
New Rebirth: The Originals/Teen Wolf

Well this is my own type of reboot, but it is heavily influenced by Rebirth: Teen Wolf/The Originals........ Follow Shane in a new life in the living in season 5 of the originals he is going to be with his one true love and fight whenever he wants.

Cold_Phantom19 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
1 Chs

[1] Rebirth

"Ugh where am I?" I ask looking around I am currently sitting in an office chair and across from me is a man who is drowning in paper work.

"Really guys another the other didn't leave not even two seconds ago." The man grumbled looking up at the sky while complaining, he then looked back down at me, "Well let's get this started you are dead, your death was a result of suicide as you know. Usually you are sent right to heaven but due to a lottery you were chosen to be reborn so congrats."

Well this isn't something I was expecting I mean really I wanted to just die I stopped really living a long time ago, well this is great really well a little we will see how life goes. "Okay is there any limitations on anything so that I can get to choosing my stuff."

"Yes you only get a five wishes and you can't become a god automatically if you want that then gain power on your own. You can also choose where you want to go and appearance. Other than that then you can get anything, let me know when you are ready." He said then started to work on his paperwork again.

I sat there and started to think about my wishes it was really like those books I read in my past life, then I started to think about the world I wanted to go into. I didn't want something that was to fight heavy or was ruled by gods those worlds were over done and made me not even want to go to them.

There were smaller worlds out there like Harry Potter, Twilight, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Etc. it really just depended on what I wanted to do really. Then a book came to mind it was a fan-fic I read that was never finished I didn't want to go into that book but I really wanted to go to the world since it would be interesting and I get the girl.

"Alright I have decided I want to go to the world of The Originals/Teen Wolf starting in The Originals at season Five while Teen Wolf is in season one. For my background I want a brand new body that is sent to the world with a full background, put me just outside the city of New Orleans so that I can start my thing." I said with a smile if the author wasn't going to finish it then I was going to live the life.

"Alright that is easily done make you body then tell me your wishes." He answered nodding before a screen popped up in front of me.

The body I made was simple mocha colored skin with emerald green eyes, I gave myself perfect six pack and the V along with a more than slightly handsome face. After finishing it I pressed accept and he looked up again waiting for my wishes, "For the Wishes..."

1: I want to be a Tribrid like Hope Mikaelson, with my not being able to die unless I want it to happen. Also just in case make it where I don't need a daylight ring and I can turn without breaking my bones and killing someone.

2: I want the unique power to destroy all magic and nullify it if I want to.

3: To be able to cook x100 better that the best chef

4: Extreme Luck, my luck will be god like, that is it really.

Well I can't think of anything for the fifth wish but when I do I will tell you about them if that is okay."

He looked dazed for a moment before talking, "They are accepted the fifth wish can be used at anytime just call it out when you finally have it down. Well you will be seventeen when you are thrown into the world, enjoy your new life."

^^^^^^^^^^^Shane Ryder POV^^^^^^^^

When I opened my eyes I was sitting in a jeep right outside the quarter in New Orleans, it was currently dark out at the moment so I must have just arrived or something. The memories of this body flashed in my head and I knew I was just a orphan that was moving through life, I actually had a house here in the quarter.

After all the memories were done I got out the car and started looking around, the place was busy as always but at the same time there was something in the air he could feel it. Shrugging it off he walked through the quarter looking at everything until he passed by the Mikaelson Compound, standing on a balcony was Hayley Marshall, but it was the girl next to her to get my attention.

Auburn hair and a round beautiful face, with my enhanced sight I could see her cute pouty red lips as if they were right in my face. She was wearing a short leather jacket with a maroon shirt underneath, she had on tight skinny jeans that hugged her ass nicely. Hope Mikaelson.

She must have felt my gaze cause she looked down and our gazes locked on to one another, it was like everything else melted away as a slight smile took over my face. Turning away I started to walk away but heard, "Wait...." it was a whisper but with my hearing I could still hear it.

Looking back she was shocked to see me smile at her again, "What?" I spoke in a normal voice but she could hear me along with Hayley who was looking between us. She didn't say anything though but her face went beet red as she scurried into the house leaving her mother behind laughing at her.

"Sorry about her she is shy." Hayley said looking at me.

"Don't worry about it, my name is Shane by the way."

"I am Hayley and that was my daughter Hope. I will make sure to tell her your name, be sure to come by some time." I raised a brow wasn't she being a little to trusting of me, "Ahh don't worry I am not going to invite you in here, I have seen you around though and know you aren't a bad guy so...." she let it hang in the air.

I smiled at her laughing a little, "Sure thing, tell her I will see her around." I waved and walked away even though it seemed like I just woke up I was actually tired and still needed to fully adjust to this body.

My house wasn't that far from theirs in fact it was right across the street, with a smile I walked inside and after a shower I went straight to bed. Tomorrow I would go over and meet her properly.

Mama, just killed a man

Put a gun against his head

Pulled my trigger, now he's dead

Mama, life had just begun

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Mama, ooo

Didn't mean to make you cry

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow

Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts