
Nia's Odyssey

In a world where every human is born with a spirit animal, there was a rare number who didn't have one, and some oracles who were great at making prophecies. Thousands of years ago an oracle made a prophecy that a human with a spirit animal dragon is going to be the cause of destruction of the entire universe. A dragon was called the most powerful spirit animal of all and could be defeated by no one. Thus every human joined the power of their spirit animals and killed all the humans with dragons of that time. And, from that day onwards whenever a human with a spirit animal dragon was born was killed immediately.  In such a world Nia is born with the spirit animal dragon. But in this world, she is destined to meet a person who is going to protect her every time taking the risk of his own life. Although she could escape death at the time of her birth with the help of her parents, how will she be able to stay alive till the end with a little secret of her when she is surrounded by enemies all around? -------- "Even if I die, I will make sure to leave such a world for you where you will always be happy." Ian said looking at the beautiful sleeping face of Nia who was sleeping putting her head on his lap. "In that world without you, I won't be happy." Nia replied opening her eyes. (Note: Temporary Cover)

JSeol · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Golden Time

The light emitted from the baby girl's body was not only seen by Ian's parents but by everyone present from where the Nami hill was visible.

It didn't go unseen by the current prime minister of the country, Sebastian Wilson who resided in the city 'Hays'.

As usual, Sebastian was watering the plants in his garden when he suddenly felt his surroundings brighter. He looked left and right to find the source of light and finally his eyes caught the straight line of light going to the sky from Nami hill.

Sebastian smirked and said," Finally you are here Ms. Dragon. It was quite a long wait."

He put his hands in his pajamas pocket and called a contact saved under the name 'Underling'.

"Hey, where are you?" Sebastian asked as soon as the phone connected and the other party received the call.

"Yawn! What is it, Sebby?" the other party said in a sleepy voice as he was in his deep sleep after the 2 days fight with enemies.

"Wake up Idiot!! Even the sun has not set yet." Sebastian shouted once again as he was in a hurry to catch the dragon.

"What?" the other party made a deep scary voice making Sebastian get goosebumps. Sebastian understood that he had just woken up a sleeping tiger so he started buttering up.

"What? I haven't said anything. It's because you are sleepy that you are listening things. How could I ever dare to call you an idiot, you are just hallucinating Ellen."

Sebby aka Sebastian Wilson with a spirit animal wolf and Ellen Conte with a spirit animal cobra, are two friends in their early thirties. Ellen was the son of a butler who worked in Sebby's house. As Ellen was the son of a single dad, his dad always brought him anywhere he went. So, he spent more time in Sebby's house than in his house.

Their friendship was strong as they grew up together. Although Sebby always wanted to be the one who has the upper hand but, in the end, he always loses.

It was so because Sebby was too lazy to make his spirit animal strong which would eventually make him stronger but he never focused on it thus making him both physically and mentally weak. In one word, he is that side character of a movie who is weak but pretends to be strong and is always taken advantage of.

He became prime minister only because the position of prime minister originally belonged to Wilson's family since the position was made and he was the single child of Wilson's family.

As for Ellen, he was always a disciplined child unlike Sebby, a spoiled brat. He always focused on making himself stronger as he needed to survive in this cruel world where the rich ones could protect themselves with money even if they are weak but the poor ones just die in the hands of the stronger ones and no one even questions.

He had trained himself to be a strong man with the skills and power of his spirit animal. He had physically also maintained his body; he looked bulky like a muscle monster. Sebby could stay in the position of the prime minister as he always had back support from Ellen in every work.

"Get to the point," Ellen asked ignoring Sebby's words.

"The point is that a dragon has taken birth. So get up right now and let's kill it. You know that the wolves played a big role in killing the dragons many years ago. I can't let my ancestors be disappointed in me." Sebby answered right away as he didn't want to make Ellen angry.

"Are you sure? Remember when we were on a yacht last time you said the same but it was just a lighthouse giving directions to the ships." Ellen said in an annoyed voice not believing in Sebby's words.

"I know that I was wrong last time but trust me this time I am 101 percent sure that the light was emitted from the birth of a dragon. The light went straight to the sky and the amazing thing is that the light was being emitted in Nami hill and it became brighter here. You know the distance between Nami hill and my house, it's almost 25 km." Sebby started explaining to gain Ellen's trust.

Ellen still had his doubts but if Sebby's words were true then mankind was in danger, and the whole world was in danger. So, he just cut the phone and got ready to go to Sebby's house.


"Hello... Hello," Sebby said after listening to the beep sound and brought his phone near to his face, stared at the phone screen for a few seconds, and started cursing "Ahh this son of a bitch again cut me off like that. I have never seen a bigger jerk than him."

But the next moment he smiled in a silly way and said," At least it means he is coming so I will forgive him for once, next time he does it he will be killed by my hands." Then he went inside his house to get ready to go to Nami hill.

After a few minutes, Ellen was there in Sebby's house and Sebby was also all ready to go.

"I will go first and you follow me by my smell... Because I am much faster than you." Ellen said the last sentence after looking at Sebby's face which asked why.

Sebby made an annoyed face and said, "Whatever."

The only power Sebby had was the power of smell. He could differentiate any kind of smell, be it a human or animal. It was not because he trained for it but because all the humans with a spirit animal wolf were born with this power.

Ellen went first and reached Nami hill in 10 minutes and he started searching for the place where the source of light had come from. After a few minutes, he found an old traditional 2-story house situated in the middle of the jungle.

He thought that it must be the place then started searching the house and when he went upstairs, he found a room in the middle of the corridor which was wide open. Inside the room, he saw a woman sitting straight on the bed, two babies one in her lap and one beside her on the bed, a man beside that woman, and two more women where one woman burned hand was visible to him.

He was born with the power of good sight so he could see everything even if the room was so dimly lit. Thus, the action of Maria trying to put the bracelet on the baby beside her didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Attention!! No one moves from their place." Ellen said in a stern voice warning not to make a single move.

Everyone in the room had expected that the people won't need much time to find them as there are many skilled and powerful humans all around. But they were all shocked as someone had already found them when the baby girl's dragon has not been sealed yet.


As soon as Maria spelled this magical word the time stopped. In this world, only humans with a spirit animal dragon could spell magic words. Thus, the person before them would not have even imagined this situation.

Everyone was frozen along with time except for Maria but the problem was that she no longer had her dragon so her magical abilities won't last long.

After a crime has occurred, 72 hours is the golden time to solve most cases, just like that after a human has sacrificed their spirit animal to someone else with every second their magical abilities degrade drastically, and finally after 3 minutes... Whoosh, it's all gone.

Those 3 minutes were like the golden time. It had already been 1 minute 22 seconds since she had given her dragon to the dead baby girl. So, she had very less time left.

She looked at the face of her baby tenderly and thought that it could be the last few minutes looking at her baby not because her baby might die but because Maria herself will.

Time was ticking off and she had to make a duplicate pendant as Ellen has already seen the pendant and if does not see it after the time is unfrozen then it would be a big problem for everyone so, with the magical powers she started making the duplicate pendant.

She put the real pendant on the left side of the bed then her hand in the front, palm facing the ceiling she started spelling magical spells and a light ball was formed on her palm. After a whole 45 seconds, the pendant was ready. Normally it would take only 5 seconds but by now her powers had degraded by half.

She hurriedly took the real pendant in her hand and placed the duplicate one in the same place. She turned to her right side to put the pendant on her daughter. But now that she was about to put the pendant, her eyes fell on the bracelet which was on the baby girl's left wrist.

She smiled a little bit but now that she saw the bracelet, she had double work to do, to make both the bracelet and the pendant invisible but she didn't have enough power and strength to use a spell for invisibility two times.

So, she just pulled back her hands and said looking at the pendant, "I know that you will save my daughter. So, when you meet her stay with her and protect my child." She said as if she was recording her voice in the pendant and put the pendant in her palm and made a fist. She then spelled some magical words and the pendant vanished.

Then she took her daughter's left hand and hold her wrist along with the bracelet then started spelling the spells under her breath to make the bracelet invisible. Normally she would only need 1 second to make things invisible but right now she had no strength at all.

Only 15 seconds left for the powers to go completely and she has already drained her power and strength highly. Her nose is bleeding from overuse of the power, her head is spinning like a Beyblade, and her body is so weak that she could faint at any time but still, she is spelling the spells like a mad woman, mad just for her daughter.

The bracelet is slowly getting invisible and finally with 3 seconds left she completely made the bracelet invisible, now no one could see the bracelet although it is there on her daughter's wrist. Although she is in a total mess, she is happy that her daughter can stay alive.

She quickly took the duplicate necklace in her hand and stayed in the same position when she was before freezing the time. She had a bright smile on her face.

Three.. Two.. One..