the merchant. He is a warlock." Xana introduced them, stifling her laughter at Jamie's expression. "Any friend of our princess is welcome in my place." Edward said politely, shaking Jamie's hand. Xana was thankful that Edward didn't ask any further questions about Jamie. "We need some help," Michael said. "We want all the information we can find about Aleister Lovecraft and Anubis." What Michael said caught the attention of Edward immediately. His tail fluttered nervously as he scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Lovecraft is the higher dark warlock, but he has been in hiding for a long time." Edward said. "We have reason to believe he is back, and he is also using necromancy to awaken Anubis." Xana explained. "I see. If that is the case, then we have a lot to be worried about. Anubis is the opener of the ways. He can lead the spirits of the dead back to life, back to their bodies. You see, princess, with Anubis, he can bring back anyone he wishes. He can bring back any number as well, for Anubis is the most powerful. It's very dangerous to awaken him and as I recall, he had brought back many evil creatures and his punishment was to burn him alive, to destroy his body so he wouldn't have a body to go back to and also they cast many spells over his soul that made awakening him almost impossible and needs many rituals." Edward explained, and concern filled his tone.

"That's not good," Xana sighed. "Well, all we know is he needs a werewolf to perform those rituals, and it includes drinking blood, but he wasn't successful. That blood turned the werewolves forsaken, and they ended up killing themselves. Fenris already warned all the packs. We don't want any more werewolves missing." Xana explained. "I'm sure I have something about Anubis. Let me check and as for Lovecraft, I have to warn you, he is very powerful. Finding him won't be easy and worse, confronting him will be very dangerous. He is very old and very skilled, and he won't hold back at using any forbidden branch of black magic to save himself." Edward warned Xana, and she nodded. Edward vanished behind the long curtain covering one of the walls. "A warlock, huh! Impressive." Jamie spoke for the first time. "Edward is an old friend. He always helps us with our missions whenever we need him." Xana explained. Edward came back after a few moments, holding a large, old-looking book. The writing on it was in hieroglyphs. "In that book, you will find information about Anubis, but I'm afraid it doesn't say much about how to awaken him, as it's considered necromancy. I'm afraid I don't have such books in my possession." Edward sounded apologetic. "That is okay. Fenris actually is at Calum's now to see what he can help with. Maybe he knows something." Xana assured Edward. "Let me just cast a translation spell for you." Edward said, resting his hand on the old book. Green sparks ebbed from his outstretched palm and danced around the book before they vanished inside it. Edward handed the book to Xana with a smile. "Thank you, Edward. We will leave you now and if you hear anything, please call me right away." Xana said, shaking Edward's hand. Michael and Jamie said goodbye. Only Alston left without a word.

"I'm starving." Michael declared over the sound of Evanescence blasting 'My Immortal' in Xana's Mustang. "Wanna go to MEAT Mission?" Xana asked. She had been absentminded for the past fifteen minutes. "Yeah, I really could use some protein in my system." Michael said, looking out the window at the gray sky and the snow gathered on the side of the road from the night before. "MEAT Mission? The restaurant in Hoxton?" Jamie asked Xana.

"Yup," Xana said giving Jamie a smile. "It wasn't what you expected?" Xana asked amused. "I didn't think you went out to regular places but I guess I shouldn't be surprised," Jamie shrugged. "But what about your outfits? Aren't you worried people will notice them?" "We don't really give it much thought, no matter what you wear people will always wonder and stare so why bother to look normal?" Xana matched Jamie's shrug. "Good thinking," Jamie said giving Xana a thumbs-up, he was hungry himself and he needed to be in a normal place after his encounter with the warlock with the wiggly tail. The restaurant was busy as usual, Xana and the three boys sat on one of the red leather couches. The blond waitress beamed at Michael and hurried to take their order. Xana smirked, that waitress was trying to get Michael to ask her out for the past six months and Michael kept turning her down. Michael ignored Xana's smirk and gave the waitress his most charming smile. "Hey Elena, I want three Piggies in Blankets, two Filth Pies, two chili cheese fries, and make sure there's extra chili and a Greek salad," Elena was scribbling the order while giggling softly and eyeing Michael's biceps. Michael went on. "Get one chicken parma burger, a Greek salad and onion rings for Alston and turkey cheesesteak, chili cheese fries, also extra chili and onion rings for my man, Jamie," Michael clapped Jamie on the shoulder and the waitress immediately blushed when she looked at Jamie and bit her lip. Xana rolled her eyes. 'Stop staring at my human,' Xana thought.

"Get two buffalo wings, one cheeseburger, and a Greek salad for Xana, as for the drinks, we want four fresh orange juices." Michael handed the menu back to Elena with a flourish. Elena took the menu and giggled before she walked away to get their orders, clicking with her high heels as she went. Xana shook her head. "You have to stop doing this. You keep flirting with her and refuse to ask her on a date." She scolded Michael firmly. "I'm not flirting. That's what I normally look like. I can't help it," Michael teased, and Xana rolled her eyes. She was sitting between Jamie and Alston. Michael was beside Jamie. "Hey, wanna see who can eat more chili fries?" Michael asked Jamie casually. "Sure." Jamie replied, amused.

"You don't have to challenge Michael. It's okay to withdraw." Xana told Jamie she didn't want him to challenge Michael at eating chili fast because Xana was certain that Michael's tongue was dead. You could pour a bucket of super chili peppers in his mouth and he wouldn't waver. In fact, he might even ask for more. "It's all right, I can eat a few chili fries." Jamie assured Xana, he sounded smug. "Boys." Xana said, exasperated.

Elena came back with the orders, placed their plates with a clutter while fluttering her thick eyelashes at Michael, who grinned, showing his perfect teeth. Xana wondered if Elena would feel the same about Michael if she saw his fangs and his long, black claws. "Ready?" Michael asked Jamie once Elena left. "Whenever you are." Jamie challenged, his blue eyes twinkling. "All right, go," Michael said and started eating the super chili fries one by one while making appreciative moans. Jamie ate his fries as well. His lovely smile didn't leave his face. "Impressive," Xana said when Jamie finished his fries, giving him a sweet smile. "Nobody could ever match Michael's skills in eating chili." "Oh, for God's sake." Alston rolled his eyes and reached Michael's second plate of chili fries. "Alston, that's really hot, and you don't eat chili food," Xana was alarmed. She knew of Alston's intolerance for chili food. What was he trying to prove? Xana wondered. It was too late. Alston was already jamming a large number of fries into his mouth, Michael's eyebrows shot to his hairline, and Jamie's look was quizzical. Alston swallowed and his cheeks turned scarlet, and the tips of his pointed ears turned into a dark shade of purple. "Alston!" Xana called, concerned, staring at Alston with wide emerald worried eyes. Alston didn't reply. He clenched his fists as sparkly drops of sweat trickled down his forehead. He looked miserable. The white of his green eyes was turning to pink and his silver hair was getting plastered to his forehead and neck. "Spit it out." Michael urged Alston, but Alston had already swallowed. Xana shot up and left the table. She came back in a few minutes holding a cup of milk. Xana gave Alston the cup and ordered him firmly to drink all of it. Alston obeyed without hesitation. His throat was on fire, his stomach was hell, and he feared that he had damaged his tongue for good. "Better?" Xana asked when Alston put the cup down. "Yes, thank you." Alston said, his voice hoarse.

Xana gave a meaningful look to Michael and Jamie, daring them to tease Alston about what he just did. "I can't tolerate chili food as well, please don't do that again." Xana said gently. Alston nodded and went for his orange juice, looking ashamed of himself. Alston hated himself for what he did. Why couldn't he eat some stupid chili fries easily, like Jamie? Xana was impressed with what the silly mundane did. He wanted to impress her as well, only he failed, embarrassing himself miserably. Alston didn't look in Jamie's direction for the rest of their meal. Jamie understood what Alston was trying to do, but he respected Xana enough not to embarrass her friend any further. 'The elf wants a challenge,' Jamie thought with amusement. He can play this game. He can impress Xana and win her heart before the elf tried to do the same. After everyone had finished their meal, Jamie went to the restroom, Xana conversed with Michael and Alston about what they should do. Xana wanted to read the book Edward gave to her, and she wanted to know what Calum knew about Lovecraft. Alston was quiet, listening to Xana's soothing voice. It helped calm the fire in his stomach. He promised himself he wouldn't ever taste anything chili for the rest of his life, that is, of course, if his taste buds were still working. Xana saw Jamie appear from the restroom. She watched as he made his way between the customers towards her, running a hand through his blond hair to push it away from his captivating eyes. A swirl of blond hair and heavy red lipstick screamed and swept Jamie in her arms, Xana's mouth went dry. "Jamie Moon, I can't believe my luck." Blondie was saying while Jamie, awkwardly, released himself from her grasp. "Venus, what a …. Pleasant surprise." Jamie said, looking at Xana with concern. He wondered what she would say about Venus, one of the many girls who tried to go out with him. "It's been a long time Jamie, where have you been?" Blondie went on, gripping Jamie's upper arm and giggling unnecessarily.

"Xana! What is wrong?" Alston asked when he saw the odd expression on Xana's face, how she was clenching her fists and biting her lower lip. "That troll has her hands all over my human." Xana spat, looking at the tall girl with a short skirt, thigh-length boots, and heavy red lipstick. Michael choked on his juice. He coughed a few times before he was able to speak. "It's the first time you've called him that." He said, astonished. Xana glared at him. "I guess so. No point denying it anyway." Xana looked back at Jamie and Blondie with bitterness.

Alston got angry, he didn't want to see Xana upset and he was angrier with himself for not being able to do anything to help her, and worse, she was jealous, she called the mundane her human!!

"I got it," Michael said, standing up. "No need for you to blow anyone up, wolf's charm coming up," he whispered before he pushed his hair back, making it fall perfectly on his shoulders and smiling broadly. Michael reached Jamie and Blondie, stood with confidence, and threw his arm casually over Jamie's shoulder. "Jamie, you didn't tell me you have such an attractive friend." Michael said in his most charming tone, giving Venus all of his attention. Venus's eyes went wide as she stared at Michael, checking him from head to toe before her eyes rested on Michael's bright light-brown twinkling eyes. "I'm Venus, you are?" she said with an enthusiastic voice, extending her manicured hand. "Michael, so do you come here often?" Michael asked, shaking Blondie's hand.

Jamie slipped away gracefully and silently while Venus was ogling Michael. He went and sat beside Xana, giving her an apologetic smile. "Who's your friend?" Xana asked harshly, then she regretted her tone. She didn't want Jamie to know that she was jealous. The new emotion startled her. Jamie caught her tone and knew that she was jealous. A fleck of hope fluttered in his chest. If she was jealous, then she cared for him. "That's Venus. We used to go to school together." Jamie said casually, trying his best to sound uninterested in Blondie.

"What kind of name is Venus?" Xana said bitterly. Again, she regretted her tone. Xana's inner voice was yelling at her, 'Calm yourself, Star, remember what Mikey said, act cool,' but only she couldn't act cool when Jamie was in the arms of someone else. "It is Latin." Alston said calmly, trying to get Xana to calm down. Xana blinked at Alston before she realized what he was talking about. She took a deep breath and checked what Michael was doing, then she smiled and shook her head. Michael was in his flirty mode and the poor girl didn't have a chance. She was literally drooling while Michael looked at ease, confident and charming. Xana looked around and noticed how every girl there was looking at her in an unfriendly manner. She knew that look because she always received it whenever she was out with the boys. She was sitting with the three most handsome boys in the place. Other girls envied and hated her for that, but what she never realized was how other boys were looking at her, envying Michael and Alston for sitting with such a beautiful girl. No matter where she went, every place she went to, she was the most beautiful girl in the room and she had no idea. It was Jamie who noticed that. It annoyed and amazed him how ignorant Xana was of her own perfect looks, how she turned heads wherever she went, how her nonchalant hairstyle and clothes made her perfect. He had to glare at three boys since they came inside the restaurant to stop them from staring at her, while she was completely unaware of them. Jamie wanted to draw Xana's attention away from Venus. "I need to go to buy some stuff today, is that possible?" he said casually, smiling at Xana. "Me too. We can go after we leave here." Xana turned and looked at Jamie. She was calmer now. She let herself marvel at the shade of his eyes. She hated the idea of anyone else admiring his eyes but her, and she was infuriated when Blondie touched him. She didn't want anyone touching her human. When Michael managed to slip the iron grip of Blondie on him, he went back to the table and gave Xana a wink and a sly grin. It made her giggle. Before they left, Xana went to the restroom. Standing in front of the sink, lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the blond girl approaching her. "Do you think you are the first one who tried to win his heart?" Venus said, hands on her hips and staring at Xana in the mirror. Xana didn't turn to look at her. She gave her an uninterested look in the mirror. "I'm not like anyone he ever knew before." Xana said calmly. It was a miracle she didn't snap. Xana could feel the steam coming out of her ears at the image of Venus gripping Jamie's arm and she hated how Venus was taller than her, she was only a few centimeters shorter than Jamie while Xana's head faced his chest. Venus laughed a high-pitched short laugh. "Forget it Dolly, he doesn't date, besides you are not his type." she challenged, smiling a tiny evil smile. "Why are you so worried then?" Xana teased. Venus's face split into an ugly bitter expression. Xana expected her to snap but it looked like Blondie thought better of it, Venus turned on her heels and left the restroom, slamming the door behind her.

Xana curled her lip and gave herself a shrug in the mirror before she went back to the boys with a heavy feeling in her heart. 'You are not his type,' the phrase hanged heavily in her mind. They left the restaurant. Xana needed to buy Christmas gifts for everyone. Before Xana entered her car, she caught a movement by the garbage cans. Three figures were pushing a boy around. Michael sniffed the air and his eyes blazed. "Vampires." Michael declared, stepping in front of Jamie. Xana already was moving toward the vampires, Alston by her side, Michael beside Jamie, keeping him safe.

"What is going on here?" Xana asked, tipping her head to the side, looking at the three vampires pinning a fourth vampire against a garbage can. The vampires hissed and pared their fangs, Michael snarled. The vampires took a step back and Xana saw that it was Daniel, who the vampires were pushing around. "What are you doing to my vampire?" Xana asked, her tone held a threat. "Nothing." Said one of the vampires between his teeth. "Daniel, are you okay?" Xana asked, her gaze not leaving the other vampires. Daniel stood up and pulled his uniform down. He was wearing a MEAT Mission's uniform. Xana had no idea he worked there. "Yes, I'm okay." Daniel said, stepping closer to Xana.

Jamie was watching the whole scene with alarm. Daniel's eyes turned blue and that surprised Jamie, but he remembered what Xana said about glamour and blending in. "Michael, don't you think we should teach them a lesson?" Xana asked, amused. Michael gave the vampires a sly grin and a flash of his growing fangs. "What is our crime?" demanded another vampire. "Annoying my vampire and wasting our time," Xana teased, reaching behind her shoulder blade to withdraw one of her Adamas swords. Jamie leaped beside her without thinking, putting his arm before her, blocking Xana's way, looking from her to the vampires and back. Xana touched his arm gently, lowering it. "It's okay, I can handle them." Xana said gently, assuring Jamie, who didn't move from beside her. Jamie's behavior amused Xana. Alston took his bow out of its bag, placed an adamas arrow, and was ready to strike. "We should get this over with." Alston said, sounding bored.

"We will just leave. Clearly, we have crossed some line here." Said the first vampire. He was slender, with a mop of light brown hair.

"I have claimed Daniel, so coming across his path means coming across mine," Xana warned. The vampires nodded and fled briskly and swiftly into the dark. Xana turned to Jamie. "Thank you, but there was no need to try to protect me."

"They looked dangerous to me." Jamie said, jamming his hands in his pockets, for some reason, he felt stupid. "You are right, they are no Edward Cullen, but we had them under control." Xana assured Jamie again. Michael laughed. "You were the only one in danger here." He clapped Jamie playfully on the back. Alston put his bow and arrow back in their leather case and slung it over his shoulder.

Xana turned to Daniel. "I didn't know you got a job here." "I can quit if you want me to." Daniel said. "No, it's fine. We come here a lot. It would be good to keep an eye on you." Xana said. Daniel nodded. He smiled when he saw Xana wearing the ring he gave to her.

Xana said goodbye and lead the boys to her Mustang. They argued about where to go and how they needed to split up. Jamie didn't want Xana to see what he was going to buy for her, and Xana didn't like the idea of leaving Jamie with Michael alone. What if Jamie was attacked? Finally, reluctantly, Xana agreed on letting Jamie go with Michael, while she and Alston went shopping, on one condition, to be only a few meters away from each other, in case anything went wrong. Alston was silent, while Xana came to and fro the many shops lined along both sides of the busy Monmouth street. They did the same thing every year, only this year was different because of the mundane. People were buzzing around them, everyone was busy getting presents, couples wearing sweaters and holding hands, a mother with three sons carrying many bags, an old man with a cane, who gave Xana a warm smile. "Al, you okay? You haven't said a word since we got here." Xana asked, coming out of a bookstore. "I think so." Alston said casually, avoiding the busy shoppers whizzing by him. "What were you thinking about? Eating those chili fries." Xana asked again, insisting this time, going down the narrow stone alley that led to Neal's Yard.

"It is Alston." Alston's tactic to change the subject was familiar to Xana, she decided not to push him further. Not very far, on the other end of Monmouth Street, Jamie and Michael were choosing gifts as well. "Um… Michael, can you not mention to Xana what I got for her, please?" Jamie asked. "Sure, no problem." Michael said, giving Jamie one of his many sly grins. "Since you know Xana better than anyone else, where do you think she would have a good time, a place where she will enjoy herself?" Jamie asked, avoiding Michael's curious gaze. "Why?" Michael teased.

"She saved my life. The least I could do is take her for coffee or anywhere she would like." Jamie shrugged. He tried to sound casual, but he couldn't fool Michael. Michael raised an eyebrow at Jamie. "You want to ask Xana out." Michael indicated, not asked. "I might be." Jamie knew he could trust Michael, plus he was his best chance to get to know what Xana really liked and how to win her heart. "You know you are not the first one to try and ask her out. Over the years many have tried, Seelies, wolves and even warlocks, a few humans with the sight, regular mundanes even, she turned them all down, and those who dared to insist or to approach her after she turned them down, well let's just say they ended up with broken limbs." Michael snapped his knuckles as he said 'broken limbs'. Jamie nodded. "You are not the first one to threaten me." He ran a hand nervously through his hair. "And I won't be the last." Michael confirmed. "I have no intention of hurting Xana, I care a lot for her." Jamie admitted. He didn't know why he confided in Michael, but he felt he had to let it off his chest, to finally say the words out loud. "You better," Michael warned. "Xana is very special." "I know. She is a walking arsenal." Jamie joked. Michael looked serious. He stopped walking and focused his piercing gaze on Jamie's. "You have to understand that being with Xana is a challenge. I know she is intimidating and fierce sometimes, but under that, she is very sweet and kind. She is innocent Jamie. She can protect herself against the monsters of the Downworld, but she can't protect herself from the monsters of this world." "I don't think Xana needs any protection." Jamie said incredulously. "Yes, she does," Michael's tone was adamant. "She is naïve when it comes to mundanes' relationships. She doesn't know what it means to lie and cheat. She only says the truth, so I expect you to tell her the truth all the time. I really like you, Jamie. You showed courage and I respect that. But if you broke her heart, I could and I would break your face along with every single bone in your body." Michael finished his threat with a wink. Jamie's gaze didn't waver. He needed to show Michael how serious he was about Xana. He understood Michael's fear for Xana and his desire to protect her. If only Michael knew how hard it was for Jamie to let himself fall for Xana, to admit that he cared for her, to take her out on a date. It was the first time he would take a girl out on a real date. He used to hang around with girls before, but he never told any of them that he cared. He never felt for anyone what he felt for Xana, and even whenever he started to feel a slight interest in someone, he would immediately stop himself and shut his heart. But he couldn't tell Michael that, Michael would think he was stupid if he knew that about him. "Okay, what else do we need to get?" Michael asked casually as if he hadn't just threatened to break Jamie's face. "Can you promise me one thing?" Jamie asked. "That depends." Michael shrugged. "Don't tell Xana we had this conversation, I want to surprise her." Jamie explained with a plea in his voice. "I wasn't going to, it's up to her whether she would go out with you or not but since you have entered our circle, everyone will watch you closely." Michael said simply. Jamie shook his head, how could Michael threaten him so casually like this and look that normal. "Agreed." Jamie sighed. Michael clapped Jamie playfully on the back. "This is going to be so interesting. Come on we don't want to be late for dinner." Jamie laughed, Michael just ate the largest portion of food Jamie had ever seen anyone eat, in fact, he hadn't seen anyone who could eat that much and still think of food.


Back in the sanctuary, things were quiet. Lia and Fenris were watching TV with Adam in the living room, Adam looked much better then, he beamed when he saw Xana. Arthur was cluttering in the kitchen, probably was making dinner. Caroline and Colin were in their rooms. The tree was in the living room, semi-decorated and dim, Mark and Simon didn't finish their job. Xana went to her room to put the gifts away, she needed to wrap them and place them under the tree once the twins finished decorating it.

'I hope Jamie will like his gift,' Xana thought as she put her shopping bags aside. One of them was particularly heavier than the rest. Xana gave herself a smirk when she put that one away. She knew she was good at gifting. She knew what to get everyone, but she was still worried about what she bought for Jamie. Xana, Michael, and Alston gathered in Fenris's office. Xana was eager to know what Calum said to Fenris. "Calum wishes to see you. The last time you were there, he said you fled because something was wrong and he hadn't heard from you since then. I hate to lie to my friend Xana, please make sure you talk to him." Fenris said. Xana nodded. "I intend to, I assure you, Fen."

"As for Lovecraft, Calum said the same as Edward. He was active for a while but he went into hiding suddenly until now. Tracking him will be tricky and could take a lot of time because he knows how to guard himself against tracking, of course." Fenris recited his conversation with Calum for the Slayers. "I suspected that a warlock with his powers will be hard to catch." Xana said, curling her lip. "We will find a way." Michael placed an assuring hand on Xana's shoulder. "For now, I have all the packs warned and ready and I already started tracking missions and I doubt that he will be able to recruit any werewolf again, now that we know what he wanted of us." Fenris said. Xana knew of the werewolves' excellent tracking skills, but it didn't assure her. Lovecraft was famous for his strong magic and mischievous ways of avoiding punishment. "Unless he took them unwillingly," Xana expressed her fears. "I think Liam Hunt kidnapped Adam for that reason. Maybe he thought he could spare himself if he presented Lovecraft with another werewolf."

"I thought of that, and I have arranged for patrols around the clock. No wolf is to go out alone." Fenris said. "Let's hope that will be good enough until we can find him." Xana said, looking at Michael. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Lovecraft put his hands on Michael. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and focused on something else. "You should go have dinner now, and make sure to call Calum." Fenris reminded Xana.

Xana nodded and went to her room again, fished her phone out of her pocket, and dialed Calum's number. Calum answered almost immediately, scolded her playfully about fleeing like that and not calling him for days. Xana apologized, said she was sidetracked, she kept her sentences short, she couldn't tell him about Jamie, not just yet and not over the phone. Xana changed the subject, asked about Emily and Aldora. Calum sighed, "Emily is the same. Aldora tried many different things, but nothing worked. Emily is trapped in her own world and refusing to use her magic."

"I'm sorry Calum. I wish there was something I could do." Xana felt bad for Emily. "Don't worry about it. I hear you got a lot on your hands at the moment and I want to have your full attention. Lovecraft isn't easy." Calum warned. Xana caught the alarm in his tone. "I know what I'm up against. I can handle an infamous warlock, Cal." She said playfully, trying to stop Calum from worrying. "Lovecraft isn't any warlock, he is the head of the dark warlocks." Calum warned again. "I know. I'll be careful, I promise." Xana said in an apologetic tone. "And promise me you will come to me directly when you need help." Calum insisted. "I promise you, besides, I want to see Emily and Aldora." Xana assured. "See you soon then, my dear."

Xana hanged up and took a deep breath. "That went well," Xana said softly to herself before heading downstairs. She was glad to see Billy home, just who she wanted to see. After dinner, Xana whispered to Billy. "Meet me outside your parents' room in ten minutes." Billy nodded, excited and anxious at the same time. Xana managed to slip from Michael and Alston. Jamie was busy playing video games with Adam. They seemed to get along just fine. Adam was winning and gloating about it.

"Do you think this is the right time? I mean, with everything going on with the packs and all." Billy asked Xana before she knocked on Fenris and Lia's door. "With a subject like yours, there will never be a right time," Xana joked. Billy's face fell. "Don't worry, you have my full support in this." Xana assured Billy, knocked twice, and waited until Lia opened the door.

"Darling, is everything all right?" Lia asked, looking from Xana to Billy, her black eyes luminous and her shimmering hair like a waterfall on her shoulders. She wore a white lace robe, tied firmly around her waist, and white fuzzy slippers. "Marvelous. I just need to talk to you and Fen about something," Xana said, stepping in, dragging Billy with her. Fenris and Accalia sat on one side of their massive bed. Xana and Billy stood facing them, Xana looking confident if a bit worried, while Billy looked like a fourth-grader who just got his first detention. Xana was thinking there was no easy way to break such news, so she decided to go straight for the heart. "Billy is seeing someone," the second Xana said that, Lia's face lightened up. Xana held up her palms, urging Lia not to get too excited. "Her name is Jane, and she is a vampire." Xana looked from Fenris's to Lia's shocked faces and to Billy's ashen face. Everyone was silent for a while. "Billy!" Lia's disappointed whisper broke the charged silence. She stood and walked towards her son. "Tell me this isn't true." She almost begged. "She's not what you think. She is different." Billy said, looking into his mother's tearful eyes. "She is a monster." Fenris roared, startling everyone in the room. His eyes were turning blazing silver. Xana saw Fenris that angry only a few times during her whole life. "Fen, I think you need to take this calmly." Xana tried to put some reason into him.

"Xana, THIS IS between me and my son." Fenris yelled, emphasizing his words, not even looking at Xana but glaring at Billy. "Fenris!" Lia clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide and horrified. Billy opened his mouth to say something, but Xana spoke first. "Clearly I have crossed a line here and I apologize. I'm sorry." Xana said, her cheeks red, and a lump was forming in her throat. She turned quickly on her heels and strode out of the room, ignoring the plea in Lia's calls after her and the apologetic look on Billy's face. All she saw was the angry expression from Fenris. Xana slammed the door behind her and went straight to her room. She heard Billy shouting before she turned at the end of the corridor, telling his father it wasn't her fault.

On the third floor, Michael was standing with Jamie, chatting casually near Xana's door. Xana cursed silently and took wide angry strides, crossing past the two puzzled boys without a word, entered her room, and slammed the door shut. She collapsed on her bed, trying to slow down her breathing and to contain her anger. Her palms were already glowing. She decided a hot shower might do the trick, so she headed to the bathroom and got the hot water running. Outside, Jamie was gaping at Xana's closed-door. Then he gave Michael a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asked. "Oh boy, this is not good," Michael said. "She is mad about something."

"Shouldn't we do something about it?" Jamie asked with concern. "When Xana is that angry, she can be destructive, especially to a mundane." Michael explained. Alston came out of his room. "Who slammed a door?" he asked Michael. "Xana, she is mad about something." Michael replied. "Oh." Alston said, a knowing look covered his face.

Jamie hated that he didn't know Xana well like her friends, he had no idea how to act when she was angry and what would calm her down.

Billy and Lia came hurrying along the corridor. "Have you seen Xana?" Billy asked. "She just stormed into her room. What's wrong?" Michael asked. "Dad said something stupid to her." Billy said, outraged. Lia knocked softly on Xana's door and waited for her answer. Everyone went quiet, but Xana didn't answer. "We must leave her to calm down. You know how she can be, Lia." Alston spoke kindly to Lia, who nodded and walked away. "So what is this all about?" Michael insisted. He wasn't going to let Billy get away that easily. Billy sighed before he explained what had happened.

"How could dad say such a thing to her?" Michael was appalled, pacing back and forth. "He unleashed his anger with me on her," Billy said. "It's entirely my fault."

"Someone has to make sure she is all right in there." Jamie said, moving toward Xana's door. Alston leaped in front of Jamie, blocking his way. "You will never set foot behind that door, even if you were the last person on Earth." Alston snapped.

Before Jamie could protest, Michael was speaking. "We know what we are doing, Jamie. Xana is okay. She just needs time to calm down. When she is better, she will come seeking us as usual." He assured Jamie and at the same time was firm at stopping him from taking any further actions. Jamie nodded and excused himself. He went to his room and immediately grabbed his mobile phone.


Xana was submerged in the hot water when she heard the soft knocks on her door. She knew it must be Lia, but she was far too angry to face anyone. She laid in the tub until the water got cold. Finally, she was less angry, if not sadder. Fenris had never spoken like that to her before. She was always considered a family member among the Oakstaffs. She was hurt. It took her longer than necessary to dry her hair. When her hair was finally dry, she sprawled on her bed and grabbed the book Edward gave to her. Reading always helped with her temper, but something else caught her eye. Her phone was flashing. When she checked her phone, there were messages from Billy, Michael, and Jamie. Xana replied to each of them, said she was okay, but she needed to rest. Especially the message from Jamie made her smile. It was nice of him to check on her. Xana grabbed the ancient book and started reading. The translation floated in green above the original hieroglyphs. Xana thanked Edward mentally for casting the spell for her. Xana didn't know for how long she stayed up that night. The last thing she remembered was the birds singing outside her chilled window, the dark sky turned to gray, and a dream about certain blue eyes.


"Rise and shine, Star." Michael said cheerfully, holding a mug of steaming coffee and beaming at Xana. Xana was between dreaming and waking up. In this blurry stage where she couldn't determine what was real and what was not. She smelled the delicious coffee and opened her eyes to a beaming, beautiful Michael. In his black shirt with a white paw print on the chest and dark-gray cotton pants, his bright brown hair falling perfectly on his shoulders and his light-brown eyes twinkling as usual. Michael would make a perfect rock star, if only he wasn't perfect at being a demon slayer. "Hmmm," Xana said appreciatively, pushing the open book above her chest, sitting up, and taking her favorite coffee mug from Michael. The mug was navy-blue with a pattern of small silver stars scattered on it in random order. "Exactly what I needed." Xana said, sipping indulgently. "I thought so. When did you sleep last night? You look really tired." Michael said, taking the book off Xana's lap and placing it on her nightstand. "No idea, but it was after dawn." Xana said between sips and yawns. "Someone wants to see you, but I told him to wait outside until you are ready." Michael winked. "Oh," Xana pushed her hair away from her face and sat straight. "Bring him in."

"Jamie, you can come in now." Michael called out, amused. Jamie entered and stood for a moment when he saw Xana still in her bed, not what he had expected, but her smile encouraged him to walk towards her again. He saw how relaxed she was, how confident and at ease. No girl he knew would allow a boy in her room while she was still in bed, just woken up and without a speck of makeup, but everything about Xana was different. She acted so naturally, so herself, without complicating things around her, never caring about her looks and not having this urge to look perfect all the time. Jamie loved how comfortable Xana was with herself, he admired her for it. "Good morning, are you feeling all right?" Jamie said, smiling at Xana's black pajamas with a pattern of small white skulls. He never saw her wearing anything girly. "I am now." Xana said, clutching her favorite mug. Jamie sat on the chair near her bed, as Michael was already sitting beside her on the bed. "You looked very upset last night."

"Yeah, I have a bad temper and it takes me some time to calm myself down." Xana explained, admiring how lovely Jamie looked, his hair falling over his eyes and his adorable smile. He was wearing a white knit sweater and jeans along with black sneakers. He looked like he just rolled out of bed himself and yet he managed to look absolutely handsome without even trying.

"You are up!" Alston announced. He scanned the room before giving Jamie a scornful look, then he went to stand by the window after giving Xana a green apple. "Eat. You need your energy."

"Thank you." Xana said, placing her empty mug beside the book and taking a bite from the hard apple. The atmosphere was cozy in Xana's room. Even with Alston's glares at Jamie, it was still nice to be around Xana and her friends. Jamie wanted a chance when he could ask her to go on a date with him, but he feared he might not be able to catch her alone. Her two boys were almost attached to her. Where she went, they followed close by and it would feel awkward to ask her in front of them. It already took all of Jamie's courage to come up with that decision. Jamie sat quietly, marveling at Xana's natural beauty, her bright smile, and silky dark hair, her wide emerald eyes and small hands, her confidence and humor. She was making plans with her two boys about training and Christmas day while investigating the Overlord. A knock brought Jamie back to reality. It was Fenris, red-eyed and messy-haired, looking directly at Xana while standing awkwardly at her door. Xana placed the unfinished apple beside her empty mug and nodded. She and Fenris seemed to be having a secret muted conversation. Michael patted Xana's arm before he stood up and signaled Jamie to leave. Alston followed them. The three boys stood in the corridor, waiting for Fenris to finish talking with Xana.

Fenris sat on the same chair where Jamie had sat, laced his fingers, and looked at his shoes. Xana noticed streaks of gray hair spreading among his brown hair. "I can find Jamie someplace else. I could leave today, but I will keep you informed." Xana said coldly, unlike herself. "What are you talking about? I don't want you to leave." Fenris was alarmed. He knew he was rude to Xana last night, but he didn't think it would take her that far. He never wanted her to leave. "What you said …." Xana was saying when Fenris cut her off. "What I said while I was angry doesn't count," Fenris stood up and sat down beside Xana on her bed. "I was angry at Billy. I always had high expectations for him and now I feel like he has let me down. Involving himself with a vampire, you know how vampires can be Xana, better than anyone. I'm worried about my packs. I have a responsibility for every werewolf in England. I don't need to be extra worried about my son as well. I know all of this isn't an excuse for what I said, but I'm under a lot of pressure and I hope you could forgive me," Fenris placed a caring hand on Xana's shoulder, a fatherly gesture. "I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean what I said, you know very well that you are a member of this family. I promised Pairo and Lilly that I will treat you like a daughter and I'm a man of my word." He had a plea in his eyes that Xana couldn't resist. She loved Fenris as much as she loved her own father. "So I can defend Billy and stubbornly take his side?" Xana teased, a small smile forming on the corner of her mouth. Fenris's booming laugh echoed in the room. "Can I convince you otherwise?" Fenris asked, relieved. "Not a chance." Xana folded her arms. Fenris kissed her forehead. "Just be easy on me. I'm getting old, you know."

"Just don't jump to conclusions before you actually meet the girl." Xana advised. Fenris nodded. "By the way, I don't want to hear you saying you will be taking your human away from my surveillance. That boy must stay under our watch."

"You know I'm totally capable of protecting him on my own." Xana reminded. Fenris shook his head. "He is not who I'm worried about. I always said if I ever had a daughter, I would be waiting with a shotgun for whoever tries to come near her, and I ended up with six sons. So now when I have to let a boy live under the same roof with the girl I consider my daughter, I will take every advantage of the situation." Fenris said, much too amused. Xana laughed. "Don't worry Fen, everyone is keeping an eye on him."

"As they should, come on now, get out of bed and join the rest for breakfast," Fenris stood and headed to the door. He stopped before the threshold and turned to face Xana again. "Are we all right? You are not upset with me at all?" "Of course I'm not. I understand now why you said it and I can't blame you. It is a shock, and I delivered it in a bad way." Xana shrugged, giving Fenris an apologetic smile.

Fenris nodded and went outside Xana's room to find the three boys staring at him, he was certain they had been listening. He gave them a smile and headed to the dining room. Xana jumped out of the bed and stretched with a big smile on her face, things were all right again with Fenris and that pleased her. "Hurry up Star, I don't want to start breakfast without you." Michael teased. Xana turned to see him standing at her door, Jamie and Alston staring at each other awkwardly behind him. "Wouldn't want to keep you hungry Mikey." Xana winked, brushed her hair quickly, and went to the dining room with the three boys.


After reporting to Uriel, Xana went to train. This time, Jamie wanted to be a part of it. Again, Alston offered to have him as an aiming target, and Xana said she needed to teach him how to use a knife. "It's always helpful to learn how to defend yourself, especially when you are expected to be attacked by demons." Xana told Jamie, who agreed immediately. He didn't care whether he needed the training or not, all he cared about was that it was Xana who was going to teach him and he enjoyed the ugly glare from Alston when Xana stood beside him, showing him how to hold the knife correctly and how to aim while balancing himself. "You make it look so easy," Jamie said after he saw Xana throwing one of her knives and hitting the target right in the middle. "You do it so effortlessly,"

"I've been training all my life. You'll get there. Just give yourself some time." Xana assured. "Useless mundanes." Alston muttered before climbing one of the ropes. Xana and Jamie ignored him. It was easier that way. "Just remember, draw your strength from your back and your whole arm, not just your palm." Xana explained. Jamie threw and this time he was within the target circle. "Finally." Jamie said, throwing his fist in the air. "I told you, you will learn." Xana beamed at him. "I'm starving. I say we all have trained enough for today." Michael announced, grabbing his shirt and slipping it on. He was right. They had been training for over five hours. They earned a break and a meal. Xana was yearning for a cup of coffee. Lunch was awkward. Fenris and Billy weren't talking, Lia was silent and the twins, Sam and Charlie, were absent. Adam finished his whole plate and, once again, Caroline and Colin had lunch in their rooms.

After lunch, Xana and Michael tried to work on the tree. They added more ornaments. The blue balls were Xana's favorite. Jamie sat and watched with amusement while Alston helped by taking out the ornaments from the small boxes and handing them to Xana and Michael. Arthur made hot chocolate for them. "Are you all right?" Xana asked Arthur with concern after he handed her a cup of hot chocolate. Arthur nodded. "I wish I could be of more help."

"You helped more than you think, it could have taken months until we knew who that Overlord was. Thanks to you all the packs are alert now," Xana assured the ashen Arthur, who gave her a small smile before vanishing back into the kitchen. Xana made a mental note to find out where Arthur's family was now, a family reunion would be sure to make Arthur happy.

The sky turned from gray to black, indicating an icy long night, with three days left until Christmas. Xana was eager to finish decorating the tree when golden specks of light danced above her head. Xana read the message carefully. "All right boys, we have all the details, so let's change into gear." Xana announced, left the golden ball in her hand on the fireplace beside the tree, and was ready to head for her room when she saw Jamie standing up and following them. "Not this time, mundane." Alston told Jamie coldly. "I'm afraid Alston is right. This is very risky for you, Jamie. You'll be much safer here with Fenris and Billy." Xana said to Jamie in an apologetic tone. "You took me to the witches and to that tree fairy." Jamie indicated. "Yes, but those weren't dangers. We are going to face Dracones demons, huge, nasty dragon-like demons with three heads. They spit fire and ichor, and handling them is always tricky. I can't risk having you there. I'll be so worried about your safety that I'll be sidetracked." Xana explained patiently. "Can't I just wait in the car?" Jamie asked, with a plea in his tone. "A liability." Alston said calmly, crossing his arms above his chest. "I'm sorry Jamie. It's better this way. I can't risk your life." Xana apologized and, without further explanation, she headed for her room, followed by Alston. "We will be back before you know it." Michael assured Jamie. "Take care of her." Jamie said.

"Always do." Michael confirmed firmly before heading for his room as well. Jamie sat down again and put his head between his hands, trying not to think of Xana, petite and fragile, facing a three-headed dragon-demon. He was digging his nails into his palms at the image of Xana's body, lifeless on the ground, with a hissing dragon above her. The images of his parents' dead bodies came unwelcome in his mind, and he tried to push them away. If he wanted to be with Xana, he would have to get used to her being in danger. That was her life, and he had to cope with it.


Xana already had one of her swords ready at her hand, moving silently between the trees of The Regent's Park, heading to the boating lake. Luckily, this part of the park was closed for renovation, otherwise it would be brimming with people. "Two Dracones, how odd!" Michael wondered. "They only can be summoned by a warlock." Xana said to no one in particular. Alston had his bow ready, scanning the area around him in alert. "Why would a warlock summon Dracones into a place like this?" he wondered. "Who knows what's going on in the mind of a dark warlock?" Xana shrugged.

A hissing sound brought their attention to an opening between the trees. Xana could spot the lake and two moving shadows. "Here we go," Xana gave Michael a wink and dashed toward the demons. Michael phased and outran her. Alston stood a few steps behind, aimed and fired. They expected two demons as Uriel had informed, six spitting heads and flying ichor everywhere. Xana was busy avoiding the poisonous orange ichor, the fire, and the long sharp claws while slicing at the dragon demon with her sword. Michael, in his wolf-form, was doing the same, but with his fangs and claws. The air was icy, the grass was covered with a thin layer of snow and the place was quiet except for the demons' hisses and the Slayers' movements. Michael noticed that the demon he was fighting was holding back, wasn't really trying to kill him, instead, he was avoiding injuring Michael. Michael thought he had to be mistaken. No demon would do such a thing as not killing a Slayer on sight.

Adamas arrows were flying past Xana's head, and resting in the flesh of the demon, giving her a chance to climb up one of the demon's backs, she was technically riding it, which gave her the advantage of tearing the three heads one by one. When done, she turned to the demon Michael was fighting. The demon ignored Michael and attacked Xana, slashing at her with long claws and breathing fire. Everything happened so fast, Xana and Michael heard a cry of pain and no arrows were flying close by, Xana turned and saw two Dracones demons attacking Alston, they managed to spit ichor on his arm and leg, his bow was on the ground and he was trying to cover his face. Xana grabbed her electrum whip and was already running towards Alston. Michael sprinted after her, snarling. Two demons came out of nowhere and attacked Alston. None of them was prepared for this, but their experience and training allowed them to act fast and save the situation. Xana used her whip to drive the demons away from Alston until she reached him and managed to stand between him and the two demons. Michael was behind Alston, protecting him from the third demon.

"Alston, how badly hurt are you?" Xana asked, while fighting the two demons with both her sword and her whip. "The ichor." Alston said, still on the ground. The third demon hissed and Xana heard Michael whimpering. Her heart leaped to her throat. She couldn't look back to check on Michael, but she knew what had happened. The demon managed to hit Michael, sending him away from Alston. "Mikey," Xana called, alarmed, while still trying to stop the two Dracones from coming near Alston. "The demon pushed him away," Alston answered Xana. "ARRGH," Alston exclaimed in pain. Xana didn't wait any longer. She stood still, focusing on the two squirming demons. Her wings became visible and her light ebbed from her whole body, forming an aura around her. Xana expanded the aura until it reached the two demons surrounding and trapping them. It took a few moments until Xana was able to blast the two demons, but she lost a huge amount of her energy. When she turned, there was mayhem behind her. Alston was defending himself with one of his Adamas arrows, while Michael was biting the demon's leg. Xana gathered her strength and sliced at the demon with her sword, succeeded in dispatching one of his three heads. The demon slashed at Alston's chest with long sharp claws and Alston yelped in pain. Xana abandoned her whip and reached for her second sword, and was fighting the Dracones with both swords, slicing at him and avoiding his orange ichor. Michael leaped and caught a gleaming object with his paw and instantly phased back and yelled, his body thriving with pain as he laid on the cold ground. Xana managed to stab the demon in his heart, killing him and sending him back to his realm along with his previous companions.

"Mikey, what is it?" Xana asked, alarmed as she dropped on her knees beside Michael. Michael lifted his hand and Xana saw smoke coming out from his fist and dangling between his clasped fingers was Alston's silver chain, the one that held his knight's silver leaf. Xana unclasped Michael's fist hastily, releasing the chain and tossing it over to Alston, then grabbing some snow from the ground and placing it on Michael's burned palm. Alston caught his chain and put it around his neck. "You knew it was silver." Alston said to Michael, his voice low and his tone quizzical, as if he didn't believe that Michael would do that for him.

"It's so important for you." Michael said between gritted teeth as Xana kept putting snow on his palm. "Why wouldn't he do that for you, Alston?" Xana asked, sensing Alston's surprised tone. Alston didn't reply. He held his silver leaf in his hand, looking lost. Michael screamed in agony, gripping his ribs. "My ribs are... broken... they ... need ... healing." Michael said between ragged breaths. "We need to get you back now and get Doctor Carl." Xana said, helping Michael up. Alston retrieved his bow, stood up, and followed Xana and Michael. Xana laid Michael on the back seat in her Mustang, jumped in the driver's seat, and slammed on the gas. She struggled to keep her eyes open. There was no time for her to lose consciousness. Michael's breath became loud and ragged and she knew that Alston was in pain from the ichor on his arm and the scratches on his chest. Xana managed to call Fenris and told him to get the doctor.


Michael's screams echoed through the whole sanctuary. Lia, Fenris, and the doctor were in his room with him. The doctor was repositioning Michael's bones back before his body healed over the broken bones.

Xana was pacing back and forth outside Michael's room, running both her hands in her hair every now and then. Jamie stood awkwardly watching her while Alston leaned against the window, gazed at the night sky, and toyed idly with his leaf. Billy took Adam outside, away from Michael's screams. Caroline and Colin hid in their rooms and Arthur was hovering at the end of the corridor.

"I can't take this anymore," Xana exclaimed, opened the door, and stepped into Michael's room, Jamie on her heels, but he stood at the threshold. Michael was sprawled on the bed, Fenris was holding him down while Doctor Carl fixed his bones, and Lia was sobbing by Michael's side. Xana dashed to Michael and held his hand. "It's okay Mikey, you are doing great." Michael gave her a feeble smile. "I'm a mess." his body was feverish and sweat sparkled all over his skin. Xana shook her head at him. "Michael, this will not be easy." The doctor said and placed his hands on Michael's ribs, putting them back in the right position. Michael tried to muffle his screams. He grabbed Xana's forearm tightly with his free hand, not letting go of Xana's hand with his other hand. Xana took a sharp breath as the pain shot through her arm. Michael was in a lot of pain. He didn't notice how hard he was gripping Xana's arm. But Jamie noticed, he saw the pained look covering Xana's face. He knew she was in pain. Jamie hurried toward Xana, stood beside her, and placed his hand on her shoulder. Xana looked at him for a brief moment and nodded. She understood what he was trying to do before she looked back at Michael. It was taking long to put Michael's ribs back in their place. Michael let go of Xana's hand and gripped the sheets under him, gritting his teeth and thriving with pain, but still held Xana's forearm with his other hand. Jamie immediately went for Xana's free hand and gently clasped his fingers around it. Xana was mesmerized by the kind gesture, but she was paralyzed by Michael's pain. Jamie watched her intently, amazed by how she didn't even waver, enduring the pain to be with her friend. "It's all right, son, it is nearly over." Fenris spoke gently to Michael, holding him down, keeping him from moving.

When the doctor was finally done, he gave Michael something for the pain and another to help him sleep. Fenris took Doctor Carl out and Lia went and sat quietly in the armchair beside Michael's bed and stroked his face gently. Xana leaned down and whispered to Michael, who was falling asleep. "Stay with me, Mikey. You know I need you, always." Then she unclasped his fingers from around her sore forearm and put his hand gently beside him. Jamie didn't let go of Xana's hand. He took her outside of the room and stood with her in the corridor, listening to Fenris and Carl talk about Michael. The doctor said Michael would need to rest, but he would be fine. Xana exhaled hearing the doctor's assurance, she was aware of Jamie's hand holding hers, aware of Alston's glare at their knotted palms but she didn't care, it felt so good to hold Jamie's hand, it calmed her troubled heart.

"Xana, is there anything I can do for you?" Doctor Carl asked politely. "No, thank you, it's just some ichor, nothing I can't handle." Xana thanked the doctor and went to Alston. "How are you feeling?" Alston looked from Xana's and Jamie's knotted hands to Xana's eyes. "I need to wash the ichor and use some remedies. I will be in my room." Alston said, turned around, and vanished into his room.

"Come with me." Jamie said gently to Xana and led her to the fourth floor and to the music room. Xana loved that room with its polished wooden floors, ceiling to floor glass windows, and red velvet curtains. The room was dominated by a huge black piano. Not far behind was a drum set, a couple of guitars, a violin, and lastly, a huge golden harp. The carpets were also red, and the chandelier was crystal. "You found our music room." Xana indicated then felt silly. "I never would have guessed that a place like this has a music room." Jamie shrugged. Xana smiled. "The piano belongs to the twins, the guitars are for Billy, the drums are Michael's, the violin is Charlie's and the harp is Alston's." Xana explained, pointing at each instrument in turn. "You don't play anything?" Jamie asked, curious. "Not really. Sometimes, I play the drums, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I just fool around with Mikey." Xana explained. "You care about him a lot." Jamie said, stroking Xana's knuckles with his thumb.

The familiar current of Jamie's touch ran through Xana's veins. It was hard to concentrate. "My friends are part of my existence, take them away from me and you have just killed me, that's how much they mean to me." Jamie lifted Xana's other hand, let go of her hand and pushed the sleeve of her gear back, revealing her forearm which was now bruised with the shape of Michael's fingers. The bruise was an alarming shade of blue. "That's why you endured this?" Jamie asked gently, but his tone held some anger. Xana nodded. "Please don't mention that to Michael. You know how he feels about hurting me."

"You are as fierce as you are gentle. I'm simply impressed by everything you do," Jamie looked straight into Xana's eyes, marveling at the shade of their color. "Enduring the muscle's train iron grip is amazing." He added. "Thank you," Xana smiled, her cheeks blushing. "The muscle's train?" "Or Mr. Fantastic. Both names fit him perfectly." Jamie said, amused. Xana giggled. "Do you have other secret names?" "Mr. Gorgeous for Alston, that's all." He shrugged. "I see." Xana said thoughtfully.

Jamie ran a hand through his hair, he seemed thoughtful for a moment before he spoke. "You know I have lived my whole life caring about two things only: my brother and my music. I made a promise to myself that I won't risk being hurt because of the people I cared for and that was why I limited all my relations, I didn't want to feel what I felt when my parents died again," Xana didn't know why Jamie was sharing his secrets with her but she was glad he did, she was eager to know him better. Jamie paused for a moment, studying the expression on Xana's face. "I never allowed myself to care for anyone. I never dated a girl or had real friends, just acquaintances and that was it until I met you,"

Xana's heart skipped a beat, she was lost in the blue and those words brought her back to reality.

"When it comes to you, I have no control over my heart. I know that my life won't be whole without you, you have guided me to where I should be." Jamie said truthfully, his heart was like a drum in his chest, all his confidence always had shattered in Xana's presence. He wasn't the most handsome and popular boy in school anymore, he was the shy teenager trying to ask a cheerleader out.

"Jamie," Xana whispered his name. "I live a very dangerous life. I meet demons and vampires at every corner of my daily routine, and I already jeopardized your safety by approaching you."

"I understand the danger. I feel like I have been on a rollercoaster's crazy ride since I met you, but I'm not afraid. I just want to be with you. I can't contain how I really feel about you anymore." Jamie had a plea in his gaze. "I'm not even human." Xana sounded apologetic. She was beyond tired now. She was drained. "True," Jamie gave Xana one of his half-smiles. "You are my guardian angel," Xana couldn't help but smile. Her heartbeat accelerated joyfully. In Xana's emerald eyes, Jamie found the courage he was lacking. He was about to do something for the first time in his life. "Please go out with me on a date. I have broken all my personal rules by asking you out. Please don't turn me down."

"Your troll Blondie said you don't date." Xana snapped at the memory of Venus. "My what?!!" Jamie burst out laughing but stopped at the expression on Xana's face. "It's true what she said. you are the first and only one I ever wanted to go on a date with and hopefully the last." Jamie's voice was low, with a plea in his tone. "Jamie, you have to understand that you are like the forbidden fruit for me and you won't be the only one taking risks," Xana felt that she needed to make Jamie understand the risks she was about to take for him, to make him realize how much she cared for him. "I'm not only breaking the law, but I'm also risking my heart. My heart is very important to me, and I'm going to put it in your thorn-filled hands."

"I will never break your heart." Jamie promised, squeezing Xana's hand gently. That was the only promise Xana wanted to hear. "Okay, I will go out with you." Jamie smiled his supernova smile and Xana replied with a shy but adorable smile.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

GhadaElgazzarcreators' thoughts