
New year night

kiri9597 · สยองขวัญ
5 Chs


Jk continue " He become silent after his mother death...

He became silent...

He spent most of his time at his mother's grave and then...

Then something happened..

that led to his death "

Jk silent... !

" What happened with him Jk ?

" What happened to you happened to him...

He also a unique person...

He also a special person...

He also seen dead person...

He heard the voices of the dead person...

he could hear crying dead person...

Dead person used to share his pain with him....

His friends were not human but dead souls "

V eyes widened....

" It all happened when his mother died...at first he was scared...

He was afraid to go to the cemetery But then it all started happening to him everywhere...

In the college... office.... His room...


Dead people began to see him everywhere...

He thought it's his imagination but they it's not....

He was scared....

he had no one to listen to his pain...

He was crying...

He tried to tell his father but when his father found out....So his stepmother called him mad man and MY DAD TOOK ME MANTLE ASYLUM "

" m-my d-dad " v took two steps back....He began to breathe fast...

" i i kept crying...k-keep s-saying i'm not mantle...Don't send me asylum.... But those Keep sending me asylum...

There I met dr hoo...

They heard my story, they believed me...

They set me free and took me his home...

I was happy I'm glad someone believes me...

Someone thinks I'm normal...

But my stepbrother filed a kidnapping case against him and put him in a media trial...

I couldn't stand it.... I was already half mantle after living in a asylum...

I wanted to save hyung...

So I ran far from him---

He started walking again and tae also started walking behind him....

---i sat on the graveyard for two days...

in two days I didn't see a reason to live...

Dead people keep watching me...

I remember it was December night...

I was walking...

My clothes, my face were all dirty...

I hated myself....Intense hatred...

I am the son of a rich father...

My father was the only one of my own....

I had nothing to eat...

There was no house to live in....

Lot of questions Why no one else....

but there was no answer to these questions....

Probably If my mother were alive, it would not happen to me at least I would have had a house, my mother's lap---

He stopped and turned...

V stood without fear....

----That was the place v...

That was the place Where I stood and asked questions....

I cried but there was no one even nkt a dead souls only me.....



Then I stood there---

Tae wiped his tears...

---I opened my arms like this....

See the sky....

And then....

And then I jumped "

Tears welled up in v eyes....

He was watching death of jk... It's all felt like a movie.....

V shook his head...

Jk smile.... " People searched for my body but did not find it....

My father searched for me everywhere but he did not find him How to get I was dead....

I didn't get anything when I died, but I was satisfied....

No one call me crazy mantle.....

I become a soul....

The soul that lives on this bridge...

I I always thought I was the only person in the world who looked dead people but---

He smiled look v

---I was wrong....

You are like me v....But you are lucky...

Your father is with you...You are lucky you are not alone....You are lucky that I saved you----

He approached him...

V was not afraid....

He stared jk sadly...

----Don't be afraid....help those who died...

Listen story who died....

Ask questions those who died....

Be friends those who died....

You are special Very special person v....

Don't do....what I did to myself....

Dr Hoo help me a lot he even came to see me after I died....

He were very angry....

He wanted to see me alive....

He wanted to see me brave....but i am stupid...I I died....but you...

You don't do that tae...

You are not alone hyung will support you...he is very nice "

He come closer " you're eyes is beautiful....

Can i said you are ethereal "

V shook his head...

" don't cry...You look horrible....But your red nose and this mole look perfect...

Don't hate yourself...

You're not alone.... I'm always with you "

They look each other...

Times stop...

Jk took steps back...

" d-dont l-leave me jk " v try to touch him but he can't

" you can do that v.... I trust you...

Show everyone who you are...

Fight for yourself....

Tell everyone you are not mantle.... you are special....

Don't die....Don't be a story like jk...

You are V be brave like your father's joon "

V began to cry....

" Happy newyear V "

He said this and stood on the bridge

" please d-dont g-go jk.... I i n-need y-you " v cried like a child

" I will come again....See you succeed and don't cry you look really horrible "

He smile show his bunny teeth....look v happily and then jumped....

V eyes widened....he breath stop... He ran....He looked down but there was no one there " Jk....JK....J-JK--"

He shouted and then slid down

" You are not a story jk.... You are real "

V crying " I wish I was with you....i wish i share your pain...i wish....i--"

Suddenly fireworks start....

The sky was filled with colorful light... " happy new year jk....happy new year "

He kept looking at the sky and crying...

Today he found out the true story of that bridge....

He will no longer be afraid of this bridge....





to be continue....!