
New Zennith

In a world with magic and monsters, two runaways find solace and kinship in each other’s company. Bjorn an expert at martial fighting, a Dwarven warrior. And Graum an unconventional mana user, a mischievous Devil-kin. With their trust in others fractured by tragic events from their respective pasts they accept temporary work from a mercenary guild and take a quest that will inevitably change them. Will this change lead them to their own version of salvation? Or will it solidify their damnation?

And_Ven · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 3: Terms upon Acceptance

Bjorn: "A kill quest you say..?"

Graum: "That means our target is a person"

Peitra: "Sounds like something you two would be interested in?"

Bjorn: "We need some info before we answer"

"Sure what do you wanna know?" Peitra smirked, knowing they would take the job.

"The target?" Graum replied bluntly with another question.

"Targets... actually. The targets are near identical siblings from an 'up and coming guild' my sources say they are on a quest near the town of Ivalsetr." Peitra explained folding his hands together.

"What's the name of this 'up and coming guild'?" Graum asked trying to obtain more information.

"From what I hear they are quite a formidable guild-" Peitra ignored Graum. pausing to set the atmosphere of the conversation, "-Also! I happened to hear their guild master is an elf..." Peitra finished grinning at Bjorn.

"We will take it!" Bjorn hastily agreed.

"Now, hold on brother.." Graum tried reasoning with Bjorn. "I understand your disdain for elves but that alone isn't a reason to accept this job" Graum had a sinking suspicion that Peitra worded that just to trigger Bjorn.

"The reward is 4000 Irram, 400 upon accepting the quest, and 3600 upon completion." Peitra added smugly. Both Graum and Bjorn were shocked at the amount.

"4000 Irram..." Graum whispered softly. That was a handsome amount...

"Brother, that's 2000 Irram per person." Bjorn whispered in excitement.

"So, now what do you have to say?" Peitra asked almost guaranteed that they would accept.

Graum wanted to say yes... but this sounded too good to be true. There had to be something being withheld from them. Either the targets were strong... strong enough to warrant 4000 Irram or...

"Honestly Graum, I would've thought you would be the first one to jump at this... given your dislike for people." Peitra sneered with a taunting tone.

"Think about it brother, we've done more work for less." Bjorn being the voice of reason in this situation. "If you don't think we should do this..." Bjorn paused. He knew Graum was usually cautious and for good reason, his paranoia often kept them alive. But Bjorn knew it also held Graum back...

"That's not it.." Graum stopped, taking a deep breath before finishing the statement. "Alright, we accept the job" Graum replied.

"PERFECT!" Peitra exclaimed. "I just need your seal here" he extended the contract to them.

A quest wasn't officially taken unless the accepting party put their seal on the quest contract.

"Brother, as I finalize the paperwork, can you think of anything we need?" Graum asked Bjorn.

"Nothing we can't manage along the way, although.." he paused with a lewd glint in his eyes. Graum knew exactly what that meant.

"Go say goodbye to your 'girlfriend'" Graum sighed indifferently.

With hearts in his eyes, Bjorn practically ran out of the room towards Maltreesh.

"What aren't you telling us?" Graum turned to face Peitra with a hostile gaze.

"Ever so perceptive, aren't you Graum?" Peitra sighed. "Your targets are in the heart of hobgoblin territory. Your targets aren't the issue for this quest, it's all the goblins you'll be facing to get to them." Peitra's tone was stern and serious.

"Is that it?" Graum still had some suspicions.

'That was a lot of baiting, just to cover up some goblins..' Graum thought.

"I needed you guys to take this, you were the last ones I could ask. At first the job was offered to Maltreesh, but when she found out about the goblins she declined immediately. Then when the other guild members heard that Maltreesh declined the quest, nobody else applied for it." Peitra explained with a crestfallen expression followed by a sigh of defeat.

"It's when you resort to tricks like that... that's why I distrust you." Graum honestly replied. "If you told us all that up front we still would've taken the job immediately." Graum continued.

"What can I say? When my own guild members decline quests based on truth..what else am I suppose to do?" Peitra replied.

"You should still be honest... now about the acceptance fee" Graum responded holding out his hand for the 400 Irram.

"Ah of course." Peitra handed him a small pouch. "Now by taking this, you accept responsibility for the completion of this quest, as well as the consequences for failure." Peitra looked dead straight into Graum's eyes emphasizing the seriousness of mercenary work. Which simply meant, success equals payment and failure meant excommunication... or death.

"We understand" Graum smirked satisfied with their conversation. With Irram in hand graum left Peitra's office.