
New reality:hell's jester

carlos is a sixteen year old highschooler who dies in an earthkuake five minutes after losiing his virginity but it doesn't end there as he is reborn in within the largest labrinth known to mankind or any other creature thereof, as a mysterious creature. Follow our MC Carlos as he goes from weak and frail to dominearing and tyranic! Have you ever seen a dragon beg for mercy!?!? Have you ever seen demons despair !?!? have you ever seen cities yurn to ashes with a finger snap,mountains turn into plaines and plaines into canyons!?!?! well now you will.

lord_pragmathias · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Begining After The End



??:"That was amazing Carlos "

"phew your right,now i know why they call it the little gate to heaven"

'Hahaha i finally lost my vcard and to this girl,Lillianne,she is a beast,who is 23 years old around 5'7"darkskinned petite,with long black hair and here I thought she was soft.That's why they say not to judge a book by it's cover. To think that such an innocent looking girl would be so damn good in bed the melonin in our genes truely makes us sexually supperior to others.Hahahaha...'

"Lets do it again." said the short petite.


"You heard me Lets do it again."

"Sorry but I pass,go to to sleep we've got a big day tomarrow and im tired."

"Aww come one more rou...what's that?"

"huh? what's what?"




And just like that Carlos falls into oblivion. The world truly is cruel for it to take his life when he finally tastes the fabled fruit of legend. But maybe just maybe fate has a proper reason for weaving into this direction. No one but few can tell.




'Huh...what...just...happened? where am I...it's so dark ...*crack* huh? where am I?... why am I curled up...*crack* *rip* am I in a body bag!?...*crack* *Rip* A pan? where the F*ck am I!?'


'The hell...why do I sound like a monster out of a horror film!?!?!?!

F*CK F*CK F*CK!!! What's going on!?...i'm certain that I should be in bed with Lillianne... wait,where is she!?'


As he panics and thrash around as if possesed ,sounds of shattering like glass can be heard. Then light shines into the void where he found himself inside a reddish coloured broken sphere he soon realizes that it was what he was trapped in. Seemingly like an egg oval in shape while glowing in a soft red hue he suddenly thought something that sounds absurd even to him,

'...did I get reborn?'

An absurd thought indeed but one that if correct raises a myriad of questions such as where,why,who and what.

'If that's the case, then where am I ?...why am I here!? And who the f*ck did this !!? Just when I got to experience sex I die!? and for what!!! to be reborn as this thing!?!?'

Then he looks down at his body only to see a pair of ash black and red scaly skin, large rough hands with long black curved talons instead of finger nails, reverse jointed legs with hooves instead of toes and a long spiky tail with a sword like end that's swatting the air in a flurry because of his anger.

'What the hell is this!?'

He exclaimed on the top of his lungs before falling flat on his... face? with the grace of a rock.

He then shrugs it off mentally and tries to take a look around his surroundings. But, then he finds himself in a predicament.

'I...can't move?'

Nothing needs to be said just dont be toxic and as always

Stay beautiful powerful and honorable B.P&H

lord_pragmathiascreators' thoughts