

Kristen gets involved with a billionaire after she finds out her bestie and fiance were sleeping together. Kristen's ex fiance Ace, begged her not to cancel the wedding but she made up her mind already. she gets caught up in the billionaire family's issues and learns a dark secret. she tries her best to resolve it. she falls in love with the billionaire but she isn't so sure if he feels the same way. her ex best friend gets jealous that she always have her way, and she decided to come for her. how would things turn out for her?

Treasure_Faniyi · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs


Kristen's pov.

              " Kristen love im so sorry, we were just caught up and last summer we..." Ace began but I caught him off.

" last summer?" Then it hit me. This has been going on for a while, and I didn't even fucking realize. He proposed to me last summer and he was still sleeping with Diana?

" Kristen Its not what you....?"

" since when?"

" Kristen?"

" Ace, since when have you guys been sleeping together?" Diana who had her head bowed the entire time answered me this time. " the night he proposed to you"

            I felt weak from within, I couldn't believe my years. They have been fucking for a little over a year.  Have I been a joke to him? A joke to her? They've been doing shit and I didn't even notice a thing. I thought we were perfect, We've been together all this while and now this. I can't believe any of this.

" Ace" I began

" Kristen..."

" I wasn't talking to you Diana " I screamed at her, I saw her shiver. I could see her eyes piercing through me with rage??

   " you have no right to be angry right now Kristen, your love story has always been perfect since we were just kids. You weren't the only one in love with him, I wished I hadn't ask you to tell him your feelings. I was hoping he would reject you but then he confessed his feelings too. I have always wanted him but you had him wrapped around your fingers. Do you know how many men I have been with because I couldn't find 'the one'? what am I saying of course you know." She said all at once.


          I couldn't believe my ears, all these years that I thought she was happy for me, she was just jealous and all she wanted was Ace.

" Ace saw me crying the night he proposed " she said with a calm voice. " as a best friend, he wanted to talk to me and then I kissed him. He pushed me away and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was in love with him and I have always been in love with him. I told him how jealous I was of you. He said he loved me too " she laughed, not just any kind, a evil laugh.


     I looked straight at Ace the moment she said he loved her too. " Ace? Are you in love with Diana?"

" no baby I swear it was all just..."

" dont you dare lie to me " I said in a whisper, afraid to look up.

" I was drunk that night, I thought it was you" he explained.

" bullshit " I still couldn't bring my face up to look at them, I know Ace is lying to me and I just can't face him right now.

     " then we had sex that night, and the next and the next and the next and it was fun. He didn't want you to find out but I prayed in my heart that you find out one day, took you long enough though. I just wanted to...."

" Diana shut the fuck up " Ace cut her off this time. " just shut up" he went down on his knees immediately and crawled to me.

" Babe, I swear I'm sorry. I wanted it to stop but she kept coming over and over. I love you I swear please forgive me babe I..."

"Get out" was the only thing that could come out from my mouth. I was afraid that if I talk too much I might hear things I don't want to hear.  " drop my spare key and get the fuck out."

      " babe please " It was when I looked up I realized I have been crying.

" Don't you dare call me babe, get the fuck out , up, I don't want to see you in my house or even at my front porch, get out, both of you" I pushed them both out and I slammed the door, I dropped to the floor and cried my eyes out. Diana didn't seem sorry at all, it was like she was happy the whole this happen. She wants Ace?? She can keep him for all i care, I just hope I never see any of them again.  

      I got up from the floor, I walked up to my room, stood in front of the mirrors and cleaned my tears.

You have to hold yourself together,  you are not weak. They don't deserve you at all, you deserve better.

" I deserve better" I cleaned off my ruined makeup and headed for the shower. I got out and laid on my bed, picked up my phone, played a little game.


     I don't remember falling asleep but I woke up a little early. I quickly got dressed, made myself an oat, and locked my door. I drove down to work, i wanted to get started on time so I can finish on time. I decided to get my coffee before I get to my office. My phone began to ring, I checked the screen and saw it was Ace.

" ugh, what the heck does he want now?" I answered the phone.

" Kristen "

" what do you want Ace, did you forget something at my place??? You need to stop calling me"

" Kristen it was all a mistake please forgive me and let the wedding hold please, I'm sorry" he begged.

" Ace, screw you" I ended the call and got down from the car. Walked into the elevator so I can settle down quickly, I don't feel too good so I really need to sit. As I got out of the elevator, I slipped but was caught.... again??

        I looked up to see who it was " I'm so sorry Mr King i didn't mean to... again" those eyes are just too beautiful.

" I'm starting to think you are after my life" he laughed as he cleaned his shirt.

" why would I be after your life? Its not I am a..."

" calm down miss it was just a joke. What do I call you?? Miss...." he asked with his hands extended to me. I looked at it for a while, I had caused two accidents around him, well three, including the night we met. I had told him my stupid story.

I took his hands in mine " Jones.. " I replied with a smile.