
Nicholas's Mistress

The moment he met her he knew he had to have her, but he he never envisioned a life of misery in her hands. The pain he had to go through drove him to the harms of another, he truly loved his wife but he didn't see a future with her anymore.

efancy_magdayao · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 3

That night he dreamed about Katherine only to wake up alone and cold in bed, he wished that she was there with him, but he knew that it wasn't possible as long as Bethany was still in his life. Nicholas had to get rid of Bethany as soon as possible, just for Katherine, he was willing to fight anyone and anything, to have her in his life.

Waking up very early in the morning; he called one of his former friends who were still attached to the underground life. The only people who were always ready to help a brother, if he wanted to dig up all the dirt on those two, he had to get all the forces he could get. Bethany and her lover messed with the wrong man, and the next time they come after him or those he loved, he was going to show them who was boss.

After organising a meeting with them all, headed to work and was able to see Katherine as usual in the morning she looked radiant, that was the hight of his day.

Katherine watched Nicholas heading the way she felt kiddy, she felt, like a schoolgirl with her crush. Katherine had been in love with Nicholas since the time she came to work for him he had been kind and understanding, every time she talked with him she felt happy too bad he was a married man.

Katherine knew better than to get involved with him, she had kept her distance to avoid any misunderstandings, she had gotten the job, based on her skills. Having a fling with her boss will be career suicide for her, besides she never wanted to label as the other woman. The only thing she ever heard from the office gossip was that Nicholas had been recently married almost a year ago and since then he had turned cold and cruel.

Katherine wondered whatever happened for to change drastically, she had met his wife once in the office, and she had gotten a weird feeling from her. Later the woman dared to approach her and warn her to stay away from her husband, Katherine was no pushover, and she told her straight to her face that nothing was going between them.

Since then she had tried as much as possible to stay far away from Nicholas, only that her fascination never disappeared, and Nicholas seemed to be keeping his distance too. Katherine had been raised in a decent family, though they were never rich, they were able to eat and dress just right. She had been an only child and always longed for a sibling.

Katherine's parents had passed from a plane crash while heading home from a vacationing in Africa she had been devastated when it happened. That reminded Katherine to always cherish those she loves, which had been a motivation to move on.


All-day Nicholas had been in meetings outside the office and on returning to the office he found Bethany screaming at his secretary to let her into his office, he had instructed her not to let anyone into his office especially Bethany.

"Nicholas, this useless secretary denied me to enter your office, I want you to fire her immediately" Bethany screeched as soon as she saw him. Nicholas pretended not to have noticed her and entered his office closing the door behind him, heading to the phone he called security to come and collect her and dump her on the streets.

Nicholas could hear her screams from inside his office, and he was surprised at the insults she was spewing. He had overlooked her behaviour for far too long, she had even gone to the extent of sleeping with some of his employees. He had only found out about this from the office gossip, and he had been ashamed of having to call her his wife.

Nicholas had made it known to everyone that if he ever heard any disrespectful words from them then he was going to fire them. He was the boss and he wasn't about to let some employee continue to dirty his name. The once who was sleeping with his wife he fired them.

After everything had calmed down in the office, he heard a knock on his door and Katherine entered. She looked different like she was scared of getting close to him and he knew that Bethany had got to her. Nicholas wondered what Bethany did to her, he had to protect Katherine.

Approaching him she held out some documents and turned to leave only to be stopped by Nicholas, he turned her around, looking at her eyes they were swollen like she had been crying and Nicholas blamed himself.

Nicholas caressed her cheek and she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of his hand on her face. Opening her eyes she looked at him eagerly, it felt good to be in his arms and she wanted to tell him to kiss her.

As Nicholas looked at her lips he felt like kissing her he wanted so much to taste her lips so much, to know how they would feel against his own. Looking at her he knew that she felt the same way, he tilted his head to have access to her lips and she moaned when their lips met. He didn't want to let her go he wanted to hold her forever and her lips tasted sweet, Nicholas felt dizzy with desire for her he had never felt that much passion from just a kiss.

Katherine was uncontrollable she ran her hands everywhere they could touch his hair was so smooth as she ran her hands through them. She didn't know that a kiss could feel this good she felt like she was in heaven, and suddenly Nicholas bulled back from the kiss and rained kisses on her neck just behind her ear she moaned with pleasure arching her back.

Holding on to her waist Nicholas brought her closer to his body and he heard her intake of breath deepen when she felt the bulge in his pants. She felt so good in his arms and she wanted to take her right then and there but it didn't feel right there in his office. It had been too long since he had been with a woman and he felt like he was going to come in his pants, undoing the first two buttons of her shirt Nicholas kissed her on top of her breasts which felt so good.

Then she remembered how Bethany came into her office demanding that if she ever saw hey with her husband she was going to kill her. She stepped back taking deep breaths, she had let herself be manipulated by the passion of the moment as to forget. Nicholas was her boss and she wasn't supposed to be kissing a married man, she had been enticed by the passionate look he had given her and how good it felt to be in his arms.

"This can't happen, Nicholas, you are a married man and I should stay away from you," Katherine said thankful that he voice came outright. Her body was still humming with need and she wanted to throw herself at his arms.

"But you can't deny the attraction we share Kate, I feel it in your kiss, and I know you want me just as much," Nicholas said trying to hold her but she stepped back

"I am attracted to you Nicholas, so much, but I can't do anything about it you are off-limits to me and I don't want your wife coming after me with all her craziness," she was determined to put an end to this before it gets too complicated.

"To tell you the truth I haven't been in love with her in a long time and there nothing or as it there been anything between us" Nicholas pleaded " I want you so much Kate, I have dreamed of you every night since the time we met"

Hearing him say that he wanted her was a dream to her, she too had been having weird dreams about him since then, but she couldn't let her shield down. She turned heading to the window in his office, looking outside she realised that it was raining, she didn't hear him approach till he was standing right behind her.

"What do we do Nicholas, I don't want to be known as the other woman, and I don't want your wife threatening me again," she said absent-mindedly

"What do you mean she threatened you? " Nicholas asked now on alert "what did she say to you, Kate?"

"It doesn't matter Nicholas, she had a right to say that since she is your wife, and she felt like I was taking you away from her," she said turning back to look at him.

"Don't be scared Kate I would never let anyone hurt you as long as I live," Nicholas said taking her hand on his "You are mine Kate, you were mine the moment you kissed me and I always protect what is mine so trust me"