
The Endless River

The mist is everywhere above the river which seems to have no end and moves with a uniform flow.In time the river spitted a man out of its flow to the banks,he is full of injuries and he is unconscious as well.His eyes got irritated by the slightly dimed rays of sun that made him wake up.He slowly lifted his body to stand on his feet.The questions kept circling around his brain like "where is he now?","How did he come here?".He wacked his brain for an answer.There is only one way from where he is,that way led him to the forest,which is filled with darkness.He took his steps one by one slowly looking here and there for an answer of his presence here ,the weather there is cold,where the winds can make anyone sick.While walking in the forest,he found a small girl standing a few meters before him.He rushed towards her with the feeling of happiness because he is going to know where he is now.He came close to her and called,"Hello,little girl..."with quick inhalation of air.She turned.Feeling of shockness added with his feeling of happiness.Suddenly his eyes are filled with tears,weeping like a kid,he called that small girl,"Priya,is that you???....",his voice broken.It is his daughter.He looked at her without blinking his eyes.She slowly moved her lips and the eyebrows downwards,she started to shout in a cry of horror"Dont come nearer to me....please....You killed mom and you will kill me tooo...!!.Step back away from me,papa".He shocked to hear this from her.He tried to reach near her but she began to run,shouting with the fear of him.He tried to reach up for her hand but suddenly she just disappeared.Like in seconds she just disappeared,he twisted his head here and there in order to search her.A voice he heard from top,"papa....".He raised his head towards upward in the direction of the sound came.His daughter,Priya sitting on a branch holding her thighs against her chest with hands,crying.And she continued to talk along with tears coming out of the eyes,"Papa bring me down with you.I am so scared,mama is watching me with...please papa help me I am scared."He replied,"Where is mama,Priya??".For seconds she kept quiet,the feeling of fear is easily identified in her face,slowly answered "She is hanging on the branch behind you,papa.".He shocked to hear what she said he slowly turned towards back.While turning his head touched something similar to feat,he is so scared to look above but he did look above.His wife is hanging on the branch,her tongue outside the mouth and her facial region began to rot.He shocked.Suddenly someone kept their hand on his right shoulder,he turned his face.This time the fear slammed him so strongly as his wife is standing alive before him,smiling.Priya began to shout again "Go away from us papa you killed mama and me".He could not understand what is going on.His wife asked him a question ,"Why did you kill us???".Suddenly they just faded away like dust the clouds became dark and the whole forest began to fill with water,the water raised upto his chest,he tried to swim but he cant.Some thing made him drown in that water.He drown...