
Chapter 15

The following day, as the first rays of dawn embraced the towering spires of the Spirit Hall, Qin Chen, Xiao Wu, and Hu Liena stood together in the training grounds. Their eyes glowed with a newfound determination, fueled by the echoes of Bibi Dong's words that resonated within them.

"Finally, we're students of the Spirit Hall academy," Qin Chen exclaimed, his excitement infectious.

"And not just that, we're under the tutelage of the pope herself," Xiao Wu added, her enthusiasm matching his.

Hu Liena, ever the realist, chimed in, "Let's not forget, we have a long way to go. We need to prove ourselves constantly."

Gui Mei, observing their exchange, approached with a smile. "Hu Liena is right. Acceptance here is just the beginning. The path ahead demands unwavering dedication, discipline, and resilience."

Qin Chen and Xiao Wu nodded in agreement, their initial fervor now laced with a deep sense of purpose. They comprehended the responsibility that came with being Spirit Hall disciples — a responsibility to uphold the institution's legacy.

"We won't disappoint, Master Gui Mei," Qin Chen asserted, his tone resolute. "We'll push our limits and make the most of this opportunity."

Gui Mei's eyes twinkled with pride. "I believe in your potential. Now, let's begin your training under the guidance of the Spirit Hall's finest."

With those words, he led them towards the heart of the Spirit Hall, where the grandeur of the institution was most palpable. The very essence of the academy seemed to whisper the wisdom of centuries.

Inside, they found themselves in a majestic hall adorned with tapestries portraying the heroic feats of past spirit masters. The air buzzed with the resonance of history, and the atmosphere held the energy of countless spirits.

At the center of the hall stood Bibi Dong, her presence commanding respect and reverence. Her expression was serene, her gaze penetrating, as if she could discern the depths of their souls.

"Your Majesty, Pope," Gui Mei bowed deeply, his voice a mixture of respect and deference. "Allow me to introduce our newest disciples: Qin Chen and Xiao Wu."

Bibi Dong's eyes fell upon the trio, her scrutiny a blend of curiosity and expectation. "I've heard of your recent achievements. Gui Mei speaks highly of your potential. Today, I shall personally oversee your training."

Excitement and apprehension swirled within Qin Chen, Xiao Wu, and Hu Liena. To be directly trained by Bibi Dong, the esteemed pope of the Spirit Hall, was an unparalleled honor.

"As Spirit Hall disciples, you are entrusted with upholding its core tenets: discipline, integrity, and unity," Bibi Dong intoned, her voice echoing with authority. "Today, I will assess your abilities and determine the direction of your training. Demonstrate your skills."

With a collective nod, Qin Chen and Xiao Wu stepped forward, ready to showcase their abilities under the watchful gaze of the legendary leader. Their training had commenced, a journey that would test their limits, forging them into true spirit masters worthy of the Spirit Hall's enduring legacy.