

It's about Newsriopter that grows up with challenges like abuse and mental torture and overcomes them while getting more influence in the world to change the world, which is what he wants and does. When it's all good a twist happens but a new journey begins.

Kadel_Saleh · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1. The contact.

The room is dark. I can hear birds singing. The sun is shining, but not here.

I can feel a wind. I touch my arms. She asks me "So, how is it going?".

I'm sitting in the typical chair in a therapy session. I look fast at her and answer "Better."

I feel empty with few feelings with low energy. It still doesn't feel real. At least I'm feeling something. She asks "Is that so. That's good. So, what do you want to talk about?"

I look at the clock on the wall to my right, and sway my sight to her feet. I answer "I feel unreal."

I look at her eyes and she just looks old. I feel old. As if I'm an old man.

"So you feel unreal. What do you feel?"

I am calm, but I have a hard time focusing. The voices get stronger and again "Your in love, tell her."

Her again. I wasn't really in love, but I did feel comfortable but also irritated around her. I still want to know who makes these sounds and what the meanings are behind them. Who every makes me listen to her is an amazing person but wicked. "I feel nothing but few feelings, but it's hard to feel them. I feel empty but I think a lot. I have random thoughts going through my mind, so I never get to feel my feelings and my moments."

She sits on a rolling chair how unusual but funny. "What do you mean by random?"

I don't know if I should tell her about the voices. Should I?

If I do then the voices will change again.

They get updated like an AI, but not always. So I need to be cautious.

They are always so negative.

"Tell her."

"Tell her what?" "Who?"

"Newsriopter. Do it."

What a shock. I'm sweating. I touch my legs. The voices noticed that I was in a therapy session.

I hope she doesn't notice. The old woman looks at me "What is happening?"

The right person noticed. Lucky me. "I'm hearing voices, that others can't hear."

I looked at hands and her mouth moves "What do you hear?"

What I hear. It's a long story. I don't have enough money to talk about it all. I would rather gather skills from her. She knows her things. What a psychologist. She is nice.

"Right now? Nothing." I don't remember them as always.

I just know that they can hear me and they know every move I do. They always know where I am and what there's nearby in details.

It's as if they are me and more.

"But I want to know. What can I do if I hear voices?"

She puts her pen on the paper. "When did it begin?"

I wonder when. I have poundered about it in a long time. I think I got conscious when I was 2. I was in our family car and looked fast to my right at the interior. But I don't remember what happened later on. The feeling from that time has been with me since then swaying from nothing to highly reactive. 20 years and still curious or so I assume.

But what I remember. Hmm. "When I was in school I heard a female voice read out loud for me when I was asked to read out loud. It felt easy."

I swayed my sight to the wall behind her. There are books on a shelf. "If that is so, why don't just the easiness and relax. I see that you felt shocked and nervous about something."

"It's because one of the voices told me to tell you about that I hear voices. It's not normal. Normally one voice, who sounds similar to someone who was kind but irritated at me, attacks me and others don't care and follow their own thing. I always get caught in their cobweb of thoughts and then lost."

"Well. Get the fuck out of here, because I can hear some whispers."

What she can hear them? "But." I looked at floor.

I stood up. "Do I need to pay?"

"Just go for now. I will send an invoice."

Was a victim the whole time?

I walked to the door. "Can I come back on another time?"

I waited. "Bye." She pushed me and closed the door.

I walked down stairs and I could hear the lock change state.

I didn't want to cry and I felt happy.

I'm finally free.

"Finally some decent person." I could hear the same voice that told me to tell the psychologist.

Should I thank her? "Thank you." I prefer manners.

"Your welcome."

It was silent. I closed my eyes and my whole life flashed through my mind.

I felt awake.

I feel welcomed and real.

I walked to the car and watched as people walked. I finally got peace of mind.

"He is happy" the voice says.

I felt so amazed by technology that I wanted to study.

I turned on the car, played some music and drove.

I watched the world around me carefully. It looked so beautiful.

"I am happy." I said. I had almost forgotten the voice.

"That's good because you are free from the torture."

What a happy day.

I got home. I have experienced a harsh past with abuse, but I kinda controlled it, by talking and persauding.

I unlocked the door and walked in. "Welcome home."

"Thank you, mother." I hugged her.

I walked into my room and looked at all the books I had gathered.

"It's finally time to let it all go and focus on my future."

I put all my books on sale I didn't need them anymore.

I looked through the internet with my phone and searched through my mails for news.

I got a mail from Japan. "What is that about?"

I opened it and they made the machine which I suggested with the hypotesis of how it should work.

I booked a ticket to Japan so I could try it.

After getting to through the travel I finally got to the machine.

"You can try it Newsriopter."

"Thank you." I got into the machine and closed my eyes.

I forgot to ask what will be played, but it's too late.

"Are you ready?" the voice that helped me overcome my fear.

I am ready. I feel ready.

I can hear a dragon roar.

Haha cool.

Now I see or rather imagine myself in a new world.

I looked at myself. Futuristic stylish clothes. Haha, amazing.

I can feel myself in this world as if it's real.

"It's real." Wow. I thought that didn't I.

"Yes, you did, but right now you're in a machine which I control."

I felt panic. "Look at his heart rate."

"Die!!" Now that's the killer/terrorist voice.

I didn't feel pain. I felt bliss.

Everything was black.

I didn't feel anything.

Suddenly I could.

The first thing i see is my new mother.

I got into my new father hands.

I have been reborn.

I looked at the doctor.

In front of the doctor flying tools slowly moving towards the table.

"Wow." haha, I can speak as newborn.

"You finally spoke!" they all told me.