

In SAINT ORIGIN world there were many eras first era of gods and demons , which ended as both sovergins died and thus resulted in war between two. after many years immortal gate was again opened by a great saint realm cultivator named JIANG CHEN opened the realm gate by using himself as sacrifice.

After 100 years many have reached immortal realm , In farthest corner of realm Red city a young boy of 13 years of age was wrapped in bandages many doctors taking care of him. He was the third son of Xu family's Head Xu Ren , he was injured in an assassination and his body was fully broken (bones), he was also poisoned with mortal core lvl flood python poison .

During night time suddenly a light passed through the body of xian and he opened his eyes .


"HUH ? Where in the world am i? wasn't i suppose to sleep in hostel after party and getting drunk."

BAMsuddenly he felt some one kocking his soul out of his body( due to law of cultivation world body able sense that) and pain was coming from all over his body.

" who are you ? Insolent trying to take over this sovereign's selected body get killed!! what how who ........" and suddenly memories of soulfusion of god and demon sovereign was transferred to xian.

[ ding host gained soul fragments of SOVEREIGN.S who sealed themselves in the ring of chaos it needs to be refined by some one who has not cultivated qi of any type with the help of soul energy.

System online host has been given lottery system by primal chaos as an untimely death in your world. host system has four function,#1ST inventory , #2ND lottery ,#3RD restore #,4TH auto cultivate[{locked}till combact emperor lvl],

' hum so i died and got reincarnated in this world in this world also from memories of this body this world seems familiar to certain degree. well from my previous life this one should be very lively . hum first of all lets short out the memories in my head its very large '

after an hour he did system gave a prompt

[ding host if you are free pls open the starter gift pack?]

'hum let's see what i has open'

[ding congratulation host for getting (healing pills)x10 , (body forging pills)x5 , (Cultivation destroying pills)x1, 1x summonimg lottery , 2x weapon lottery , 2x skill]

' okay give me explanation of each and i thought you had only lottery there is different lottries here'.