
Hp-Verse Part 3

First class is Gryffindor and Slytherin. I was very surprised to have Draco Malfoy show up as I thought he would not be born and most of the students are the same as canon.

Mc-"Okay so first things first questions by you guys I know that you have many. So you girl up front you are first."

"Hermione Grangersir ,what type of magic will you be teaching us. And should we get any more books for the class."

"Good question, I will be focusing on practical rather than theory for magic. We will be meeting outside more often than not to have space for our more destructive spells. If any of you have heard of Dungeons and Dragons we will be learning how to do those types spells. As for Books I will be providing any you may need for the class, I will also be providing supplementary books for previous and future years for your use when ever you like."

That got her attention, as I passed out a book on basic Skyrim style magic mixed with spells up to 4th level wizards. Which should get these kids exposed to more fun types of magic. The mention of DND got some of the mundane born kids attention, as they probably thought that they were going to be wizards like that of DND once they learned they had magic.

"Seamus Fining, you mentioned DND just now and I know the others are curious what blood are you a Muggleborn or a Halfblood?"

""*Sigh* I knew this would be brought up, well Mr. Fining where we are from we do not have pureploods, halfbloods, or mundaneborn we just have witches and wizards. We do have those of Noble Heritage in the North that do have more privilege than other, but that is a non issue as most go to private schools or are homeschooled so they rarely interact with non nobles till they are older or are raised in the military. But to answer your question I would be considered a pure blood as my family can trace back as over 5,000 years, though I do not hold the ideals of your pure bloods that you have here."

That got some shocked looks from the class and some nasty looks from the Slytherin.

"Padma Patil sir, what types of magic do you specialize in. From what we have seen so far you are a combat specialist what else do you focus on."

"Good question Mrs. Patil, I focused on Battle Magic and Runes/Enchantments. Battle Magic is what I will be teaching you all while I am here, as for Runes/Enchantments I focus on combining magic and mundane tech. Our biggest example is the Airships outside which I will take the class to eventually as a example of what can be down with magic and science."

"Lavender Brown, how big is your family Madam Mcgonagall said ladies so how many wives do you have and do you have kids."

She got some looks from the classes for that question.

"Yes those were my wives, I married to Lily Evans, Lydia, Andromeda, Narsscia, and Bellatrix Black. As for kids I have 7 kids; Irileth 7, Nymphadora 15, Orion 7, Hestia 7, Kids-Lio 7, Kids-Rose 15, And Iris also 7 thankfully we have had a lot of help from servants and house spirts."

I use some illusion magic to show them all what my kids like earning some awww from the girls. The Hermione raises her hand.

"Yes Mrs. Granger?" I say already knowing she is going to ask about house elves.

"You said house spirts not elves, do you not have house elves or are they same juts a different name"

"We do not have House Elves where we are as the elves left that realm before they could be enslaved. House Spirts are that Spirts things like Brownies or Landvættir. House and Nature spirts respectively the Brownies must be treated with respect or they will haunt and bring misfortune of your home.

As for Landvættir they shall be your first lesson on creatures as for practical magic I would like to to turn to the first page 1 to the Identity spell."

I pull out a Ice Dust Crystal and set it on the table and begin to cast the spell. "The Identify spell is a fairly basic spell that you should cast anytime you find something that I vaguely Magic or look even slightly dangerous. This is a modified version that can even be cast on animals to know about them as well. It also takes a minute to cast so I will demonstrate on this Crystal."

"Now, I will place a random object in front of you and you will cast the identity spell on it. And who ever is first and is able to tell me what the object I cast my spell on will get a prize."

For the objects it ranged from seeds, toys, and gems just to let them try and figure out what each they are. I did give Draco a toy car, while I gave Hermione a Gravity Dust Crystal.

"Now as a word of warning the information of what these objects are will be put directly in your brain so do not be surprised now good luck and ask for help if needed."

Once they got going their were a lot of spell failures, the Mundane born kids were the ones who were getting a little faster as these types of spells require more knowledge of maths as they require more high arcane than random wand waving they are used to.

The first to finish was none other than Hermione Granger herself.

"Well Mrs. Granger what did I give you to identify."

"You gave me a Crystal of pure magic that could alter the gravity of an object. Which I now have so many questions about because I have never heard of it, and I can only begin to imagine the uses this also must be used in making your Airships."

"That is exactly correct Mrs. Granger gold star. Now for your prize you get the pick of one of three books; Basic Warding, Weapon Enchantments, and Alchemy. Now each of these books will only be able to be read by you and my reasoning for each of these is they are magic that can be preformed outside of School as they are not active magic. You have till the end of class to decide.

Now let's figure out why so many of you were struggling with this spell, and why I chose this spell to learn first here in this class. Now Mrs Greengrass you were second to complete the spell what difficulties did you have."

Daph-"The arithmetic was difficult, I had not had to do that sense my father showed me how he runs his business."

"I thought so now, Mrs. Granger I have to ask how you were able to complete it first and this is not me doubting your skill rather hoping the other have connected the dots."

Herm-"I am still studying in the mug-mundane world to complete my Highschool diploma and eventually got to college.

That got snorts by the pure bloods and some muttered words of why did I not think of that.

"That is very smart Mrs. Granger always have a back up plan. Now I encourage all of you to follow in Mrs. Granger example, you to "Purebloods" it never wrong to want to learn more.

To explain a little more those Arcane equations would have been taught to you in your 7th year of mundane schooling but sadly Hogwarts does not have mundane courses so I will be giving extra credit in the form of math homework.

That spell where I am from is a second year spell so you all can only image what will be coming in the coming days so I would encourage you all to do these extra work."

I then shift the illusion on the room to that of the forest outside of Eskigarðr where the spirts where first introduced.

"This is the Forest outside of my lands this is we're the Landvættir live and protect the forest from those who disrespect the forest. Now be silent because to draw the attention of the Spirts they like to be told stories or will help lost children find their way home."

I take out a small children's story and begin to read as I mark the illusion make a variety of examples that of the spirts. Earning some ooh and squeaks from the students as the spirts began to walk amongst the students leaning and messing with them.

"These are just some of what the Landvættir look like the biggest is one is the most social of the group. He is actually quite close to the Druides of Eskigarðr who is over 20 years old now and has started her own school on Druid styles of magic.

Now you must remember the older you get the more danger they propose, a child will be escorted out while and adult will have a chance of being led to the more sinister denizens of the Forest like the Fey who love to play with mortal."

The rest of the lesson went into more specific of how to tell the difference of all the types of spirts, how to avoid them, how to find them, and the does and don't of spirts.

"Now, before you leave I have one thing of homework each of your are to write what type of magic you would like to learn; like Bardic, Druidic, shamanism, and even Necromancy anything no mater how weird or crazy it may be. The other what you want to do after you finish Hogwarts, dismissed but Mrs. Granger stay behind to chose your book."
