
Nice To See You Again

Garen Rine made a lot of mistakes during his childhood which was brought by his prideful character of an Alpha born of high standing but, he never felt so much regret to any of this, that is until wronging this one certain Omega, Liliane Fray. The young girl in his childhood appeared on his life once more, now that they're older, the bond becomes even more obvious, pulling the Alpha to a strong desire for this omega. The problem is that, Liliane destest Garen to the core. He hurt her heart in the past, she has all the reason to hate him. Can Garen ever find a way to make Liliane forgive him and give him a chance to love her? Being tangled in desire, desperation, and longing. An alpha and omega gravenly hurt by trying to love innocently in the world of the Verse, their story unfolds along with regrets and things previously unknown. Their end, what will it be?

Lizzy_Rouge · ไซไฟ
28 Chs

New Moon

The world that adapted to the verse is living with a ginormous social gap, bigger than the normal world it was in the past. From the adults to children, the thought is greatly echoed within the mind. An alpha is born to dominate the entire mankind. A beta is created to obey the one who's high. An omega will forever be the one at the most bottom part of the foodchain, a livestock, a breeder, not even considered a human.

If the verse wants to play god, we shall play against it.

It's been a year since Yuhan verse died, educational institutes from all over the world, halted operations to mourn for the death of a possible king. 

"We wanted the verse to thrive so, we have selected candidates from youth, candidates who could become great leaders! The verse only desired for the future of the world to be promising yet, our desires were answered with the death of our own hope, my son."

[Many of us... Really... Want to express our sadness from this event.]

[But! That is exactly why we must never give up! Even with such great sadness for the Verse, they encourage the high school level and college level to thrive and make changes with our world!]

[That is right! The Verse is opening an Academy! May the people not be discouraged as the Verse also did not felt discouraged!]

The light from the television box flickers with such distaste like a bitter coffee gone cold. Evil just don't cease no matter how much sacrifice is done, it still find ways to creep to people's pride-indulged hearts. The evil shall place a theatrical stage on this world, telling to the minds that they should showcase themselves as they are important. Once the evil place the concept of the play, people will act on their own and will try to outshine each other. Before they knew it, the theatrical stage becomes a battle stage, people trying to push others off, let what they desired to be seen, the only thing to be seen.

Can anyone even suspect it? The ancient temples of so called gods in the old age, bought, renovated, and repainted as white as snow, the color of innocence and purity. Flower bushes all over the campus and a fountain in the center of it all. The paths are made of tiles with marble and silver flakes, statues that looks like bowing down to whoever passes it. A nameplate of the school, made out of pure gold. It looked like that of a majestic palace.

[We welcome all students of the Verse Academy.]

[May you all be mighty and successful with your time here.]

There are already factions among the students. Alphas who aims to have dominion among the academy. Betas who surely do not want to submit to the norms of the verse, they hate both. Omegas who aim to protect themselves and obliterate the higher ups.

Bell rings.

The cafeteria is divided into three sections for that each of the three factions occupy. Ferocious glares filled with animosity against others that they don't deem their own. The sun is up in the middle, its rays are shining through the glass window screens yet, glares of monsters are reflected on these people.

Owen, Garen, and Liliane enters together, eyes of alphas, specially omegas, are strongly fixated on them. As the three lines up to get some meal, the three felt something being slipped at their coat's pocket. It was a folded material, small, a paper... Maybe a note? The three silently sat down in the same table and ate their lunch quietly.

Just as we desired, we are being recruited by these groups.

After that, they went to their own classes and then, they return to a space dormitory provided by the verse, just like the one in the old Verse high school. There were no changes in the plans of the verse. Pairs of Alpha and Omega are intended to share a space. They do get individual bedrooms and bathrooms but, the living place is for the both of them to share. The motive? Make these adolescent alphas and omegas be exposed to one another's pheromones to stimulate them. Betas are paired with dominant alphas and omegas, aiming to awaken them as the opposite of their partner by exposure from their partner's pheromones. In the end, they aim to awaken the instincts that of a beast which are deep within these teens.

"At the very least, the young children are safe..." Garen says as he hums deeply in thought.

"You're losing focus, Garen." Liliane says as she sends a powerful kick that Garen blocks with his upper limb.

Liliane's eyes were glowing like the celestial blue sky in wonder. Garen gazes right back at her. His honey eyes glowed golden like amber light. Liliane starts to kick him in each side and direction, her speed was like that of a flickering light that no ordinary being could ever follow. Garen guards himself perfectly as he matches her speed, the two looked like they were glitching, it was insane, it was so fast that the air that surrounds them, started to resemble a blade that follows every limbs they move, a sharp piercing air, slashing sounds would even be heard, it was unhuman-like.

The alpha is granted the abilities to have dominion over other beings and the omega, being the lowest of all, will learn to evolve and survive.

"You know.... I could handle the electrocuting training... It was even more effective." Garen softly murmured but, Liliane had her senses maximized at that moment, of course, she heard.

Liliane was angered to the mere thought of it, she doesn't want Garen to do that ever again. They both know well how effective it is, it pushes the physical body to its limit and placing it in verge of death-like state. When the body is feeling the death door opening upon the host, it would automatically activate the lycanthrope identity of the owner so that it would heighten immortality rate by self-regenerating damaged cells, easily restoring body tissues-bone-muscle but, in the cost of the host losing himself, turning into a beast-like state.

Liliane surely knows that it would not be like what Garen and Yuhan did, they could surely control the levels but... Liliane simply can't help but worry of everything about Garen. Liliane is someone who would rather lie to protect Garen's heart, she would rather risk herself, no matter what cost, she is ready to pay.

"Lili..." Garen stood still and his glowing golden eyes, shine no more, he stares at her with his sweet honey eyes, smiling warmly at her.

"This is also for my own sake. I promised to live for you and I want to do so. I need to better control my abilities." Garen says so kindly with his soft and sweet voice.

Garen is surely getting better with his ways of persuading Liliane, he always have, how did you guys even think that he made Liliane fall for him even as a child? He has the looks, his way with words, the way he smiles, and the way he earnestly stare at her when he talks with the young girl. That's how Garen was able to take Liliane to play with him and hang out with him, every time.


"Be careful and don't push yourself too much..." Liliane says but, her face still portrays worry.

"I promise." He whispers sweetly with a smile.

Garen holds both of her hands and softly kissed her forehead. Liliane's eyes widened, alarmed, she instantly pulls herself away from him. She covers her forehead with that very hand he was holding earlier. Her face flashes red. It wasn't because of heat, rising up to her head after that training.

"Why did you do that?!? I'm sweaty..." She mumbles her words in the end then, she starts to pout.

Garen leans closer and he slowly place a soft kiss on her adorable, pouting lips. Liliane felt her cheeks burning in heat. Garen swiftly pulls back and he smirks.

"I love you." He says as he grins.

Liliane almost forgot to breath at that moment. She already know how smooth he is with his every word and moves but, she can't help but be helpless everytime. Her heart would even feel like it paused for a minute but then, she could internally hear it beating so fast and loudly.

"I love you too..." She says as she leans closer to him and softly kisses back.

Liliane would still helplessly fall for him over and over again but, she makes sure to also deliver her own feelings towards him. Garen made sure to adore her, cherish her, love her so much, he made sure to deliver it in all of his ways. At first, Liliane would still feel unsure how to respond, her mind would still mourn and question happiness... But, Garen made sure to bring back her smile, patient with love and care.

"We should wash up. The note says that there will be a meeting tonight." Garen says and Liliane nods.

"Owen must be already set." Liliane says and the two of them starts to prepare their selves.

Tonight, they shall be joining these factions, alpha and omega.