

I saw that she needed help *should I intervene*, I just keep walking my way. She screams, right after that she sees me. I avert my eyes from her *does she expect help? From me*. She yells: "You there HELP me please" *You are much too loud I want to say, but this is inhuman*. The man grabs her in the middle of her legs and whispers in her ear: "Shut up! and tell the guy it's just fun" *I hear it of course*. She does *I could just keep walking now, but I heard it*. I stop. He stares at me and yells: "Fuck off", I answer: "Why, it's just fun so I should be allowed to stand here". The girl relaxes. I see a sparkle, a reflection of sunlight, from the rapist's hand *a watch, NO, a knife*. I am now standing only about 1m in front of him. He stabs *without hesitation* at me. From the left, I swerve to the right. Right on my chest *I have to intercept it but how?*....

NextDave · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Next Life 0


I saw that she needed help *should I intervene*, I just keep walking my way. She screams, right after that she sees me. I avert my eyes from her *does she expect help? From me*. She yells: "You there HELP me please" *You are much too loud I want to say, but this is inhuman*. The man grabs her in the middle of her legs and whispers in her ear: "Shut up! and tell the guy it's just fun" *I hear it of course*. She does *I could just keep walking now, but I heard it*. I stop. He stares at me and yells: "Fuck off", I answer: "Why, it's just fun so I should be allowed to stand here". The girl relaxes. I see a sparkle, a reflection of sunlight, from the rapist's hand *a watch, NO, a knife*. I am now standing only about 1m in front of him. He stabs *without hesitation* at me. From the left, I swerve to the right. Right on my chest *I have to intercept it but how?*....


I am Dave and my life is so interesting that I have to record it here. I can't remember the first 3 years of my life, but that means they were so boring. In kindergarten I had only one real girlfriend, Mina, as far as I know she kissed me a few times, but we were under 6 years, so that is irrelevant, but she plays a role in my life later. When I was in first grade I was looking forward to school and I thought it could be fun, it turned out to be a huge disappointment, but that's pretty self-explanatory. Now I'll tell you about my life, where it's about action, love and much more. From now on I switch to the "I" perspective and write comments in *txt*.