
Nicholas's Mistress

The moment he met her he knew he had to have her, but he he never envisioned a life of misery in her hands. The pain he had to go through drove him to the harms of another, he truly loved his wife but he didn't see a future with her anymore.

efancy_magdayao · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 4

When Katherine came out of his office, she walked fast to her office, looking down. Nicholas's secretary was sitting in her post, and she looked at her weirdly like she knew what Katherine had been up to with the boss. She approached Katherine and stood in front of her looking at her keenly.

"You too know that Bethany will kill you if she finds out, right?" the blond said with an attitude "look, I have nothing against you but you have to look where you step on"

Katherine watched her keenly without revealing anything to her, she wasn't to tell her anything.

"Nothing is going on between me and the boss, so why will his wife come after me," Katherine said trying to avoid eye contact.

She didn't understand why she was so concerned about whatever was going on, not unless she had a thing for her boss.

Katherine walked away from her but she could still feel her gaze on her back when she reached her office she closed the door. Leaning on it she recalled how Nicholas kissed her and she smiled, she could still taste his lips on hers, moaning she still recalled the feel of his hands on her breasts. and all around her body.

Katherine had been kissed before, but she had never taken more liberties with any man. With Nicholas, she had felt on fire if he had taken her right there on his office she would have been willing to give him her all. She wondered how Nicholas felt about her, bet he thought she was a loose woman based on how wantonly she had acted.

Nicholas had already known that he was in love with Katherine kissing her had only confirmed what he felt for her, letting her go had been hard after a heated kiss like that. His body still hummed from her touch and his erection was getting more painful by the minute. He needed to calm down or he was going to shame himself by walking around with a hard-on.

He needed to get laid real fast, but he couldn't picture himself going to bed another woman except for Katherine, she had bewitched him with just a kiss. Nicholas was willing to wait since sensed that Katherine was inexperienced about the opposite sex he had to respect her.

She had come a life in his arms and he could just imagine how it will feel like to make love to her. It is like she was a different person from his demure Katherine she had turned into a seductress in his arms. First, he had to get rid of his current problem, before giving himself wholly to her.

Getting out of his office Nicholas informed his secretary that he was going to be out for the rest of the day and she should lock up on her way out. Heading to the parking lot he got into his BMW and drove to the location he had agreed to meet with his men, they were already sitting at a table when he got there, they were four including Nicholas.

They looked like normal businessmen and no one could guess, on his right sat Benjamin who was dressed in a dark blue suit and a black striped tie. He was the silent one in the group but he was the deadliest of them all, he could make someone disappear without a trace. He went by the name death, a name which was only known in the underground world.

Nicholas was closest to Benjamin in the group and, he had been the first one to tell him that there was something off about Bethany but Nicholas had never taken him seriously.

Sitting right next to Benjamin was Corner who was chewing on a fry while looking at Nicholas trying to guess why he had called them. Corner was the more playful of them all and he never seemed to take anything or anybody seriously, but Nicholas couldn't be fooled by his carefree attitude since him well.

Behind the boyish-looking man, he had a trustworthy friend who could give his life for all of them. Nicholas had met Corner when he was fifteen and he had just run away from the foster care. The two had bonded real fast and soon Nicholas introduced him to his buddies in the underground fighting. Corner was dressed in a black buttoned-down shirt tucked into black pants with a red tie.

Last but not least there was Zaid who had been the one to take them all in, he was like the older brother they never had. Zaid was a good adviser and he listened to him keenly without necessarily interfering in his business. He always had been the one to support him in all his crazy ideas and Nicholas didn't know where he would be if it wasn't for Zaid.

Zaid had saved him from various difficult situations and he knew he could count on him no matter what when Nicholas had married Bethany Zaid had greatly objected to it but he had never forced him to leave her. He had simply said that everyone needs to make mistakes to learn from them, Nicholas wished he had listened to his friends. They had come to his rescue even if he had abandoned them.

After all the hellos were done with they ordered their food and drinks and continued joking around till their food came. It was a minute later when Nicholas decided he was done beating around the bush and brought up the subject of Bethany.

"Guys I wanted to say sorry for the way I treated you, I wish I had listened to you all" Nicholas said looking around the table.

The guys nodded their heads looking back at him, they understood him well and they weren't about to give him a hard time.

"Its ok Nick, we understand and forgive you for that, after all, what are brothers are for," Zaid said looking at him

"As for me, I am going to have to beat you up first for being that stupid" Corner said only to be hit upside the head by Zaid.

"Shut up you idiot, if we were to count the times we have come to you rescue you would be dead now," Benjamin said

"So he only gets away, I was always tortured by you all after being rescued" Corner said bouting like a defiant child.

Nicholas looked at him trying to suppress a laugh." That is because you are always getting into trouble and we have to safe you every time Nick has never been like that he knows how to take care of his problems" Benjamin tried to explain to him.

"Ok, I admit that I can be reckless sometimes..." Corner tried to explain.

Nicholas laughed "dude, you are always getting yourself in too deep, so don't try to defend your self and please stop bouting you look like a chic on botox," Nick said trying to keep his laughter down

"Ok maybe all the time, satisfied now? and don't compare me to a girl, I assure you my manliness is noticeable, you can ask every woman I have been with " Corner said smirking

"That is enough you two, its time to get down to business and Corner stop looking at your chest," Zaid said interrupting their panter

Nicholas started explaining to them of how he suspected there was something far much worse going on and the fact that Danny was out to get his company. He wanted to tell them about Katherine but decided to keep it a secret for a while, but based on the look Zaid gave him Nick knew that he suspected that, he wasn't telling them everything.

Zaid didn't pressure him to tell them everything and that is why Nick admired hi. Eventually, he was going to tell them about Katherine but only when the time was right. After telling them everything they all decided to set up a plan, but first, they had to get a thorough background done on both Bethany and Danny.

Zaid convinced him to try and get close to Bethany and get every information he could get from her. Nicholas knew it was going to be hard to pretend to like Bethany but he was willing to do everything he could to get her out of his life.

Nicholas had to explain this to Katherine so it wouldn't be shocking for her to see him being chummy with Bethany. He just hoped she was going to understand and support him in this journey, after being with the guys till midnight Nicholas headed home to an empty house and that is when his longing for Katherine returned.

He wished to be able to come home to her. He could picture himself entering the house and finding Katherine cooking on his kitchen, the image was soo vivid in his brain and he swore he was going to make it come true and no one was going to stop him not even Bethany and her minion Danny.

And like all the other nights he dreamed about her but unlike the other dreams, this one was so vivid and clear.