
News Flash: No Thanks

Jude is a sheltered abused boy when he is allowed to go to school. Noah notices something off with him. Both physically and magically. What happens when the two are paired to cooking class?

Narwhale_Epicness · LGBT+
2 Chs

Immature? More like fun deprived

>Third Person<

Jude slowly wakes up to the sound of his alarm, signaling that it's 4:15. Jude eyes light up with excitement, then quickly with fear as today is his first day of real school.

For as long as he could remember, he was never allowed outside, let alone a school-a human school. Before his mother got addicted to drugs, she would tell him stories about the outside and humans.

This, however, didn't stop him from watching television. He often got sad from this because he didn't have a father. Whenever he asked, she would always make up a different story so he learned not to ask anymore.

He then asked why he wasn't allowed to go outside or go to school like the other children. This was the first time his mother got truly upset. She slapped him and stared him dead in the eye. "You will NEVER speak about this again". She then held him in a close hug. She exclaimed that she was sorry and that the outside world was dangerous.

Jude slowly wakes up and picks out his clothing for today. He then takes a shower and prepares breakfast for his mother. After he is ready for school, he wakes his mother up. After she is awake, he makes his way to school.

>Jude's P.O.V<

I can't wait for my first day of school! I'll finally see actual people and ooh! What's that? (Picks up a rock) it must be some kind of gem or something! I'll keep it for good luck!

As I walk to the school, I suddenly feel a chill go down my spine. What if they don't like me?? I hope they aren't like momma and hit me, but not everybody is the same! I see the school and I gasp. "Wow.. it's such a large school!" I'll have real fun here!

I start walking to my first class and I check my watch. It's only 5:30! I guess I'll just have some fun then! I walk towards a thing they call a fountain. I press the button and water comes out. I laugh and do it multiple times before skipping into a 'gym'. It's WAYY bigger than the movies portray it!

I start running around the ovalish shape on the floor, but I get tired and so I rest for while before continuing my search. I see a baking studio with tons of stuff and I decide to go inside.

The lights automatically turn on which give me a fright but I guess the school is just that advance. My first class is baking so I decide to bake something that would be ready at any time! I decide to make a cheesecake!

After I get the ingredients and start to make the cheesecake, I get anxious. What if someone can't eat them? I'll just make cookie dough then! It can be vegan and vegetarian! I start getting the oven preheated to make all of this stuff.

By the time I'm done it's 6:55 and class will start soon. I wrap the vegan cookie dough and label it 'for the veganistas!' And I leave the cheesecake in the oven to cool. I then head out of the room and start doing cartwheels in the middle of the hallway when I bump into somebody. "Immature, are we?" They said with a deep voice. "No just fun deprived!" I chuckle.

The let out a deep sigh and looks at me. "Do you need any help?" I get angry and run away. "I don't need help! You need help!" God I'm such an idiot but I find a bathroom and do my secret technique to hide in them! Just like I had to do when the scary people came in our house! It looks like I'm not in there, so I keep my mouth shut and breathing minimum to sell the disguise.