
Next Door Hottie

Do you ever imagine what if feels like to be a celebrity? Some people say it's not an easy life, they may have their reasons for saying that but all those reasons are all exceptions to me. To me, living a celebrity life is the best and it can't be compared to anything else. The fans, the love they have for me, how their applauses cheers me on, the paparazzi and everything; these are what makes my life. I am Tiffany Harley, I became a celebrity because of my career in modelling. I model for big and famous companies. I have a beautiful oval face that dazzles like glitters, I have the perfect body for my career; I am a slim lady with the right curves that makes my stature perfect and I am of course wealthy. I live a simple life but I can be very crazy at times. I am single, I don't have a man in my life and that's because I am taking my time. As a celebrity, lots of people are always interested in my decisions and actions in life so I need to be careful in choosing a partner; I don't want to tarnish my reputation you know? You don't think I am saint because I am single, do you? You better not. I am not a saint, my manager arranges me a gigolo whenever I wish to get down. I don't worry about my reputation when I get down with my gigolos, I have my ways, the guy won't ever know who I am. You think it's crazy? I know that too and I already told you that I am crazy at times. This is how I had been living my life until I met an Egoist and crazy person just like myself. Every woman who sets her eyes on Alexandra Rhodes won't have a choice but to drool over him, the word "Hot" suits him perfectly. I would have gone down with this guy countless times if he was a gigolo but unfortunately, he's not. Alex is a super hot guy; his looks and body posture are that of heavenly made. If you see his abs when he's dressed in a fitted round neck, you can't help but to swallow hard. Ow! Ow! Turns out the hot guy is my next door neighbor

DaoistbUaLAg · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Try again


     It was Sunday evening, I went to my friend's house to visit him. Henry and I are childhood friends, we grew up together; you can say we are best friends.

     Our friendship presently is twenty nine years and still counting. Henry knows me in and out and I won't deny not to know him very well too.

      Henry and I had a glass of wine each as we sat on his car in his compound, we were gisting.

      "Before I forget, man, I've got a good news for you." Henry said sipping his wine.

      I instantly looked up at him and asked with eagerness and curiousity, "What is it all about?"

      He sniffed, "It's about Praise."

     "Come on dude, what is it about Praise?" I asked obviously impatient to hear the news.

      Henry laughed at my reaction then answered, "Praise is one month gone.... She's carrying my baby."

     "Wow! Wow! My man!" I bursted out happily having some sounding palm slaps in gesture of handshake with him.

     "Congrats man! I am so happy for you. You're gonna be a father soon." I added.

      Henry laughed and said, "You're exactly right Alex, I am gonna have a son soon."

      I laughed at Henry's prediction giving him a mild hit on his shoulder, "And who told you it's gonna be a son?"

      "My instincts!" Henry said sarcastically making us both burst into loud laughter.

      My laughter was soon interrupted when I heard Henry asked, "Joking aside, when will you also get a serious relationship that would lead to this Alex?"

      I looked at him disappointedly and said, "Not you too Henry, don't try to ruin the mood, okay?" 

      "Come on dude, you're not getting any younger." Henry said giving me a serious look.

      I frowned at him, "Why are you saying this out of the blue? You of all people knows my stand on marriage, dating or even relationship stuffs."

       Henry exhales deeply and asked, "For how long are you going to keep to that stand Alex?" 

      "For as long as I am alive!" I snapped obviously getting furious.

      "Listen to me, Henry, you and Praise might want to get married, have kids or even build a family together but that doesn't mean it will work for me that way."

     "I won't even dream of dating or having something serious with any of the sluts and bitches out there, they are not worth it."

      Henry shook his head in disagreement and said, "No man! The good ones are still out there, you only have to give few of them a chance to know the one that would be good for you."

     "How is that even possible when I don't do ladies twice? Immediately I get in between their thighs and take there panties off, I get bored and I don't ever want to see them again, how can I try it out?" I said looking away from him.

     "Alex, if you succeed in fooling lots of people, you know I won't be one of them. I know vividly why you are trying to avoid dating or relationship, but, Alex, that issue has been a while now, you ought to have gotten over it."

     "You shouldn't just give up after one try, pick up yourself, dust yourself up and try again. Winners are not measured by their actual success, they are measured by their strength and ability to keep trying until they succeed."

      What is happening presently is the exact kind of moments I hate most. I hate to discuss about me having relationships or dating. To me, this discussion is a forced conversation.

      I wonder when and why Henry had also joined my mother in nagging me about this same issue.

      Have they forgotten that I am an adult who knows his left from his right? I am matured enough to take my own decisions because I know exactly what I want, shouldn't they respect that? 

      To me, love is just a delusion; it's not real. It hurts and it breaks you beyond refixing and it makes one weak. 

      Of what essense is dating a bitch who would end up hurting you? By the time you are hurt, you get broken and damaged. If care is not taken, you might lose your life in the process.

      Why then would I date or fall in love when it might lead to my death? No matter what mother and Henry says, I won't ever change my mind. Never!

      I forced a dry smile at Henry, "When will you and Praise be getting married?" I asked trying to change the topic.

      Henry stared at me with pity in eyes, he shook his head and said, "Alex, love is sweet with the right person, you deserve to love and be loved, don't shut your heart to love."

      "Okay sir! I heard you loud and clear!" I answered playfully trying to end the discussion.

      "You know Tina right?" Henry asked as he gulps his wine down his throat.

     "Tina? Isn't she Praise's friend?" I asked staring at him for clue as to why he is asking if I know Tina.

     "Yes, she's Praise's friend. What if I set you guys up? She actually has a crush on you and she's been meaning to get your attention." 

     "I am not interested." I responded sharply.

      Henry glared at me and asked, "Why aren't you interested? She's got a killer curve different men are dying for, isn't that what you have always wanted in women?"

       "I won't want to get between her thighs then abandon her, I won't want to do that to Praise's friend, it might break Praise's heart." I answered.

      I cleared my throat and began, "Listen, Henry, I don't care how many times you and mother nag at me concerning this same issue, but, my decision is final."

      "I am not going to do love shit with any bitch because no bitch is ever worth loving, they are all the same and I can't afford to go through another critical moment in my life."

     "I clearly understand and appreciate your concern, but, Henry, my decision remains the same. Don't try to set me up with any lady cause I am very sure she would end up being hurt."

      "I think it's better the way I am living my life now. I call on bictches when I need them, they render their services and I pay them off; No commitment, No string. How else can I be at peace?"

      Henry laughed and asked, "How about we strike a deal? Go out with a lady for two weeks and I will get you a driver and pay his six months salary."

      I laughed out very loud and said, "Driver? I don't need one okay? Keep your deal to yourself." 

      "Come on Alex, is it until my son calls you Uncle?" Henry asked playfully.

      I threw my hands in the air in surrender and said, "I prefer it that way, Uncle Alex would suit me better."

      We both laughed as Henry tapped on my shoulder mildly and said, "Let's go to the club."

      "Are you sure about that? You would be binded with Praise soon, you shouldn't club like before." I said laughing sarcastically.

      "Who says I can't club like before because I am getting married? I will rather club with my wife to clear her doubts." Henry answered as he stood from the car, grabbed the glasses of wine and headed into the house to drop the glasses.

      Henry came out after some minutes in changed clothes, we got into his car and headed to the club.