
New Life In Cultivation Chat Group

(Disclaimer: I don't own CCG or any of the characters except my Original!) ***Warning*** If you're looking slice of life pace and the characters completely the same with no change whatsoever... then gtfo and go read the original, this novel isn't for you. ***Crappy Synopsis*** In my previous life... I was a nobody! My name is... no, was Fang Lin and in this 2nd life, my name is Song Shuhang... and I shall reign supreme as the strongest immortal!

CrispyNoodle · อื่นๆ
112 Chs


My old man just had an accident and admitted to a hospital.

With that said, I won't be uploading for a while.

Even now, I'm writing from this from my tiny ass iPhone to let you guys know.

Again, no updates for both my novels for awhile.